Immigration Treason in Britain

Tony Blair was a traitor:

Tom Bower’s Broken Vows: Tony Blair – the Tragedy of Power, which is presently being serialised in the Daily Mail states Mr. Blair presided over a “silent conspiracy” to flood the United Kindgom with migrants, ordering his ministers to not discuss the subject in public. The biography claims that far from attempting to exercise any form of control whatsoever over migration, the British government worked to force the country to “see the benefit of a multicultural society”, and that to do so the country received “two million more immigrants” than it would otherwise have expected.

“I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn’t its main purpose – to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date”.

The same minister for whom the speech was written, Barbara Roche, is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration — going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. A civil servant interviewed for the book relates her remarks on the possibility of deporting immigrants: “Asylum seekers should be allowed to stay in Britain. Removal takes too long and it’s emotional”.

As I look out on politics today, I realize how Hitler came to power. As a society enters the end stages to corruption and decay, the establishment will begin to grow bored with merely screwing the patriotic populace behind their back. That boredom will begin to drive them to do it ever more blatantly, as a demonstration of their power – the last aphrodisiac they can seek to assuage their ennui.

We see that now in both parties, where Hillary is using her establishment position and ability to seize Super delegates to stifle the will of those Democrats who don’t want such a corrupt insider, and we see it on the Republican side, where the Establishment sought to foist Jeb “They come as an act of love” Bush on a party whose grassroots clearly opposed illegal immigration.

Even more vexing is the lies. The establishment tells us they were pursuing this policy to enlarge the Republican tent and secure victories for us in the future, yet when Donald appears to be drawing in patriotic, blue collar, anti-establishment Democrats of all races by the busload, we are told those are not the crossover voters we need, and Donald would be the worst candidate ever.

There comes a point, as the decay and collapse reach their end stage, where the establishment becomes the enemy, and the voters will support anybody who opposes it. It is at that point where a smart psychopath, who recognizes the trends, can gain the support he would otherwise be denied, simply by opposing an establishment which is clearly set to destroy the nation.

It is a testament to America’s good luck that in this cycle, a good man like Donald took the anti-establishment reins, because Democrat or Republican, I think the voting public today is rapidly reaching the point that it would support anybody who gave the appropriate lip service to tearing the whole rotting edifice down. Had the wrong person realized that at the wrong time, there is no telling who could have gotten elected, or what they might have done.

Truth be told, I suspect with time and some apocalypse, the British populace will give serious consideration to any candidate who promises to give the death penalty to everyone involved in the migrant treason. Were I Blair or this harpy Roche, I would not sleep comfortably in my bed as I survey the scene, from the pedophile rings of Rotherham, to terrorism, to what will happen in the collapse.

The winds of change are blowing.

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Europe, GOPocalypse, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Out-grouping, Pedophilia, Politics, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Immigration Treason in Britain […]

8 years ago

We have exactly the same politic here in France : flooding the people with low IQ immigrants to destroy the remains of the nation.
It’s a war, there is no other words for it. A war from the globalists to the native people, to the family, to charity, to nation and of course to whites.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

If they don’t like Trump, wait until they see the Nationalists that are coming up after him.

8 years ago

I think it’s easier for my libertarian friends here in the US to deny any problem exists because Europe is much worse. One of them did raise the point though – how does Trump being elected help Europe? I guess because the US is the defacto leader of the free world and could work to stem the flow somehow?

Joshua Sinistar
8 years ago

Oh cut the theatrics. Hitler was no psychopath. His actions were completely reasonable. What is happening today was what happened to Germany during the Weimar Republic. The filth, pornography, immorality, and corruption. The aliens who are anything but White. Its Weimar 2.0. Its the same conditions and the same end will come. Trump is a good and moderate man, which is why he will never be elected. Extremism in the cause of liberty is no vice and moderate solutions will not solve extreme existential problems soon enough to matter. Invaders cannot be stopped by asking for visas and passing laws. Only armies who shoot trespassers can stop invasions. You will see another Hitler, but its not Trump. When they stop Trump, only a strong man of iron will willing to use extreme measures can save the West from ruin.

Reply to  Joshua Sinistar
8 years ago

Claiming we are in Weimar 2.0 makes perfect sense, especially if you consider what caused Weimar in the first place. The loss not of WW1, but more specifically of over 1 million mostly K formed men. It should be an example in AC’s book to be honest. We see it with the 1960’s generation in the rest of the world. And we can see it in the 1930’s in France and England. both of which lost most of their K formed men.

Armies only need to shot the first few trespassers, or occasional ones. After that, visas and borders work. Once people know that border crossing is dangerous, they will go to the less costly (in terms of their own lives) methods.

8 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative, there is a post about the deliberate plan by British politicians, notably under Tony Blair, ro change the ethnic/demographic makeup of […]