News Breifs – 04/20/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


One third of random participants on the street, in Massachusetts study, tested positive for antibodies linked to coronavirus. It was people on the street, so maybe it would have been different if you tested the effective shut-ins who have really socially isolated. But 30% is almost half way to herd immunity, and infections are moving faster now than they were a month ago.

The Trudeau government is funding research project that’s partnering with Chinese lab where COVID-19 may have started.

MTA workers dying from coronavirus at triple the rate of agencies that employ NYC first responders. They have to shut down the trains and the busses.

Northern China sees spread of virus as province punishes 18 officials for failing to contain outbreak.

Novel coronavirus may affect young males’ fertility. More indicators this may be the case. No idea if it is significant that a virus ravaging left wing areas may leave the males there unable to father children, but I found it interesting.

Sweden says controversial Covid-19 strategy is proving effective; schools, gyms, cafes, bars and restaurants still open throughout the pandemic. They say they are now plateauing, but last I heard they were at five times the death rate of their locked down neighbors. Still, if their full course is one fifth as long, the five times higher death rate might even out. But I wouldn’t bet on that, given I also heard they are rationing care, and writing off the elderly and those younger with pre-existing conditions.

Global Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates From Center For Evidence Based Medicine argues that the lethality of Covid19 (IFR) is between 0.1% and 0.36%.

Overall U.S. death rate is at a multi-year low.

President Trump says the Coronavirus exposed the dangers of supply chains dependent on China.

Vox Media, owner of sites including Vox, The Verge and New York magazine, is furloughing about 9% of its employees for three months after the coronavirus pandemic decimated its revenue sources.

Donald Trump bashes China’s minuscule ‘official’ coronavirus death toll – and says the Communist nation is ‘way ahead of the US’ in fatalities as he warns Beijing will ‘face consequences’ for cover-up.

Israel, US law-firms sue China for trillions over coronavirus.

Germany sends China £130billion bill for ‘coronavirus damages’ – sparks fury in Beijing.

States are taking massive economic hits from the Coronavirus shutdowns, and may have to lay off large numbers of workers. Smaller government by force.

SC Gov. McMaster to lift coronavirus restrictions on some retail stores.

New York marinas, boatyards open again, with social distancing.

Protesters gather at Arizona State Capitol, call for reopening of economy.

Another study says TrumpPills are effective.

Cuomo praises Trump’s response to the Wuhan Coronavirus, saying it was a ‘phenomenal accomplishment.’

I was thinking about the Coronavirus, and one trait of coronaviruses is they transmit poorly in the heat. Most actually die off in the summer. Obviously this one does not, but I can’t help but wonder if it takes a hit, and if that hit may be enough to reduce the dose of viruses people are exposed to when they are infected, and if that will reduce the severity of the  course of the disease in each individual, again turning the infectious process into something more akin to a vaccination process. It will be interesting to see if the case fatality rate diminishes in the summer, and this becomes much more like a simple cold that doesn’t send people to the ICU except in rare cases.

Piers Morgan says Trump is ‘failing the American people’ on ‘almost every level’ with his coronavirus response. Pretty fascinating to watch. Trump is doing fantastic. If you had an axe to grind with him over some personal clash, you would still have to think he is nailing everything, even as he is betrayed and let down by everything from CDC, to WHO, to incompetent Governors, to the Democrats in Congress. But if you were a friend, you would never come out and say this even if he wasn’t nailing it. So here you have a “friend” coming out and saying he is failing, even as Trump is killing it. When I see this, I see Q saying they are about to mobilize all of their sleepers, and you will see former diehard Trump supporters suddenly come out and turn on him. And of course Piers comes from Britain, which is known the world over for the Jimmy Saville pedophile networks which run the media industry over there. Think Piers has any history, which if used as a threat can make him do anything? I’d love to know how they signaled him to change tack. Very few, if any of these public figures  you see on TV worked hard and fought their way up the ladder, and attained success. You do not get a soapbox unless the machine is certain you are not going to say the wrong thing. It is weird, because they all know, but until a few years back I had no idea.

Mayor Bill de Blasio blasted President Trump in a highly personal attack on Sunday — accusing him of abandoning the Big Apple and leaving it to “drop dead” without more federal funding. His fucking wife is sitting on a pile of $1.2 billion of New York City money that she personally dispensed with sans any receipts, or even any measurable benefit to the City. Just his wife, and last I heard she was still bringing through more. How much do you think he has funneled away to other Cabal corruption and kickbacks? And he just demands federal funding, which they will undoubtedly disappear just like the last batch of cash they got their hands on.

A 51-year-old man went on a shooting rampage across the northern part of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia Sunday, killing at least 10 people, including a policewoman.

