JFK Files Released

One big piece of intel:

Twenty-five minutes before President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot, a British newspaper got an anonymous call to be prepared for “some big news,” according to documents made public on Thursday by the National Archives.

Four days after the November 26, 1963, assassination, FBI Deputy Director James Angleton wrote a memo to then-Director J. Edgar Hoover reporting the phone tip to the Cambridge News, a local paper.

“The caller said only that the Cambridge News reporter should call the American Embassy in London for some big news and then hung up,” read the memo.

The memo said the British Secret Service, or MI-5, had determined that the anonymous tip to the local newspaper was made 25 minutes before the president was shot in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald.

According to some reports, the source was a British-born Soviet agent who had last associated with Oswald a few months back. And yet he knew within a half hour of the hit when it was going to happen. I would love to know if JFK’s schedule included Dallas back then, or if the Dallas trip was scheduled in the intervening months. If Dallas was scheduled after Oswald and the agent parted company, then Oswald was a commie possibly talking about an assassination plot against the President over transatlantic wires.

If all of that was true, that means Oswald was not alone. If you ignore the specificity of the timing, and assume he told a Soviet agent months back, it would seem unlikely the Soviets would not have been told by that agent since that is what agents do. Then, if the Soviets knew, the question becomes did we find out while spying on any of them or their agents.

I always assumed the old-school CIA were less than happy to have a horndog leftist as President during the height of the cold war. JFK was banging his way through Hollywood starlets, in a community that was infested with Communists and Soviet agents.

I always thought it likely that some commie somewhere in Hollywood had set up a room with video cameras and gotten primo blackmailable information on young JFK for the Soviets by putting him and a starlet in there alone – stuff which would have ended JFK’s political future, and maybe his family’s dynasty forever. If you are CIA, patriotic, and anti-commie, and you uncover that the Soviets literally own the President at the height of the cold war, what do you do?

We’ll never know exactly what happened. All we can do is lay out the possibilities, and assign rough probabilities. But one possibility that has just risen is that elements in the government knew, and decided to let Oswald take care of a problem which might not have been able to be solved any other way. Then they covered everything up as well as they could, lest the Soviet knowledge of the attack be revealed, and precipitate a World War.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you never know when a World War could break out

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Jake Saga (@sagajake)
6 years ago

On this one, I’m pretty convinced that Oswald was a patsy. Dr. James Fetzer and others have demonstrated with a lot of amazing analysis of photographs and other evidence that Oswald was seen (and photographed) in a doorway watching JFK go by. But even more importantly, Connelly (Who was shot), and many witnesses heard shots from the front and the back. Even in the doctored Zapruder film, you can still see JFK hit through the neck from the front, and then shot in the head from the back. Then there’s the fact that well-known CIA agent Hunt confessed to being part of the plot on his deathbed. In fact,he was proud of the fact that they got rid of JFK, because many in the CIA considered JFK to be a danger. Regardless, few who look into it with an open mind end up thinking that Oswald could possibly have done it, being a poor shot and using a cheap bolt-action rifle. I mean, the evidence just stacks up. Even the KGB concluded that LBJ/CIA did it.

Reply to  Jake Saga (@sagajake)
6 years ago

We’d have to ascertain the whereabouts of Ted Cruz’s father as well.

Jake Saga (@sagajake)
Reply to  Emmanuel Goldstein
6 years ago

Ad hominem attacks are by definition not valid, but rather are meant to cast doubt in the readers mind, to prejudice them against the other guy’s arguments. Even if Fetzer is a loon, which he is not, that doesn’t mean that his arguments are invalid. Everyone who reads this blog knows that. Regardless, Prof. Fetzer is a professor emeritus in the field of the philosophy of science, with many published papers. Hell, Newton himself believed things about money and God that we’d find ludicrous now. Does that invalidate his mathematical methods or his physics?

The readers of this blog, above all, are capable of deciding the validity of evidence and arguments for themselves.

Reply to  Jake Saga (@sagajake)
6 years ago

We all have to make decisions based on what we can understand ourselves, and the degree of trust we have for our sources. WRT the JFK assassination, I don’t know anything about multiple shooters, doctored photos, or CIA/KGB/LBJ/Mafia involvement, and I have no way to assess the truthfulness of those who make such claims. But when somebody writes that a standard issue WW2 Italian Army rifle could not possibly have been used to make a head shot at less than 100 yards, I know the writer is too ignorant to bother with. No need to investigate the complex claims when the simple ones are nonsense.

