K-selected Darwinism Produces Morality

Wonder why we think stealing is wrong? A few million years of this will do the trick:

The mob didn’t know at first what Roberto Bernal had done, but he was running and that was enough.

Dozens of men loitering on the sidewalk next to a supermarket kicked and punched the 42-year-old until he was bloodied and semi-conscious. After all, they had been robbed of cell phones, wallets and motorcycles over the years, and thought Bernal had a criminal’s face.

Then a stooped, white-haired man trailing behind told them he’d been mugged.

The mob went through Bernal’s pockets and handed a wad of bills to the old man: The equivalent of $5. They doused Bernal’s head and chest in gasoline and flicked a lighter. And they stood back as he burned alive.

“We wanted to teach this man a lesson,” said Eduardo Mijares, 29. “We’re tired of being robbed every time we go into the street, and the police do nothing.”

Liberals would be wise to consider that allowing freaks to sexually accost our naked daughters in locker rooms, and betraying their own countrymen by importing violent foreigners who rape and murder, are many orders of magnitude worse than stealing five dollars. If the economy ever collapses for real, I would not be surprised if in time it evolves into a pogrom targeting known rabbits. All that is keeping the moral and decent pacified at present is dopamine from the glut of resources. Take away those resources, and we will be Venezuela, while the rabbits will be the little human torches whose flailing amuses us. It could make the Holocaust look like a surprise birthday party for toddlers.

Obviously this is amygdala, creating a force driving the individual to care. But it is also interesting that there is something in the fabric of the mankind, which if men care will naturally cause a moral, caring man to emerge from the earth through natural selection. Only the interference of rabbits with the natural process of natural selection can thwart it, and even that will be at best a temporary respite from the cull.

I have to believe that it will be difficult to understand the mechanism by which the universe operates, without factoring in this natural rise of morality from the earth. I’m sure the Creator placed some line of code in the program which runs the universe specifically for that purpose, and thus any attempt to grasp that mechanism without accounting for that facet, will prove futile. It would be like trying to understand a recipe, while understanding nothing of flavor.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Kind of reminds me of Luke and the Death Star. From Darth Vader’s own body derived the one person willing to stand up, not bow down, and do the right thing.