Liberals Are Rabbits In The Movie Zootopia

Who would ever think leftists would use animated movies to brainwash children?

We trust certain brands though. Pixar is good. Disney Animation is another.

The latter has a new release out called Zootopia. The advertised premise is pretty straightforward and innocuous. Animals talk, walk on two legs, and cohabitate peacefully in a vast metropolis. Judy Hopps is the world’s first rabbit police officer…

The real story of the film is about a political plot to portray predator animals as inherently vicious and untrustworthy so that fear will keep a cabal of prey animals in power….

The moral of the story is that “anyone can be anything…” The film literally rejects biology, promoting the notion that how people identify should define how they are regarded in spite of what they actually are.

Amusingly, they see predator animals as harmless and misunderstood by prey animals. No analogous situations there, like trying to keep angry Muslims or criminal illegals from entering a country and killing people.

This is why r/K is so powerful. Even leftists see the similarity between themselves and rabbits. What eludes them is the ugly truth of their own inferiority. When r/K explains that, and ties it to the subconscious emotional truths they realize innately, it is rending. On the one side is their desperate psychological need to see themselves as superior, and deny any contravening information. On the other side, is their emotional perception of themselves as rabbits, and the credence that lends to r/K.

When r/K is finally known the world over, leftists everywhere will have great difficulty continuing on as they do presently. Combined with the effects of the Apocalypse, I see a much more conservative future in store for mankind.

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8 years ago

[…] Liberals Are Rabbits In The Movie Zootopia […]