News Brief – 07/16/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief, with a stunning Star Spangled Banner by the Black Rifle Coffee Company at the end, is here.


DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec says that her bosses expect a “report” from U.S Attorney John Durham and his investigation of ObamaGate by the “end of summer,” but it might take more time.

Unhinged Antifa mob attacks anti-pedophilia protesters in Ireland.

Ghislaine Maxwell refused to cough up the name of her mystery husband to feds, but signs suggest it could be a British tech CEO named Scott Borgerson. He is a member of the CFR. My guess is either she divorces him, and he takes the money before the lawsuits, or she dies and he takes the money, to feed it back to the source.

Chrissy Teigen deletes 60k tweets after being named on Epstein’s flight log.

In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents. Not really reparations, but rather favoritism programs in business, home ownership, etc, which they say will enrich the black community. But what they wanted was the headline, to further amp up the sense of it being black vs white.

Nick Cannon’s firing has the Blacks blaming the Jews. Which makes me think Cannon was given that script, now all his compadres have the “blame the Jews” script, and at some point they will try to link Trump to the Jews, maybe if Trump unveils a middle east peace deal.

Hundreds of cops are still searching the woods for the “camo-clad maniac” who disarmed four Police officers with a Bow and arrow in Germany. A composite picture, created by 4Chan to help Police, envisioning how he may look now is here.


A thread on 4Chan from somebody who works at a store, claiming someone tried to false flag them into doing something to a customer to scare them for the government. Chances are the person posting was being screwed with by somebody, probably Cabal’s ground intel operation. It is even possible/likely the person he was doing it to was Cabal, and they were all trolling for somebody who would do what they were told, to whoever they were told, with no questions asked. Most interesting is the other cases of people chiming in with similar experiences. Mainly posted for the archives, so those who come later realize, there were those of us who knew, but there were so many who could not have believed, and so many others who didn’t care, that Cabal essentially had free reign. Don’t get tricked if it happens to you. Whoever it at the top of that thing is taking a lot of people down dark roads. If it was legit, it would be like the Marines, and everybody would know about it.

NYPD Chief of department injured by BLM protesters during Brooklyn protest.

Philly mayor’s ban on large events ‘does not apply’ to protests or ‘demonstrations.’ It does seem like a lot of these “scripts” could be getting played out to demonstrate mechanisms in our governing structure which are ripe for abuse. Hopefully later, all of these examples will lead to structural changes in the governmental mechanism designed to prevent such abuses of governmental authority for blatantly partisan purposes.

NBC has refused to answer several Federalist inquiries about whether it has disciplined the virologist they had who lied about his infection with the Wuhan coronavirus.

Antifa creates a new lawless autonomous zone in Portland after Dem officials’ feckless response to weeks of attacks.

OAN looks at the transcripts of the George Floyd arrest which show he probably died from the drugs in his system.

Lincoln Project reports raising $16.8 million for anti-Trump efforts. Think that is all grassroots citizens contributing their hard-earned dollars? If not, where did the money come from? The same place they got the millions they paid to guys who ran magazines that did nothing but lose millions more for their publishers. A new book claims they have ID’d the leftist billionaire who is fronting the cash – Silicon Valley billionaire Pierre Morad Omidyar.

‘Lincoln Project’ co-founder John Weaver signed a six-figure deal with Russia, but pulled out after a backlash.

Retired archbishop says, some abortions ‘have nothing immoral about them.’

China floods, with over 140 dead as the Yangtze River bursts its banks.

Joe Biden and Barack Obama’s Twitter Accounts hacked, along With Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Kanye West and more.

Google reinstates monetization for ZeroHedge after Zerohedge agrees to delete all “inappropriate” comments. Honestly, I do not see how Zero Hedge affects anybody’s behavior enough to make money. Did you ever click on an ad? Did you then buy something because of it? Almost nobody is clicking ads and buying stuff they never would have bought, all so the seller can justify peeling off some of the profit and shunting it Zerohedge’s way while giving google a cut too. Zerohedge may be entirely legit, and think they are genuinely selling adspace, but the model is only throwing money their way so it can do things like this and force them to change when management wants them to.

Tensions rise as £3billion Ethiopian mega-dam built by Chinese firms begins filling up – threatening to reduce the flow of the Nile into Egypt to a trickle.

Graduate schools waive GMAT and GRE requirements. Interesting – right after the big test-taking college admissions scandal makes it seem risky to hire somebody to take your test and fake your admission.

