Hillary’s Amygdala Hit

25 minutes in, and she is looking down and to lower the amygdala strain, and unable to speak the word fact on the first try. If Trump keeps it up, this will be fun.

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7 years ago

[…] Hillary’s Amygdala Hit […]

7 years ago

I noticed about three blows to her amygdala. Instead of grinning from ear to ear her face would take on that blank-yet-enraged expression (I think when Trump mentioned Blumenthal?) and she would clear her throat. Bill’s expression was priceless.

Trump pwned both Hillary AND the moderators hard once he got over his obvious embarrassment. The fly landing on Hillary’s face and shirt was rather surreal, as were the transsexual and Samuel L. Jackson in the audience.

Chico and the Man
Chico and the Man
7 years ago

no stroke. r u dissapoint?

7 years ago

As I posted elsewhere:
Could of been better. Always keep your foot on the throttle when you are in control. Knock that smiling smirk off her face.

7 years ago

I noticed that Trump seemed much less agitated in this debate. He was much more calm, his face wasn’t red, he was able to articulate facts and policy details much easier. You posted a while back that r-type candidates need beta blockers to perform, and we need the kind of people in leadership who don’t rely on them. Yet I couldn’t help but think the difference this time was that Trump was using beta blockers himself. It also seemed he started to lose composure a bit near the end, which would be caused by the drug wearing off (or perhaps the stress of the events catching up).

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I’ve had my share of stage time in a variety of settings.

I’ve used beta blockers as part of a prescription regime for high blood pressure, never for a performance. They dull the edge you need for a strong performance. Stage anxiety is good for you. Stage fright is a lack of self-confidence.

Please know, beta blockers in a therapeutic does don’t wear off quickly and you’ve got to be careful with large doses lest a rebound effect causes you to stroke out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Another thing I noted about the debate. Someone in Trump’s camp either reads this blog, or reads someone else who reads this blog, or else someone who thinks very similarly to you.

He did everything you said he should. He said “special prosecutor.” Twice I believe. He said he would send her to jail. He constantly interrupted her.

What kind of denial of expectation would you recommend for him in the last debate? My thoughts is that he should switch tone 180 degrees. Constantly go positive. Be optimistic. Calmly dismiss her insults as unhelpful. Do get into too many negative specifics about her: just assume the case has been made.

7 years ago

And why no mention of the Podesta emails ?

7 years ago

As you suggested he might, he hit her with “Special Prosecutor”.

7 years ago

Trump should not have apologized for “locker room talk.” He should have said, “That’s what normal men do. And normal women don’t freak out about it. Now let’s talk about Hillary cackling over gaddafi’s death and ruining US-Russian relations by calling Putin Hitler. Guess what folks, I think the wicked witch beside me is running out of rhetorical spells.”

7 years ago

My favorite part was when Hillary’s rage was so strong that she was hexing the lights over her with her mind, and an aura of darkness and evil surrounded her.

DD More
DD More
7 years ago

AC, I think Trump may have taken your prior advice and used parts of the “Mike Wallace Debates a Marine” – http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/touching-the-raw-amygdala-part-ii-mike-wallace-debates-a-marine/

First,.. Colonel Connell goes straight for the Liberal jugular, and simply describes his gut emotional reaction to Wallace’s position, and implies it should be every other individual’s response as well.

Second, and even more important, Colonel Connell “out-groups” Mike Wallace. Wallace isn’t in the in-group anymore – he is a traitor on the outside of our group. Liberals are innately programmed to fear this.

This is devastating to the Narcissist’s necessary self-image of being the superior individual (a similar trait to the Liberal’s need to feel superior to the Conservative in some fashion, despite their laughable patheity). Notice, Colonel Connell presents this with no debate, as almost an irrelevant afterthought to another, more important issue. Most people wouldn’t even register it, but Wallace did, and even worse, he never even got to argue with the portrayal. Deep down, every Liberal ideologue knows they are a psychological pansy in a species which reviles such – and the characterization hurts them far more than we can imagine.

Colonel Connell also reinforced this effect through his use of the word contempt. The words angry, saddened, infuriated, etc all portray to a Narcissist (and a Liberal ideologue) their own power to evoke such emotions in their adversary, as well as their adversary’s ability to be emotionally unbalanced and controlled.
Always denigrate the Liberal’s importance and power within the social environment, and never imply they are important enough to warrant a real emotion.
In the language of Heartiste, this would be referred to as “frame.” You are so awesome, and the Liberal such a pathetic peon, you really could care less about them, beyond a passing feeling of contempt when they cross your radar.

Many have noted that Narcissists are like children. Offer them two options to explain their behavior, both bad, and those are the only two options they will see. “Either you are [bad option one] or you are [bad option two]? Which is it?” Whatever it is about their personality quirk, this will trip them up quite reliably, especially if you offer some fact, however tenuous, supporting the idea that one of the two bad options must be true. I have used it, and it is incredible how they will limit their thought processes to the two options, and panic if neither is acceptable. They actually do not have the ability in the midst of debate to find their way to a third option which would rescue them from their conundrum.
Of course, Colonel Connell’s’ delivery, totally unemotional, with slit thin eyes delivering a death stare of hatred, was perfect. It even carried just the right amount of a subconscious air of violent conflict. Not so much Wallace could portray Colonel Connell as an extremist who might kill him, but enough Wallace knew that a battlefield execution for such disloyalty might be a possibility in Colonel Connell’s world.

The ‘Tell’ it is working. since it is established that those with amygdala damage cannot make eye contact, or even examine the areas around another person’s eyes to gather emotional cues.

Was out eating and the only TV was not visible from where I was sitting. Photo’s and excerpts seem to show each point and Yes the ‘Tell’ too. Thanks for giving us a heads up on what to watch for.