Flashback, The Story Of Aaron Alexis, And The Cuban And Chinese Sonic Attacks

What will become an entire blog by itself will be flashing back to old news stories after the story of the Cabal goes mainstream:

Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis had sought treatment for insomnia in the emergency rooms of two Veterans Affairs hospitals in the past month, but he told doctors he was not depressed and was not thinking of harming others, federal officials said Wednesday…

“Mr. Alexis was alert and oriented, and was asked by VA doctors if he was struggling with anxiety or depression, or had thoughts about harming himself or others, which he denied,” the Department of Veterans Affairs said in a memo sent to Congress on Wednesday.

That report adds to a grim and frustrating portrait of Alexis, who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning, wielding a shotgun with bizarre messages carved into the stock. One said “Better off this way” and another said “My ELF weapon,” law enforcement officials said…

In fact, this year — as Alexis’s mental state seemed to decline — government agencies affirmatively signed off on all the tools of his massacre.

A security clearance. An ID badge. Then, a gun.

“Obviously there were a lot of red flags,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday, saying there were valid questions about “why they didn’t get picked up…”

In New York on Wednesday, Alexis’s mother made her first public comment since the mass shooting. “I don’t know why he did what he did, and I’ll never be able to ask him why,” Cathleen Alexis said…

In the broader investigation, authorities were trying make sense of the phrases Aaron Alexis had carved into the stock of the Remington 870 pump-action shotgun he used in the rampage.

The reference to “ELF” was particularly baffling. That acronym can mean “extremely low frequency” and can refer to weather or communications efforts, among other things.

Alexis told police in Rhode Island in August that he was hearing voices of three people who had been sent to follow him and keep him awake and were using “some sort of microwave machine” to send vibrations into his body, preventing him from falling asleep, according to police reports. Law enforcement officials said they do not know whether he was referring to those vibrations in his carvings.

Some interesting additional tidbits from Infogalactic:

The media reported that Alexis had filed a police report in Rhode Island on August 2, 2013, in which he claimed to be the victim of harassment and that he was hearing voices in his head. According to an FBI official after the shooting, Alexis was under the “belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves”. A message later obtained by federal authorities from Alexis’ personal computing devices said, “Ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months. And to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this…”

On the day of the shooting, Washington Chief of Police Cathy L. Lanier initially said that police were searching for a white male wearing khaki military fatigues and a beret, who had allegedly been seen with a handgun, and a black male wearing olive military fatigues and carrying a long gun. The white male was later identified and deemed not to be a suspect. The black male was not identified. At 7:00 p.m., officials ruled out the possibility of other shooters besides Alexis, but were still seeking one other person for possible involvement.

Myron May was a young lawyer who walked away from a successful career after coming under some type of government harassment. He also claimed he was being targeted by directed energy weapons, and ultimately went on to be a mass shooter, after posting a message to a gang stalking group which read, “Also, has anyone here ever been encouraged by your handler to kill, with a promise of freedom?”

As many have surmised, from quite some time ago, somebody has sent some sort of fairly large organization to make it clear this site is not welcomed in the discourse. I assume it was this site, based on the timing. Though in completeness, I see numerous people online who describe what I have seen. And while many believe their targeting was political, others appear to have been chosen for no real discernible reason. And then we have the account of Schneiderman’s female victim, which tells of him threatening the deployment of this type of organization for personal reasons, to keep his female victims in line.

Perhaps certain aspects of my life, personality, and abilities led them to believe I could have been set on a path similar to Alexis’, or maybe I registered on a test at some point as an ideal psychology for some experiment, or maybe someone I pissed off in real life in the past had Schneiderman-like juice. But r/K is the most amazing and notable thing in my life, and the timing was precise, so I assume it is that.