Schumer says he’s focused on his job when asked about possible Ocasio-Cortez primary challenge. I still have a sneaking suspicion she may secretly be one of ours. If she is, she is approaching Trump-level political mastery.

California Mayor who compared Trump supporters to KKK members, and then had to step down, dies in a plane crash. My best guess on this one was he resigned, and as a result, Cabal did not have a lock on that office. It would be very much like McMaster getting ousted by Trump, and all of a sudden his father is killed by a worker at the nursing home where he resided. Here, this guy resigned, at the very moment Q said Cabal is pulling everyone off the bench and throwing them into the one last battle for their survival. Him getting his ticket punched was a message to all other Cabal operatives – you do not, under any circumstances, abandon your position of power or you will be killed.

One interesting moment in this press conference, was when Trump was talking about swabs, and he made a comment that they have shipped out however many million swabs, but some states have lost track of where they left the shipments, but they are working that out. It was reminiscent of him commenting that some of the PPE he was shipping to New York hospitals was going in the front door, and heading right back out the back doors.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s always interesting with this President

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

33 A’s at the end of the SARS-CoV2 RNA code. Not natural. They signed their work.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Then this came from a lab—and to hear Dr. Fauci tell it—-or any of the MSM say it. There is a lot of evil out there.

Thanks for posting.

4 years ago

The “We Are Here With You” posts on 8kun QResearch ( provide a LOT of food for thought…:

#8687588 at 2020-04-05 00:51:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11123: Dig Meme Pray Edition

We Are Here With You
GOOG QUERY “we are here”
GOOG QUERY “we are here with”
GOOG QUERY “we are here with you”
It geolocates you.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).
Fear not.

#8708754 at 2020-04-07 03:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11150: Freddy has coronavirus (allegedly) Edition

We Are Here With You.
Would it surprise you if GOOG QUERY “ham sandwhich” returned a map centered on your location?
Would it surprise you if GOOG QUERY “We Are Here With You” returned a map centered on your location?
[ ]
GOOG QUERY “We Are Here With”
Active since 4/4.
[ ] = killbox
[ ] = look here
] [ = activated
] [ = [ ]
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).
Fear Not.

#8719125 at 2020-04-08 05:09:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11164: Inside HRC’s Head Edition
>>8708754 (pb)

We Are Here With You.
What are the odds that the phrase “We Are Here With You” begins to appear on televisions starting on 4/4 and also commences status as a GOOG ‘easter egg’ on 4/4?
“Getting the ‘We are here with you’ on my screen right now as we speak”
“If so… did you see ‘We are here with you’ in one of the upper corners?”
“Hmmm. ‘We are here with you’ just appeared on my television. Strange.”
[Many more]
Does it surprise you that GOOG QUERY “We Are Here With You” returns a map centered on your location?
Blue dot over (You).
Hypothesis: machine learning input poisoning by activists is triggering the QUERY to return a map centered on your location.
Active since 4/4.
[3+] days.
How long did it take GOOG operations to “fix” COVFEFE?
Less than [3+] days?
Hypothesis: the word “Here” is triggering the QUERY to return a map centered on your location.
Who has the power and authority to maintain this state of affairs for [3+] days?
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

#8732140 at 2020-04-09 09:01:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #11181 the BIGGER the PILL the Harder the SHILL Edition

We Are Here With You.
For (Your) struggle is not against [flesh and blood], but
against the [RULERS],
against the [AUTHORITIES],
against the [POWERS] of this dark world and
against the [SPIRITUAL FORCES] of evil
How many times has Q posted Ephesians 6:12?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are not [flesh and blood]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are [RULERS]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are [AUTHORITIES]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are [POWERS]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are [SPIRITUAL FORCES] of evil?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) true enemies are in the [HEAVENLY REALMS]?
Do (You) truly grasp what it means to have non-corporeal enemies?
If (Your) enemies are non-corporeal, how can (You) fight [them]?
If (You) do not know what [SPIRITUAL FORCES] are, how can (You) fight [them]?
If (You) do not know what [RULERS] are, how can (You) fight [them]?
Translations assist.
For (we) wrestle not against [flesh and blood], but
against [POWERS],
against the [RULERS] of the darkness of this world,
against [spiritual wickedness] in [high places].
Aramaic to English/DIRECT:
(Your) hand-to-hand combat is not with [human beings], but with the highest
[AUTHORITIES] operating in rebellion under the [HEAVENLY REALMS].�
For they are a powerful class of
[EVIL SPIRITS] that hold this dark world in bondage.
Who benefits from the fact that Aramaic to English/DIRECT translation is less known?
Invisible Enemy.
[Are viruses invisible?]
[Are the bloodline families invisible?]
Are [DEMON-GODS] invisible?
Hidden Enemy.
The Silent War continues..
“Good versus evil” vision of the world.
We are FIGHTING a deeply entrenched enemy.
We are learning much about the Invisible Enemy.
It is tough and smart, but we are tougher and smarter.
[Are viruses tough?]
[Are viruses smart?]
Are [DEMON-GODS] tough and smart?
The world will soon understand.
Active since 4/4.
[ ] = killbox
[ ] = look here
] [ = activated
] [ = [���� ]1
] [ = [���� ]2
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).
Fear Not.

