National Guardsman Who Stole APC Tweeted He Discovered A Huge Illegal Spy Ring

First rule of discovering a huge illegal spy ring is don’t tweet about discovering a huge illegal spy ring:

wow i think i just discovered a large illegal spy operation in the us government

11:17 PM – 4 Jun 2018

Even better was this response:

There is a huge intelligence operation that is largely supported by the private sector, and the best part is most of us agree to it in our terms of service. The rest is data warehousing and analysis through various statistical and “intelligent” algorithms etc.. Mass manipulation

I told you Burn Notice was practically a documentary, and the guy who wrote it had been on the inside. Management is real. But because nobody would believe the truth, Burn Notice made it seem much smaller than it is, and wrote it as the product of one guy who went rogue a few years ago. The reality is it may have been founded a century or two – or more – back, by a secret overseas Cabal of the ultra-wealthy and connected, and it has been spending all of that time penetrating every area of government which could possibly pose a threat, and amassing a network so large and spread out it is beyond belief.

I am conflicted on this guy’s plan, if he was in trouble because of finding something he wasn’t supposed to see. If he was about to be nabbed on the base and disappeared into some hole, and had no choice, stealing an APC and driving around for a few hours to get the news programs focused on him, and the helicopters out, so he would be arrested in front of the entire nation on live TV might have been the best of some very bad options. It would explain his driving around at 40 miles an hour, before just stopping in town and surrendering.

Then again, once you are behind bars, they are in the prisons, and getting your food contaminated or getting you knifed becomes exponentially easier.

Tough call, and tougher still to have to make the call under the pressure of sky high amygdala driving you to act in some way, any way, as fast as possible. High amygdala is all hell to try and perform relevance weighing under.

For now, just be aware that as a post tomorrow will highlight, those in the real positions of power may not be operating by the same rules you were taught. Being patriotic can easily be exactly the behavior that will get you killed, if the power positions in your nation are ruled by traitors.

Don’t assume anything you know is true. In these times, none of us know anything for certain.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because there are no rules about r/K Theory

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

Management? more like Mismanagement. They screwed up the last 25 years, royally. If someone from the inside were to take out the other parts of the Cabal and seize control- he could control the entire system. Just think about what he could be missing out on by not doing that.

a reader
a reader
5 years ago

From the Burn Notice DVD features, the creator of the show said he had a friend who did corporate intelligence work. When they hung out, the friend would tell him stories about work, often in the second person. “So, if you’re stuck in the trunk of a car, this is the first thing you should do…” He found all the advice, very irrelevant to the life of a screenwriter, funny, and that was the inspiration for the Burn Notice voice-overs. (That’s what the creator said, anyhow.)