I actually thought it strange r/K political theory had not entered the discourse long ago. For a few years, I kept waiting for someone to say they had already seen this somewhere else, and it had all been hashed out long ago. I even googled it repeatedly for a few years, thinking I would find a site somewhere that had already staked out the relationship between political ideology and reproductive psychologies. I wondered if my inability to find something which I knew others had to have seen was some sort of ominous harbinger. Perhaps others went before me and were never heard from again. It crossed my mind, you never know.

I originally assumed what showed up to register the protest was shipped in, and pretty high-end and well funded. I was even flattered, to some degree, and figured if Obama’s leftist lackeys had thought enough to send it, it was a sign r/K was worth pursuing. But I now realize, just as you may have a very well-funded overt Police force embedded where you live composed of a few thousand people, a very well funded covert intel operation composed of a few thousand people, that remains entirely below the civilian radar, is not at all unusual – and in fact will offer far greater return on your investment. And sadly for my ego, neither I nor r/K being targeted was all that special. This capability is all over, in large part shielded from view by the impossibility of its scale and the unbelievable strangeness of the technology it rolls out. And the application of it is almost routine for anyone who threatens to acquire an audience.

Whether Cabal created it, or whether they corrupted an existing counter-intel/counter-terrorism operation that was embedded through the nation(my personal belief), as Q has unfolded it is increasingly looking like Trump and Q face far more than just ideological liberals eager to protest his policies. I have seen the machine first hand. It is bigger than anyone would ever believe, and has recruited assets everywhere. When I picture Trump kissing Melania good night each evening, and then retreating into a locked room with the door bolted and probably a firearm next to him, in the White House itself, I understand. That is sound security procedures in this world.

So why bring this up now? Well, it would appear that since I wrote about Vault-Co being shut down, somebody new has been sent in to deploy some form of technical harassment, similar to what our spies reported in Cuba and what Alexis described above. If that is what this is, I now realize it has not just begun, but rather has been increased over its normal deployment for the past few years.

For the past several years, beginning after r/K entered my picture, I would wake up in the night to an unusual sensation. Imagine yourself when you are really cold shivering. You look down at your arms, and they are visibly moving with the shiver. Now slow the shivering down, by about 30%. Imagine how that would feel, as you look down and your arms vibrated, almost seizure like, at that half-speed. Now take away the cold sensation, and imagine you felt that vibration, but when you looked at your arms they were not moving. There was no movement of the flesh, and not even any muscle contractions in response to the sensations. Now imagine that all over your body, and throughout your core.

It was not overwhelming back then, and I attributed it to a minor nerve-based phenomenon, perhaps akin to sleep paralysis in some regard, since I would wake up and feel it, and right at that moment was when the brain would be transitioning from the paralyzed sleep phase to the waking phase. It would remain for a while, before dissipating, and I would drift back to sleep.

I has assumed I was waking for some unknown reason, and the sensation was a response to the waking. I never realized it was that sensation which was waking me up, but now I suspect it was. There was a faint piercing whine in the ears as well, but again, it was all nervous in origin, so horses not zebras. Maybe something in my gut was blooming and releasing something which was triggering the nerves and the sensations at the nervous level. Maybe it was just a quirk of my brain, like a harmless, sensation-based firing of neurons for who knows what reason.

Then I wrote about Vault-Co, and when it hit that night, exactly about thirty minutes after I went to bed, the effect was turned up massively, as well as the almost inaudible, high pitched, ear-piercing whine, probably similar to ear-ringing. I actually leaned up in bed, and looked at my arms, unable to believe they were not vibrating massively. No movement, and no muscular contractions – it was all sensations of some kind. I got out of bed and stood up, and nothing. It was gone. Back in laying down, and in a moment or two, there it was. I have no idea where it was coming from. Houses, drone overhead, even an airplane? No idea. I want to say it was innocent and unrelated, but it would be incredibly coincidental for something innocuous to abate out of the bed, and occur in it.