Anonymous 04/10/20 (Fri) 23:14:4634a3fc No.8754365
>>8732317 (pb)
>>8732877 (pb)
>>8733087 (pb)
We Are Here With You.
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
Has POTUS made the following statements in recent days?
“We’re fighting this invisible enemy that is genius.”
“The Invisible Enemy will soon be in full retreat!”
“A monster put a spell on 184 countries.”
“We are learning much about the Invisible Enemy.
It is tough and smart, but we are tougher and smarter.”
“This whatever they want to call it.
You call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus.
You know, you can call it many different names.
I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is.”
Did ]MT[/’prophetic voice’ make the following statement about POTUS?
“This man is brilliant: whenever he speaks, there is always more than one message for more than one audience.”
Who is the enemy?
Who is the enemy really?
Don’t think of a single person.
Think of a powerful entity.
Did you think ‘spirit cooking’ was just pretend?
Do NONCORPOR entities also feed?
It’s a name recognized around the world.
How many times has Q posted the Armor Of God verses?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are not [flesh and blood] (only)?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are [RULERS]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are [AUTHORITIES]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are [POWERS]?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are [SPIRITUAL FORCES] of evil?
How many times has Q posted that (Your) master enemies are in the [HEAVENLY REALMS]?
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.
Sound like the type to post TREACLE?
Sound like the type to post TREACLE ×[10+]?
What is an order of battle?
An important tool used by MI to analyze enemy capacity for combat?
Have anons instituted the staff procedure of maintaining accurate information about the composition of your enemy’s order of battle?
Partial/CORPOR/flesh and blood (only) or COMPLETE OOB?
Does this OOB also map out the hierarchical organization, command structure, strength, disposition of personnel and equipment of units and formations of the [NONCORPOR] armed forces of your master enemy?
Do anons truly grasp what it means to have [NONCORPOR] enemies?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
Big picture is rare.
The wormhole goes deep.
Through the looking glass.
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.
Why is this relevant?
What is military intelligence really?
Fight NONCORPOR master enemy with flesh and blood (only)?
This all has meaning – everything stated.
Does stating ‘Q’ refer that person works in DOE?
Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?
What information has the highest level of security in ALL governments?
What does the word ‘occult’ mean?
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked.
We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.
The world will soon understand.
If you look you can see.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Anonymous 04/12/20 (Sun) 02:40:19f1bb4d No.8767289
We Are Here With You.
What is a Holy War?
Would you know if you were in one?
Did Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis make the following declaration to ]GGW[ after surrender at the Siege of Yorktown?
“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
Does that sound like an idle threat?
Has the Republic been subject to a clandestine Holy War since its birth?
How are Holy Wars waged?
Flesh and blood (only)?
Good v. Evil.
Paint the picture.
Who is helping POTUS?
Did ]MT[/’prophetic voice’ receive the following prophetic word?
“I will use my President to shut this gate and seal it shut.
lt must be shut.
Then I will use him and my army to root out evil structures that are still there, to the point that the government will begin to call on my army.
They will [prophetically locate] these structures so they may be dismantled before any evil can take place.”
2 Corinthians 12:2-3 Aramaic to English/DIRECT:
“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.
Whether it was [in the body] or [out of the body] I do not know – God knows.”
Ezekiel 8:3 KJV:
“And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and [brought me in the visions of God] …”
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
What is more powerful than A.I.?
Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
Wizards & Warlocks.
Nice view up here.
Everything has meaning.
Your President needs your help.
Everything stated is for a reason.
Roadmap of big picture is here.
The silent ones.
What is an otevan?
If you look you can see.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Anonymous 04/13/20 (Mon) 02:27:3316c638 No.8776289
>>8767289 (pb)
>>8767545 (pb)
>>8767582 (pb)
>>8768129 (pb)
>>8768212 (pb)
We Are Here With You.
POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
That part is easy, the hard part is WHY?
Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.
What is the relationship of Moloch to Satan?
In your tounge there is a word for a person who betrays his nation.
Do you have a word for a bloodline who betrays their species?
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
What is a spell?
How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
How does POTUS shift narrative?
(New) Age of Enlightenment.
Your President needs your help.
If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Ask yourself a very simple question.
Should Private Johnny T. Anon USAC be trained in MEMEWAR?
Should Private Johnny T. Anon USAC be trained in PSYWAR?
Should Private Johnny T. Anon USAC be trained in SPIWAR?
Are you in a Holy War?
Would you know if you were in one?
How many times has Q posted the Armor Of God verses?
Aramaic to English/DIRECT:
(Your) hand-to-hand combat is not with [human beings], but with the highest
[AUTHORITIES] operating in rebellion under the
For they are a powerful class of
[EVIL SPIRITS] that hold this dark world in bondage.
Who benefits from the fact that Aramaic to English/DIRECT translation is less known?
Invisible Enemy.
[Are viruses invisible?]
[Are the bloodline families invisible?]
Are [DEMON-GODS] invisible?
Should Private Johnny T. Anon USAC be trained in SPIWAR?
Good will always defeat evil.
If you look you can see.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Anonymous 04/13/20 (Mon) 21:18:23578c3d No.8783795
>>8776289 (pb)
>>8773546 (pb)
>>8772822 (pb)
>>8773043 (pb)
>>8774394 (pb)
>>8774646 (pb)
>>8774176 (pb)
We Are Here With You.
[ ] = killbox.
Re: Invisible Enemy OOB, do you think [CORPOR] dominates [NONCORPOR]?
Re: Army of God OOB, do you think ]NONCORPOR[ dominates ]CORPOR[?
Somebody said to me today that wasn’t in this particular world – they didn’t know that we had that many countries.
Free will.
Logical thinking.
Did ]KC[/’prophetic voice’ download the following prophetic word re: POTUS?
“‘It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name.’
But God said, ‘When he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit, for I shall fill him with my Spirit when he goes into office, and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.'”
Why was it strategically necessary for POTUS to go in whispering?
Peanut [Farmer] allergies.
“Baby Christian”?
There are other forces at work in this world, Private Johnny T. Anon USAC, besides the will of evil.
Wonder what a [ritual] could do.
Wonder what a ]prayer meeting[ could do.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars vs. USMIL?
[Wizards] vs. ]Wizards[?
]DEMON-GODS] vs. ] [?
Who would win?
Which player has the dominant strategy?
Finite strategy vs. Infinite strategy?
Playing to win/STATIS vs. Playing to flower/GROW?
When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.
Phased-array [remote viewing] sensor grids of MONARCH/godhelpus surgical [SOUL FRACTURED] children.
Think River Tams.
Who is X?
Intent River Tams.
What is X’s intent?
Ever tried to [remote view] the WH?
You Better Lay Your Ears Back And Hop Like She Is Clouding Up To Rain Frogs.
Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.
Find peace.
God is with us.
Read the BIBLE.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Anonymous 04/15/20 (Wed) 23:11:50fedda9 No.8809005
>>8783795 (pb)
>>8777522 (pb)
>>8777731 (pb)
>>8779743 (pb)
>>8790261 (pb)
>>8797937 (pb)
>>8779775 (pb)
>>8804923 (pb)
We Are Here With You.
Why are we here?
You are in the middle of something historic.
Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies?
No subsidies = ?
Clown contribution in exchange for access code?
Where do Clowns get the [tech] to exchange for access code?
Are Clown scientists that much better than all other human scientists?
From [whom] do Clowns get the [tech] to exchange for access code?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.
Why relevant?
Amazon Echo?
Google Home?
Clown contributions?
Apple Face ID Tech?
FB Face ID Tech?
Catching on?
Soros takes orders from P.
Bloodlines selecting for psychopathy?
Or bloodlines selecting for [hosting] psychopathy?
Down With The Lizards.
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
Still don’t believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 coming.
Those in the know never sleep.
But your eyes are privileged, for they see.
Delighted are your ears, for they are open to hear all these things.
You have more than you know.
Think magic.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from spiritual power.
Princeton/noosphere/Global Consciousness Project.
“Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones.
But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured.
We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance.”
Wonder what a [ritual] could do.
Wonder what a ]prayer meeting[ could do.
Wonder how the power scales.
1=2, 2=4, 3=8, …
Think of the World Awakening.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars vs. USMIL?
[Witches] vs. ]Men Of God[?
[Wizards] vs. ]Wizards[?
[DEMON-GODS] vs. ] [?
E = Integral evil(x) dx vs. 2^(12 x 1000 x 12)?
Solve for E.
Be the autists we know you are.
Please pray tonight.
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
Light will defeat darkness.
Imagine if we weren’t here.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Anonymous 04/18/20 (Sat) 23:24:42fff827 No.8846396>>8846519 >>8846550 >>8846673 >>8846674 >>8846802 >>8846827 >>8846830 >>8846844 >>8846883 >>8846904 >>8846914 >>8846917 >>8846980
File (hide): ca795fc467ed99b⋯.jpg (831.11 KB, 2108×1943, 2108:1943, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

