Lindsey Graham Admits His Wing Of The Party Has Collapsed

Lindsey sees the writing on the wall:

Sen. Lindsey Graham admitted on the same day he dropped out of the 2016 presidential race that the more moderate wing of the Republican Party is a thing of the past.

“What’s happened here is sort of my lane of the party has collapsed,” Graham said in an interview with CNN’s Kate Bolduan, when asked why he isn’t holding out until the South Carolina primary on February 20th.

“At the end of the day, I’m not going to be competitive in my state if I’m not competitive outside my state,” Graham said, noting that he was once a front-runner in the state. “South Carolina’s been incredibly good to me. I would be competitive in South Carolina, but I’ve got to show traction outside the state.”

Kind of stunning. He admits that he knows that what he stands for is intolerable to the members of the party, and yet, he and the others like him are still trying to dictate to the party how it should think and act, and demanding to be its leaders.

Why not just leave for the Democrats? Why insist on trying to weasel into control of a group of people who don’t like you or what you stand for? He has practically admitted that he and his type aren’t trying to lead Republicans, they are trying to conquer them for the liberals – and they are losing. These are rabbits, trying for easy wins, free resources, and power over others, all through social manipulation and underhanded treachery.

K-ification is happening. They say there is no inflation, but everything you buy is smaller, more cheaply made, and more expensive. People are feeling the economic squeeze. Add in immigration, upticks in crime, racial in-grouping and unrest, increased terrorist threat, a smoldering world about to burst into flame, and economic system obviously approaching calamity, and the insanity produced by rabbits who are themselves going insane, and the shift is well upon us. The destruction of the moderate GOP is just the beginning.

Next stop, Apocalypse.

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