Fertility Declining Among Women

Here is a strange observation, given we are going r-selected:

The United States just hit a 40-year low in its fertility rate, according to numbers just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2017 provisional estimate of fertility for the entire U.S. indicates about 3.85 million births in 2017 and a total fertility rate of about 1.76 births per women. These are low numbers: births were as high as 4.31 million in 2007, and the total fertility rate was 2.08 kids back then. The United States has experienced a remarkable slump in fertility over the last several years, as I’ve explained elsewhere.

Since 2007, fertility has fallen the most for the youngest women, but in the last year, declines have set in for women in their 30s as well. Fertility declines increasingly seem to be about much more than just postponed fertility, or else these women must be planning to have some very fertile 40s.

At least through 2016, this trend appeared to be mostly driven by changes in marital status. Births to never-married women are down more than births to ever-married women: age-adjusted marital fertility is down 14% since 2007, while age-adjusted never-married fertility is down 21%, as of 2016. Preliminary data from several states suggest these trends are likely to continue in 2017.

This is a real disregard for the rearing of children. It began as less drive to rear, so rearing was postponed, and even risked, for career. Now, I think children are being seen ever less as puppies which women want to raise someday, and play with, and enjoy, and more as a burden to be avoided in favor of a hedonistic life of travel, work advancement, and personal pleasures.

I have wondered if we will one day find women become less fertile in r, to avoid having a child with a guy who she only mates with once, and to increase the likelihood she has offspring with established players who are frequent flyers.

Regardless, in this turn of the r-cycle the ability to control impregnation and detach it from sex is culling a lot of genes that have gone too r. The K-women who are reproducing are the hyper-K’s who can live in an r-environment, experience the r-stimuli, and yet still want to find a loyal mate and want to rear children and give them every opportunity.

Of course there are also a fair number of welfare moms turning out ten kids by nine fathers, so even as things head K genetically heading into the Apocalypse, there is a divergent wing of r splitting from the species’ norm.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because even in r things go K

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5 years ago

Which only confirms that most females are normally r-selected, and K’s, let alone hyper K’s are a rarity.

5 years ago

We have definitely culled ourselves this time around in r-selection. Women “mate” they even compete for mates (in a K selected way sometimes)- but actual breeding? Nope- doesn’t occur. And when these turbo sluts slow down in their 30’s they have gone from this:
comment image
to this:

Just look at Clark Kent (Superman) and Lois Lane in the Superman series. The Actress Margot Kidder doesn’t settle down (with Superman!) until she’s 39. 39! Maybe they’ll have a downie or twink for a kid. This isn’t new either- this emerged from the Anglo-Jew culture degrade that’s been ongoing since the 1960’s, probably even as far back as the 1920’s. Women aren’t supposed to be breeding in their late 30’s- American women (almost exclusively WASP) tried to buck that trend and they lost. It’s even similar to Roman women in the late 1st and 2nd century AD- and we all know how that turned out. Just as native Romans declined in the Empire, WASP’s declined after WWII.

This is a nice talk from a corporate shrew representing the phenomena. All that competition, but the winners barely breed- if at all. All that sex, but no babies. This population of higher IQ women probably has a fertility rate around 0.9

5 years ago

AnonCon, your missing that we are at 50% plus under 35 woman as never married. Two decades ago it was only 25%. This goes both r an dK. A K woman won’t have kids without a husband. An r doesn’t care to get married anymore.

Anyhow this leads in both cases to having fewer children. Note this is a drop in the number of children being born per woman, not a statement that there is greater infertility in American females.

5 years ago

You completely misread this one, women are refusing to be breeding sows to r-types. They want the security of marriage. That is K. It is good. If the men want kids, they need to get married, which is best for kids. There are tons of articles about men refusing to marry (but mostly low quality, to avoid the stress of failure). Women are being polluted by the air, pesticides, hormones in drinking water… still this shines through. Women are rejecting “players” see the disdain for fuckboys and binge drinking about young people.
Traditionally women are natural conservative (wanting protection) but ONLY after marrying/kids. Read around. Women seem to be sensing the change in the wind before plenty of pajama boys.