>>8809005 (pb)
>>8807216 (pb)
>>8806551 (pb)
>>8806622 (pb)
>>8806498 (pb)
>>8806583 (pb)
>>8806500 (pb)
>>8806441 (pb)
>>8806322 (pb)
>>8810034 (pb)
>>8810272 (pb)
We Are Here With You.
What is a Targeted Individual?
An Individual With Potential.
Do peoples around the world still practice the tradition of keeping prayer vigil over newborns?
Do they believe that the Invisible Enemy sends reconnaissance teams every night to make census of new souls?
Do certain children then begin to have “accidents”, snake bites, seizures, etc.?
Are peer-children and adults near the targeted child opportunistically ‘possesed’ in order to torment and traumatize the child?
KILL confidence.
STEAL energy.
DESTROY willpower.
Threat neutralized.
Do some peoples around the world still know how to decode the “accidents” as an indicator that the child could with training pose a unique threat to the Invisible Enemy and therefore invest in the spiritual protection and nurturing of that child?
Why does the Invisible Enemy concentrate fire on certain individuals?
Because of what would happen to his plans should those individuals learn how to Pray In The Spirit?
How many times has Q posted the Armor Of God verses?
Aramaic to English/DIRECT Ephesians 6:18:
“Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times.
Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.”
Sounds like a weapon.
Sounds like a ]weapon[.
Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Satan?
Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Heaven?
What happens when you learn how to tune into frequency/Heaven reliably?
SQUELCH chatter.
BOOST still-small-voice.
Correlation between Q posts asking for anon corps prayer and Q posts in which operators active?
What happens when waves of the same phase and frequency interact?
What is prayer cover?
Who can maneuver more effectively under prayer cover?
Is the combined arms approach how the U.S. Marine Corps executes maneuver warfare?
What is a territorial spirit?
A thing of the past, or active today?
Could the combined arms approach allow ]CORPOR[ and ]NONCORPOR[ elements of the Army Of God order of battle to achieve rapid, flexible, and opportunistic maneuvers?
Perhaps bring about a “change of administration” flag raising ceremony over a territory?
You have more friends than you can imagine..
Should Johnny T. Anon USAC be combat proficient in Praying In The Spirit?
[rituals] vs. ]prayer meetings[?
[Wizards] vs. ]Wizards[?
Men Who Stare At Goats vs. Men Who Pray In The Spirit?
The last will be magical.
Eyes in the SKY.
Learn to play the game.
This is not a game.
1. We are with you.
2. Imagine if we weren’t here.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