It was amplified to a new level after I wrote the comment here listing all the things I thought Vault-Co might have been wiped for. Again, a half hour after laying down it awoke me from my sleep. And that application of it began to trigger a seeming physical/endocrine response which I assume was either a release of adrenaline/stress hormones of some sort, or simply a manifestation of the nervous activation it was producing mimicking the increased excitation of nerves in the presence of adrenaline. A sensation of almost shock flowed up the center of my chest, and my heart surged and raced. After a minute or so I felt physically weaker and a little nauseous. Again, out of bed, and the vibration was gone and after a few minutes, the physiological sensations abated. It is very focused in one area. It made me think of microwaves, and the way they excite a certain molecular bond based of resonant frequencies. I can’t help but wonder if there is something in nerves that is a specific length in angstroms that responds to a specific frequency of something. Whatever it is specific to sensations, because it did not trigger muscular contractions.

So I suspect I know why Vault-co gave up. It does make more sense, because when he said they threatened violence, I thought to myself either he was really another level of danger somehow to precipitate that kind of direct intervention, (and drive Cabal to take on the risk that would be inherent in overt violence), or I was missing something. It just didn’t feel like Cabal to threaten violence. An indirect application of technical harassment (which is violent, have no doubt), but from a hidden location which shields Cabal from face to face confrontation makes much more sense. That is Cabal. And it would explain why he would feel there was nothing he could do but close up shop.

Of course I never quit when I am pissed off, so no matter the course of events this site will persist.

It is interesting, because Alexis’s description is exactly what it felt like – and given the physiological response, there could be no sleeping when it hits at maximal application. No wonder he wore down. It is very strange to experience. I am sure Alexis was getting the same thing based on his description, as well as all the other aspects of the physical surveillance game which the article doesn’t mention.

I have tried to tell myself it could be an innocent biological phenomenon, or even some accidental aspect of radio wave activity involved in communications, or something else, but again, why would it abate off the bed? I suppose there could be an accidental node of constructive interference of something, but it seems highly unlikely.

I now assume I was being given a low grade version of it for some time prior, perhaps to try and subtly degrade my cognitive or physical capabilities without pissing me off enough to roll to DC and have a talk with the Russians. I didn’t know what it was, but I will say some days I was a bit foggy and getting to this site was a challenge, though I cannot remember specifically if it was related to the nights it was pronounced enough to wake me. I never thought to link the two, I just figured I was having “off” days.

I document such a bizarre claim here for a few reasons. First, I suspect this is what shut Vault-Co down, and it may pay to document it here before something more should happen. If Trump is about to lose a large portion of his online support from his supporters online trying to escape this, I would hope everybody would document what harassment they endured before closing up shop. I assume given Trump’s political mastery his online support is expendable in this greater war, and that is A-OK with me. Whatever this is, it needs to be dealt with decisively, and I could endure anything to make that happen. I’m truly sorry I cannot give more to Q’s battle than enduring these petty inconveniences that come with being political in the US these days.

I can also fully understand why Vault-Co would not discuss technical harassment, as it does make you look a little off to those who have not yet realized how far things have gone, how much money has been spent on it, and how bad it all is. And yet, if you fail to document your claim, how can anybody from the future have any inkling how bad things were during this time? And I want others who experience these things to recognize they are not alone, and they are not imagining it.

Someday, after this is all over, I expect I will be outed by this, at which point I will show decisive video proof of what was going on, and explain the unbelievable degree to which it was rolled out. You will be shocked.

The second reason I document this is timing. Vault-Co is shut down, this is amped up here, and the Storm is closing in. It might be related, and it might pay for those online to recognize things may get considerably hotter in the near future before they cool down. It is always possible Cabal will try to burn down as much as possible on their way out the door.

Something huge is going on. And I cannot imagine they would leave the online right intact, given the massive intellectual goldmine it has become, and the role it will probably play after the Storm, when machine-promoted personalities cease to be artificially promoted to positions of public authority they would never earn on their own.

Third, it is interesting, in that now we are seeing accounts of the deployment of sonic/directed-energy weapons in America, and I can support those accounts firsthand.

