News Briefs – 02/08/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Tucker-Putin preview here. Putin says the wrongful persecution of Trump by a political rival solely for political reasons, shows the American system is rotten.

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin will debut tomorrow at 6:00PM Eastern on Tucker’s ‘X’ Account and website.

A theory that Tucker interviewed Assange at Belmarsh prison, and something Assange said made Tucker want to interview Putin, before he released the Assange interview, and that what the two said together may bring down DC.

American journalist Tucker Carlson has been placed on the Ukrainian Myrotvorets ‘Kill List.’

EU considering sanctions against Tucker Carlson for interviewing Putin.

Based on Rasmussen results – President Trump won the 2020 election.

President Joe Biden referred to former President Trump as an “existential threat” during a fundraiser in New York City on Wednesday.

Trump could be forced to pay up to $450 million in two NY civil cases, ‘huge blow’ to ex-prez’s wallet.

Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, shut down Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to keep names of government witnesses and other discovery under seal in the classified documents case against Trump.

Nikki Haley, after losing the Nevada primaries, complained that Donald Trump “rigged” the race to prevent her from making a decent showing.

Ronna McDaniel denies reports she’s stepping down as RNC chairwoman in desperate email to members.

Maine ordered to turn over voter rolls to conservative group, the Virginia-based Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Biden blunders again — says he discussed Capitol riot with ex-German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died in 2017.

Comer to investigate John Kerry’s multiple Logan Act violations.

Former Barclays CEO and ‘Disney princess’ aficionado Jes Staley lied about cutting off communication with now-deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and instead used an intermediary ‘for years,’ according to new legal filings seen by Bloomberg.

Asylum seekers’ appear to think they will be voting in the 2024 election and say Joe Biden has their vote.

NYC’s migrant crisis hits new level of madness: Free rooms, meals to thugs who are robbing us.

Angry leftists threaten to go after conservatives in their homes, churches if GOP wins in 2024.

GOA files suit against NY’s position on no carry for non-residents.

The Hawaii Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of charges for carrying without a permit today, saying that Heller and Bruen were wrongly decided and the state’s right to bear arms isn’t an individual right: “We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawai?i there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

Current job listing for an air traffic controller on the FAA’s website is open to people with disabilities including psychiatric & intellectual delays. Plenty of tards are leading kick-ass lives these days.

A New York state Supreme Court Justice called out Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for coming down harder against two residents who bought fake COVID-19 vaccine cards than he does for those charged with much more serious crimes.

NY GOP calls on Hochul to remove Bragg after soft-on-crime DA let migrant mob walk free despite caught-on-camera cop beating.

Kentucky transgender daycare worker “Maria Childers” pleads guilty to sexually abusing a baby while changing its diaper, but his lawyer argued that he would not have access to estrogen in prison, and the court agreed, reducing his bond from $100,000 to $5,000 and releasing him, as his felony sexual abuse of a minor charge was reduced to a misdemeanor and all other abuse charges were dropped.

Radio station baffled after 200-foot radio tower disappears without a trace: ‘I can say, I’ve seen it all now.’

Dartmouth reinstates the SAT nearly four years after announcing it would temporarily remove testing requirement for applicants.

Researchers ran international conflict simulations with five different AIs and found that the programs tended to escalate war, sometimes out of nowhere, in several instances, deployinng nuclear weapons without warning.

A British academic projecting “trans theory” onto the past has claimed that the graves of Anglo-Saxon warriors indicate that some among their ranks were transgender. LOL.

Chinese scientists claim for the first time they have created a device which has achieved seamless, wide bandwidth, real-time monitoring and analysis of the electromagnetic spectrum, which will allow them to detect and lock on to enemy signals at unprecedented speeds, decode the physical parameters of these signals almost instantly, and effectively suppress them — all while ensuring the smooth flow of their own communications.

China reveals its plans to shift toward a drone-favoring model of warfare in war scenarios including a battle with the US for Taiwan.

Chile vacation spot burned to the ground in story eerily similar to the wildfires of Maui.

Tucker Carlson heaps praise on Moscow’s beautiful classical architecture, where he has been for a week, as Kremlin confirms ex-Fox News host has already met and interviewed Putin. If intel told him not to do it, and he did it, he may get The Beam™.

