Muslim Refugees Already Expelling Non-Muslims

To paraphrase Ben Stein on Al Gore, “As one would say of a child, they do not play well with others.”

Syrian Christian refugees living in Sweden say they were forced out of their asylum house by Muslim refugees who demanded they hide their crosses and banned them from using communal areas in the home they shared.

“They dared not stay. The atmosphere became too intimidating. And they got no help,” said a Swedish government migration agency rep responsible for the center they were staying in to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. “They chose themselves to organize [a] new address and moved away without our participation because they felt a discomfort.”

The Christians, comprised of two families, were seeking asylum after fleeing from the Islamic State in Syria. And the place they were staying at housed around 80 people with many being Syrian Muslims.

While Swedish police said they weren’t notified about the harassment, immigration officials visited the residence to outline the government’s rules for those who continue to live in asylum housing.

It is too late. These Muslims have learned that the Swedes are sissies, and they can do what they want.

Then there is this, which doesn’t help morale:

Bund plans forced rentals of vacant homes to refugees

Federal and state governments are planning new law on compulsory letting vacant homes to refugees. The Regulation is primarily aimed at unused commercial properties. It is not excluded that even condos and homes covered by the proposed law.

According to research of the ARD Berlin Studios federal and state governments are planning the introduction of Acceleration Act that forced temporary rentals will enable vacant properties to provide accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers.

As is apparent from a position paper of the federal-state working group that reports from the ARD studio, the law is primarily aimed at unused commercial properties. It is not excluded that even condos and homes covered by the proposed law.

Even the government is getting in on expelling the locals to make way for the invaders.

It won’t be long before the Muslims find that the rabbitized European populations around them will retreat when they act out. I’d divest myself of any stock in convenience stores with Muslim populations around them, because I expect it won’t be long before they just take what they want, and dare the locals to stand up to them. After all, the locals are rich non-believers and they are poor, devout Muslims. All of that ignores what will happen to European Jews, who seem blind to the danger building.

They aren’t brave, or even capable. These are the cowards who fled their homes with nothing before ISIS. But they are bullies, if they think they can get away with it. For now, they most certainly can.

The exhilaration that comes from being angry, and venting it by hurting bad people who have made you angry is indescribable. It is a very primal pleasure, and doing it with friends against pure evil would be even more pleasurable. Presently sating that urge is out of reach most of us, so the urge is kept out of sight and out of mind through willful blindness.

I sometimes think back to the Israeli serial killer who got used to executing Arabs in some war or another as a soldier. Years later, long after the war ended, they had tourists turning up shot execution style out in the desert. I could never get near that bad, but I do understand how if you added a lot of misery and pointlessness to a lack of empathy, and an experience vanquishing enemies, it could happen. The eagerness for the fix is undeniable. The exhilaration of waking up to another day where that is your reality can turn a slow, groggy wakeup into an exhilarated, instantly-full-consciousness and a eager jump out of bed.

But all of that requires the angst to reach a critical level, to shift the balance of the r/K equation. The angst is building now, in large part due to the fact that people are suppressing their natural desires, and not doing what they know needs to be done. It will build to the threshold of violence, but once violence is performed, the relief it offers will cause the threshold for future violence to drop. That overshoot effect will produce a pogrom, where once people begin inflicting violence, they will suddenly find they are way beyond where it would just be kind-of justified. It will feel way past due.

I don’t expect it to be that bad, or last long. The last time Muslims invaded Europe they were invaders seeking battle, not flee-ers running from the scary men who frightened them. Those are two very different psychologies.

These migrants already fled one threat to their being, and I’ll bet a good European K-strategist, fighting for their homeland, will be much more lethal than some 130lb ISIS meat-stick with a 50 IQ fighting for Allah and his virgins. When the Euro-warriors decide to expel their invaders, it will happen fast, and I’d expect the refugees will go on the move again, and head en masse for some Muslim nation like Egypt or Libya. Nobody wants to face an army of Breviks, backed by a population so fed up they cheer them on.

What remains to be seen is how a K-strategist army, angered to violence, will deal with rising to battle, reaching the breaking point, and then suddenly finding that the enemy they wanted to kill has vanished. It would not surprise me to see them look around for another enemy who they feel has betrayed them to vent their rage upon, and get their fix of retribution.

Police may be finding many rabbit bodies out in the woods – or those bodies may never be found.

Either way, I would not want to be a known rabbit at that particular moment in time.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

I couldn’t find Brevik. I saw a town in Norway, but couldn’t find anything on an “army of Breviks.” Spell check took me to Breivik, Anders Behring. <<<That makes sense. Feel free to delete this if I am in error.

Your work has had quite an impact on me Anonymous Conservative. Thank you.