Cuba never added up to me. Who was targeting our spies and diplomats with technical harassment and directed-energy/sonic weaponry? If only one party is using these weapons, that means the attacks on our spies in Cuba was probably not Cubans or Russians or Venezuelans, but rather a US agency or US private contractor corrupted by the Cabal, which is operating in the US, in Cuba, and even in China – against the United States government. While a foreign power might be able to operate in Cuba or China, no foreign power is rolling anything interesting out in America. Our security state is too tight. Nobody will penetrate that net. This is something private sector or a clique in government controlled by Cabal which knows all about US State security and its capabilities and where it is operative – and how to drive other law enforcement out of the areas where it operates using its connections.

So why did Obama open Cuba up? Why is Venezuela sending Cuba $440 million in crude oil when Venezuela is such an economic disaster? Why would Cabal target our spies in Cuba? What if Cuba was being groomed to be the next North Korea just off our shores, for purposes of banking or otherwise? Drop money in Cuba, ship it to Venezuela, and then on to another nation’s banking system.

One of the reasons Nugan Hand Bank was so useful to Shackley et al, was because a bank with branches in two countries can engage in money laundering easily by depositing money between nations, where the receiving nation has no way to track the deposit’s origins in its origin nation.

If a Swiss bank eventually opened up a branch in Cuba, the Cabal could drop money in Switzerland every day from the Cuban branch, and the Swiss banking oversight agencies couldn’t tell where it came from without the support of a full fledged intelligence operation in Cuba. And that operation would have to send spies to Cuba, and you see how that turned out.

I suspect it is at least possible our spies in Cuba who were hit with the technical harassment were white hats probing Cabal operations in Cuba, and Cabal decided to degrade their cognitive function and physical capabilities using this technology. Given the account by Aaron Alexis, and my own in the US, it would seem entirely plausible that it is the same operator in the US.

And now we see this:

The U.S. State Department issued a health warning this morning to U.S. citizens in China after an American government worker was diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury. The unnamed worker reported “subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure.”

The U.S. government employee was assigned to the American consulate in Guangzhou, China and started experiencing the symptoms from late 2017 until April of 2018, according to the U.S. State Department.

“The employee was sent to the United States for further evaluation. On May 18, 2018 the Embassy learned that the clinical findings of this evaluation matched mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI),” Jinnie Lee, U.S. Embassy spokesperson in Beijing, told Gizmodo by email.

“The Chinese government has assured us they are also investigating and taking appropriate measures,” Lee continued.

The news comes in the wake of mysterious illnesses by U.S. government employees in Cuba thought to be either a “sonic attack” or perhaps malfunctioning surveillance gear. At least 22 American diplomats in Havana may have been targeted by “an advanced sonic weapon that operated outside the range of audible sound,” though that’s still only a theory. It’s not known yet whether the injured worker in China was targeted with any such device, despite reporting similar symptoms to the diplomats in Cuba.

Bear in mind, Q just posted photos revealing that he has operators in China who were documenting the production and delivery of Chinese-made Cabal phones designed to facilitate secure communications. Now, within days, we see the mysterious sonic weapons of Cuba have been deployed in China against American personnel operating out of the embassy. Coincidence? More like a telegram in Cabalese which says, “Tit for tat.”

Given the many things I have seen, which I would never have believed existed within the United States prior to my involvement in a small, niche political blog, I have no problem believing Aaron Alexis’ account of being attacked with Sonic weapons. Of course the voice tech is already well established as real, both using focused soundwaves, and the microwave effect which generates the perception of sounds in the head. And if you have a voice seemingly in someone’s head, and the ability to deprive them of sleep, you have an incredible power over their mind.

Prisoners of war who were fully brainwashed have reported that sleep deprivation is the ultimate power over the mind. It is also interesting he describes three voices. The bare bones, continuous single surveillance operation is described as three operators, each pulling eight hours shifts. And if you are rolling out a new tech which is held by a private contractor, and isn’t even available to elite US intel, you don’t set up a large shop. You fly below the radar with a skeleton crew, both for operational security and to avoid exposure at all costs.

