Facial Assymetry – A Leaker, And Pure Evil

Two faces today.

One, a leaker who First Lady Melania outed:

Not only do we know President Donald Trump reads GotNews—we now know his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, may have first put the award-winning news site on his radar.

In May, the blog Politico editorialized that someone “mischievously” gave President Trump a copy of a GotNews article correctly identifying Katie Walsh as a White House leaker…

Trump quickly acted on the news and fired Walsh. Who handed President Trump a copy of the GotNews article about Katie Walsh? None other than Melania, according to the Grey Lady.


Notice how her smile is only on her right side – and by the position of her hands, her right hand appears more dominant. Facial asymmetry may be a sign of frequently feigned emotions developing the dominant side of the face more than the other. Of course a conservative who works with liberals may have it just as much as a leftist working among conservatives, so context may play a role, and in evaluating it the left-handed/right-handed facet may need to be considered.

Now this guy is pure evil:

THE ‘administrator’ of a sick suicide game named Blue Whale has been traced by police back to a Moscow postman. And he allegedly had more than 30 schoolgirls under his spell.

Ilya Sidorov, 26, has reportedly confessed he had conceived and created a social media game which set youths a series of increasingly risky dares — ending in their own suicides.

Police questioned Sidorov over allegedly instructing a 13-year-old girl in the remote village of Yetkul to jump under a passenger train.

That is him, in a purely triggered state, left lip a little more down in rage and anger, while the right is pure fear. Before he was caught he was laughing, because he thought he was more clever than everyone. He could do whatever he wanted, with no consequences. And now he is the goat, about to end up in a Russian prison in Putin’s Russia.

Enjoy your drug resistant Tuberculosis asshole.

Guys like that are hopelessly miserable. They have given up on being happy, and their one small reprieve from their misery is seeing someone else worse off than them. When they find a way to screw over other happy-people, and get away with it, they suddenly gain their relief by feeling omnipotent. That omnipotence becomes an almost giddy, drug-fueled high, where suddenly they are smarter than everyone, and everyone else is more miserable than them. It is an outgrowth of the research showing narcissists are happy when other people are sad.

It is striking when you see it. That character could have found personal happiness. He could have moved to the British Virgin Islands, and spent every day working as a scuba instructor in a heavenly natural environment of sun, sand, surf, and palm trees. He could have worked hard, made money, and been successful. He could just have helped some helpless person and enjoyed the good he did.

But he didn’t want that. He didn’t want happiness, or money, or personal success, or anything. He wanted to coax girls who could have been happy into killing themselves. He gave up his own personal happiness to ruin other people.

Someone once said the striking thing about evil people is that it is like evil is their day job. They give up their own happiness and sacrifice of themselves just to ruin other people, almost as if they have to, on the orders of some authority.

It is very counterintuitive, but they are basically selfless in their pursuit of evil. When you cross paths with it, it will blow your mind, and convince you there must be something more to the whole thing.

Spread r/K Theory, because we want the true sides of leftist faces very unhappy

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6 years ago

[…] Facial Assymetry – A Leaker, And Pure Evil […]

6 years ago

Sidorov sounds like a typical MSM journo. Those people work 24/7 trying to bring down Western Civ. Just replace the ‘dares’ with forced multi-culturalism.

Johnny Caustic
Johnny Caustic
6 years ago

Your phrasing “narcissists are happy when other people are sad” reminded me to ask…

Have you watched Ann Barnhardt’s video on what she calls “diabolical narcissists”? It’s similar to what you’re talking about, but there are some differences (or maybe just differences in phrasing) that are interesting.

She defines “diabolical narcissists” to be people who have chosen to abolish all love from themselves. This leaves them able to feel only what she calls the “demonic emotional palette” of anger, hatred, envy, and fear.

I recommend the video; I think you’ll like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geZ_StEuT0E

Some of her writing on the subject: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/fetzen-fliegen/item/2508-diabolical-narcissism-why-princes-betray-their-king

Excerpt: DNs derive the greatest diabolical satisfaction from forming attachments, sometimes referred to as the “idealization phase”, grooming the attachment/victim, then turning on and “devaluing” the attachment/victim, and then viciously abusing the attachment/victim. DNs derive intense diabolical satisfaction from not only the actual abuse of the victim, but oftentimes even more so from the “getting away with it”.

6 years ago

“Putin’s Russia”

What exactly is that? A white Russia? A Christian Russia? A masculine Russia? My only question is when are we going to get Putin’s America? That’s the America I want to live in.

6 years ago

As others have remarked, your posts on Facial Asymmetry are excellent. I’m wondering, though, what you make of facial asymmetry when it comes to those who are ambidextrous.

I’m a fairly new reader of your site so I apologize if you have commented on ambidextrousness before.

Reply to  Ada
6 years ago

* ambidexterity – sorry, ambidextrousness not a word 🙂