Ericksonian Psychology and Pushing SJWs

One thing about understanding the amygdala. If you begin to view all thought as amygdala moderated then after a few years, you begin to see all behavior quite differently. Instead of a willy-nilly spider web of various desires and aversions going in all different directions, you suddenly have a single relevance-weighed pathway leading to the one path that best avoids what the individual sees as the worse pathways they had to choose among. It is a huge change in perception.

I forget where I read this, but someone once asked Milton Erickson how he might treat somebody with a compulsion. His answer was, he would exacerbate it, until it was so onerous that the individual would give it up. Basically, if the amygdala hurt someone until they executed a compulsive behavior, he would try to subtly modify the behavior, until the behavior itself was as agonizing as whatever the amygdala would do to the victim if they didn’t engage in it.

As an example, they discussed someone who could not be without a small crucifix, for fear of not being protected. A normal therapist might ask them to go a few minutes without it, then a few hours, then a few days.

Erickson said he would first ask to see the crucifix, and then he would point out something wrong with it, and try to get the individual to make some small change to it. He might comment on how it really should be bigger, in order have a more substantial protective effect. Once he got them to make it just a little bigger, he would continue the process until they were lugging a 250lb crucifix everywhere they went. Eventually, the obsession would be so onerous that abandoning it would be a relief. He would exacerbate the problem until they could no longer function with it and had to let it go.

I was emailed this story, about this semi-pretty girl who had become obsessed, in an SJW way, with castigating herself over the horrible privilege that arose from being semi-pretty in a world of fatties and uggos. If you read it, you see she clearly has an obsession that is bordering on pathological.

I identify as female. I am apparently a conventionally attractive student-athlete at UNC-Chapel Hill. I grew into my ears a few years back. I have lighter eyes and darker skin, and with the exception of a bit of an eyebrow discrepancy, my face is generally symmetrical.

Writing this now, I feel my stomach drop. In a culture that regularly exploits sexuality, it’s ironically unacceptable when women openly acknowledge it themselves. But hear me. The following is a string of subtle and routine occurrences that make me feel less human and should take their rightful place among the larger narrative of sexism in contemporary America.

When I wake up at 6 in the morning for practice, I put on spandex that will ride up and allow my legs to chafe. I know this is because I don’t have a thigh gap like most of the distance runners on my cross-country team. I eat an easily-digestible carb and make a note of the calorie count.

After “a good early-morning chafe,” as I call it, I change into dry workout clothes, this time being careful not to wear too much “Carolina gear.” I do this so as not to give my professors and peers another reason to discount me.

Our innate tendency is to try and right her with logic and reason. But what if that is the wrong path? What if we should make her worse, until her SJWism was so painful that she could no longer bear to continue it?

In confronting SJWism, I think you would see Erickson first trying to institute some small change to their mental procedure. Of course to affect all SJW’s this would require a fairly large scale trolling operation, and merely by revealing the technique here, it might become less likely to work. But in studying the madness, it might prove illustrative to imagine how Erickson might have confronted this madness.

Presently, I see the SJW mental process existing as something like the following:

[tell yourself you are innately superior due to birthed qualities (thin/white/pretty/rich/high g/etc.) ] —> [castigate yourself for being born superior]—> [feel bad about being superior]—> [feel super-superior for not only being superior, but for also feeling bad about your own superiority].

What amygdala-mediated process is driving this? To me, this is a means that their brain is using to attenuate some tendency of their mind to drift toward bad thoughts about themselves. Maybe they cheat on a loved one, or maybe they acquire some pleasure somewhere by doing something they are ashamed of, or maybe they have some fear they allow to produce bad behavior, or maybe they had some abusive relationship in the past which left them constantly feeling depressed, I don’t know. But I would imagine somewhere is some idea or mental state that their mind drifts to, that is painful cognitively. When this happens, their brain follows the above subroutine to alleviate the angst and replace it with a supercharged sense of superiority. From the link above, about the SJW girl:

I fight others every single day to be taken seriously. But at night, I fight off my own insecurity… Sometimes, I do this in vain.

But what would be and exacerbation of this SJW process? To understand that, I would first work backwards toward a normalpsychology. I would first look to the Nazi philosophy, which I view as a more moderated form of the SJW pathology. The Nazi’s basically stopped after the first step. They were superior due to their Aryan birth, and that was that. They felt better. They could kill women and children left and right, and if their mind drifted to the smell of the burning flesh coming from the ovens, they executed step one. They were superior. AHHhhhhh, relief.

The SJW takes it one step further with a self-castigation for their superiority, so they may also, in addition to their superior born state, bathe in the self-righteousness of the self-flagellating. In their mind, they are literally ultra-humble self-flagellating superiors. It is sort of a turbo-charging of the Nazi’s Coué method for improving self-image.