That is some dumb Q larping.
Many various sentences with “here” in them trigger a map. It’s not exactly crazy.
What is silly is writing 5 pages worth of text on the meaning and implications of it in a wannabe “law like prose.
But, worth looking out for nonetheless. I’ll certainly be looking for that phrase now..

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

It doesn’t geo-locate to my location. The location is a CEMETARY. What the hell? Is anyone else getting this result?

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

This morning on my laptop I was getting a different area in my city, but now on my phone It locates my postal code.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

This is awesome, especially for a Targeted Individual. Thank you for consolidating all this!

4 years ago

RE: Piers Morgan

It became pretty obvious to me that the guy is connected and only has a show because of that when I watched him lose control of his show to first Alex Jones, and then lose the audience to Jesse Ventura – the only two times I’ve ever watched him. Alex was understandable, Jesse showed that he just did not have the chops. And yet, there he is still on TV because that’s what happens to ticket takers.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

>Alex Jones
Another literal zionist gatekeeping shill.
That fatso literally had the gaul to say that China created the FED and that China controls Hollywood and the MSM…


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Opps forgot this picture. Apologies. The one on the left is a pic from that video of the original Alex Jones I told you about. I don’ have a link to it but if you look at the whole thing no way that someone could change their look that much in a few months. Today’s Alex Jones is yesterdays Bill Hicks.

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Alex Jones is NOT the real Alex Jones. There used to be a clip of the real Alex Jones on his radio show in Arkansas talking. It’s not the Alex Jones they have now. There was also a video of a comedian called Bill Hicks who supposedly died before the new Alex Jones popped up. You can look at old Bill Hicks routines., especially when he rants. it’s the new Alex Jones for sure. I used to have links to all this stuff but they’re gone now.

I do believe the new Alex Jones was a jaded person who jumped on an opportunity(Jewish wife) but as time went on he actually started to give out some valuable information. He was slowly coming more and more clean about what was going on until…Sandy hook. At that point his handlers jerked the leash. He was getting to close and he had to back off. When he didn’t back off enough he was monetarily hurt. I think if he was not so compromised he would be on our side and does let out a few good tidbits. He can cover this by telling his minders he has to have some good info or he will not have any listeners. I’ve even seen a video clip of him saying,”There’s a Jewish mafia at the heart of the NWO”. He knows but his past lies means he can’t openly support us.