The question is, if Alexis was the product of an operation, why would Cabal set up on him, to drive him to try to kill government contractors, Police, and US Service men? Tough to say. It could be an experiment, or it could be, as Q implies, something more operational, designed to happen at specific times to control the narrative. But clearly we are departing from regular law enforcement and US government. We have something bad operating in our nation.

If that kind of tech is out there, Trump will has two options. Democratize it, so everyone can have it and develop countermeasures and detection technologies, and we can all attack each other freely and expose the attacks happening. Or create some sort of oversight agency to control its deployment.

Given whatever the Cabal is that Trump is fighting will be constantly seeking to reconstitute itself, oversight will need to be continuous, and performed by the committed. You could not do better than to initially man any oversight agency with the trained up and background-checked victims of gangstalking in the US for the past couple of decades. Knowing Trump, I would not be surprised if that was his ultimate plan.

Because if it is out there, Cabal will always be striving to bring all of this back into usage for their ends, to take over the US government again. Nobody would strive to obtain the use of something like that as much as a Schneiderman. And nobody will strive to suppress it as aggressively as the victims of it.

Increasingly, we are finding out the origin of the old adage, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Incredible power needs incredible oversight.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the truth is out there

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5 years ago

Non-invasive surgery points out how this would be done. Multiple low power beams converging on a focus point to have localized effect. If it’s RF, tin foil wallpaper in the bedroom or a grounding mat in your blanket might be effective countermeasures. Safer bet is to just start sleeping in a room not marked as a bedroom (or the living room couch) on your house floor plans, after a bug sweep of your house.

5 years ago

You could try constructing a Faraday cage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage

5 years ago

Banking secrecy is an interesting topic and i was thinking about it recently in light of the recent events. At the end of clintons presidency a campaign to get rid of secret offshore banking was starting up, and post patriot act under bush the government was putting overt pressure on several main players in international finance. Places like switzerland, the caymans, curacao, and nauru were all being put under pressure to essentially open up their private customers information. The campaign was continued and largely completed under obama with most of these countries agreeing publically to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, and who knows what else behind closed doors. If i remember correctly there were a number of “leaks” from major swiss financial institutions in 2013 that basically forced their hand into accepting these deals since they had been “caught” red handed.

5 years ago

Sorry to hear this AC. How do you even protect your sleep from something like this? Do you have to sleep in a Faraday cage or something? Wild stuff.

5 years ago

If it’s EM and coming from outside, then a tent or canopy of conductive fabric or metal screening over your bed should attenuate it dramatically, particularly if combined with a floor shield. These are pretty expensive $800-$1600. I suspect that going around your bed a few dozen times with thin wire and connecting the ends together to make a coil, perhaps with a ~10-100 ohm resistor to dissipate energy and reduce the Q of the coil would interfere with the signal at least somewhat. It should be possible to pick it up with a spectrum analyzer if it’s EM. If it’s not a super HF signal then a wide-band software-defined radio should be able to pick it up. Given its localization it either has a transmitter extremely close to or in the bed (much easier, may be a near-field effect) or it uses multiple interfering sources (possible but much more trouble). In the former case a metal detector should be able to find it.

Another possibility is that this isn’t EM, or not entirely – these people are big into the occult. Hard to say what shielding methods are best in that case, though; finding sources is easy, trustworthy ones, not. It’s generally held that belief and visualization are essential, though a physical focus, (e.g. a talisman) may assist, store and make constant the effects.

Reply to  savantissimo
5 years ago

I know a little too much on this to comment at length but I know for a fact amulets were made of gemstones and each had different properties. Maybe try quartz (EM interfering too) and amethyst (clears mind)? Crystals do vibrate with energy. Sensors contain them.

5 years ago

“Chinese Sonic Attacks”

Geebus, they’re selling Chinese food at Sonic now? Sonic needs to stick to American Food. And no MSG.

