Netanyahu Was Almost Assasinated

Close call:

Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency, said Tuesday that in recent weeks it thwarted a plot to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A resident of a Palestinian refugee camp in east Jerusalem is among those in custody for his involvement in the plot, orchestrated from Syria, to harm Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, the Shin Bet said.

Good job Cabal. You just pissed off possibly the only Prime Minister more personally lethal than Vladimir Putin, with top notch Spec Ops forces at his disposal, and in charge of a nation with a long history of leaving dead bodies scattered throughout Europe.

Netanyahu has chosen his side in the war on the Cabal, and clearly it is not without risk. Already we heard that Security Cabinet meetings are being held in an underground bunker:

The Israeli security cabinet has started to hold its meetings in an underground bunker in Jerusalem, amid heightened tensions with Iran.

The decision, made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was reportedly motivated by a desire to avoid any possible security leaks, particularly as officials reportedly move to formulate policy and decide Israel’s red lines with regard to Iran and Syria.

The Security Cabinet first used the facility, known as the “National Management Centre”, in 2011 to rehearse a national crisis scenario. It was carved out beneath the government complex in Jerusalem and includes living quarters as well as command facilities.

Since then, two meetings of the 11-member forum have already been held there, with a third scheduled for later today, according to Army Radio.

Seems more likely they were doing it to prevent a decapitation strike.

I suspect the decision point was when Cabal tried to get Netanyahu to ship Israel’s African migrants to Europe, rather than ship them back to Africa. Initially he agreed, probably based on promises of protection from Cabal. But then he inexplicably relented, and refused the deal.

Again, Q describes a global shadow war going on behind the scenes, and everywhere we look, there is evidence which makes the most sense in the context of such a war. Something is afoot, and it appears we will learn all about it very soon. I can’t wait to get the full story.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because happenings are all around us these days

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5 years ago

You are sounding much like all the other neocon warmongering shills in this post AC.

Iran has been regime-changed so many times by the Brit/Yank/Zionist nexus over the years, yet you seem happy to believe this time it’s different. Fool me once…..

Can you not see the game afoot? Every nation must come into the fold, and that’s why Trump is taking out the last few of Bush Jr’s ‘axis of evil’ nations, by various means. They’ve done Libya and Iran, and Syria and the Norks are ongoing projects, the only one left is Iran.

Q must chuckle at the number of people buying and promoting his narrative.

Not me.

5 years ago

Just handling African migrants is insane. They’re loaded with diseases and Israel gets nothing out of turning Europe into Africa, except a lot of blame and WWIII, of course. The new way forward for all nations is to mind their own business and discourage all international migration.

5 years ago

AC – Could it be the 180 degree opposite – Netanyahu is actually one of the last of the Cabal leaders, and he is trying not to be removed by those trying to destroy Cabal. Your comments would still fit, just turned around.

5 years ago

The body count of the Cabal itself might start to find itself ratcheted up–with identification of those liquidated by the Mossad most likely made public under false circumstances, but realized to those of us reading between the lines.

That identification will help quite a bit in removing those remaining Cabal elements.

Yes, as a historian, I can’t wait to read the full story someday, too. All the education I had in the 1970s and 1980s about the Second World War was discovered incomplete once the Enigma code-breaking secret was declassified in the 1990s. This story feels the same, but much larger.

5 years ago

This is an interesting development, indeed.

Israel sending the Africans back instead of on to Europe was unexpected, since that’s seemingly what the EUtopians wanted.

But, by doing this, regardless of who wanted it done, would only encourage more people to see Israel as a transit point, which means more and more African Invad-a-grants.

Italy could shut off the invad-a-grant flow by noisily sinking a few of the boats and then stringing up their Western facilitators as pirates on state TV. Frankly, given today’s technology they could simply stage doing so to the same result.

5 years ago

Pity they did not succeed.