If you wished to take one more step backward toward normal, you would remove the first step, ie telling yourself you are innately superior in some fashion. Then you would have a basic non-pathological libertarian/capitalist ideal, where you would merely be one person, equal to all others, and competing freely with them.

One step further away from the SJW mindset would basically be the idea that you are a sinner at heart, and you must recognize your sins, repent for them, humbly ask for forgiveness, and try to do better next time to avoid allowing that sinning nature to defeat you. That takes the non-pathology a step further, from the self-destructive into the realm of self-help and self-betterment. Practiced properly, it is also vastly less judgmental and less intrusive in the lives of others, and that is no accident. Let he who is without sin, or a plank in his eye…

Since we want to exacerbate the SJW condition, and make their mental process somehow onerous, we would have to establish some means they would pursue, which would carry personal cost. It would begin as a mere change to the SJW procedure, and it would not carry significant personal cost at first. It would carry a negligible cost which could, with time, be increased to the point of onerousness.

The obvious change/cost would be to somehow make up for their superiority with some sort of personal sacrifice, initially so minor as to just be a change, really. One example might be a small charitable contribution. The contribution should by some means be made publicly known, perhaps as a way of status-whoring. An alternative might be to insist that they post something slightly embarrassing, as a way of humiliating themselves before the crowd to show that they are not putting on airs.

If you introduced some form of cognitive pain that they could self-flagellate with and use to demonstrate to the crowd their prostration at the alter of SJWism, I could see the sadists within their ranks quickly beginning to demand increasing demonstrations of self-flagellation to maintain the good graces of the crowd. At some point, the self-flagellation would inevitably become so bad as to make abandonment of social justice a relief, thereby bringing about an Ericksonian cure.

Alternately, the meme could be spread that if they truly wanted to make up for their superiority, they would abstain from intruding into the public dialog at all, due to their thin/white/pretty/rich/high g/etc. status. You could even begin trolling SJW conversations by sockpuppeting short affirmative statements to the effect that as a privileged thin/white/pretty/rich/high g/etc. you have made the moral decision to no longer intrude on the public dialog lest your privilege cause you to have an undue effect on the public outcome, and thus further the oppression of your lessers. Or you could pretend to be a black tranny and get offended that straight white people have the gall to even discuss what they think, regardless of their opinion. It would be even better if real black trannys jumped in and took over.

It would have to be done subtly at first, or perhaps worked towards, using a series of smaller, less aggressive incremental actions, (such as sockpuppeting SJW ideas under various identities, but self-flagellating and demeaning your own standing due to privilege as you do, gradually working towards, “I am embarrassed I am even inserting my opinion here, I’m so privileged,” or “I am not even commenting because I feel so privileged compared to everyone here.”).

As that incrementalism worked, once you got to refraining from the debate entirely it could be seen as the ultimate status whoring, it would appeal to rabbit laziness and conflict aversion, and might at the same time cause SJWs who do post to recognize that by attempting to interact and affect the outcome, they were in fact using their innate SJW superiority and privilege to intellectually push around the weaker, less intelligent, less powerful members of whatever discussion they were about to intrude upon and unduly oppress. Combined with real SJW sadists demanding increasing demonstrations of self-flagellation, it might drive many to flee from activism on behalf of the cause. (I’d even create the epithet “Normals” to describe those who should not intrude on the public debate)

Those SJWs without exceedingly rigorous victim pedigrees (ie Normals) who do post should be castigated by the “withdrawers,” for attempting to create an unfair outcome, for intellectually bullying their inferiors, and for not being as magnanimous as the withdrawers in respecting the freedom of their lessers to sort the issues out themselves. They should be portrayed as attempting to exploit their straight/thin/white/pretty/rich/high g/etc. privilege and authority unfairly. I could see minority elements, such as black tranny SJWs jumping on the bandwagon to seize control of the movement, and telling straight whitey SJW’s to shut up, take their privilege, sit quietly, and do as they are told.

All of this intellectual exercise sounds crazy, but realize that we have young girls who are about 6.5 SMVs posting long missives about how depressed their own prettiness makes them feel, and how they are chafing their own thighs to hurt themselves because they have it too good. As with the feminists cutting themselves reflexively in response to the 4Chan raid, we left sane a long time ago. We are now approaching peak crazy, and I am certain nothing would be impossible with this group.

Right now the question is how far down the rabbit hole will the SJW’s go? I say the question should be, how far can we push them?

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Lady Vigilant
Lady Vigilant
8 years ago

What is SWJ please?

8 years ago

I don’t care about any of these people and their “issues”.

We have way too many fuckups as it is.