Europe Considering Mass Migrant Deportation

As K develops:

Turkey is under growing pressure to consider a major escalation in migrant deportations from Greece, a top European Union official said Thursday, amid preparations for a highly anticipated summit of EU and Turkish leaders next week.

European Council President Donald Tusk ended a six-nation tour of migration crisis countries in Turkey, where 850,000 migrants and refugees left last year for Greek islands.

“We agree that the refugee flows still remain far too high,” Tusk said after meeting Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

“To many in Europe, the most promising method seems to be a fast and large-scale mechanism to ship back irregular migrants arriving in Greece.”

You can see the amygdala in this, at the level of the population. Intellectually, it was clear allowing unfettered migration was a bad idea. But all of the intellectual realization means nothing without the amygdala behind it, feeding that emotional sensation which drives action.

Now there has been enough aversive conditioning of the population. Adversity has linked the idea of migration with rapes, crimes, and other bad emotional experiences, and suddenly the populations are driven enough to begin curbing migration. A force which was not there before is there now, albeit weakly.

For now, they are balancing the aversive stimulus of allowing in migrants against the aversive stimulus elicited by being called cruel – itself conditioned through an extended period of r during which the SJWs ran rampant and punished those who didn’t socially signal self-flagellating levels of empathy. As a result they are saying they will only curtail economic migrants, but they will allow others.

Those younger European individuals being conditioned now however, are receiving far less conditioning from the SJWs, who are mostly mocked and derided today, and far more conditioning from the actual reality of K-selection around them, which is teaching them that stupidity has consequences. Their amygdalae have no amygdala pathways engendered by SJWs which will counter the forces produced by a clear perception of reality.

When the current generation comes of age in an epoch of K, they will not balance aversive stimuli. For them, the fear of some hipster’s dirty look will pale in comparison to the horrors of gang-rapes on the street during New Year’s Eve. They will avoid the bad completely and fully, with no countermanding force driving self-flagellation.

The irony is, as much as we are told today that all of that would be cruel, it will in reality create the most delightful of Utopias, and quite literally, “Make Europe Great Again.”

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

The Euros should deport any SJW types that advocate for allowing refugees in. One for one. Let’s see how many dogooders want to give up their place at the table…