Far Activist Dies From A Heart Attack At 34

Shades of Trigglypuff’s future:

Marge Swanson, a fat acceptance activist who helped pioneer the concept of thin privilege, is dead from a heart attack. She was 34 years old. Swanson championed the notion that weight and health have no inherent connection. She enjoyed dying her hair bright colors, wearing glasses and dating African American men.

“It’s not that I’m thin-phobic,” she once told an audience on a college campus. “It’s just that curvy women have been enslaved and victimized by capitalists for far too long and yeah, I’m upset.”

Swanson was born the middle of five children to a working class family in rural West Virginia. She was overweight as a child, and by her senior year of high school weighed over 350 pounds. She would later describe her teenage years as the most difficult period of her life.

“People can be so intolerant of others,” she later wrote. “My classmates were such judgmental, privileged assholes.”

In college, Swanson found acceptance among a group of intersectional feminists. “First I learned to love myself, and that helped me become a happier person. Then I learned about white supremacy and thin privilege, and I got pissed.”

Rage can supply dopamine, which will shut off the amygdala. Subconsciously her brain sensed the relief the rage produced, and that caused her to rage more to feel the relief – and she never even knew it.

Notice that here we see resource excess (producing obesity), r-selected psychology, amygdala-atrophy producing inability to see threat, and denial of reality. She had two paths to happiness. One was to embrace the agony of reality, and use it to drive her weight loss, which would make her happy with reality. The other path was to short-circuit the process by simply denying reality. Fat is beautiful and healthy, thin people are assholes, and I’m perfectly happy weighing 600lbs. She chose the second option, and reality chased her down. The pain the amygdala causes has a purpose. Don’t ignore it unless it is 100% logical, in pursuit of a longer term goal which the brain cannot see emotionally at the moment.

Rabbits do fine in r-selection, so long as reality can be denied. Here, this one even managed to turn the absence of fitness into a reproductive advantage, through manipulation of r-selected social emotions, albeit temporarily. I suspect that rabbits understand the r-selected psychology better, having it themselves, so when they play on the emotions of others in an r-selected environment, they have an innate advantage, since everyone is exhibiting that psychology somewhat.

A K-strategist thinks, I should produce quality, and that will cause word to spread and lead to success. That is how things would work in a world of K-strategists. But the rabbit thinks, “I don’t care about quality, I just want flash and attention-grabbing, so I will produce crap, and then promote it by being a narcissistic attention whore.” That is how things work when everyone is an r-strategist.

Then all the K-strategists sit around puzzled as their quality products fail to sell, while all the crap products like pet rocks sell like hotcakes, to an audience which is thinking along the exact lines the r-strategist rabbit thinks along.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t deny reality, unless reality can be denied

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

It’s satire

7 years ago

[…] Far Activist Dies From A Heart Attack At 34 […]

7 years ago

I believe that that is a fake story. Wrong pic, etc. Not that it matters.

Joshua Sinistar
7 years ago

That sounds about right. After spending her life fighting for women to make their own choices and saving Owls, she succumbed to Heart Disease. I’m sure the monkey viruses she picked up dating blacks are hit hardest.
Hey Ms. Feminist, that Equality makes you look FAT.

7 years ago

Notice the table at the link. The D2 like receptors (one of which is DRD4) cause amygdalae atrophy in the presence of too much dopamine. If Ms. Swanson had to do very hard work for all her food her D1 like receptors would have likely balanced out her novelty-seeking behavior in a healthier/happier way. She also wouldn’t die at 34. This is interesting as there are 10 different types of DRD4 genes in Human populations. Similar effects could be present in DRD1,2,3,5 and TAAR1 gene types. This process must go haywire in DRD4-7r individuals (and some others) when resources are plentiful. It seems anything that increases neural intracellular cAMP activation is necessary for higher order problem solving (ie. having higher IQ) that is so important for dealing with reality.


James A Pyrich
James A Pyrich
7 years ago

Oh, this apparently originated on a satire site (rationalliberal.org). The woman pictured is one “Kelli Jean Drinkwater”, who has a TED talk about fat acceptance. She pants. A lot.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

“all the K-strategists sit around puzzled as their quality products fail to sell, while all the crap products like pet rocks sell like hotcakes”

Every. FUCKING. Day! The entire entertainment industry is a prime example. People willingly consume shit. I haven’t been able to watch a Hollywood movie in years, nor watch TV or listen to the radio for decades. *I* decide what goes into my brain, not you, advertiser-driven and ideology-driven spin doctors!

Even the fukin elections: “Duh… Me heard of Al Franken! He funny guy! Me vote!”

I, too may die early, but from repeatedly banging my head on the wall.

7 years ago

Satire or not. You made me google “Fat activist”.
Just amazing what you find.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I know some people put on weight MUCH easier than others. It not just that they are lazy but if you weigh 600 lbs. you’re eating too much.