Before you completely write off Alex Jones listen to this.”..Israel had fingerprints all over 9-11…”

He’s compromised but he is bravely doing what he can. Saying what he said above is life threatening and he knows it. It’s very brave. All those that criticize him I say it’s better that he have a platform and do what he can that blow himself up with purity spirals. The disinfo he puts out he really ramps up to stupidity so it’s reasonably easy to tell when he’s blowing smoke.

4 years ago

> AC doesn’t have all the answers, neither do you or I. It’s a mass of confusion on purpose. There are hoards of people paid to make this so.


> There’s not enough solid information about corona to reach any sort of conclusion at all.

Sure there is. All you have to do is use your brain and actually read and process the information rather than superficially skimming it as you have been taught to do. Let’s look at today’s news brief:

#1 reports that 30% of people on the street in Massachusetts test positive for corona virus and have absolutely no symptoms. This suggests that either the virus has a long incubation period, that it’s harmless, or that it doesn’t exist at all. Since Fox conveniently gives me the wrong explanation – keep social distancing, peons – I can reduce the possibilities to the latter two.

#3 MTA workers die from triple the rate of others. It turns out 41 MTA workers have died over the past two weeks vs 11 FD/Police workers and both are about the same size of 71,000. Multiplying by 26 gives us us a yearly death rate of 1.5%. Is this distinguishable from normal? If we assume the average MTA driver is 45 years old, about .4% of them should die every year. Probably there is some sort of small signal here, but without a control group there is no way to determine whether this is caused by the virus or by the placebo of massive stress that everyone is under. “Fortunately” NY Daily News tells us how to think: we should all panic because ‘it’s clear the virus is killing everywhere’. Like Costanza, I do opposite and conclude that I should not panic.

#2, #4, #5, and #6 are clear examples of that mass confusion. #2 is about some poor Canadian sap with a Chinese name who does toxicology research, not virology. #4 is about the inner workings of the Chinese bureaucracy. #5 is practically incoherent. #6 states that Sweden “had reported 1,540 deaths tied to Covid-19, an increase of 29 from Saturday. That’s considerably more than in the rest of Scandinavia, but much less than in Italy, Spain and the U.K., both in absolute and relative terms”. But because the ‘deaths tied to COVID’ is a direct function of the amount of testing done, the article does not give us enough information to draw any real conclusions. What we can easily see is the underlying propaganda frame: ‘you need to care about the details of what Canada, Sweden, and China are doing about the Corona Virus’. Naturally I take the opposite position: everything must be an irrelevant distraction.

I am stopping here (it took me 40 minutes to write all that and organize it) because I want some breakfast! It should already be easy to see that if this is an intelligence operation, the desired outcome is everyone panicking over the corona virus. If we apply a little Sun Tzu, then the obvious question to ask is ‘what is this distraction intended to accomplish’?

You are welcome to disagree with my conclusions. I certainly don’t pretend to be correct all the time, and I welcome correction. The point that I am trying to make is that superficially reading a bunch of headlines is the worst possible strategy to break out of this mass hypnosis. As soon as you start THINKING rather than READING you will realize that you are NOT HELPLESS.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…30% of people on the street in Massachusetts test positive for corona virus and have absolutely no symptoms. This suggests that either the virus has a long incubation period, that it’s harmless, or that it doesn’t exist at all…”

It may “suggest” that but that’s only one interpretation. I said, I think yesterday that it looked to me like this test is bullshit or that it picks up RNA viruses that are relatively common but cause up no immediate disability. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if humans were packed with viruses as we get older but no one has recognized it yet. It might even be that is part of aging. It’s certainly that viruses have been found to have ramifications for getting cancer. I believe a far better reason for high percentages is that there’s a real shit load of viruses that trigger the test or false positives in the test because there are people dying. The Chinese, no matter how diabolical they tell us they are, didn’t close down whole cities and destroy their economy for no reason at all. If they did this for some sort of super-mental “defeat the Americans” op then they are idiots and we certainly don’t need to worry about them taking over the world any time soon. This has ruined their business with mass movement of business out of the country. Also high lighted the peril of moving production to China that will have long term bad consequences for them. It’s a disaster.

The simplest solution is that the test are bogus. I would be fairly confident that a lot of fairly healthy, and a lot of not so healthy people, are dying unnecessarily due to some sort of virus. And from what I have read it appears likely that some sort of bio-engineering is involved. At least portions of the virus look extremely odd for what they telling us is the reason it came about.

