News Brief – 04/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Alex Jones has testified under oath that he has signed non-disclosures relating to other information about the Las Vegas attacks being a Saudi-related operation tied to the civil war going on in the Saudi government. I almost get the impression Jones’s non-disclosure may be one he could have signed when joining as a CIA agent/asset, which gave him access to intelligence. Why would any other source ask him to sign an NDA, unless he was acting as an official government agent? Interesting. Begins at 17:38:

It shows how, if they control Jones (which is presumably the deal to get access to intelligence which he and they codified in the NDA), they control even the more-seemingly-marginalized/more-realistic/less-lying outlets people go to, which act as gatekeepers to the dialog for anyone new attempting to be heard. It also points to the incredible scoops Jones gives out as the bland shit they give us to distract us from the more dangerous things which would really blow our minds.

One of Russia’s richest women killed in a plane crash in Germany.

House Democrats will fight with Barr to see secret Grand Jury evidence which Mueller gathered but which wasn’t added to his report and didn’t produce charges.

MI-6 officer found with Child porn had all his charges dropped without trial.

Biden says he never knowingly acted inappropriately.

Hungary says ISIS terrorist it caught was in possession of one of 64,000 EU debit cards issued to migrants. He claimed he had been recruited by and was working for the Greek Security services. The Secret Society growing its numbers and replacing us?

NBC News found evidence Julie Swetnick’s allegations were a bogus attempt to smear and destroy a sitting Supreme Court Justice, and they didn’t report it because they felt it was not “Newsworthy.”

New Zealand Police begin showing up cataloging, and in some cases seizing weapons. Tarrant did a great job putting Cabal on the run, and strengthening the position of the citizenry heading into the Storm. Don’t think for a moment he wasn’t a Cabal operation.

Amherst college issues 40 pages of politically correct speech codes to faculty and students. Created by the office of diversity and inclusion.

Flashback – the Army was supposed to be shipping out killed Anthrax spores, but instead accidently shipped out live spores – for over a decade. So, back in 2001, was the plan to mail killed anthrax to various news organizations and politicians and then look for spores in post offices and newsrooms, to clock how such spores would spread in a real attack, but the people doing the mailing didn’t realize the dead spores they were supposed to be shipping were in reality live because the supplier screwed up?

Bill Binney says the Carter Page FISA warrant was just a gateway to spy on the entire Trump Campaign. The spying is beyond belief but people are getting desensitized to the words sadly. What needs to be pointed out at the right moment is that the real problem is intelligence from spying is designed to be operationalized, which means we had a level of elites/Cabal using professional spooks in the intelligence agencies they corrupted to take the product of the spying and run CIA-type operations using it, which were all designed to make our electoral process into a shadow dictatorship where we only had the illusion of elections.

Kamala has a legitimate Natural Born Citizen problem.

The raid on the North Korean Embassy in Spain was led by a Mexican National with a Korean sounding name, according to Al Jazeera. Lots of possibilities. It could even have been made to look like the US government did it to get blackmail on Kim for the summit, to throw it off track.

91 year old Swede convicted of hate speech for writing criticisms of Muslims.

FBI says to assume you are being filmed every where you go in the French Quarter. Which means Mardi Gras is filmed, and all those flashing girls are recorded in perpetuity. Think that might pop up if they run for office one day?

NY Times says we could save lives if we could get laws mandating smaller bullets. There should be a law that any security protecting our elites is bound by all firearms laws governing the civilian populace. That is if Tom, Dick, and Harry can’t carry in a spot, neither can Chuck Schumer’s security, or Bill Gate’s, or any other elite’s. Same for mag bans, and any other laws. For that matter eliminate their security, and make them responsible for their own security the way we are responsible for our own.

Hundreds of child sex dolls seized at Britain’s border in crackdown.

Another rapper shot dead.

Maduro announces a plan to ration electricity. Typical socialist. Don’t fix the fucking grid already. Just try to spread out the pain evenly.

Residents flee the socialism of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Democrats are trying to get automatic voter registration in New York, so everyone is registered, and they would need to opt out. And they are trying to give illegals driver’s licenses. Do the math.

