Donald, You Magnificent Bastard

Trump is just killing it.

* The only age group Clinton wins is the 18-34 bracket, 50-31. Trump wins the 35-49 group by 47-35; 50-64 by 50-35; and 65+ by 55-37. Guess which age groups vote the most in elections? The 50-65+ brackets.

* Trump wins the white vote by 51-34 and gets an encouraging 25% of the black vote. Hillary wins the Hispanic vote 50-31.

* Among those paying “a lot” of attention to politics, Trump is beating Clinton 54-36. Clinton wins among LIVs by 43-34.

Trump is turning pro-American Blacks against the Hispanic foreigners and the Democrats. He is turning legal immigrants against illegal immigrants. He is turning anyone who identifies with America against the Democrats. And he is doing it while every aspect of the machine is trying to destroy him.

The funny thing is, if the establishment just stopped trying to control things and figure out how to manipulate everyone so they could stay in power, they would win effortlessly. A large majority of this nation loves pro-American small-government conservatism. The Establishment begins their journey on the winning side. Then they abandon that ideology piece by piece in search of a winning bribe formula. They appear disingenuous and untrustworthy in doing so, they screw everything up, and then they lose again and again.

As Trump would say, “Total losers.”

Apocalypse cometh™

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