On a serious note, I think its pretty obvious they’re using that directed energy thing on Pelosi. She’s puttin up a good fight, but no amount of energy crammed into that corpse is going to solve her party’s sales pitch problems. Her engines can’t take much morrrrre, Cap’n!

5 years ago

Vault-co should have put a faraday cage in his house. Just a metal screen, that’s all you need. A couple of years back, I noticed really weird EMF interference with my equipment. The contractors that go around using this stuff will probably RF ping a house to find out what’s in it. I noticed my alarm clock, even when off (and unplugged) would make a weird -mrrf mrrf mrrf- sound right after or right before a car would drive by, and this didn’t always happen when a car drove by. It usually happened late at night or early in the morning. The neighborhood I lived in at the time was less developed (housing crash ended the new home building) so I was aware of all vehicle traffic.

Anyways, I put up a steel net and stacked some ar500 steel plates I would use for shooting practice next to the wall and the mrrfing sound stopped. It wasn’t exactly a faraday cage, but it seemed to stop most of the interference (that I was aware of), and probably the directional EMF too, which is annoying. The pings being used had to be powerful because a car 100 yards away or so could move the magnet inside an unplugged alarm clock. Good thing too, as Microwave EMF won’t penetrate most walls. Thicker is also better. So yes, that only leaves longer wave Low freq, and extremely low freq. EM waves that Alexis may have described. IR/LF/ELF stuff is probably for through wall weapons and RF is probably for intel or targeting. Microwave works best when there aren’t many obstructions between the DEW and the target. This stuff isn’t just like the little CIA stingrays that cops started using, this is something else.

There are probably private contractors driving around military/government heavy states like Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Nevada and California using this stuff. CIA and FBI had to have known, and now that Brennan is on suicide watch (lol). American citizens participating in this can be sued into poverty, and get holed-up in prison. Foreigners, especially the stinky ones from the subcontinent that are the usual contract hires should probably leave the US, because they can be held for espionage at gitmo, and India/Pakistan ain’t trading for them, so they are proper fucked. They should probably buy a plane ticket soon because they aren’t going to be “with” us, in the proper sense, by November. As the limey’s say, poo in the loo. Good times, good times.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Good, it makes hyper awareness seem almost natural, I know how you feel. If you need advice on healing from the stress hit me up. I highly recommend peppermint tea, pending on signs and symptoms I know a few other helpful hints.

Other thoughts on directional microwave weapon, such weapons that are in continual use if they have a line of sight, military grade weapon could have an effective range from 800 up to 2000 metres depending on how powerful the energy source is. Reading other comments, cars driving by using EMF, this is horrible stuff, evil.

LF and HF tech would not be as directional so could have a mass effect too. This is really interesting stuff also so evil.

5 years ago

I’ve wanted to say this to you for a few weeks I had an intuitive feeling, one of the ones you would class as cabal, who writes psychological profiles on us, and tries to harass responses for $$$. Said something about you on altright.com maybe 4 months ago before it was dissappeared, she said something along the lines of “wasn’t to sure what to do about you.” . take that as you will I remember her mentioning you, almost bragging with multiple comments on a post. I know where she hangs out with one of her buddies online still if you want to know. They’re quite embed in the alt-right sphere, trying to guide our narrative and change our political views, there’s a group of them. Bad enough they interfere with us on a state and local level via institutions governmental and public, we’re not meant to notice this though.

So this new juicy tech, my guess the energy weapon is highly directed frequency within the microwave wave length. Simple microwaves we use excite H2O molecules to heat food. This energy weapon on the other hand would most likely excite certain atoms with electron valencies, like Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, and Potassium, these are the minerals in atom form with + and 2+ electron valencies that our nerves use to send messages. This energy weapon sounds like it could effect the whole nervous system of the body or be pinpointed to affect tiny areas of the brain, its why they can talk in your head, literally exciting the nerves in the inner ear. If they wanted they could probably kill you with this device, by messing with blood pressure regulation and blood flow. Big red line in my book. That’s my guess.