I still say if you add up all the pluses and minuses for all the people that could have done corona the Jews come out on top in motive, opportunity and the are the people who benefit most. Of course could just be Chinese stupidity but belaying that very strongly is the popping up of the same virus almost simultaneously in Iran. This is a huge red flag. It’s stupendously hard to explain how Iranians at the top of the government have this immediately. A huge smoking gun. Maybe the Chinese just goofed but you also have to account for the psy-ops going on attacking the Chinese. The Jews have a certain way of going about this and it seems to be full force on the Chinese because of corona. How easy it would be for the Jews to unleash corona into China. Hell one of their agents helped set up the virus research center. This should tell you something you should never forget. Never ever let the Jews into or control any part of your society or business because they will surely stab you in the back every damn time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent states tainted test kits in early February that were themselves seeded with the virus, federal officials have confirmed…”

Ding, Ding, Ding!


LembradorDos6Trilliões (4000-32-3)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (4000-32-3)
4 years ago

>”California Mayor who compared Trump supporters to KKK members, and then had to step down, dies in a plane crash. My best guess on this one was he resigned, and as a result, Cabal did not have a lock on that office. It would be very much like McMaster getting ousted by Trump, and all of a sudden his father is killed by a worker at the nursing home where he resided. Here, this guy resigned, at the very moment Q said Cabal is pulling everyone off the bench and throwing them into the one last battle for their survival. Him getting his ticket punched was a message to all other Cabal operatives – you do not, under any circumstances, abandon your position of power or you will be killed.”

That’s why I think Juden Peterstein was thrown into the grinder by the cabal too, he failed at his gatekeeping gig, so he paid the price, as a warning to all other gatekeeping shills on the cabal payroll. Their doctrine seems to be: “Succeed at your mission, or be destroyed.”

4 years ago

>Laura Loomer

She is a zionist gatekeeping shill who is also a wannabe con-woman (remember the flat-tire fiasco? I do), another neo-con Israel first traitor that will be just another enemy to be taken down if she gets into Congress.

4 years ago

What information has the highest level of security in ALL governments?
What does the word ‘occult’ mean?

I don’t know what the information is, but I know that the SAP is “MAJIC”. I suspect that blaming MAJIC on the aaaaaaays is disinformation and a distraction.

4 years ago

Still don’t believe you are SHEEP to them?

The thing about sheep is that when you attack them, you incur the wrath of their shepherd.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Thank you for posting that
Jews are a subset of Israelites. Israelites are a subset of Hebrews. Not all Hebrews are Israelite, and not all Israelites are Jews. There were 12 tribes, Judah was only one. Nearly all of the remaining tribes were scattered (many to Europe). Many “Jews” are only partially Jewish (even less Israelite) and many of that tribe married into Canaanite lines in ancient times (Shelah), and were prideful and willfully disobedient of Torah, this is why Jesus Christ warns about them so much in the New Testament. Just look at how the Pharisees treated other Jews, and how Rabbinical Jews treated Karaites in the middle ages and how Samaritans are treated in Israel to this day. Judea-Canaan would be a more apt name for Israel today.
4 years ago

I am convinced this site is operated by a hysterical gay guy who is posing as a “conservative” simply because of a military sexual fetish. To uncritically forward every sensational headline involving Coronavirus and entertainers is quite astonishing. No wonder he writes as “anonymous”. Hey anonymous- show your face so we can see who we’re dealing with. Or do a YouTube with you speaking.

Reply to
4 years ago

Your concern is noted.

Collect your shekels on the way out.

Reply to
4 years ago


That’s rich, coming from someone who’s name says DO ME Rear End.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to
4 years ago

You’re totally wrong. He’s one of those blond haired blue eyed Aryan aliens, whose skin is secretly blue colored, from Beta Reticula. In former times he was dressed as a fish and came up from the sea. He has multiple handbags.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (Death to Xi "the Pooh" Jinping ; liberate Hong Kong and China)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (Death to Xi "the Pooh" Jinping ; liberate Hong Kong and China)
Reply to
4 years ago

Tianamen Square massacare of 1989 was a dumb move by the Chink government. Why would you massacare thousands of your own citizens? Retarded. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote Paper Tiger


Top kek. I forgot that one.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.

4 years ago

“Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Satan?
Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Heaven?
What happens when you learn how to tune into frequency/Heaven reliably?
SQUELCH chatter.
BOOST still-small-voice.”

Just throwing up thoughts: this made me think of the 440 hertz vs. 432 hertz question. I have often wondered why the Cabal of the 1920s and 1930s insisted that everything be broadcast and recorded at 440 hz.

Article example:

4 years ago

Hmm….. if we’re going down this particular road ….

“Think magic.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from spiritual power.
Princeton/noosphere/Global Consciousness Project.
“Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones.
But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured.
We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance.”

