News Briefs – 02/26/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Former President Donald Trump plans to lay out his vision for America and give his assessment of Biden administration policies during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). One of the stranger anomalies is that he is not talking, not issuing statements, or rallying his troops.

Kash Patel says Trump gave in to pressure from the IC and did not declassify all the material he could have because of IC complaints. All bullshit. Whatever the intel thing is targeting the American people, it views them as the enemy because they are the only threat to its power, and that would extend to Trump as well after his four years of mayhem and exposure. The shit they are talking about declassifying is meaningless compared to what is out there. I have no idea what it means, but I know everybody talking like the Russia stuff is the big game is either not aware of the real issues, or they are covering them up. If there ever is a Civil War, the real opposition to the American people will be the IC, and whatever has taken it over. Future rebels will either understand the intel game and its full capabilities, and maybe have a chance, or they will be destroyed.

Lindsey Graham tells Greg Kelly,  ‘I don’t think Joe Biden’s in charge.’ His argument was he felt AOC and Pelosi are in charge.

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering “every tool” at his disposal to crack down on Second Amendment rights as left-wing activists are pushing him to deal with the issue of gun violence by declaring a national emergency and using executive orders. On the bright side, this happening will tell us once and for all where we stand.

Trump’s tax returns have been handed over to Manhattan prosecutors.

Manhattan prosecutors subpoena Bannon financial documents relating to an investigation of the We Build The Wall project.

New reports shows a much more aggressive FBI program to spy on Trump, with undercover informants recording, targeting for intelligence on numerous GOP figures, and a search for “anyone in the Trump campaign” with ties to Russia who could acquire dirt “damaging to Hillary Clinton.”

Ex-Olympics gymnastics coach John Geddert dies by suicide hours after being charged with sex crimes and human trafficking. If he actually killed himself, and wasn’t Epsteined. He reportedly worked closely with Larry Nasser, the sex-abusing sports doctor for the team. I’d love to know how many physicians, coaches, and others who do not have pedophilia problems went to work every day and did their jobs as conscientiously as possible at high schools, and YMCAs, and other studios, and were never able to get higher up the ladder, as they watched all these pedos and sex fiends seemed to effortlessly congregate at the highest echelons of the sport. Do you think they all rose that high by chance? I wonder if there was a Ghislane Maxwell type who you would find in the backgrounds of photos at all those competitions.

The U.S. government is taking new steps to speed up releases of unaccompanied children to parents or other sponsors as the Biden administration grapples with a growing number of underage migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. I wonder what they are using the children for. It didn’t take them long to get them flooding in again, and disappearing into the country. If the story is real, which you never know these days.

Illegal alien charged with raping 11-year-old girl in North Carolina. It is not a democrat administration if you don’t have stories like these.

The family of a Latino father of three is worried that his health condition will worsen if he remains in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody. And we are back to these sob stories too.

BiteLabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples and uses it to make artisanal salami. Artisanal cannibalism.

Biden launches air strikes in Syria. On Twitter, Rand Paul condemns it.

Leftist activist launches $65 million effort to fight Conservative media and push progressive news. I am kind of amazed I was ever so stupid I thought any of these people were spending their own money. But it is shocking to think of how almost all of these expenditures are cases of money laundering by those who do not wish to be known.

Lady Gaga’s dog walker is shot, and the singer’s two dogs are stolen.

Interesting – an earlier photo in the house Chambers, away from protesters, believed to be of the Capitol Cop who supposedly shot Ashli Barrett, shows him looking elsewhere, while holding his Glock pointed at other officers, with his finger on the trigger. Cops generally try to drill that trigger discipline into officers, and would fail an officer out for such an infraction in training. It is possible he was just absent minded, or didn’t pay attention to his training. But it is curious, especially since his shots would have been fired at Ashli Babbit while she was in front of numerous other officers who could have been hit after the bullet exited her. So he had no concept of minding what was behind his target either. Interesting also, is they are now saying it was definitely not David Bailey, the Capitol Cop involved in the Steve Scalise softball shooting. However it was another Black Capitol Cop, involved in a seemingly staged event, wearing a similar beaded bracelet. I wonder if the bracelet is a sign of membership in a group. Also they say there are credible threats on his life and he in hiding, but no civilians know who he is. Which could point to another group with access to secret information engaging in tit for tat violence.

On twitter – China claims CCP doctors only gave exams to Biden staffers who consented to anal penetration, and the tests were not mandatory.

Transgender PA Health Secretary Levine questioned on missing Pa. nursing home data in federal confirmation hearing. Literally he killed a bunch of innocent people right after saving his own mother by pulling her out, and this is the new highest ranking health official in the land.

Democratic New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham reportedly used thousands in taxpayer funds to purchase groceries, liquor, and dry cleaning for her personal use.

Police Chief tells Congress that Trump supporters want to blow up the Capitol. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, they aren’t about to tell us. And why wasn’t Trump giving the State of the Union in January before the inauguration, as would have been customary?

Oddly enough this twitter account says Biden was invited already to give the State of the Union on Jan 23rd, and he didn’t show up for unknown reasons, and the media is covering it up.

Dow skids 560 points to mark worst day in a month as surge in interest rates unsettles Wall Street bulls.

Democrats introduce a bill to ban body armor. Amazing to me they would consider banning a purely defensive tool.

Brave has fixed a privacy issue in its browser that sent queries for .onion domains to public internet DNS resolvers rather than routing them through Tor nodes, thus exposing users’ visits to dark web websites.

‘Everything has been criminalized,’ says Neil Gorsuch as he pushes for stronger Fourth Amendment protections. This has to do with Police entering a home without a warrant when in pursuit of a suspect, which makes me think this might be a meme to convince you that your Fourth Amendment protections are so great you can commit a crime and the Police can only follow you to your door, and it is debatable if they are allowed in. Meanwhile as you read that, a room full of Glowies down the street is scanning the audios in all the houses around them and looking through the walls and hacking cameras in the houses, just as part of normal duties to monitor the people in the neighborhood. Sooner or later surveillance is going public, and it will make all of these articles look ridiculous. Understand Goresuch almost certainly knows about it already, because according to Scalia the entire Court was under surveillance. But nobody talks, and everybody keeps to the script. Except Scalia, who of course ended up dead.

Leaked emails confirm the UN gave names of dissidents to the CCP.

New book which tells women how to become a “bitch” because men won’t stay with submissive women, tops the best seller list. All of the hype is fake, and it is all designed to trick women into being reduced to r-strategists.

Mr. Potato Head’s ‘makeover’ will leave him gender neutral. When I was really young, I kept falling into subjects that required categorization. Dinosaurs, model rockets, fish/aquatic ecosystems, and eventually guns, and martial arts. I realized later on my brain had developed from all of that, a system of mental cubbyholes from that early activity. When I got into school subjects, I found I could pick up a lot of material cold and store it, well organized and accessible, in that mental cubbyhole system. r/K Theory in politics was a result of just looking into all those cubbyholes and seeing where similar pieces were stored alongside each other. Notice, they are destroying even the most fundamental cubbyhole-building system in kids, by eliminating even the two sex cubbyholes. If the left could have its way, they would destroy all cubbyhole organization in kids, by denying all differences and delineations everywhere. On the bright side for them, that molds the world’s reality to be processable by imbeciles who cannot store categorizable data.

Under Armour forced white employees to undergo ‘antiracist’ reeducation program.

Ghislaine Maxwell has offered to give up her UK and French citizenship in exchange for bail.

Senate Parliamentarian rules against including minimum wage increase in Covid bill.

Freedom Caucus members urge Cheney to step down from GOP leadership role after latest anti-Trump comment.

From Twitter – Federal judge rules CDC order temporarily halting evictions during pandemic unconstitutional.

Spread r/K Theory, because not every day is a happening day.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Trump’s tax returns have been handed over to Manhattan prosecutors.”

Yes, I believe Trump broke the new liberal law of “paying your taxes”. Also, paying taxes is a sign of white supremacy, stop being racist everybody.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Dow skids 560 points to mark worst day in a month as surge in interest rates unsettles Wall Street bulls.”

