Did This Picture Capture Hillary Beginning To Have A Seizure?

Over at The Federalist Papers, they highlighted Hillary in this picture, saying she was gripping her nurse’s fingers, which is a standard test for neurological function:

I see something different. I don’t think she is gripping the nurse’s finger, I think she is making a fist. Yet, I see the tight extensor tendons on the back of Hillary’s hand, and the way her first two fingers are not fully flexed shut. When muscles contract, such as the flexors in the forearm that tighten a fist, they trigger a reflexive release of the opposing muscle group, to prevent the opposing muscle group from working against the desired action. That is just the way the body is designed. If Hillary was griping tightly, the tendons on the back of her hand should have relaxed.

Make a fist yourself, and look at the back of your hand. The tendons on the back of your hand will be relatively relaxed, if stretched. Now, flex the extensors, by trying to extend your fingers and open your hand against resistance. This will tighten the extensor tendons on the back of your hand.

The only way I can make those tendons stand out is to try and simultaneously tighten my fist, and extend my fingers open at the same time. As I do that, the only way I can see my hand doing that, with all the muscles tightening simultaneously, is in the middle of a whole hand seizure, tightening all of the muscles at once.

If I had to guess what is going on, it appears that Hillary is holding up her fist and looking at it in suppressed horror, realizing something is wrong. Her nurse is also looking on in horror, and asking if Hillary wants to leave by the direction over the nurse’s shoulder, where she is pointing.

Meanwhile, off on the side, shitbag Schumer is saying to himself, “This is better than Days of our Lives! I wonder if she is about to keel over right here, right now?” Whatever is going on is intense, because in addition to Schumer, I see two other men on the right intensely keyed in on what is going on, and one on the left over Schumer’s shoulder.

I can’t imagine the chaos, stress, and angst which must accompany a job as a Clinton Minion, even when Hillary isn’t in mid-rage.

I’d quit now, because if this is what Hillary is like now, imagine what she will be like when Trump defeats her.

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