Florida faces ICU bed shortage as coronavirus cases pass 300,000. If there are people who will get sick with this virus, now is the time to let it rip, and get as many people infected as possible. The warm humid weather will reduce dose exposures while the high-vitamin D from sunlight exposure and the fact it will tend to be young people outside will all work in your favor as you fight it, and create immunity. If you wait until it is cold and dry, and everyone is cooped up inside, and dose exposures are massive and the old are equally exposed, you have a situation where you will have to lock down because the cases will be far more virulent overall, they’ll be tougher to address, and it will spread faster. Let it rip now, and it will save us in the winter.

Sacramento County public schools won’t reopen this fall.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admits a ‘mistake’ as he faces his third corruption scandal for granting a federal aid program to a private organization that has paid his family at least $220,000.

Washington Redskins name change may be happening because there is an imminent scandal about to break.

Ilhan Omar’s payments to her husband’s firm hit $1 million in the 2020 cycle.

Joe Biden says Arizona’s “an important city.”

The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness, namely individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more.

Top Trump aide Peter Navarro slammed for going ‘rogue’ with attack on Dr. Fauci that noted Fauci had been wrong about everything so far. We would not have had any job loss, had people been advised to wear masks from the start, back when everybody thought this thing may have been the next mankiller. As the “expert,” Fauci owns that entirely, and it was so basic, you have to wonder if he will ever get anything right, or even if he was acting maliciously.

On the origin of the new Coronavirus, the “Wuhan wet market” hypothesis and the pangolin hypothesis have already been ruled out by experts. Lab origin is still in the running.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg discharged from hospital.

Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp is explicitly banning Georgia’s cities and counties from ordering people to wear masks in public places.

Mysterious incidents in Iran continue as at least 7 boats catch on fire at shipyard.

US has withdrawn from 5 bases in Afghanistan after Taliban peace agreement.

Even National Review called bullshit on the NY Times story about the kid who got Coronavirus and died imploring his nurse to tell people it isn’t a hoax.

Supreme Court lifts stay for second federal execution this week. A timed message to Cabal as the heat turns up?

Rand tries to tie Civil Asset Forfeiture to racial disparity.

Tony Stewart and Ray Evernham form a competitor to NASCAR.

Michael McDowell ruined Bubba Wallace’s chances at advancing to NASCAR’s Cup Series All-Star Race on Wednesday night when he turned his car left on the straightaway and turned Wallace into the wall during the first segment of the qualifying race for the main event at Bristol.

Trump may intervene in case of St. Louis couple wielding guns at protesters, Missouri governor said.

The Department of Justice announces the takedown of key MS-13 criminal leadership.

Donald Trump reveals AG Bill Barr is seeking federal death penalty for alleged MS-13 murderer of two New York teenage girls in major escalation of ‘law and order’ rhetoric.

Donald Trump claims he will announce federal action next week against ‘liberal left-wing Democrats’ who have ‘lost control of cities.’

National Association of Police Organizations ditches Joe Biden, and endorses Trump for President.

A poll says, a majority of Pennsylvania voters believe there are ‘secret Trump voters’ in their communities.

President Trump has jumped up in Rasmussen, and now trails Joe Biden by just three points in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey. In this Cancel Culture environment, even if the polls are real, people are going to keep their heads down, and Trump will be massively under-counted.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q may be too busy to post

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Supreme Court lifts stay for second federal execution this week. A timed message to Cabal as the heat turns up?”

Makes sense, Roberts is trying to get back at the people blackmailing him.

3 years ago

Reporting from the Marxist commie town of Battle (shit) Creek, on News in the Soviet State of Michigan:

Black Lives Matter Protest last week in Grand Rapids has WHITE College kids chanting—“Hands Up Don’t Shoot”.

Analysis: This “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”—Never happened. It is a Lie. The person just made this up—and the Media and the Black community ran with it.

What does this mean? The Atheist Enlightenment of Europe says “Reason shall rule”. But as you can see—Without facts, reason doesn’t exist and if these people HAD reason—they wouldn’t be making shit up.

When WHITE College kids chant that crap—you know your society is caput. These are future voters, citizens engaged in Masonic/Marxist agitprop.

Going back to the AmRev and FFofA doesn’t stop Marxist subversion and aggression. Liberatarianism has NO metholodology of fighting propaganda or preserving one’s culture.