True, but Gamestop is going to the Moon. It did it’s monthly 400% increase thing again. Diamond Hands. I like the stock.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The two could well be related. Big hedge funds selling long stocks to cover the GameStop shorts. That would certainly drive down the overall market, at least for a time. Many on Wallstreetbets think so.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  RedMoonProject
3 years ago

What’s their deal with Gamestop? It sounds personal to the tune of almost $10 Billion at this point.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

could be. they must not want guys playing games… or going to movies where it’s allowed (AMC).

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mr. Potato Head’s ‘makeover’ will leave him gender neutral. ” On cubbyholing and categorization and child developement. I figure trans never-should-of been-born freakazoids will come with built in self defeat mechanisms. Is this the end of the line for r-selected gene sets in Whites?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago
3 years ago

This video is wild man:

Fighting otherworldly beings underground? What?

X in the XXX
X in the XXX
3 years ago

Re: Geddert:

At least by news reports, he offed himself at the Rest Area off eastbound Interstate 96 between Exits 86 and 89/90/91. That is just heading into suburban Lansing, coming from Grand Rapids. Just outside of Grand Ledge.

I’m thinking this is more likely to be a suicide than an Epsteincide. A Rest Area off a fairly heavily-travelled stretch of highway in mid day on a sunny afternoon is a pretty visible place to off yourself.

Meanwhile, nobody at ESPN talks much about Dr. Robert Anderson, the doctor at the University of Michigan who basically did with Male athletes’ butt holes what Dr. Larry Nassar did with female gymnasts’ cervixes, except with even less pretense of medical necessity.

This is not to say that MSU isn’t hip deep itself in and with Cabal. They most certainly are.

It is to say that the U of M is the very essence of High Cabal. As is anything connected to The Rodent.

The hundred-billionaires fleecing the ten-billionaires of MSU.

Reply to  X in the XXX
3 years ago

at a rest stop… those are where all the pervs used to meet up… then there were busts of university big shots and cameras got put in…

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago
Gene Kronberg
Gene Kronberg
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Good effing grief. The ridiculous fellow.

מ 517
מ 517
3 years ago

Why Men Love Bitches. By Sherry Argov.

Gee. Who else on Wikipedia has that last name…

Fancy that. Every single fucking time. But it’s “aNtIsEmItIc” to tell JAP jokes. So here’s a few:

What’s a Jewish-American Princess’s favorite position?

Facing Bloomingdales.

What does a Jewish-American Princess make for dinner?


What’s the only thing a JAP will go down on?

The Escalator at Neiman Marcus.

Why are JAPs hypochondriacs?

Increases their chances to meet a nice doctor!

(cue Jackie the Jokeman’s laughter)

Jack is Back
Jack is Back
Reply to  מ 517
3 years ago

what’s the difference between a Jewish-American Princess and a Puerto Rican-American Princess?

>one has fake orgasms and wears real jewelry; the other has real orgasms and wears fake jewelry.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

“Movement conservatives hate white consciousness, but fall all over themselves pandering to non-white conservatives. They support them because they aren’t white, and the condescension bleeds through. They claim to oppose identity politics but practice it in the most ineffective way possible.” – @greghood


some look at as “don’t piss off the (((people with money))) or (((they))) wont fund us. others look at it as stfu (((they))) kill people. it’s one thing for (((fb))) to whack ya for pointing (them))) out and quoting (((them))) even tho (((they))) say it is for other memes. when so-called q followers get squeamish and cut and run too, makes one wonder what and who they are following and working for.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

That’s one of the reasons why I concluded that Democracy is nothing but a scam, because if people can’t criticize people with money for fear of losing funding, and if money is crucial to win elections, then politicians by definition never represent the people, they only represent those that fund them.

That silence is compliance and submission, and that will lead to the destruction of the West because that’s what the democracy makers want.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

The Unz Review reports on the Covid gene therapy being pushed by Big Pharma, the Global Warming and population control crowd.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

“White privilege” is having the freedom to advocate for the safety and prosperity of your own people in your own land taken away. It is sharing government statistics and then having that same government tell you those statistics are a conspiracy theory. It is non-British people in positions of power advocating to change laws to make your legal activities and words illegal and punishable.


