German Cucks Rally Around The Outsiders

Who would think rabbits would lie?

Men of “Arab background” were likely responsible for sexual assaults on dozens of women in central Cologne over the New Year, police said on Monday – as a social media storm accused police and media of a cover-up.

Around 60 complaints have been made to the police in Cologne after a group of around 1,000 men attacked revelers in the city center in a brutal and “completely unheard of” way, Wolfgang Albers, Chief of Police in the Rhineland city said at a press conference on Monday afternoon.

Around a third of the complaints were of sexual assault, regional paper Express reported.

1000 men attacked New Years Eve revelers, just for fun. Again, the migrants are rabbits. They will opportunistically attack the weak while operating in numbers, they are sexually deviant, and they are enraged to violent hatred at the sight of innocent people experiencing honest happiness.

When the K returns, it would not be at all impossible to imagine another holocaust occurring, with rabbits being fed into the ovens. I only hope r/K has caught on by then, to make the difference between the two clear.

Personally, I think this is a greater treason than selling secrets. The sold secrets may not ever injure anyone, while here, innocent women are being raped and innocent people are being injured on a regular basis by enemy foreigners acting with the support of those who claim to represent the nation. If the penalty for treason being death is reasonable (and it generally is regarded as such), it is hard to argue Merkel deserves any less than the gallows.

That this is becoming a sensation is a sign of the start of the r/K tide shifting toward K. When K comes, there is no holding it back.

Bring the Apocalypse already.

This entry was posted in Apocalypse cometh, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

The historic Great Asset Mania raised the altitude of the platform from which the Greatest Deflation Ever will begin. Given the unprecedented boom that precedes the coming bust (social, financial and economic), we must infer that conditions at and immediately after nadir will be equally historic…which means the “horrors” of World War Two (death camps, death marches, etc.) will be exceeded.

In socionomic theory, we must assume that the first smashing decline will bring mostly financial hardship while exhibiting naught but a warm-up for the suffering and death that will eventually follow. If this is so, we may be a few years away from the tsunami of poverty to spread over the world, but we’re in all likelihood still decades away from seeing tens of millions of people (or more) systematically exterminated…which is in all likelihood now unavoidable.

Look for the first K-waves to shut off the immivasions and segregate/wall-in those already in-country. After a recovery of sorts, spanning potentially a considerable period, the recovery will fail and hope smashed anew. Then will those concentrations of invaders be slaughtered down to the last soul. By then it will be “common knowledge” that DNA is destiny, and there will be no quarter given to anyone who harbors the wrong gene sequences in the wrong geography.

My two questions are, will this war eventually unite the otherwise historically fratricidal West (Germany, France and the English-speaking nations) and will it eventually employ the most hellish of all weapons, those that split atoms?

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Collaborators will be shot.