Joe Rogan And ChemTrails

I was watching a Joe Rogan compilation of his comments of chemtrails. I would have linked to it here, but that channel was a conspiracy channel, and they must have touched a nerve as youtube took them down. The important part was, Joe was skeptical of chemtrails, because he could see no reason for them.

I had never really paid attention to this, and still take no side as I have not researched it at all. As best I can tell, people in many regions are noting that planes fly over and their contrails turn into cloud cover, and later they feel sick. Some have found chemicals in the soil consistent with cloud seeding technologies. They are theorizing the government is spraying something from the planes, and that is making them sick.

I have no idea, but one thing jumped out at me. Rogan seemed to think there was no reason to do this. As I think about it, I have actually thought about ways to try and accomplish something which this would do, and probably for the same reason the government would want to.

Suppose Russia has spent 800 Gorillion Rubles to get the resolution on their superspy satellites down to .84 cm. That is a pain in the ass if you are the US government. Because now you have to track those things, and they keep changing the orbits and flyover times, and if you have something you don’t want photographed you have to not use it at certain times, or risk it being photographed in incredible detail. And if there are enough satellites, it may impossible to go outside at some bases without having a satellite overhead.

Now imagine you stationed an agent at an airport, and their entire job was to dropped emulsified cloud-seeding salt materials in the tanks of JP8 at that airport. The planes would fuel up, take off, combust the fuel, and eject that material and aerosolize it in the exhaust, spreading it through the atmosphere around the airport. Add up all the flights, and you could be putting tens of thousands of gallons of cloud seed in the air around the airport each day, creating a single giant circular seeded cloud around that airport that would dissipate like a field, exponentially as you traveled away from the airport.

If you have a secret base at position X which you want permanent enhanced cloud cover over, you could put cloud seeding materials in the fuel tanks of all the airports which send air traffic over it, creating a sort of multi-mile-scale Venn Diagram in the sky of seeded clouds, concentrating the cloud cover over your base, to hide whatever you don’t want the Russians to see. I’m sure they would actually use air traffic control data of flight patterns to maximize the effect, but you get the idea. None of the planes would have to know.

Maybe it isn’t great cloud cover, but with space-based optics, with just a good haze, you could easily make that 800 Gorillion ruble upgrade to their spy satellites useless, and reduce the resolution to half, or less of the optimal resolution the satellite is capable of, which might be enough to hide what you want to hide about that new jet engine you are testing at Groom Lake.

I have no idea if that is the case, but it might be interesting if you are a pilot to either test your airport’s fuel to be sure, or maybe be careful about breathing in the fumes. I am sure your health and well being would be the last concern the Deep State guys who would do such a thing would be concerned with.

Tll others about r/K Theory, but be careful about breathing in the air when you do

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5 years ago

My biggest doubt about chemtrails was the issue of just these side effects. If you are cabal you wouldn’t want to be breathing this shit either, but you can’t control which way the wind blows. This is different from how they adulterate our food with shit that they avoid by eating more natural and organic foods.

Then you have to wonder what effects this stuff added to fuel would have on fuel systems in planes. You would think a mechanic overhauling a jet engine would notice something was off.

5 years ago

Metallics are reflective. Metallics seed clouds. Clouds reflect energy. Clouds block the sun. What if the earth has always been getting warmer because that’s how star “live and die.” What if what NASA tells you about how the universe works is WRONG. The cosmos aren’t what you think they area. Oh, yes, Earth is a sphere. And its getting bigger while the sun is giving of increasing amount of EM radiation. Don’t blindly accept everything you are told.

5 years ago

The why is up in the air, but the best evidence to me was that when all the planes were grounded for the week after 9/11, the temp went up an entire degree because of the lack of contrails. That suggests more than just a wisp of vapor behind some planes.

5 years ago

Why would the Russians (or Chiners) spend that much when they could just buy $60k of Facebook algo ads, or in China’s case, station a few thousand nationals in every city so their tiger kids could sit next to the elite kids at the local prep school?

Humint is cheap and effective. The cold war should have taught us that. We spend on toys (Northrup demands as much) while they leverage the frailties of human nature and the open nature of our society.

I prefer the idea that chemtrails and cloud seeding have to do with contact with alien life. A much more calibrated response IMO.

Now, Whether the cabal is working to make earth more or less hospitable to the aliens is the interesting question. Defensive chemical array via high altitude aerosol vs long-term terraforming for Hillary and the rest of the lizards. Lol.

Also, Joe Rogan should stick to MMA.

5 years ago

I’m a military industrial complex brat with both grandfathers and my own father working on the technical side at the same laboratory, while both grandmothers and mother worked in admin. I have my father’s technical mind. The point is that I think that you’re on the right track. The reasons put forth for this have always centered on things that just didn’t make sense to me. The phenomenon has always struck me as a counter-measure, not a weapon or cartoonishly evil plan or somesuch.

5 years ago

How would those chemicals survive being put through a jet engine? I’m no expert, but it gets pretty hot in those engines.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

The problem with salts is that, like you say, they attract water. I could see this being a problem if you are concerned about water getting into your fuel lines or experiencing corrosion. There’s a reason they eliminated all corrosive salts from primers in ammunition when gas operated small arms became popular. You don’t want that residue to build up in your gas tube and other inaccessible parts.

All I see pouring salts into fuel for aircraft doing is really pissing off the aviation mechanics. They might use other additives though. The only way to really put this all to rest is to somehow obtain samples of fuel after it was loaded into aircraft and doing a chemical analysis. Anyone have any friends that work on a flightline?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’m skeptical. It is usually salts that are used to seed clouds. Unfortunately, salts like Silver Iodide and Calcium Chloride don’t dissolve in jet fuel, play havoc on fuel systems and jet engines, and the silver ones are expensive in useful amounts. To seed you’d have to have a separate system to inject the water stream into the exhaust, and that would be too easy to detect.

Sergei Siminov
Sergei Siminov
5 years ago

In Australia, I’ve never had issues when healthy, with blood residue being visible when blowing my nose with tissues.

Two days after arriving in North America for a three week holiday (& the entire duration of that holiday).
Then two days after arriving in North America a couple of years later for a week long holiday.
Blood was visible when I blew my nose with tissues.

A few days after returning to Australia on both occasions, the blood residue dissipated.
Plus, when leaving LAX on the second occasion, I could smell the smog in the air once stepping outside onto the L.A. streets.

Perhaps the above is simply due to higher levels of smog.
Perhaps the above is partially due to Chinese smog blowing over the Pacific.
Perhaps the above is due to other sources or a combination of all three.

Either way, those two holidays convinced me that American air is not anywhere near as clean as Australian air. Even though I live in a large Aus. city.

Reply to  Sergei Siminov
5 years ago

That’s certainly true. The air in the Chicago area is bad. I haven’t had any respiratory problems since moving over the border into Indiana, but everybody at work always seems to be hacking and coughing, even in summer. It’s amazing how many people have children who struggle with asthma. That was never heard of when I was a kid.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

The problem is there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for trails following plane exhaust. All the gas particles. These are like free radicals and it’s easy to see how they could attract water vapor and in turn attract more until you have a cloud. As Michael said if you’re the boss you don’t want this stuff all over. If you’re going to worry about stuff there’s lots more to worry about that is much more pressing.