Thanks Lembrador. I posted this on my thread at Homeland. And yes, at the government document put together by a Asian Indian female, ‘Sara Khan’, talks of white genocide as false. Talking about white genocide is about creating racism.

So yeah.

Gene Kronberg
Gene Kronberg
3 years ago

Lady Gaga’s dog walker is shot, and the singer’s two dogs are stolen.
I prefer to think the dogs were liberated.

Reply to  Gene Kronberg
3 years ago

The Cabal uses dogs in their comms as code for assassinations. This is her putting out that she wants to spend $500K on a contract for four assassinations.

3 years ago

A comment on the twitter feed AC linked to:

Matt Couch

BREAKING: April Fools Day has been cancelled this year because no prank can top the joke running this country right now…

THAT is the best one yet!

3 years ago

AC writes on Mr Potato Head demise:

” Notice, they are destroying even the most fundamental cubbyhole-building system in kids, by eliminating even the two sex cubbyholes. If the left could have its way, they would destroy all cubbyhole organization in kids, by denying all differences and delineations everywhere.”

That is the signature characteristic of Gnosticism. Nature divides and segregates. Gnostics hate that. Seek to unify all things. Monism.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

cabal failed. Hasbro caved to customers.

Gary Morgan
3 years ago

>On twitter – China claims CCP doctors only gave exams to Biden staffers who consented to anal penetration, and the tests were not mandatory.’

Leo had his, and then went to get a second opinion.

3 years ago

Do you notice that NOT one person out there is talking about the White Genocide going on out here?
Representative Steven King of Iowa—WAS THE ONLY One!
Why isn’t Trump talking this up? Any Church? Any Politician?
I want to point out that the Republican Party UNDERMINED Representative Steven King.
The ONLY person to be running in the Republican Party for President should be Steven King.
Why aren’t we burning down the Republican Party? Is it for us?
I look at the news—at it is the same-ol’-same-ol’. Back to business as normal.
WTF. Unless we demand action to stop White Genocide—it is going to continue. When are our churches and government going to stand on this issue??
What “”””conservative”””” commentator out there is talking about White Genocide? Who, where?
Why are we in the Republican Party—Why should we not be burning it down?’

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

That and the de-coupling from Israel are the 2 most important issues (along with surveillance) that affect most people in the West (including non-Whites, because once non-Whites are gone, everyone is going to learn that the dirt isn’t magic, and if you become the 3rd world demographically, you are now part of the third world regardless of the GPS coordinates you stand in).

Cuckservativism is just controlled opposition, it’s just the flanking division the zionist controlled uniparty uses to crush Western civilization against the openly anti-Christian anti-White battalions on the leftarded side of the uniparty.

Civic Nationalism (specially Jewish financed and controlled civic nationalism) and other scams won’t save the West, and Western people need to save themselves.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Democrats introduce a bill to ban body armor. Amazing to me they would consider banning a purely defensive tool.”

They want us as defenseless as possible when they come for the guns.

3 years ago

Literally he killed a bunch of innocent people right after saving his own mother by pulling her out, and this is the new highest ranking health official in the land.

Not the highest. Just an assistant. This is another okey-doke. Look at the tranny circus so you don’t see the real head.

He’s literally the guy who sued the Little Sisters of the Poor to try to make Catholics pay for abortions.

3 years ago

New book which tells women how to become a “bitch” because men won’t stay with submissive women, tops the best seller list. All of the hype is fake, and it is all designed to trick women into being reduced to r-strategists.

I don’t think that they are even on that level — this is just anti-Christian and Satanic.

3 years ago

25 years we have been told we must contain Iran else they will get THAAHHH BOMB!

45 years of Cold War we were told “IN CASE OF NUCLEAR ATTACK … HIDE UNDER DESK!

I would laugh save for the fact there are so many of you are grown men who are fathers and grandfathers who also hold science degrees WHO STILL BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE. And are teaching it to your children and grandchildren.

So, we need to stop Iran from getting thaahh bomb when:

Pakistan has thah bomb.
India has thah bomb.
Izreal has thah bomb.
South Africa has thah bomb.
China has thah bomb.
And who knows how many others on this exclusive list.

Even third world, medieval, backward North Korea has thahhh bomb.

