Computing Forever On Europe Destroying The Internet

A threat is incoming for Europe:

This will be the plan – make it too expensive to run a website or online channel, so the only ones who can do it will end up being Cabal-supported entities. That is exactly what Cabal wants. I am surprised they have let it be so cheap to set up an outlet for so long.

The internet is a massive threat, especially now. The elites have never faced a period filled with unrest, turmoil, and atrocities that could ignite a rebellion on a moment’s notice, as well as a medium which can allow those explosive ideas to spread uncontrolled through the online exposures produced by outraged individuals.

You can see why the independent online media is getting such attention. Today, anyone can set up a site and begin getting traffic, and become a flashpoint for the next conflagration. Guys like Vault-Co, with their massive followings, could easily end up letting the wrong piece of information out at the wrong time. Here Computing Forever is out there identifying the Cabal’s moves, and letting others see them ahead of time, so the masses can resist them. Any of them could send the wrong idea viral at the wrong moment and destroy all the Cabal’s hard work to guide the people’s passions into a prearranged violent outlet. They could end up placing the full brunt of the crowd’s rage squarely on the leaders of Cabal Inc.

Something will have to be done. On the bright side, all of this is opening people’s eyes to how the Cabal is the ultimate power running things, and every major decision is made to benefit their control over the masses of plebes.

On the dark side, the Cabal is getting desperate, and desperate animals are the most dangerous. I hope Trump puts the Cabal out of its misery soon.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because after our guns, the internet is our greatest weapon, and we need to protect it

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Europe, Liberals, Nationalism, Politics, Q, rabbitry, Technology. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

Aside from scorched earth warfare, the last European leader to deliberately ruin their own countries infrastructure was Nero.

5 years ago

The cabal went after guns and wound up selling about 100 million in the last several years.

I don’t doubt their malevolence but I have to question their competence.

5 years ago

Political protest is for normies. Government and big tech companies will do what the Jews tell them to do, the sheeple will dutifully obey, and sentient people will find ways around the censorship. Just keep posting anonymously from servers not located in the EU and you’ll be fine. As long as there’s underage porn on the Internet, there will be anything else you care enough to search for.

It’s like the Soviet Union, where the vast majority of people killed in the Purges were true believers who thought Communism was great but suggested ways to improve it, whereas capitalists like Igor Sikorsky always knew the commies were crazed murderers and got the hell out while they still could.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Computing Forever
Best channel on Youtube.

“Why the world is how it is” (Spoiler alert: it’s r/K)

Excellent intro to quickly “r/K Pill” K’s

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

“Best channel on Youtube” – Black Pigeon Speaks
High Praise from the #2 Channel on Youtube.

“Fortress Britain 1066-1997”

“How women destroy Nations”

“Why women destroy Civilisations”

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

Here’s Black Pigeon Speaks latest on the same subject (if you prefer a Canadian accent?)

“EU directive spells disaster for Internet freedom”

5 years ago

This is why we need decentralized systems for data storage like Freenet. With a few changes to how routing works and the addition of premixing, it would be as close to completely anonymous as possible. And unlike sites on the clearweb, content can’t be removed by a hosting provider shutting down a server, or a domain registrar revoking the domain name, or DNS servers removing DNS records for the site. Even confiscating the computer of the person who produced the content would do nothing to remove the content itself. And if said content becomes popular, it will also become easier to access, potentially causing more people to see it. This also means that the powers that be can’t use DDoS attacks to prevent communication with computers storing the sensitive data. It’s the perfect system.