Former President Donald Trump holds a nearly double-digit lead over President Joe Biden in a potential general election race in Texas as former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) trails Biden in a separate hypothetical match-up, per a poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is not determined

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Jude Peter
Jude Peter
2 months ago

interesting on the Chinese electromagnetic thing. thinking more from an ultrasonic perspective, it would seem relatively simple to have a receiver, or array of receivers, that can do a real-time fast Fourier transform to identify the received peak frequency. especially with some new-school GPU computation.
that means i probably dont realize the actual complexities! hahaha

2 months ago

Tucker Breaks his Silence EXPOSES Biden for SPYING ON HIM!?

2 months ago

Based on Rasmussen results – President Trump won the 2020 election.

The Heartland Institute, which is the sort of think tank that blames every problem we have on “socialism”, commissioned Rasmussen to poll voters who mailed in ballots about their activities related to the 2020 election. And over a quarter pretty much said they cheated in various ways.

The PDF of the full report is worth downloading and reading:

The report focuses narrowly on the states the Trump campaign and advocates contested, not on all the states, and just on the postal vote fraud. I find this narrow focus, in this and other dodgy elections such as 2024, to be annoying. Heartland itself points out there were other types of fraud, and I’m sure fraud occurred across the country, not just in six states. However, there is some value in even the most narrow and conservative methodologies pointing to a Trump victory.

However, in the official national popular vote count, Biden got about 80 million votes, and Trump 75 million, for a Biden margin of about 3%. For analytical purposes, if you can demonstrate the plus 3% Biden national popular vote margin is bogus, the electoral vote margin gets wiped out too, since currently GOP candidates have an electoral college advantage due to too many “wasted” Donk votes piling up in California.

“In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail and another 26% voted in person before Election Day. In 2016, 21% mailed in their ballots and 19% voted in person prior to Election Day.”

Here is what the Census bureau says about the mail in and in person vote in 2020:

“n 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail and another 26% voted in person before Election Day. In 2016, 21% mailed in their ballots and 19% voted in person prior to Election Day.”

The Census Bureau report also notes that the 2020 presidential election smashed turnout records -I’ve written this up separately and people tend not to realize how unprecedented 2020 turnout was. And the report attributes this to the increase in postal voting, noting that the increase was highest in the states with the most mail in ballots.

Anyway, the Census Bureau doesn’t give the raw numbers. But it says 43% of the votes in 2020 were cast by mail. A sample of the mail in voters indicated to Rasumussen (sp?) that 28% or so cheated. Divide the 43% by 4 (25%), and OK, this indicates that 11% of the votes cast in the 2020 presidential election were cast by people who were cheating.

And the percentage of voters who voted by mail increased by 21% in 2016 to 43% in 2020. So you assume all the postal ballots in 2016 were honest, and half the increase in 2020 were honest because people were scared of COVID, and half the increase was fraud, and that still gets you to 11% of the votes cast in 2020 nationwide for fraud. So you get to about of the tenth of the votes nationwide cast due to fraud in 2020 by multiple ways of analysis, and this is just one method.

If you subtract 11% from the narrow Biden national popular vote majority, leave Trump’s 47%, and recalculate the percentages with the smaller electorate, and that national popular vote flips to something like a 52% to 45% Trump wins. This matches with what I estimated just looking at the turnout differential, compared to past historical precedents.

Lets assume that a quarter of the Trump postal votes were fraudulent and a quarter of the Biden postal votes were fraudulent. The issue here is that postal votes broke for Biden by something like a 2 to 1 margin. The Heartland institute PDF gives more accurate figures in the states that it covers. I don’t have the national figures. But the Biden advantage in postal votes is large enough that if you subtract 25% from both, that still gives Trump a 2% to 3% advantage in the nationwide popular vote, again enough to give him the electoral college.

Don’t be confused by analysis pointing out that this would not help in attempts to sue over the election. Judges are not interested. In just trying to figure out what happened, this sort of thing is very valuable.

2 months ago

I did a similar 2020 analysis by turnout, but Microsoft word messed up the document I saved. I used the Wikipedia page on turnout in US presidential elections for the numbers. I think they feed in from the US Census Bureau.

But pretty much we have nationwide US presidential election turnout records going back to 1933, though there seems to have been a big jump in turnout in 1928. Turnout of those eligible to vote generally has run in the low 50% + range. In 1952 it jumped to just over 60%, and stayed there until dropping back to the low 50s in 1972 and staying there. A constitutional amendment granting the vote to people aged between 18 and 20 was adopted just before 1972 and probably accounts for much of the drop.

