Muslim Dry Run With Fake Briefcase Bomb Get’s Victim Status

Betwen their being so many morons and victim status being ever easier to attain, the whole country just looks like a giant sea of fail.

His clock, a busy gadget of circuits and wires without either a conventional clock face or a digital display, looked more like a bomb than like a clock. Irving police said that Ahmed carried his homemade clock to school in a briefcase; once there, he plugged it in during English class, and it began making noise.

If he took it in to school to show it to an engineering teacher, why did he plug it in during English class? What kind of clock makes noise, other than ticking?

The principal, the school resource officer, and police questioned him, according to WFAA:

“[O]fficers said Ahmed was being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with.

Irving police officer James McLellan remarked:

“We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school.

Why this reticence? Why didn’t Ahmed tell McLellan what he so readily told the international media: that he loved building things and had brought the clock to school to show to an engineering teacher?

If my son was in an English class, and the teacher watched a Muslim kid named Akbar Mohammed walk in with a metal-armored briefcase that had a circuit board, wires, batteries, and other crap but no clock face or hands, and he pressed some buttons giddily, at which point the thing began to sound like it was charging a capacitor and then beeping the accelerated warning beeps that precede a detonation, I would expect the school to take that seriously. After September 11th, we don’t take chances. If you don’t understand that, get the fuck out of the country. Wait – come back – we need to beat the fuck out of you before you go.

If the kid is then uncooperative with Law Enforcement’s inquiry, away he goes.

The broader issues is the victim status, which is a pet peeve of mine. America is a competitive country. Come here, and you enter the competition. In competition, there are no victims – only winners and losers. Competing, losing, and then claiming victim status is inherently un-American, and a sign of such wimpy-ness and patheity that you should be stripped of citizenship and deported, just for being a whining asshole.

Did the founders claim victim status, when the King jacked up taxes? Nope, they threw all his Tea in the Harbor, and then launched a revolution. When one was caught and about to be hung, he didn’t give a fuck, and told them his only regret was he couldn’t do it all over again.

They were Americans and they had balls. They helped themselves. They didn’t hold a press conference and whine about how unfair life was, hoping for some shoulder to cry on. Today, every time I see someone claiming victim status, I just want to scream, “You aren’t a victim – you’re a loser – and un-American! Go to some other country filled with whiners. You’re polluting our gene pool with Fail.” Just like I find myself frequently wanting to say, “It isn’t privilege, it is called being a winner, and if you were smart, you’d listen to winners more often than losers.”

All of this will go away in the collapse. Until then, we document the farce for posterity.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

This. Is. One. Of. Your. Best. Yet! My husband was commenting this very thing about this case. He said, “what about ‘If you see something, say something?'” A Muslim kid -or any kid -brings something that looks like a bomb to school…what do people expect?

Keep up the good work, AC.

8 years ago

It cannot happen soon enough.

8 years ago

[…] Muslim Dry Run With Fake Briefcase Bomb Get's Victim Status – […]

8 years ago

The student’s dad is a muslim activist with an axe to grind. This contrived incident is all he needs to paint reasonable precautions as racism: