New Trend – Sanctuary Counties For Gun Owners

The Republic strikes back:

Several rural Illinois counties have taken a stand for gun rights by co-opting a word that conservatives associate with a liberal policy to skirt the law: sanctuary.

At least five counties recently passed resolutions declaring themselves sanctuary counties for gun owners — a reference to so-called sanctuary cities such as Chicago that don’t cooperate with aspects of federal immigration enforcement.

The resolutions are meant to put the Democratic-controlled Legislature on notice that if it passes a host of gun bills, including new age restrictions for certain weapons, a bump stock ban and size limit for gun magazines, the counties might bar their employees from enforcing the new laws.

While I do not like that we need to establish sanctuaries for constitutionality, I do like the idea that K-strategists are telling liberals that they are powerless to stop us from exercising our rights, and we are using leftist methods against them. As long as they are doing it, they should go full NFA and include machinegun manufacture, silencer, and Short Barrel Rifle /Short Barrel Shotgun ownership in the sanctuary.

Spread r/K Theory because we need a sanctuary for freedom and patriotism these days

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5 years ago

“should go full NFA” I imagine that has occurred to numerous shooters. Roll it all back!!

5 years ago

I disagree, vis a vis going full NFA. It’s one thing to thumb your noses at a state, and another to piss off a Federal law enforcement agency. In the cases where a smaller entity has defied the Feds, the issue they were defying over has been either popularly supported (Co, WA on Marijuana, SF on Immigration), or relatively evenly divided (AZ’s Sheriff Joe on Immigration and Crime). There’s no large constituency for Machine Guns or Short Barrel rifles/AOW. Silencers might become a popular cause, but we’d get there better by stealth than defiance.

Second, we need to pick our targets wisely. A city/county targeting a state makes sense. The state’s leaders need the votes (or need to not inspire too many of you to vote against them). In most of America, the urban areas a blue, and the out areas red. The election winning strategy is to get your voters out, and get your opponent’s voters to sit at home.

5 years ago

From the article: “If you pass it we might not pay attention to it.” (2018)

From Andrew Jackson: “Judge John Marshall has made a decision, now let him enforce it.” (1832)

Who makes the rules decide who rules.

Cecil Henry
Cecil Henry
5 years ago

Awesome. Now we need sanctuary counties from ‘diversity’.