But we cannot allow Iran to get thaahhh bomb. Because if Iran gets thaahhh bomb something really bad is going to happen that would not happen with all these other nations having thaahhh bomb.

When this nuclear bomb scam runs out the only other gambit they will be able to run is the alien attack from the next solar system. And of course all you nuclear bomb experts will say it’s real because… YOU SAW IT ON TV!


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

St. Nicholas was a real guy, just saying.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Did St. Nick live at the North Pole?

Did St. Nick drive a magic sled pulled by flying reindeer?

Did St. Nick as fat as reported slide the chimneys of every family on earth in one day?

Did St. Nick have an army of elves making toys for every child on earth?

Is that St. Nick sitting in the shopping malls every year from Thanksgiving to Christmas?

Please, don’t be stupid!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Are you telling me Santa Clause isn’t real?

3 years ago

You’re still Level 1, bro.

The bomb isn’t real. No one has the bomb, which is why no one has “dropped the bomb” since we faked it in Japan.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Now that would be funny.

3 years ago

And Covid…

Reply to  Mark
3 years ago

“New book which tells women how to become a “bitch” because men won’t stay with submissive women, tops the best seller list. All of the hype is fake, and it is all designed to trick women into being reduced to r-strategists.”

Which is equivalent to Machiavelli’s The Prince which says feminize the men and empower the women. It’s the same script over and over. Feminism is about destroying masculine culture in order to weaken men.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Iran should have tha bomb, and they should nuke Israel with it. At least that way, the Jewish Rothschild pimps that own the financial system and the body politic of the West would have nothing left to fight for.

In fact, Iran should nuke Israel AFTER all zionists get deported to Israel, including the Rothschild pimps.

1 min video related:

3 years ago

Your life will be radically different if you navigate relationships this way…

You know AC, as crazy as it sounds, I think that I’m going to let them fire me over the face diaper thing. I have been meaning to get started as a content producer for over a year now, and maybe this is the motivation that I need. I’ve got a good enough for now 1080p camera, and good enough for now audio setup, a good enough for now computer to compile all the video, a big shop that I get a corner of and free roaming use of the tools, enough parts for two CNC routers, enough stuff for a new 3D printer, and enough money to float for a few months – more if the stimulus check shows up. At the very least, I might be able to make it for long enough to pick up a no-mask job on the other side of this while I’m building the business up. But I need to be able to focus on it, not have to put in a full day at work and come home and do this too.

I want to get into lost-foam aluminum casting and lost-PLA casting. I can’t afford that if I lose the job unless the my Subscribestar account takes off, because I am getting one of those probably right after I post this comment. Not gonna bother with Youtube. But it’s BIG! Yeah, it’s too big. There are hundred guys doing this that popup without any real searching. GabTV is brand new and I don’t think anybody is doing this kind of thing at all. Same with Bitchute, though Brighteon and Rumble both have a DIY presence. Probably focus on Gab to start because ground floor advantage.

My family will not understand or be at all supportive. They will think I’m an idiot. “Why won’t you just do it? Why won’t you bend a little to be safe?” I’m gonna do the dumb thing and step out in faith. Hope I’m hearing God correctly.

Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

Go for it Lowell! Keep moving forward. I would love to know what you are planning! Also look at Vox Day’s hosting as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If you don’t like a face diaper—then wear an agricultural spraying mask–it will look scarier. Painters and Farm laborers spraying pesticides at work all wear these things FOR work. think of it like that. Go to the hardware store and get a respirator.

I agree with AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

BREAKING: Multiple CPAC Attendees Ejected, Threatened With Arrest For Not Wearing Masks – National File

I think if I make enough of a stink about it on Gab, I can get some instant sympathy/atta-boy points. Within a few months I am going to be selling wood carvings and the like, and making commissioned carvings. Maybe CNC inlayed cutting boards. That eventually funds the metal casting which leads into specialty gun stuff and hopefully something else. The magic number is $600 a month. That’s room and board plus materials like walnut and maple pieces(I already have lots of maple), if I drop car insurance, which isn’t such a problem since I’m a hermit. I already live REALLY cheaply. My life sucks, but it doesn’t cost much, and I have no debts. I’m only making a little over $2K a month now. If I can just match that by Christmas I’ll be okay with the situation. And I’ve seen guys on Facebook that make that in side money every month with their CNC routers.