Reply to  Discard
6 years ago

There is plenty of documentary evidence that you can look at and draw conclusions from. Your laziness or ignorance in researching this event is no excuse to dismiss possibilities that you label “nonsense”. For someone who doesn’t claim to know much about anything, you sure seem positive about the capablities of Oswald’s rifle. How do you explain Kennedy getting shot in the front of his head when Oswald was purported to have been shooting from behind?

Jake Saga (@sagajake)
6 years ago

Also, are you aware that Oswald actually helped to _warn_ the secret service of an assassination attempt in Chicago? They bastards wanted to do JFK in Miami & Chicago, but were thwarted. Until Dallas. Fascinating stuff.
Final note (from a guy who is not an expert in this field): A published medical journal article a couple years ago – in a mainstream medical journal – proved that the JFK official autopsy x-rays were forged.
The deeper one goes into this, the more one finds that is just mind-blowing.

6 years ago

Snipers do always work in teams. Secret Service is also very Patriotic, though they did drop the ball on that day. Of course it’s doubtful the Cuban missile crisis was all a farce.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
6 years ago

AC read Dr. Mary’s Monkey, it is a fascinating story and fills in many missing pieces. It wasn’t as story of the Kennedy assassination but there are some interesting developments which expose a plausible scenario.


Thom Baltic
Thom Baltic
6 years ago

My auntie was Julia Postal; the person who dropped a dime on Oswald at that theater. Her testimony to the Warren commission is available online. Her brother-in-law, my grandfather, was a close business associate of John McCone from before WWII (and on through the 1960’s). At the time of the shooting McCone was head of the CIA. Kind of interesting…

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Oswald was a patsy. Several people have used top marksmen to try and do the same shots as attributed to Oswald and they were not able to do so. Former Minnesota Governor and former Seal did a TV show where he tried to duplicate Oswald’s shot and he couldn’t. While he was a Seal a long time ago he must be at least a decent shot.

“…Secret Service is also very Patriotic…”

Not all of them. Look at this. It comes from “Evidence of Revision” a tape made ONLY of interviews and actual news clips from right after the shooting. It’s not the most well put together film but it striking. If you’re at all interested in this sort of stuff it’s classic. He has no commentary at all. Just clips. He was a Kennedy assassination collector who collected every scrap of video he could find. He got older and realized that if he didn’t put out some of this stuff it would be lost forever so he just pasted a bunch together. The production is not so good with lousy music but the way he spliced it is very good. You can find all six parts on YouTube or you used to be able to.

JFK Secret Service Called Off – Proof of ConsPiracy


How about Jack Ruby. Oswalds killer.

Jack Ruby about the conspiracy to kill JFK


I mean WTF? Why don’t we see this stuff. I believe it’s because the Jews were in on it. They were being told they couldn’t produce nuclear weapons and at the same time the biggest pig in the poke the Jews have, the FED’s control of the money supply, was being whacked by Kennedy. Remember “Silver Certificates”. Cash printed by the US Treasury with no debt to the FED. Backed by the Nations vast silver deposits. Free and clear money sidestepping the Jews. How long before the FED was booted out all together? The last President to print debt free money in the USA was…Lincoln. Of course his shooter was an actor…said to be Jewish by some.

6 years ago

[…] Source link […]

6 years ago

The most compelling thing I’ve read on this is the JFK assasination chapter in “Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country’s Most Controversial Coverups” by Richard Belzer and David Wayne. They mention both rogue CIA agents and the Mafia, and even a Military Intelligence “abort team” with CIA support, which failed to intercept the assassins in time. The assassination may have even been a “failure” when seen as a pretext for invading Cuba and assasinating Castro, which obviously didn’t happen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Project#Assassination_proposals

6 years ago

If the Soviets owned him they surely wouldn’t want to kill him. Instead they would do everything in their power to keep him alive and in office. His actions in the Cuban missile crisis and Viet Nam also don’t seem to indicate that he was Soviet controlled. Who else would be willing and able to give such a tip is an interesting question.

6 years ago

A small correction, J. J. Angleton was with the CIA not the FBI.
He was the head of Counter Intelligence ( ADDOCI ) from 1954 to 1975.

6 years ago