K-selection Takes Hold In The Populace

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes:

A Kershaw County grand jury has refused to indict a Camden man charged with voluntary manslaughter for shooting and killing a 17-year-old who was apparently trying to siphon gasoline from the man’s pickup truck in the middle of the night in February.

Methe shot Spencer once in the back of the head from a distance of 37 yards as Spencer was fleeing down a street with an accomplice – apparently another youth – around 3 a.m. Feb. 13, Kershaw County Sheriff Jim Matthews said Friday…

The two youths left a gas can with a length of hose near Methe’s truck and had apparently planned to siphon gas from the truck when he came out of his house, causing them to run. Neither youth was believed to have been armed…

Methe had previously had his truck broken into and two guns were stolen, Matthews said. The sheriff’s department has arrested suspects for that crime, the sheriff said…

The neighborhood where the shooting took place has been hit with several vehicle break-ins as well as larcenies and burglaries in recent months, the sheriff’s office said.

“Law abiding citizens are frustrated with the failure of our criminal justice system that really does not deter crime,” Matthews said Feb. 13. “Situations like what occurred early this morning are more and more likely to be the result of that frustration. …”

Amygdala rising – and not bad shooting. Notice how no politician had to be elected, and no law drafted. This is purely the effect of the population’s shift toward K.

When your private safe areas are violated, valuable property like a firearm is stolen, and then you see the heroin addicts laughing at you as you drive around your neighborhood, it is easy to become awfully triggerable, as your amygdala enters a more permanent high gear for days or weeks on end. The truth is these kids weren’t about to contribute anything to society, so my own feeling is no harm no foul. I’d have voted no bill too.

As our amygdalae enter a higher gear, we will instinctually begin out-grouping, which is what I did above. It is a cognitive coping technique. Once someone is out-grouped, they are identified in the brain as a root cause of higher amygdala activation. Once that happens, they cease to be seen as human, and their killing will actually be seen as an event heralding a period of lower amygdala stimulation. Killing becomes something which elicits, if not pleasure, less stress. As a result, the brain will view it favorably.

As amygdalae light up, and this begins to happen along political lines, national lines, and lines of criminal and citizen, it will herald the return of the days gone by. On the bright side, back then cops shot robbers dead for not surrendering fast enough and were cheered for doing it. Citizens too, had a much freer hand to deal with the savages of the world. #blacklivesmatter wouldn’t arise back then because identifying yourself as a member would remove the thin veneer of humanity which kept you alive.

On the darker side, that Trump rally could have turned into a bloodbath, and all that would have determined who went to jail and who went home would have been which party was in power. You can judge the rising amygdala good or bad, and like or hate out-grouping, but it won’t change the reality. This is happening.

Already the return to K has visibly begun, and we are not even a hundredth of a percentage point into the apocalypse to come. Right now, money, resources, and dopamine are everywhere. They have bacon bomb explosion burgers, and ice cream cones made with doughnut cones.

Imagine what it will be like when Depression 2.0 gets fully underway, there is no food, death is everywhere, and the zombie hordes are on the rampage.

These are the things that epic periods of history are made of.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, In-grouping, K-stimuli, Out-grouping, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Gotham I mean New York will benefit quite nicely from concealed carry and Bernard Goetz imitators.

Too bad the same stimulus only leads to better policing which can easily be undone as it has been recently.

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

>Amygdala rising – and not bad shooting.

Not bad at all. Must have been a rifle, but even so ya gotta figure that kid was moving pretty good. In a straight line, mind, but up and down.

Course, it’s possible he was aiming for center of mass and got lucky.

8 years ago

Simply a matter of group.
Thinking is so simple in this simple minded country containing worshiped and protected groups.