David Brooks Is A Cuckservative

All of the hallmarks:

Brooks began by saying, “The question, to me, is, are we going to speak out in a way that is actual dialogue and conversation, or are we going to drift into tribal thinking? There’s been a lot of rancid overgeneralizations in our society, that all African men behind the wheel are dangerous, that all Muslims are somehow involved in terrorism, that all cops are somehow at war with communities. And if we can speak in a way that’s not tribalistic, that’s not making these generalizations, then we may make something out of the current moment. But I’m not always hopeful after a bad week like this one.”

He later added, “[W]hen people are in a period of bad mood, then they want to hunker down and protect. And that’s the exact opposite from what we need now. And let’s be frank, it doesn’t help that we have an American political debate with basically one all-white party. And that just means we fall along very polarized lines, when we fall into the normal default position of politics, that we fall along racially polarized lines. And we have to acknowledge that’s an inherently dangerous situation, given everything else that’s happening.”

Capitulation, negotiation, “tribalism is bad,” ingratiation with the out-group, denigration of in-group as being too homogenous and over-generalizing, the need to find common ground, “bad mood” is bad, hunkering down and protecting is bad, the opposition is always right or at least has a point, polarization is bad, and the king of all, use of the word “dangerous” to describe not capitulating to the out-group.

This is the rabbit psychology. If the cops stopped policing, this would be the first guy to get down on bended knee, and beg them to protect him. He will never boldly stand up to evil, he will never pursue a pure good. He is the definition of Cuckservative.

The problem is morality cannot survive when idiots like this approach every “conversation” as if it were an opportunity to appease to avoid a conflict. Once it gains one appeasement, evil will simply keep demanding conversations to gain further appeasements, and with each appeasement, evil will advance. That is exactly why evil is so ascendant in times of r.

As the last post discussed, more whites are killed by cops than blacks, despite blacks having higher crime rates. So far, almost every shooting has involved an individual who was at least highly suspicious, even including the latest in Minnesota who was initially presented as a law-abiding gunowner, who it turns out had a criminal history and almost perfectly fit the description of a wanted armed robbery suspect.

#blacklivesmatters is not only wrong intellectually, it is actively promoting the killing of Police Officers, and supporting thugs who victimize innocent people. But Brooks doesn’t have the balls to stand up to them. Instead, he wants to appease them, to avoid a conflict.

The nature of the world is a battle, between good and evil and between right and wrong. Either one will win and one will lose, or, as Brooks would have it, evil will advance its agenda, and be able to come back again later to advance its agenda again.

Trump needs to call out the Cuckservatives when he takes office. Letting the media promote these characters as conservatives, so they can espouse the liberal line and demand conservative capitulations is untenable. It may be a great racket for the Cuckservatives, but it is devastating to the movement. The party has rejected their ideology, it has rejected all of their candidates, and now the President the party elects needs to reject them publicly and aggressively.

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7 years ago

[…] David Brooks Is A Cuckservative […]

7 years ago

Devastating expose and 100 % true. Capitulating, coward, cowed cucks. Can’t stand ’em.

7 years ago

CUCKSERVATISM: let’s give up your own group preference and in exchange we get to hope others will do so as well.

7 years ago

Inside their heads, each r-strategist seems to envision carrying a picket sign saying “give appease a chance.”

Chris Mallory
7 years ago

David Brooks doesn’t think “tribalism is bad,” . His son proudly served in the IDF. Some tribes are more equal than others it appears.

7 years ago

An example of why even K-socialized r-types cannot be trusted. They might have been made intellectually aware of how and why civilization needs to be maintained, but their fear of out-grouping (schismophobia?) remains. They know that if the Left is called out for treason, those professed members of the Right who persisted the longest in ‘bipartisanship’ will be damned along with them. Therefore, any open discussion of that idea must be decried as nascent fascism.

Actual fascist movements, however, depend greatly on drawing combined r and K popular support. Even though at the level of the political class, they tend to mostly purge members of the left, from the bottom they are clearly a monstrous hybrid of both elements. The individual identity(K)is invested into the State, as is the herd identity(r).

Cuckservatives have bought into the Left’s mythology that fascism is simply ‘far-right.’ And by that logic, therefore, all that needs to be done to avoid it is to train our amygdalae to be triggered at any excessive display of K-traits, particularly those not suppressed in a fascist state. And continue willfully tolerating the treachery of the ‘loyal’ opposition, even if it means steadfastly bringing Queensbury Rules to a knife fight.

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
7 years ago

A small quibble. A cuckservative is a Gentile coward who follows the Jewish agenda. David Brooks is not a Gentile and therefore not a cuck. He’s a Jew doing what Jews do.

Ricky Vaughn
Ricky Vaughn
Reply to  Marc Bahn
7 years ago

Correct. His son even served in the IDF.

7 years ago

[…] Inside the cuckservative mind. […]

Moses Apostaticus
7 years ago

Thanks so much for your work on how to deal with narcissists/r-type leftists. I had my first real Twitter duel with worthy opponents tonight – 3 leftists, one a Fulbright scholar (apparently). I’m pretty sure she’s crying right now. It was like playing tennis with a 7 year old. She grew increasingly frantic that their usual ad hominems were ineffective.

I think we’ll see that, as more right-thinking men and women learn skills such as what you teach, it will accelerate the K shift. Outgrouping those smug witches was great fun. I’m looking forward to the next match 🙂

Thanks Anonymous!


7 years ago

AC –
Two thoughts. One while reading your first paragraph I was thinking of the classical Adam and Eve v Serpent and thought “Adam is exhibiting ‘r’ behavior and trying to avoid the danger and do what the dangerous entity is asking to avoid being harmed” A more K oriented Adam would have fought the serpent.
Second. I have no hope with Trump. It is like this, I see a victory for Clinton as definite trouble. I see a victory for Trump as probable trouble. Or as many people put these sort of things “least bad of two bad choices.” So I’m only saying that Trump is no magic savior and I don’t expect him to fix all or even much of what I think is wrong. OTOH as I said, I expect Clinton to make it all worse.