More Swedish Madness – Migrant Luxury Cruiseliner

Just when you thought you had seen it all:

Sweden is already borrowing 10,000,000 kroner per hour to finance Muslim immigration. Muslim migrants will cost Sweden 14 Times their National Defense Budget. Who is going to defend the Swedes from the invaders?

Willis Ãberg, head of housing issues at the Swedish Migration Board, boasted that the organisation was ‘thinking outside the box’. ‘… having a theatre sounds really nice. Those who are going to stay at the ship will probably have to do that for quite a bit of time while their applications are being processed. So they need every encouragement they can get.’

Does anyone think that putting Muslim migrants on a luxury liner to live will give them an unrealistic idea of what to expect from their host country?

Thousands of migrants are being given rooms aboard a luxury ocean liner which comes complete with a theatre and swimming pool because Sweden can no longer cope with the numbers arriving at its borders every week, it has been revealed.

Sweden’s Migration Board is renting the Ocean Gala – once the world’s largest cruise liner where holidaymakers pay £2,500 for a two-week break – for at least the next year at the eye-watering cost of £65,000 a day.

When the giant cruise ship is full it will provide bed and board for 1,790 migrants – about the number arriving in the country every single day at the height of the crisis. A spokesman said: ‘Having a theatre sounds really nice. Those who are going to stay at the ship will probably have to do that for quite a bit of time while their applications are being processed. So they need every encouragement they can get.’

This is how you encourage r-strategists to seek citizenship in your country. It is no coincidence that it is r-strategists in government who are promulgating all of this. Sweden has enjoyed conditions of r-selection for some time, the leadership has enjoyed even more, and as a result they have been thoroughly rabbitized. Every facet of their cognition, from how they see the world, to how they plan, to what they seek to gather around them – it is all borne of a brain programming designed for free resource availability. It expects it, it sees it (even when it is not there), and it acts as if r-selection will always be operative. You can see that clearly in cases like this, where planning so completely diverges from reality.

These are a different form of human, designed for a completely different world than that which approaches. Indeed, their brain lacks the circuitry to even imagine this. Mention it, and they would dismiss you out of hand as a nutjob.

When the collapse comes, it will be a doozy.

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, Muslims, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

I’d like to point out that this is not actual reality and that nothing has been decided yet. (That’s the kind of thing which one finds out by reading the source article)

8 years ago

I recently heard that Denmark has just cut refugee benefits in half and made getting residency much more difficult. As someone who has read about the often rocky relationships between the two countries, I think Denmark has an excellent strategy for wiping out Sweden by letting them do it to themselves.

8 years ago

I sincerely hope that the plan is to have a curfew, get them all on the ship, and then just quietly slip out of port one morning at about 4 am, steaming for Turkey.

On the other hand, if that doesn’t happen, there are plenty of old men still in Sweden who remember exactly how to scuttle a ship in the harbor.