And none of you out there know, know, how to correct that. You need to do some serious introspection, what the military calls “After-Action Report”. What led to these situations.

I gave up on America when I first heard this chant after knowing that this never happened. This “Hands-Up-Don’t-Shoot” is a tell. It is a marker of something worse going down.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I don’t want them allowed to disappear back into civilian life, I want them expelled.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Good things are coming. And this war is winnable. If it wasn’t, they’d be laying low. As big as cabal is, it’s not more than 50% of the population. But it has a tremendous amount of control of tax revenues, hiring, social services, and more. Education and law enforcement are completely infected.

It doesn’t end on November 3. It’s going to take years of slow pressure to unravel all of these networks, which can still produce effects and harm people even without central leadership. Even if national command and control is eliminated, the regional elements will begin to seek out connections with each other.

This thing is going to have to be patiently removed from society and it’s going to take ENORMOUS upheaval on the lives of millions of Americans in order to do it. Entire institutions will end. People who once thought they were in lifetime secure employment will be jobless without marketable skills. Businesses will be wiped out. Mass migrations will occur within the country.

We are going to be incredibly vulnerable as a country for many more years.

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

I agree.

3 years ago

My analysis of current events. My conclusion now is slightly altered—or upgraded. Other commentators have mentioned that America is becoming Brazil—a mongrelized people; they called it the Brazilification of America. That’s true.

Now current events since Trump came on the scene and the constant Leftist agititation, what we are experiencing, I connect to the Spanish Civil War which was between Catholic traditionalists and Anarchists (Libertarianism is a stepsister to Anarchism). Anarchists were the basis of the Spanish Civil War—the Atheists.

Also the agenda now of the Democrat party is about moving America into a Cuba or Venezuela type of society culture. Many people here have heard that charge.

Both of these situations are correct—America is not only Brazilifying, engaged in a type of Spanish Civil War and turning into Venezuela—there is another situation blooming.

This new paradigm is occasioned by the George Floyd/Black Lives propaganda.

What is this new paradigm—-America will be turned into South Africa. The goal, the Telos, of this, is the Minoritizing of the Whites, and Blacks become the ruling class in America fed by their puppet Masters the Jews. The Minorities, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, are the ruling class in the Democrat Party. Even Fox News is in on it—almost all the experts, are black. Have you noticed that a lot of mayors, police chiefs, people in advise positions are black–or the only ones being promoted are black???? Ever see a White official advocating for White concerns? No you have not.

We are undergoing a paradigm shift—transferring from WASP America to a Brazil/Venezuela/Spanish Civil War/South African Matrix. Whites are the Enemy. In our OWN country—our heritage is being stripped, and our people MARGINALIZED out of colleges/universities/jobs and politics.

This is on purpose people. The basic order of the day—is revenge. All of this is coming down the pike. That is the end we are all rushing to. That is the Telos of things going on today.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

if blacks dont do what the self-chosen say, see nick cannon. / the ruling selfchosen class are weimarists here.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (4)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (4)
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Word on the internets is that Blacks were saying on tweeter that Jewish collective power just confirmed what he was saying as being true, and the volume of posts was making #JewishPrivilege trend, which lead to the blue check hack phenomena as a way to kill the trend dead on its tracks and change the subject.

It is a very plausible theory, I have seen 8chan get taken down (when it was still 8chang instead of 8kun) one time when a JQ aware baker went into the kitchen and was putting a shit load of JQ related posts into the notables on the Q research forum. They literally took down the server, which had redundancy according to Code Monkey, and it took some hours for it to come back. It became known as the Mossad Massacre (always remember the 6 million posts on 28-12-2018).

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

I think you are right about the Brazilification but, in substance this doesn’t happen. Just look at Brazil, who actually runs that country day to day? And if they stopped running it, what would happen to Brazil? What would happen to it’s infrastructure, power plants, airports, hospitals? You know the answer.

Hispanics and Blacks don’t get along. They just don’t. The media can lie, and Democrats can run heavy OPS every 4 years but it doesn’t change the fact that only one group can be at the front of the trough. Hispanics may vote Dem, but that doesn’t make them in love with BLM, which is actually against their interests. In fact the DNC will eventually have to heavily replace White and Black politicians with Hispanic ones, as there are only so many spots, else the Hispanic electorate trends towards the 40-60 territory, which could set back DNC demographic voting gains by 10 years or more. And Blacks will never settle for being second. That’s identity politics. Pure identity politics. It could fracture the DNC into 3 parties.

You also must factor in continual, and aggressive, Black distrust and animosity towards Jews. Already it’s been causing growing rifts and divisions in DNC operations in many large cities. It will continue until Jewish influence and pols are gone from the DNC. Does vote rigging perhaps rear it’s head in primaries between Black and Jewish candidates?

My theory on why BLM is so effective with Blacks this election cycle is that Blacks sense two things 1) Hispanics have displaced them as the main minority voting bloc and 2) Donald Trump is both a dominant leader as well as an anti-Obama. That stings because it identifies exactly what Obama is: a weak, probably homosexual, wimp, who gets run over by the international community.

Cabal knows this about Blacks. It’s like high school or college sports politics. Blacks act different when the Quarterback or top Baller is Black. Replace those guys with Whites, and the team is winning, the Blacks will act up. They’ll fumble more, they’ll primp and preen, they’ll complain. I’ve seen it and lived it. So of course cabal would feed off of this, basically high school desire to front and look tough. Couple that with what Blacks know was a missed historic opportunity from the first Black President for economic gains and that this was being provided by the first Trump Boom and it hurts the ego of a Black racialist who looks at everything through the prism of their blackness. And that ego will keep taking a hit. When you’re only 13% of the population and unwilling to take 2nd place or even share, your group is going to be disappointed all the time. BLM, NOI, UNIA etc. are all just cabal outlets for that.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago


You are overdoing it.

This is a desperate plan the dems are trying. The problem is that their strategy assumes everyone on the ground is going to follow through. The problem is it assumes that the split in the white vote is stable, that no whites will defect from the dem plantation when they see they have no future in this party. It assumes that blacks and hispanics will be all right dividing the spoils proportionately, which they won’t.

All of this balkanization will hit the democrats before it hits the country. This is why all the rioting and destruction is isolated in the democrat cities. This is why they are threatening to spread this outward, because they are trying to unite the dems back together.

Have you heard how Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago was fighting with a hispanic alderman over the attacks in the hispanic neighborhood?

3 years ago

The Banned Hipster,, takes it as axiom that President Trump is in Israel’s pocket.

Portland was the venue of the six-season television dramatic series, Grimm. Premise was that some humans secretly possessed animal alter-egos; such humans being called Wesen, German for “creature.”

3 years ago

“In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents. Not really reparations, but rather favoritism programs in business, home ownership, etc, which they say will enrich the black community. But what they wanted was the headline, to further amp up the sense of it being black vs white.”

Isn’t racial discrimination illegal?

3 years ago

“The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness, namely individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more”

So they are telling us that all the old racial stereotypes are true?

3 years ago

[QUOTE] “A man in St. Louis has been charged with four counts of fourth-degree assault after police say he threw punches at people praying and defending a statue of St. Louis during a recent protest.

Terrence Page, 34, admitted to News 4 that he threw the punches, saying, “Real change doesn’t happen unless you take those risks.”

He said he thought there were KKK members defending the statue, and argued that “their presence alone is terrorism, because they instill fear.” [End Quote]

He thought they were White supremacists—Catholics praying to protect a Catholic saint!

3 years ago

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency promoted racist ‘White Fragility’ book to staff

Trump needs to get the purges going.

3 years ago

>”Google reinstates monetization for ZeroHedge after Zerohedge agrees to delete all “inappropriate” comments. Honestly, I do not see how Zero Hedge affects anybody’s behavior enough to make money. Did you ever click on an ad? Did you then buy something because of it? Almost nobody is clicking ads and buying stuff they never would have bought, all so the seller can justify peeling off some of the profit and shunting it Zerohedge’s way while giving google a cut too. Zerohedge may be entirely legit, and think they are genuinely selling adspace, but the model is only throwing money their way so it can do things like this and force them to change when management wants them to.”

ZH comment section was naming the Jew too hard. In other words, they took the Jew gold and in turn they will censor any naming of the Jew. Typical Jewery.

3 years ago

Despite Supreme Court ruling, Trump administration rejects new DACA applications

3 years ago

Pompeo hopeful for ‘senior’ talks soon with North Korea

3 years ago

Pompeo argued Thursday for a more limited U.S. view of global human rights advocacy based on the principals laid out by America’s Founding Fathers