More On r-selection And Pedophilia

Reagan taps the national debt, and pedophilia becomes normal:

An academic conference held at the University of Cambridge said that pedophilia interest is “natural and normal for males”, and that “at least a sizable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children, and normal males are aroused by children.”

The article should have continued:

All the researchers agreed that the best way to address such a situation is for all such men to be brutally murdered wherever they are found, so our noble species will not see its gene pool contaminated with such filth.

In the fifties, it would have said that.

It is not impossible that they are right, technically. In the fifties, children routinely played outside alone, and stories of abductions and sexual assaults were rare enough that parents never gave it a second thought.

When r-selection is normal, you are the abnormal one, and the rabbits have no idea that their abnormal state of degeneracy isn’t normal. The them, it makes perfect sense if many men find themselves aroused by the sight of six year old girls playing with puppies. Right now, acting on that is generally considered abnormal, but give the free resources 100 years, and these same academics would find that many men have at least one time when they can’t keep themselves from molesting a child, and that will be couched as normal and nothing to me ashamed of. Even worse, they would probably be right – and society might not be outraged. Then we would really be the weird ones.

I wonder what Reagan would have done if he had known that accessing the national debt and flooding it into the economy would, 35 years hence, produce a nation filled with degenerate pedophiles, cowardly appeasers, and hopeless communists – even in his own Republican party.

r/K is in its infancy now. Some day, I expect that a population strongly K-ified by shortage will vow never again, and they will use a knowledge of r/K to structure a government designed to actively provoke K in the citizenry through only rewarding those who strive, imbuing children with the warrior spirit through aggressive indoctrination and rewarding aggressive competitiveness, and expelling any who oppose such a mechanism.

It will be a glorious civilization, if it can last the endless stream of copious wealth it will produce.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Well, if by pedophilia they also are referring to ephebophilia, they may not be entirely wrong, and past marriage practices of almost every civilization on earth (including ours until a few generations ago) would tend to support that.

To be slightly pedantic without actually disagreeing with anything you said.

8 years ago

The article comes off as more parody than real. It does mention a few salient points though. Wikipedia claims that wealthy girls reached menarche around 12, an average of two years sooner than commoners. This fits the r/K prediction of more resources leading to increased promiscuity, as does the article’s point about the age of first period going down in developed countries. That might be related to frankly ugly displays like Toddlers in Tiaras and parents otherwise trying to “show off” their children. But there seems to be a wide variability of age of first marriage in history. This page at least claims to rebut the idea that 12 year olds were routinely married to 40 year olds:

Secondly, our culture has a weird notion of “childhood” that extends far beyond the age of 18 in some cases. For example, in obamacare people up to 26 can be on their parent’s insurance. Alcohol isn’t allowed until 21, but military service is at 18. And 16 year olds can drive in some places with special permits. Given this tendency, I initially thought when the article mentioned “sex with children” they meant 15-17 year-olds, but it quickly dispels any such notions. Horrifying.

8 years ago

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