This brought to mind Full Metal Alchemist; not sure which series or books; gist is that magic and blood sacrifice are needed to create Philosopher stones. Thus, a cabal wanting a big and powerful stone maneuver towns and cities into war. The battlefield/city is pre-prepped with trenches that will fill with the blood of the dead, creating the blood-filled magic symbol… etc.

So, we must all be brainwashed to believe in the Chinese flu fear and panic because some great magic is at work; so that the numbers will be subtly structured? 9/11 was a great magic? What was its purpose?

Our failure to believe is wrecking the magic? The beatings will continue until morale improves?

4 years ago

Another thought:

“Fight NONCORPOR master enemy with flesh and blood (only)?
This all has meaning – everything stated.
Does stating ‘Q’ refer that person works in DOE?
Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?
What information has the highest level of security in ALL governments?
What does the word ‘occult’ mean?”

So, DOE is not the Department that deals with oil and gas and stuff, but rather Dept of Noncorporeal Energy?

Queue Up 4 yer chip kids
Queue Up 4 yer chip kids
4 years ago

“In 2017, Leiber and his team successfully created flexible 3D nanowires mesh that can inject into the brain or retina of an animal, attach itself to the neurons and monitor electrical signals between the cells.”

What about immune cells? Hemoglobin? What else can nanowires attach to? Can they input signals from 5G, acting as an “Internet of Things” inside your body? Can nanowires disrupt heme oxidation? Accelerate it? Can they disable T cells? Disable cell surface antigen detection?

So many questions.

“But because newly designed electrodes can carry inputs as well as outputs, the day when bioelectronics will not just monitor animal behavior, but also control it, is not far off. These advances are beginning to dissolve the boundary between living organisms and the outside world.”

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), also written as micro-electro-mechanical systems (or microelectronic and microelectromechanical systems) and the related micromechatronics and microsystems constitute the technology of microscopic devices, particularly those with moving parts. They merge at the nanoscale into nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and nanotechnology.

(Don’t worry, totally safe to implant nanoMEMS.)

MIMO and 5G:

A Massive MIMO network will also be more responsive to devices transmitting in higher frequency bands, which will improve coverage. In particular, this will have considerable benefits for obtaining a strong signal indoors (though 5G’s higher frequencies will have their own issues in this regard).

(That’s good, right? Strong signal good.)

The greater number of antennas in a Massive MIMO network will also make it far more resistant to interference and intentional jamming than current systems that only utilise a handful of antennas.

It should be noted, too, that Massive MIMO networks will utilise beamforming technology, enabling the targeted use of spectrum. Current mobile networks are rather dumb in the way they apportion a single pool of spectrum between all users in the vicinity, which results in a performance bottleneck in densely populated area. With Massive MIMO and beamforming such a process is handled far more smartly and efficiently, so data speeds and latency will be far more uniform across the network.

While standard MIMO principles are already in use across multiple Wi-Fi and 4G standards, Massive MIMO will really come into play once 5G arrives. Indeed, it’s widely expected that Massive MIMO will be a key enabler and foundational component of 5G.

(Sounds awesome! How else to control simultaneously 5.5 billion mobile users around the world, and wiring them into an internalized Internet of nanoThings? Just be careful with the Wrongthink, or we’ll disable your heme oxidation systems, or maybe just take over your brain functions.)

Reply to  Queue Up 4 yer chip kids
4 years ago

Interesting, thanks!

4 years ago

This is interesting. And short; three minutes or so — there is a section in the middle of a bunch of ads using the “we are here for you” line.

I am curious who put this together? This took time !!! These are a LOT of commercials strung together. Who has the resources to record and edit this?

Here’s the youtuber’s statement…. note the last line: “It’s not a conspiracy….” (so, of course, it must be).

Statement– “Corporate Covid-19 response videos are eerily similar. *Cue somber piano music*

When a company or brand releases a Coronavirus Response ad, they might tell you that we’re living in “uncertain times”, but that “we’re here for you”. They may say their top priority is “people” and “families” by bringing their services to the “comfort and safety of your home”. And don’t forget: “we’re all in this together!” #together

What’s the deal? In reality, many companies have found themselves short on cash, almost overnight. They needed to get a message out – and quick. They asked their teams to throw something together. Since they can’t film a new ad because of social distancing, they compiled old stock b-roll footage and found the most inoffensive royalty-free piano track they could find. This, combined with a decade of marketing trends dictated by focus groups and design-by-committee, released a tsunami of derivative, cliche ads all within a week of one another. It’s not a conspiracy – but perhaps a sign that it’s time for something new.”

4 years ago

Report: Kim Jong Un in Worsening Condition After Undergoing Cardiovascular Procedure