Defence, trail and error, get a junked microwave, gut it, rip the internal shielding out, sleep with it over your head it may block the frequency they are using. Or maybe some type of nylon copper fabric Faraday cage blanket. I know steel sheds block mobile phone service, that is on the lower end of microwave wave length. Even metallic spray paint, spray a cardboard box, run a low current through it would interfere with the frequency. With frequency like cancels out like.

I think this weapon would also be man portable it would only need a small battery source and tripod for stability, though to run 24/7 it would need a power point or vehicle for constant recharging, a vehicle would also give it a stable platform, which it would need to be effective. Glass windows would give it the best penetration, a copper Faraday blanket on your bedroom window. I don’t think it would be a drone not enough stability to target sensitive area in the brain, not enough power, to hard to maintain 24/7.

It would also need a direct line of sight, so this alone may give you a direction, if you have thin non-metallic walls it could penetrate, maybe use infrared camera with advanced program gives detailed images for targeting.

You could also buy a UHF detector, give you a frequency and how high the dose is, even give you a better idea what direction it’s coming from. Then you can set up counter surveillance. If it was me I’d want to turn them into vapour and grind up their teeth, after I drained all the information out of them first.

If you were in Australia I would help you out with my family. Fuck them, remember there are many ways to skin a cat.

Been up thinking about this for awhile now, hope you are OK, and are able to beat this.

I like white hats, my Dad is a white hat, and I hate bullies.

You and I would enjoy firing some rounds down range…

Reply to  Craig
5 years ago

To get into the psychology a bit, women who do that- “chasing” around alt-right/far-right/hard-right guys trying to change their minds or influence them are doing it for psychosocial-sexual reasons. Simply put, they get aroused by the hard language that real-right men use (which is high Testosterone) and it excites them. They probably aren’t getting satisfaction from their low-T libshit husbands/orbiters and they’re looking elsewhere. It’s just like a woman writing love letters to a guy in prison. Also, like a romance novel that writes itself where the liberal woman “monitor” tries to live out the fantasy of bringing a real man under control. Now that I think about it, I can get why lady teachers will often sleep with their male students- they have to monitor/control these young males, and when they can’t and it arouses them, especially if they’re from a background where males “behave” all the time.

So yeah, “wasn’t to sure what to do about you.” means she wants AC. Badly.

Reply to  Pitcrew
5 years ago

Feels like old times. I got her in bikini, but no titty pics… She liked my sex stories though, then the feminists started writing about how a woman organising with DIV was a sexist patriarchal ego boost. Funny shit eh. That was a couple of years ago I think.

The school teacher thing is also an ‘r’ strategy, there was one busted in Australia not long ago, German Catholic woman with 2 kids married, attempted to seduce a student and pluck his virginity, not only that advised him not to lose it to his virgin girl friend on prom… This teacher was trying to ruin the young woman and mans chance of one love, marriage and baby in a carriage. Envy, jealously and leftoid projection.

5 years ago

Here is a possible explanation for your experience, if you have a wifi setup in your house.

Some people have reported that 5 gigahertz RF, which most/all new wifis support these days, causes sleep disruption at night & impaired thinking during the day.

You can easily check this idea out by simply powering off your wifi when you are not using it but especially when you are sleeping. Also, turn off your cell phone or keep it far away from you when sleeping.

If this improves your symptoms then you can try turning off the 5 gig feature of your router so you won’t have to be constantly plugging and unplugging it. Honestly, I don’t think this is the source of your problem but it is something that you can try to eliminate a possible cause.

Good luck.

5 years ago

I’ve also had weird experiences similar to yours. In 2014, I was awakened from a five year period of veritable shellshock and started getting back into blogging and other things I used to do before kids. Right about then, I remember writing in LJ about hearing three different sounds night and day. Two would fade in and out in different pitches -high and low, beeping like a truck backing up- while one was a constant high pitch like a coach’s whistle, but faint. I could never figure out where they were coming from. They would seem like they’d be just over the fence, yet when I’d get out and walk in all different directions, they would disappear. I tried to get other people to hear them, but only I could.

