German MP’s Move To Thwart Merkel

If Heartiste is right Merkel will start getting tingles at the thought of being swept aside by some strong-willed Aryan Nationalists:

German MPs have reportedly drawn up plans to close the country’s borders in a direct challenge to Angela Merkel’s refugee policy…

A group of 188 MPs including many from Mrs Merkel’s own Christian Democrat party have prepared laws to fence off sections of the border.

They say they will put them forward if Mrs Merkel does not come up with a solution to the refugee crisis within weeks.

“We must stop the flow of refugees. Considering a border fence should not be a taboo,” Christian von Stetten, the leader of the rebels and a member of Mrs Merkel’s party, told Bild newspaper.

The proposals come after Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union, called for a border fence over the weekend. ..

But Mrs Merkel has refused to consider a permanent closure. She has repeatedly spoken out against a similar fence Hungary has built along its southern border to keep refugees out, and compared it to the Berlin Wall.

Again, rabbits lack functional amygdalae. Merkel can’t tell the difference between a wall created to keep the domestic population from running away from its totalitarian government, and a wall to protect the people from budding totalitarians whose life goal is to leech off and rape the indigenous people.

At least some Germans realize the situation is untenable. That the police are on board is a good sign. Now the goal should be to actively out-group Merkel. Women particularly are vulnerable to others creating perceptions that they are to be shunned by the group. Merkel, by demonstrating her desperate desire to be seen as compassionate, has shown she would be particularly vulnerable to such an attack.

Sometimes I think when you deal with people that have that narcissistic streak, they are so absorbed in themselves and their image that discussing external facts or realities causes them to zone out and ignore you, because what you are talking about isn’t all about them – it is some boring thing that doesn’t really concern them. But criticize them personally, and their narcissism triggers a laser-like focus on the fact that they are being personally criticized, and that triggers their amygdala to look for a way to turn the criticism off. With such people, that is often the only way to affect their thought processes. Introduce a personal criticism, and make the only way to negate it to do what you want.

Don’t argue facts or realities about immigration with Merkel. Don’t point to the obvious bad that is coming. Instead, portray her as betraying her people, disloyal to Germany, and a treacherous coward more obsessed with her own self-image than the welfare of her nation. Make her untrustworthy, and unreliable in the eyes of the crowd. Portray her as the type of stupid that doesn’t last two seconds in a real state of nature. Couch her position as arising from fear, and an inability to make tough decisions for the good of her people as a leader should. If you want to drive in the shiv, couch it as due to her being an example of the type of weak-willed woman who isn’t fit for leadership. Demand either a man lead Germany, or a strong woman. Say Merkel “isn’t really suited to leadership during such a challenging period.”

Those types of arguments are the only pressure points which would change her attitude.

The Apocalypse with still cometh™, but she will feel enormous pressure to limit its effects.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Illegal immigration can be stopped, in poker it’s called raising the ante. Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower stopped illegal immigration. Ike deported 3 million Mexicans in Operation Wetback. If the will was there they could use asset forfeiture against employers of illegals.

Illegals could be kept out by building something similar to the Moroccan Wall, a 1700 km 10 foot high earth brim containing the worlds longest continuous landmine field.