Feminism – An Evolutionary Explaination

They are literally programmed to create a reproductive strategy:

I am a radical activist based in Washington DC. I fell in love with an energetic, charismatic activist I met in November when I was present to write about resistance to the G20 Summit, a global event in Antalya, Turkey. After I came home to the US, we talked every day. He was lovely and charming, I thought at the time. He offered a ready smile, engaging kindness, and intelligent conversation. He said all the right things to convince me that he cared about women’s rights and activism. In February, I decided to return to Turkey with the promise of love driving me forward. I couldn’t have known things would turn sour.

I thought that even if this were not going to develop into a deeper relationship, it would be an opportunity to learn more about this Muslim country during an interesting political moment, and I could do some work around refugees…

Things deteriorated rapidly. His insecurity and childishness got worse. In the following weeks, I was violently pushed, blocked from leaving freely, and repeatedly told not to speak. If I spoke anyway, anger erupted. I endured threats that I would be burnt with cigarettes, flinching as he “faked” with his lit cigarette. I had to duck to avoid having sharp objects thrown at my face. I had water angrily poured over my head.

On one occasion, he threw my iPhone angrily to the ground (luckily it did not break) while I was trying to exchange contact information with an Irish woman. He had such a strange look about him that I feared for my safety when I got into the car with him to go home. He proceeded to drive like a maniac, accelerating menacingly towards a wall and recklessly endangering both of us…

Unwanted sex? Rape? All the time. He did not stop to determine whether I consented to sex…

All the while, he drank heavily every day. I tried to pretend that everything was okay, that these challenges were minor, that I just needed to grin and bear it and try to get my work done. I told myself that this would not be permanent, that I just need to endure. Even though things got progressively worse, each time I looked to the horizon. I put silver linings on all of the clouds…

Two days later, however, I was jailed by Turkish police for several hours when I tried to simply enter a large public speech in Antalya by the president of Turkey. (They make a habit of jailing reporters and activists, and I didn’t look like I fit their norms. I wrote about this experience with the Turkish police here.) I had an “out of the frying pan and into the fire” sensation. After a harrowing ordeal, I was released that afternoon, and I decided to call my abuser to alert him that all of this had happened. I had given the Turkish authorities all of my information, including my passport information and the address of my hotel, and was fearful that the authorities would show up again to arrest me. Stroking his ego that he was my protector, he came to my side. He may have been awful, but I felt safer knowing that this abusive man at least had my back and would not let me disappear into a Turkish jail.

This is her programming. Seek out the most violent foreigner in the land she migrated to, create the opportunity for him to rape her, and then become his concubine in return for his protection. Mixed in are probably “pain in the ass” urges, designed to make her rapist eject her periodically, so she can, in ecological terms, “spread bet” by getting herself concubinized by another violent rapist, and create greater diversity in her offspring.

I suspect those pain-in-the-ass urges are why feminists are so repulsive to most men, and why they appear as a seemingly neverending fountain of hopelessly stupid and irritating pontifications. Nature designed them that way to elicit that response in you. It has a purpose. They are designed to be highly sexed, turned on by the violent assholes, and such pains in the ass that they can never be lulled by security into maintaining a long-lasting relationship with any of their mates.

If you are a beta male, friend-zoned by some feminist harpy, enduring her ravings in the hope of some innocent friendship sex at some indeterminate date in the future, this would point to the fact you may be waiting a long time, as your relationship with her is not a part of her evolutionary programming.

You will not find any explanation of the evolutionary urges of feminism that more fully explains their purposes in common sense terms, or that is more predictive of mating success with that particular psychology.

Spread r/K Theory, because feminists aren’t crazy – they are just a programmed to drive everyone away, including the rapists they crave

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7 years ago

I believe the “pain in the ass” phenomena is called “shit testing”. I never understood why women do it, its just unnecessary. I suspect it’s an r-strategist trait, a psychology meant to annoy men or drive them away, but only after mating (which is why men see this behavior when they are already in a relationship). A K-strategist woman would be as selective as possible before any mating. The guy has to be a winner- then once she has a winner she wouldn’t jeopardize losing him, since children are significant time investments, and women are generally more time limited than men. Just think about it, if you are a K-selected ice age mammoth hunter and you are coming back from a kill would the women of the village shit test you? No- they would be grateful, else they wouldn’t get mammoth steak. Shit testing and feminism are for when there is plenty of food and men around.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

“I couldn’t have known things would turn sour.”

I got a good belly laugh from that line. Noooooo, you could never have known, you dumb wench.

7 years ago

Antalya BTW is a mix of tourist hotels and Mosques and looks very islamic: Anatolia. Islamized since long before the fall of Constantinople 1535(?). You really have to love the dissonant squeals of 7 Muezzins at the same time to like it. TERRIBLE.
You see NO Turkish women on the streets. All locked away. And that was in 1998. It’s likely worse now.

7 years ago

Using the phrase “pain in the ass” in an article set in Turkey reminds me too much of Midnight Express. I’m fleeing to my safe space.

Hobbesian Meliorist
6 years ago

If you hide the upper half of her face, the lower half looks masculine.