Turnout in the 2020 US presidential election jumped from the mid 50s to something like 62% nationwide. Without even getting into postal votes, this itself is really suspicious. Its not close to the figure of other 21st century presidential elections, and only the 1952-68 elections, during a period of the highest civic engagement, and similar. In terms of percentage increase, only the increase between 1948 and 1952 is comparable.

If you look at the raw vote increase, 2020 is an extreme outlier, and there is nothing really close. The increase between 2000 and 2004 comes closest, and the 2004 election was also contested in the Congressional vote count.

So just backing out enough votes to get the turnout increase between 2016 and 2020 to be still high, but believable, I found you had to remove 14 million votes nationally. Remember Biden is reported to have gotten about 80 million votes nationally and Trump 75 million. The Trump figure is an increase on his 2016 total, but not a ridiculous one. Backing out the turnout increase into something more believable winds up with something very similar to the Heartland analysis, but nationwide. The point is that you are starting to get to the same conclusion by multiple different analytical methods.

2 months ago

Angry leftists threaten to go after conservatives in their homes, churches if GOP wins in 2024.

When the Obama produced “civil war” movie came out, one theory was that the play was to have Trump win a disputed election, and then an “insurgency”, probably using the army of migrants, would start against Trump. In late 2020, I and a few other people such as Whitney Webb thought that something like this was the plan.

This strategy makes no sense at all, but unless and until central Cabal HQ intervenes, its theater kids running these plays.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Russia was overthrown by a very large influx of Jews from New York City and a pile of cash from a Jew banker. If you pay attention, the Jews seem to do the same thing over and over and over, so it’s not out of the question that they might try this again in the US. The glitch in this plan is if the invaders get their asses kicked in any substantial way they do not have the fanaticism of the Jews who overthrew Russia and the whole scheme collapses.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Back then they had another base of operations, this time the move to China seems to have failed and they are burning down their own base of operations anyway.

2 months ago

The Hawaii Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of charges for carrying without a permit today, saying that Heller and Bruen were wrongly decided and the state’s right to bear arms isn’t an individual right:

I’m not the lawyer around here. But I know that most if not all state constitutions have their own version of the Bill of Rights. The Hawaii Supreme Court has jurisdiction over cases involving whatever the Hawaii constitutional version of the right to bear arms is.

But if they are saying they can interpret the federal right to bear arms, which would apply to any US citizen resident in Hawaii, that is more theater kid stuff.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

They are inching towards Hawaii seceding and asking China to liberate them.

2 months ago

Chile vacation spot burned to the ground in story eerily similar to the wildfires of Maui.

One thing that I noticed with the COVID tyranny was how much they were going after the nice places, world wide. Same with the various public displays of disorderly conduct they keep having their assets due on the US.

2 months ago

Current job listing for an air traffic controller on the FAA’s website is open to people with disabilities including psychiatric & intellectual delays.

Is the upper age limit still in effect? You used to need to be under 30 even to apply because it was such an intellectually vigorous training process and they needed to steel young minds to the stress, as so much was at stake.

2 months ago

The Hawaii Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of charges for carrying without a permit today, saying that Heller and Bruen were wrongly decided and the state’s right to bear arms isn’t an individual right: “We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawai?i there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

They aren’t as bold and insolent as the tweet suggests. The appellant was arrested for carrying a gun without a permit. He challenged it on US and Hawaii constitutional grounds.
The say that Bruen and Heller don’t prohibit licensing, and that as far as the Hawaii constitution goes, they are under no obligation to interpret identical words the same way the SCOTUS interprets them, because it is their constitution, not the US constitution.
They are probably wrong on Bruen and Heller not prohibiting licensing, and this might be the case where the SCOTUS make the whole US constitutional carry. SCOTUS might slap them down on the “read the words differently” mess as well, just because they are there.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Pretty good article from Jim Rickards

“Their main idea is that words do not have objective meanings. Words mean what those in power say they mean. Words are used to construct narratives, basically stories that define reality. The “truth” of the narrative is irrelevant. What matters is the power of the narrative to influence perception and behavior.
So those in power define words, construct narratives and control perceptions. This is the real purpose of taking over universities, foundations, media and corporations. You get to control the narrative.”

And this is the battlefield. We must disrupt their narrative manipulations until we can take it over.
Disruption can take many forms but my favorite is ridicule. When they lie you shove the truth in their stupid faces and laugh.
The main battleground right now is for the minds of the children. They must be removed from state control and raised in Truth. Family comes first. The state must be resisted in its efforts to replace Family.

2 months ago

Sam J. provided some links to a blog, in yesterday’s comments, but early this morning EST:

Some time ago, there were credible accusations of members of the Belgian elite running pedophile networks. This is more credible by similar accusations (Epstein etc., the recent movie on child trafficking) about similar activity elsewhere. It seems international pedo networks are critical part of Cabal activity.

This Belgian blogger says she was a victim and provides details. The posts are somewhat disorganized, with the trauma she is suffering likely contributing. The first link is to the home page of the blog. Sam J. seems to have wanted to link to a specific page, but the link is just to the home page of the blog. The other two are to the same blog post providing more details. There was an earlier post that was revised. It seems the revision removed a paragraph that was more explicit on the sex. Otherwise the posts are identical.

I think this site should have some sort of permanent folder with links to reports such as this, since they are too relevant to get lost in the daily comments.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

“…Some time ago, there were credible accusations of members of the Belgian elite running pedophile networks…”

They were a hell of a lot more than credible. They got several girls to confirm everything she says in the blog. One of the perpetrators had two girls in his basement in a false door they freed. He had been raping them before he was going to sell them. They found the bodies of two others whose death was collaborated on his property that died when he got locked up and no one fed them. Another body had a charm on the ankle that one of the girls, who saw her tortured and killed, described, though she didn’t know the body was found. One girl who was mentally problematic but had a near photographic memory, described various meeting places with very strange things in it. She described in one an unevenness of the floor that everyone tripped over, it was there, and implements on the wall that she didn’t know what they were but stood out. They were for mushroom farming and were there. All of this was being followed up diligently by a local prosecutor, and then…he was fired, and they shut the whole thing down. The guy who had the two girls locked up was sent to prison for a long time and even after he said he was not the only one, they went no further.

I linked the base of the blog and just one post to give a general idea of what happened and how awful the whole thing was. The one post tied together a great deal of info if you are attuned to this sort of thing. Maybe it was too disjointed for people not versed in this sort of thing, but it does provide a lot of clues in one post.

There’s a tremendous, numerous, voluminous amount of evidence that satanist types are raping and sacrificing children. I think it may very well be they say they are satanist as a way of making people disbelieve it. That it’s nonsense, but I expect some do believe.

“What I referred to specifically is the “Dutroux Affair”.

Look at this site under “Child Abuse Networks”

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

excellent resources. participation in these types of sick crimes is the blackmail sine qua non which allows evil to persist. sadly, the inability of normies to “go there” mentally, ie, accept that these things are on-going, hinders the cause of exposing it.

2 months ago

Here are some relevant links, one of which I posted yesterday, on the various “foreign aid” legislation Congress is considering. They tried to disguise one as “border security” legislation, but they’ve stopped trying to do that.

In the past, the US Deep State would through these lists of suggested Christmas presents into Congress, and Congress would just pass it with little debate and few dissenting votes. This is the same deal, but they are having problems getting Congressional approval. That this isn’t happening as easily as it used to must be significant. We will have to see.

First, the Glenn Greenwald report. The first 50 minutes is relevant:

This describes the Senate version of the bill, gives the most detailed breakdown, and shows that it was majority Ukraine funding. The chart is good, and I’ve seen it elsewhere, but not in many other places.

J.D. Vance on War Room, a ten minute clip where he confirms that this is Ukraine funding and provides some inside information:

The Z blog take. I would normally provide excerpts, but its fifteen short paragraphs and reads quickly, and the whole essay is good. So you might as well read the whole thing:

He directly asks what is the deal with the Ukraine obsession, and posits that the “Cloud people” have gotten completely disconnected from reality.

All three argue that this is all really about Ukraine, and its notable that the Democrats are willing to block aid to Israel if it increases the chances of getting the Ukraine money approved.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

For some unknown reason everything hangs on Ukraine.
I think the SMO going as slow as it has is why Q has not launched the storm yet.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago


Reply to  Rhonda
2 months ago

Special Military Operation.

Reply to  Rhonda
2 months ago

Putin called his military move a Special Military Operation.

Reply to  Rhonda
2 months ago

Russia has designated it as a Special Military Operation, much as HST designated Korea a “police action”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Though I can no way verify this, I do and have believed that the whole Ukrainian affair is in response to Israel getting its ass handed to them in Lebanon by Hezbollah. In the past they could dominate, but this time every special forces squad they sent in got pinned down with machine gun fire and had to be bailed out. Every tank they sent in was blasted by RPG’s and became a liability instead of an asset. They could not move troops in to suppress anything, anywhere, and the whole time Hezbollah was firing rockets into northern Israel. A real serious defeat. All they could do was flatten Lebanon but since Hezbollah was dug in all it did was make the Lebanese hate the Jews even more as anyone could see it did nothing but kill innocent people. This is the exact same thing that they have going on in Gaza right now. They have lost control. They can not dominate their neighbors and if Iran sends in better rockets, and it’s assumed they have, the whole country could be under continuous rocket fire paralyzing everything and making defense extremely hard, if not impossible. They could easily be overrun at any time if the people around them desired to do so, and all of them slaughtered.

Very, very shortly after the war with Hezbollah stopped, the first phases of the Ukrainian take over began. The elected leader was overthrown by a false flag shooting of police and protestors by the same people. It is known 100% that Israeli special forces were in Ukraine. They even gave an interview to someone. Idiots. They overthrew the government, then brought in a billionaire Jew from Switzerland to run Ukraine. (??????that sure looked good) Who then started shelling the eastern Ukraine indiscriminately, blowing people up. They did this for 7 years or more before Putin had enough. I think moves to make Ukraine part of NATO was the last straw and he invaded.

It is my belief that the Jews wish to murder as many Ukrainian Men as they possibly can, then move in from Israel. This has not gone exactly to plan like they laid it out. Call Ukraine plan “B” for Israel, plan “C”, and likely much more viable is the Jews have taken over Southern Argentina and gotten a Jew elected (????maybe, or maybe he was slotted in with voting machines), but anyway he’s the President now. A rich Jew bought a vast amount of land there and has built housing and troops use it as some sort of R&R place and who knows what else.

Plan “A” for the Jews, stay in Isreal. That will never work. They will be driven out as living next to Jews is intolerable for anyone, over time, and eventually they get so mad they do whatever it takes to kill off or expel them.

I only come to these whacky conclusions from watching what they have done over thousands of years and assuming that a large amount of them are psychopaths or at the least have psychopathic thoughts about anyone not Jewish. If you watch what they do and don’t assume it makes sense like a normal person but, makes perfect sense to a tribe of psychopaths then it…makes sense, and you can predict what they will do.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

You nailed it Sam. A new exodus to Ukraine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

And by the way, this all also makes sense if you have a tribe of people who follow a demon who says it’s god and talks through burning bushes. If a burning bush ever starts talking to you, run away. Run away from the bush and don’t listen to a damn word the bush says. It’s a demon.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

It’s weird that anyone who calls the Jews out by name also discredits himself by spewing the most absurd nonsense. Looking at you too Lindsey Wheeler. Makes me suspect you both are wearing tiny little hats.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

“…most absurd nonsense…”

Burning bush talks to you, you follow its directions.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 months ago

This monologue from Neil Oliver is good to hear out on the MSM.

20 minutes

2 months ago

From this list, to God’s ears! If only each and every one of these would come true, we’d get back on track as a nation.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
2 months ago

As a descendant of Horsa and Hengist, I am offended. All one has to do to understand the Anglo-Saxon period is to look at the Sutton Hoo armor mask then ponder the psychology of the men who made it.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
2 months ago

Just so agitated I forgot to quote this:

“A British academic projecting “trans theory” onto the past has claimed that the graves of Anglo-Saxon warriors indicate that some among their ranks were transgender.”

Shameful Brits, just shameful.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Med School Biochem
2 months ago

archeology has really gone off the rails…or maybe it has always been thus?

Reply to  a non anon
2 months ago

Remember our host’s words–theatre kids. Is it really that archeology has gone off the rails, or is it that just a few idiots were given a script saying ‘say something stupid so we can magnify it with our pet mediots’?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  a non anon
2 months ago

ALL institutions are pozzed.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
2 months ago

Oh, what might have been! Instead the founders went with the weird Masonic seal. TJ was based. Anyways, ideas for a new seal, after the collapse.