Italian teen girl murdered by Nigerian migrant drug dealer was likely dismembered alive, according to trial.

Three previously deported Hondurans running a Salt Lake City drug ring.

Pope tells Moroccan Catholics not to try to convert anyone.

Journalist gets a message which reads as if it is from a crazy, but was the message the important part, and the crazy was just added in as the plausible deniability, so if it was revealed it wouldn’t have Cabal’s return address on it?:

This amazes me, because it would appear with this there is no way Avenatti could have been working for Trump. Which means he must be the single most incompetent lawyer/political operative in history. I think he did more to get Kavanaugh confirmed with Julie Swetnick’s allegations than everything else everyone else did for Brett. It was the entire reason I thought he had to be a covert Trump operative:

Loser Jeb tries to say the steel tariffs, which are building domestic steel production capability for national security and preventing the steel our military needs from being compromised, should be discarded:

There is a new documentary about Bannon, going behind the scenes with him in the runup to the 2018 election. Called “The Brink.”

New Zealand gangs say they will not give up their guns. Offers cover to legitimate gun owners.

Trey Gowdy said Schiff leaks so much that CIA and other intel agencies may decide to stop sharing information with him, making his work as chair of the Intelligence Committee impossible.

Trump administration may sanction Russia for meddling in Venezuela.

Eight members of an online UK pedophile ring are exposed, and promptly are suicided. Sort of like Sun Tzu’s winning without fighting. Expose the pedophiles and Cabal will clean them up all on their own to protect themselves.

Judge ruled DOJ had to hand over Comey’s memos by today.

Feinstein fumes as Trump moves ahead on Ninth Circuit nominee without even consulting her.

Don Jr calls the mainstream media a blight on our republic.

Mulvaney says something dramatic will have to happen for Trump to not shut the border down.

Rudy tells Judge Jeanine that within six months, we will see the criminal evidence against the high-ranking DOJ officials who tried to take out the Trump campaign with our intelligence agencies.

Italy passes Salvini-backed home-defense bill.

Trump says he is saving Amy Barret for Ginsberg’s seat.

Kelly Anne tells Fox viewer to type in “Creepy Uncle Joe Videos” into google. I love her, but I wish we could have kept Uncle Joe for comedic effect during the primaries. I don’t know why, but a public hair-sniffing fetish has a special kind of creepy that is really comedy gold.

Banksy depict Parliament as chimps just in time for Brexit Day.

95% of plastic in oceans comes from third world countries.

Spread r/K Theory, because not every day is a big news day.

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5 years ago

“Tarrant did a great job putting Cabal on the run, and strengthening the position of the citizenry heading into the Storm. Don’t think for a moment he wasn’t a Cabal operation.”

Why would a Cabal operation strengthen the citizenry and put Cabal on the run?

5 years ago

==The Jewish Origins of Islam==

In his groundbreaking book, Le messie et son prophète: Aux origines de l’Islam, Edouard-Marie Gallez lifts the veil and lets us see the historical roots of Islam. He shows it originating in a vast movement of messianic Jews called “Ebionites” or “Nazareens.” These non-rabbinical Jews accepted Jesus as the messiah, but not as the divine Logos. Gallez shows how the scrolls and fragments found in the Qumram caves by the Dead Sea and in the vicinity of Massada illuminate the ideology behind this movement of Jews, who were eager and willing to follow the messiah into holy war, believing they would thereby save the world. Unlike rabbinical Jews, who looked to the past, these men looked forward to an earthly utopia that would come only after mass exterminations. Like the later Muslims, they believed that the messiah had not died on the Cross but had been taken up alive into heaven and was ready, whenever the conditions were right (i.e., when Palestine was no longer in the hands of the impious and the Temple had been rebuilt), to return to the Mount of Olives and lead them to the subjugation of the entire world. The Nazareens, like the Muslims, forbade pork and wine
The first tome of this magisterial work of about a thousand pages deals with the Essenes, the Qumram documents, and the Jewish Messianic movement from its rise in the 2nd-century B.C. to its culmination in 7th-century Islam. The second tome is devoted in large part to the birth of Islam, the attempt to erase the Nazareen legacy, and the traces of it that remain in the Qur’an, which started as a compilation of Nazareen lectionaries (“qery’n,” to which the Arab word qur’an corresponds). These lectionaries were initially given to the Arab Qorechites to indoctrinate them into the messianic ideology and engage them in the conquest of Palestine.

More on the link.

Image of article: – for ease of sharing

5 years ago


5 years ago

NY Times says we could save lives if we could get laws mandating smaller bullets. There should be a law that any security protecting our elites is bound by all firearms laws governing the civilian populace. That is if Tom, Dick, and Harry can’t carry in a spot, neither can Chuck Schumer’s security, or Bill Gate’s, or any other elite’s. Same for mag bans, and any other laws. For that matter eliminate their security, and make them responsible for their own security the way we are responsible for our own.

They aren’t even honest on that. They claim to want smaller calibers, but also complain about 5.56 NATO being “high powered” and call FN FiveSe7en pistols “armor piercing cop killers.” Both of those rounds are equivalent to .22 LR in caliber.

5 years ago

What were the circumstances for the Alex Jones deposition? If it was done in connection with a civil lawsuit, videotaped depositions are typically kept in strict confidence pursuant to a Protective Order. Only when they become a part of the public record, for example when submitted as evidence to support (or oppose) a motion before the court, are they publicly accessible. And even then it would most likely be submitted under seal.

Seems odd it would be surfacing.

Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

It’s sworn testimony and is public unless sealed. In the civil cases I’ve worked on, we routinely get depo transcripts of other cases that experts witnesses testified in. They aren’t protected (although expert testimony often is because they deal with confidential info like financial data.)

In this case, I didn’t see any reason to seal it, and judges are very much AGAINST routinely sealing things now (“open court means OPEN court” I’ve heard multiple times). So, he gave it, it was under oath, there was no reason to seal it, it’s out to anyone who wants to pay the videographer for a copy.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

My experience has been just the opposite in that all discovery is at least initially treated as confidential by a Protective Order (signed by the Judge). The confidential nature may later be lifted by the Judge, or agreement between the parties, but that is usually done on motion or by stipulation. This is a discovery deposition, not actual trial testimony. Jones is the named Defendant, and is not acting as an expert. And while it was presumably taken before a court reporter who administered Jones an oath, the deposition itself was not in “open court.” There is no judge contemporaneously ruling on any objections, and discovery depositions are notorious for trampling on the Rules of Evidence. Unless it was submitted to the Court as evidence to support (or oppose) a motion, or to impeach the witness, the Court generally never sees discovery depositions. Discovery itself is between the parties and not filed with the Court. In that regard, in my experience most discovery is kept confidential. It may come out later during an actual trial, or SJ motion(s), none of which appears to have happened yet.

Looking into this a bit further, there is a webpage set up by what appears to be the law firm representing several Plaintiffs for select parents of children at Sandy Hook. To wit:

For years, Alex Jones and InfoWars have shocked the world with malicious false statements about national tragedies, including the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Now, Farrar & Ball attorneys are helping the victims of those false statements fight back.

This webpage provides public information on the four defamation lawsuits filed against Mr. Jones and InfoWars by Farrar & Ball. Two of the lawsuits seek to hold Mr. Jones accountable for his vile assertions that the Sandy Hook parents were lying about what happened to their children, as well as his claims that these parents conspired with the media to fake news coverage. The third lawsuit was filed on behalf of a 24-year-old man who was wrongly accused of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

In the interest of public transparency, Farrar & Ball is providing open access to all legal pleadings filed in these cases.

In short… this is all one big Lawfare propaganda campaign. The depositions are being put out by the attorneys for Plaintiffs. IMO, Jones is not being represented very well if these discovery depositions are being allowed public dissemination prior to trial. Their mere disclosure is prejudicial at this point. However, given the tone of the above, cited directly from the Plaintiff’s attorneys, it is clear that these are not lawsuits they intend to win “in court” but instead to be “tried” by the public.

When it comes to defamation, there is one thing most people do not understand about such suits. Generally speaking, there are three things that Plaintiff must prove: (1) A knowingly false statement being made, (2) Publication of said false statement (either written or verbally), and (3) Damages resulting directly from said publication of said knowingly false statement. This case, like so many others (ask Jesse Ventura), is most likely dead in the water because of the third point. For the sake of arguments, let’s say that Jones did knowingly lie about Sandy Hook, and publicly communicated said known lies on his radio/YouTube show. What are the damages here? Remember, it’s the parents who are suing him. In order to prevail, they need to show that they’ve been damaged, AND a causal connection of those damages to Jones’ alleged defamation. Just because their feelings were hurt is not enough to win a defamation suit. Further, given that Jones is at least somewhat connected to news reporting, he’s got a strong defense in the First Amendment.

IMO, these lawsuits were filed for no other reason than to try to embarrass and discredit Jones. Which, to followers of this blog, should indicate that maybe Jones was on to something.

Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

This one is in Texas District Court (state court.) TRCP 76a makes all this open unless Jones can make a specific showing that he needs it sealed. I’ve seen people routinely try to seal everything, and judges in Texas routinely dismiss the motions. The higher profile the case, the more likely the judge is to dismiss it, because the Supreme Court has been pretty clear that there is a Public Interest test that has to be weighed against the narrow exceptions (which are mainly financial and trade secret exceptions, with a few privacy things geared toward identity theft) and they say nasty things when they reverse judges on this — and state judges are elected in Texas.

Texas trial attorneys are usually pretty good about not asking questions that implicate the exceptions, because judges get annoyed when they have to deal with cases that have sealed and unsealed parts. (If the whole case is sealed they don’t care much, like the trade secret cases I work. It’s about the pain in the ass of their staff having to keep two sets, double checking the online postings, clawback complications, and having to seal and unseal the courtroom.)

(3) Damages resulting directly from said publication of said knowingly false statement. This case, like so many others (ask Jesse Ventura), is most likely dead in the water because of the third point.

I worked on a case once where a (very ancillary and therefore not deeply researched) issue was some remarks made by a radio personality party defendant on his show during trial (God knows why his lawyers let him) and we looked into the issue on that. One of the problems is that the credibility of the defendant gets weighed into the damages, in a psuedo-materiality way. They might actually be shooting themselves in the foot. (It dovetails nicely with the hyperbole defense, too.)

FWIW, in our case, we decided not to send a demand letter, but to ask the judge to issue a narrow, for-the-duration-of-trial gag order. We didn’t expect the judge to grant it (he didn’t) but it put the judge on notice, and the judge made it clear that he was not happy, and that if there was any indication that a juror became aware of his remarks, he would grant a mistrial and assess court costs and our in-trial atty fees to him. (His show wasn’t on the air in the city our trial was in.)

So that’s sort of an insight into how state judges think in Texas. They put a lot of weight into the purported ethics of the attorneys in the case — until they suddenly don’t and come down like a ton of bricks.

IMO, these lawsuits were filed for no other reason than to try to embarrass and discredit Jones.

Agreed. These guys are WAY into the gray area ethics wise on how they are publishing things with the slick website they have up holding documents. I guarantee that this judge has a bad taste in his mouth about how they are trying it in public, which suggests they either think they have a home run, or they don’t think their changes at trial are good. (I’m 100% a trial guy, so I don’t think much about settlement, and I doubt AJ does either.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

I meant to say psuedo-reliance, not psuedo-materiality. Got my fraud concepts mixed up.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

“Which, to followers of this blog, should indicate that maybe Jones was on to something.”

I take a different approach: Jones was created as a disinfo agent to confuse and bewilder patriots, and has progressively been made to appear more mentally unstable as time goes on in order to make it seem as if anyone who questions the narrative is just an “alex jones like kook.”

He’s increasingly filled this role since being called out by the Q crowd.

5 years ago

More news from the world of money laundering:

A $450 Million Da Vinci Painting Vanishes Into Thin Air

5 years ago

all in all, an uneventful april fool’s day. who cares if a death row inmate is hurt by a needle? meanwhile, today apr 2, the shills are out in force on 8chan. they fear what they know is coming out.