At night, I’d often wake up in a panic not knowing what was wrong. It was like being haunted. I would wake up hearing someone whisper in my ear feeling like they were an inch away from my face, yet they’d be gone when I’d look over. I’d often get buzzing in my skin, like cells scrambling, and go into odd dissociative states where I’d either not be able to feel my body, or I’d feel like I was changing shape. Sometimes I’d see flashes of light behind my eyes and see in a split second a thousand eyes blinking at me in unison, or I’d rotate suspended over a milky way galaxy in my own head. I’m of zero importance politically, -harmless- so nobody would have reason to trouble me this way, but it might be due to having an unknown neurological condition on top of dealing with issues and living in a toxic environment. I’ve been blessed to move to a cleaner, freer state where I hope to live quietly, heal and move past all the fuckery I’ve dealt with.

5 years ago

When I saw the article on the Cuban embassy, i remembered a show I had watched about low frequency sound causing sickness.

I think this is it if memory serves me:

I appreciate the work you are doing to bring this to light. I had no idea the gangstalking/intimidation was even a thing.

The problem is how can this happen.
What kind of people would DO this to someone else?

Is it simply bowing to authority?

Is it because they believe they are on the side of good?

Is it because they get a sense of authority that they couldn’t get from their life?
I had a conversation with a black IRS woman once. She called me regarding my taxes. She didn’t have a leg to stand on except her own self importance of being employed by the IRS. Thought she would intimidate me. I can’t believe everyone would be like this. My life experience shows this to be true, but I might have uncommon experience.

I trust the anons, the plan, Trump, and Q. I’m having a hard time with the rest of the population. They are blind to it and culpable in its execution. How will we inoculate ourselves?

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

Forgot to add this link:

The URL should be enough to understand what its about.

This was also interesting:

Some people up-top are proposing that we just kill them and have them declared Natural Causes or Accidental by the coroner. It isn’t likely to happen, though. Xxxx has killed at least three people who got in his way. So some people at the top are in fact doing this. Xxxx doesn’t hire “syndicates”. He is his own syndicate and has put together his own organization for this purpose. His targets are innocent women associated with controversial figures. In only one case has he violated this rule and in this case the woman was as guilty as the man – of course he’s not obsessing over the man…he’s too gutless to do that. And the people who were killed were mostly men who got in the way of his hate campaign against a woman he targeted. My guess is that he kills them when he loses control over them because he’s basically afraid of men.

Sounds familiar to me.


5 years ago

It’s either EM radiation, which would mean you need some sort of Faraday cage or just some metal to interfere with and break up the pattern, or ultrasonic. If you were to aim two ultrasonic beams that were tuned to slightly different frequencies, they might beat together and produce audible sounds that seem to come from nowhere where they intersect. I found this page on stack exchange discussing the possibility of doing just that:


Not sure how effective it would be at causing the physical sensations you describe though.

5 years ago

If you have a basement, how about moving your sleeping area down there? You’d be out of the direct line-of-sight and surrounded by tons of nature’s insulation.

5 years ago

Bike helmet.

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4 years ago

In the Q&A after the lecture – not included in the video – Robert Duncan said there are 2 types of weapons that can “bathe a living quarters” in energy, microwave and acoustic.

The question stemmed from an NSA letter shown last March 2019 on “60 Minutes” (US TV show) stating that a weapon existed which could bathe a living quarters in microwave energy. It could intimidate, weaken or kill the target.

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4 years ago

The link to Robert Duncan’s remote lecture presented May 1st, 2019 at the Landmark Theater in Kendall Square, Cambridge, Mass., was stripped from my post. Here it is, again:

youtube dot com / watch?v=I-yYIwKiY6Q

The Q&A is not included in this video.