“On 6 July 1776, the first committee for the production of the Great Seal of the United States convened. One of three members of the committee, Thomas Jefferson, proposed that one side of the seal feature Hengist and Horsa, “the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we assumed”

Reply to  Med School Biochem
2 months ago

I think Ben Franklin wanted Moses and the 10 commandments on the other side.

I’d prefer something like Christ as the good Shepherd or in the manger.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Would you settle for a bobble head doll of Billy Graham at the age of 33?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Med School Biochem
2 months ago

The great Seal or the eagle with its wings spread derives from the the insignia of the Israelite tribe of Manasseh, The US is primarily Israelite and of the tribe of Manasseh.

2 months ago

As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution. “The thing about the old days, they the old days.” The Wire: Home Rooms (HBO television broadcast Sept. 24, 2006) (Season Four, Episode Three).
That phrase looks familiar:

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 months ago

“Candida Auris unleashed: A silent menace with a 60% fatality rate spreads rapidly across the US.”

Just an idea. Borax is an anti-fungal and has the MSDS (material data safety sheet) of table salt. Could you drink it and suppress the fungus? Plenty cheap as it’s 20 mule team borax at the grocery store. This stuff does all kinds of good things. I put it in my wash to kill fungus.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Effective Ways to Take Borax: Dosage, Usage Tips, and More

Borax, a multi-functional mineral compound, offers a range of health benefits both for internal and external use. When incorporated into a daily health regimen, Borax is an effective solution for managing conditions such as arthritis and various fungal infections and supplying vital trace minerals like boron to the body.

2 months ago

My God:
Israeli snipers killing at random: children, adults, even sheep – Day 124 (

These people are nothing but barbarians–What does Pastor John Hagee say?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

Because they seek Palestinians as Amalek. Every man woman and child is to be killed. If Egypt won’t accept Palestinian refugees. They likely will kill them all.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Jewry is Edom (Jewish Encyclopedia); that means it based on Esau who never received the promises of the first born; and is, therefor. consumed with envy and hate. Esau married a Canaanite and a Kenite (name derives from Cain); these are the people to whom Jesus declared, “You don’t believe in [Him] because you are not my sheep.” It is Jewry which is of Amalekites.
From Google:

Amalekites are presented as descendants of Amalek, a grandson of Esau. Esau was the older brother of Jacob (who became Israel). The Hebrew Bible says that Esau hated Jacob because Jacob tricked him out of his birthright. Amalek grew up under the guidance of Esau and learned of his hatred of Jacob.

2 months ago
2 months ago

“A former airline captain named Philip Marshall wrote a book on 9/11 which highlighted various inconsistencies in the official story. Weeks after the book was released, Philip was found dead with 2 gunshot wounds, along with his 2 teenage kids and dog in his California home. According to a former NSA officer Wayne Madsen, this was ‘100% certain’ a black ops hit, and the alleged murder-suicide is transparently absurd.”

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
2 months ago

Have you investigated Shungite for EMR/EMF?
I have 4 shaped circles of it, from Verified Shungite. I wear a pendant over my heart, the circles stuck on the laptops, cellphone. (the phone goes in the faraday bag most of the time).
(7) The True Story Of #Shungite and #Fullerenes – YouTube
There’s several YTs testing shungite out. Here is a short with Fong’s wireless router (7) #Shungite vs #5G Wifi Router – YouTube
I haven’t read this all through yet, but Neurohacking 424: Tik Toker AI BCPS Tactics for Manipulation, Degradation & ChinaCCP Covert Advantage (

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Since you are being vague about it, I’m going to assume you’ve taken the “rotating hammock bed” to the extreme conclusion and you’ve built a full blown indoor roller coaster with loops and everything. That sure does sound exhausting to sleep in!

Looking forward to the Bootstrappy episode where Lowell walks everyone through building one from scratch in your own garage.

2 months ago

Full Tucker/Putin transcript here:

2 months ago

Knights Templar | Forbidden History and their Secret Quest for Atlantis

The Great Reset? or a different faction’s plan?
Be wary of Templars bearing gifts.

2 months ago

Rigging and Internet Shutdown Headline Pakistan’s Election Day

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive