Donald Trump Is The Law And Order Candidate

Trump lays it all out there, and clearly outgroups those who oppose the Police:

Donald Trump, in the wake of last week’s deadly attack on Dallas police and a fresh wave of protests over police-involved shootings, voiced his full-throated support Monday for America’s law enforcement and declared himself the “law and order candidate…”

“We will always stand with you,” Trump said.

He compared the atmosphere to the hostility veterans faced after the Vietnam War, and called for that “hostility” to “end immediately, right now.” He said inner-cities are “rife with crime” and efforts to curtail law enforcement are “hurting the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.”

He then used the issue to draw a distinction between him and his presumptive presidential rival.

“We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country. … I am the law and order candidate,” Trump said. “Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is weak, ineffective, pandering and as proven by her recent email scandal … she’s either a liar or grossly incompetent.”

Trump will demonstrate the cognitive model of political strategy espoused on this site.

Liberals are r-strategists, and thus exhibit an addict psychology. They engage in behaviors in search of a dopamine burst of satisfaction. Due to their cognitive need for dopaminergic satisfaction, failures, rejections, and being demeaned is particularly affecting.

If you want more of a liberal behavior you should reward it, compliment them for pursuing it, encourage them to continue it, and make them feel good.

By contrast, if you demean them, insult them, out-group them with the population, rub their nose in their own powerlessness and failure, and make their patheity into a joke, they will abandon the behavior, and search for another behavior which is more cognitively rewarding.

The mistake many Republicans make is projecting a K-strategist psychology on the liberal. We will assume the liberal has principles and morals, and is driven by them. We will assume they are logical, reasoned, and goal oriented. We will assume they will fight, and endure hardship in pursuit of their objectives. All of those assumptions are false.

The liberal brain seeks dopamine, pure and simple. The means by which they elicit it are ease, safety, getting others to fight for them, the promise of gains with no hardship, adulation, assertions of superiority, and seeing others in pain or misery.

A part of me wants to act as if the Republican establishment would notice this, and in the future attack liberalism this way. But the sad reality is the Republican establishment is a viper’s den of traitors, cowards, and the totally compromised. Expecting them to honestly oppose liberalism would just be stupid. Most of them have the exact same psychology.

Fortunately, as Trump fixes the #Blacklivesmatters problem, it appears he will also clean up the viper’s den that is the GOP.

The man truly appears to be sent from God.

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7 years ago

[…] Donald Trump Is The Law And Order Candidate […]

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
7 years ago

Yes, the Republicans have the same psychology as the Liberals. The only true Republican is Donald Trump. His mother was a virgin.

7 years ago

[…] Donald Trump is the law-and-order candidate. […]

7 years ago

“We will assume they are logical, reasoned”. Yeah, that train left the station long ago.