Greece Takes The First Step To Stamping Out Cash

The globalist rabbit’s wet dream begins – total currency control:

Companies that are founded from next year onward plus a range of sectors of the Greek economy will only be able to accept payment via debit or credit card, according to a plan being drawn up by the government as a means of stamping out tax evasion.

The plan, which has yet to receive the final approval from the country’s lenders, foresees all new companies having to be equipped with point of sale (POS) terminals that can accept credit and debit cards. The same will apply to numerous professions. These will include doctors, lawyers, electricians and plumbers, which are all professions where tax evasion is thought to be rife.

It will also be compulsory for companies in some parts of Greece, starting with areas that rely on tourism, to start accepting card payments.

The best chance you have to survive a banking collapse is to not have your money in a bank. For that reason rabbits have long dreamed of a “cashless society,” where all money is electronic and can’t be withdrawn. That way, everybody can be screwed more thoroughly.

This is the beginning of a cash ban on these businesses, making cash useless to the individual, though I am unsure how effectively it can be enforced. Greeks are quite used to viewing all such tax-related dictates as unhelpful suggestions.

It is true Greece has tax-evasion problems, but that has always been the case. What has changed is that the Greek government has seen the societal unease which arose when they restricted cash withdrawals the last time their banks were teetering. Next time, if everyone is already adapted to going cashless, there won’t be as much risk of the leaders being dragged into the streets, and hung from lamp posts by rampaging mobs. There will also be less incentive to take cash out of the bank, if no business can accept it.

This may be a sign that the leaders are already looking ahead to what is next.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

How can K-selection occur is the society is cashless? Its like permanent rabbit utopia.

8 years ago

How would you hire a babysitter without cash? Teenage girls don’t take credit cards.

To make your money untraceable, convert it into whatever currency is currently accepted by hookers and drug dealers. Anyone who thinks a “cashless” economy won’t have hookers and drug dealers is seriously deluded.

8 years ago

This just means that the Greeks themselves will develop other means to conduct transactions to avoid the taxes. Someone once figured out the legal tax rate in Greece is like 125% by th time hey are all added in. Each time they need money thy raise taxes and less are paid.