Liberals Blame Conservatives For Leftist Violence

It is our fault for provoking them with our differing views:

A University of California, Berkeley task force is blaming conservative students for destructive protests on campus, saying that hosting conservative speakers was “likely to incite a violent reaction.”

The report was filed on April 10 by a Commission on Free Speech that Chancellor Carol Christ created last October to “analyze events featuring external speakers” on campus in the wake of a series of disruptive protests against planned appearances by speakers such as Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Ann Coulter.

“Although those speakers had every right to speak and were entitled to protection, they did not need to be on campus to exercise the right of free speech,” the commission declares, speculating that they were only invited “in order to advance a facile narrative that universities are not tolerant of conservative speech.”

This is what happens when you perform logic based on cognitive pain, rather than logic. Normally, one would begin with a conclusion that truth is paramount, and they would then perform logic based on rejecting falsity, to avoid the amygdala-triggering of being incorrect. Here Liberals begin with the conclusion that liberals cannot be wrong, and then search for a proof of that conclusion, to avoid the amygdala-triggering of contemplating their own possible culpability in immorality.

The funny thing is, this will feel logically “right” to them. When we see falsity, the amygdala-triggering probably feels the same to us, cognitively, as they feel on realizing they are wrong, and inferior morally. This cognitive quirk is how mass graves can be filled with hundreds of millions, and the leftists are sure every one of them deserved to die, morally. The alternative is the leftist is wrong, and that can’t be the case.

The only cure is increasing the amygdala in the environment to the point that the leftist amygdala becomes less reflexive to minor things like personal mistakes, and its triggering is less overwhelming. Then you can focus more on truth and logic, and less on knee-jerk emotional reflexes to any ego-impacting reality.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it triggers liberal amygdalae

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

It starts from the root with narcissism. For example, in a high security setting, where mistakes are common and a simple apology or admission of a mistake would fix things quickly- the narcissist never fesses up (because of ego defense). You see this alot with guys who run mid level organizations with a mission oriented foci. As soon as these guys get a little power they abuse it, and they can run big organizations right into the ground if somebody doesn’t stop them. Make no mistake- this is the Soviet commissar personality type and they are extremely destructive, and yes they fill mass graves with abandon- they are the managers of it on the ground. But what they hate the most, what destroys their world, is being deprived of their little bit of power, and being sat down in front of TV cameras and then being told… “You’re Fired”.

Cecil Henry
Cecil Henry
5 years ago

I predict it will soon be against the law to criticize or demand changes to the law.

AFter all, the law is the perfect will of the ‘people’, so any threat to the SJW agenda will be criminalized.

5 years ago

You could say “they were asking for it.”

5 years ago

“The bitch didn’t bring me my beer fast enough, so I had to teach her a lesson. If she’d just get her act together, I wouldn’t have to hit her.”