I have an idea for how to make a whole line of CNC benchtop metal working machines for quite a bit cheaper than current market rates that can handle cutting heat treated steel and titanium, and they are 100% user serviceable. My family saw mill behind the house I am living in can be converted over to manufacturing them(I can’t tell you why it would be so cheap, gives it away, and if I do it first I can open source it before someone patents it locking it away for 15 years). There some people on Youtube that I think can spread the machine design globally once I debut the first machine. The right people have to see it. The channel feeds into the whole plan, as it advertises and gets me a ticket into places like SHOT Show as an influencer. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but that’s basically what SHOT is geared towards now – E-celebs. And the machines are going to be perfect for gunsmithing or say making custom motorcycle parts. That kind of thing, not just 80% lowers or whatever.

I registered my domain before the new year. Pretty sure I have everything needed to put together my small CNC router next week because I’ve been buying parts and pieces for years. Had to redesign the big router, that’s where the aluminum work is going first. Have to cast and machine parts for the custom aluminum gantry because of the linear bearing design I’ve used. Trust me, it will be clear as day to you if I ever get it built and up on GabTV.

No skull mask. I do have one of those middle ages plague bird nose masks. And I have an expensive full face 3M cartridge filter setup that I can probably get away with. I can bring a six foot piece of PVC to work and scream anything time someone comes near me to make a joke of the whole thing. But it’s still caving. It’s not stepping out in faith. It’s playing it safe. I don’t have anyone depending on me. I fully recognize my odds of success are slim. I don’t have existing celebrity status to carry me like worked for Owen Benjamin and now other cancelled celebs setting up to succeed outside the system. But I’ve been off work for the second day now and gotten more done in the shop than in the last month.

I know for absolute certain that I have to do this one way or another. The only way to prevent this type of situation in the future is to run my own business. It’s still scary as hell.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Oh, and thanks, either way I go. Thanks.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

We are made in God’s image, so we should not hide our faces in fear. We should only fear Him, not men’s rules, not fake viruses either.

Couple your faith with righteousness, and you will be blessed with all you need. Righteousness = obeying His laws. Hit me up if you need a steer, it’s not difficult though.

Live righteously and I will ensure you don’t starve.

3 years ago

“Mr. Potato Head’s ‘makeover’ will leave him gender neutral.”

The children’s toy industry is an extension of the Communist Education System. The same people who write the children’s books, text books, and design the Communist School Curricula are the same ones who design the children’s toys.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
3 years ago

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? At least you didn’t use caps this time. Here’s a tip for you, using all caps does not make your point stronger, it only makes you look like a nutjob

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago


Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

well if yer not in cabal, yer schitt wont get promoted… meanwhile, Hasbro caved to comsumers. crisis averted.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

If he replaced ‘communist’ with ‘Satanist’ he would have totally nailed it.

Even with using communist, he sounds very sane. You have your head in the sand?

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Not every one believes in Satan. But if there is a system that fits Satanist perfectly it is … Communism.

I have always say satanism and communism as synonymous.
It is just communism is the more universal term. It applies to Satanists, collectivists, socialists, Democrats, Democrat-Socialists, all of ’em.

These attackers are the true shills. They can’t attack the points I make so they simply say, “You’re stupid,” but they never make a counterpoint.

It’s called ad hominem argumentum, or … they use strawman arguments. But you know the saying, “IF YOU’RE CATCHING FLACK… MEANS YOU”RE OVER THE TARGET.”


3 years ago

Sarah N. Lynch
Just for clarity’s sake once more- @TheJusticeDept
confirms for me yet again today – John Durham is STILL special counsel. The resignation announcement only pertains to his U.S. Attorney role. This was expected, and we also previously reported it.

3 years ago

“China claims CCP doctors only gave exams to Biden staffers who consented to anal penetration”

So, all of them then?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Oh yes. It’s their preferred method of testing.

3 years ago

Wowww, Matt Bracken over at InfoWars has nailed what the strategies and techniques they may be using to get us. This is MUST listen to.

He talks of an American Rwanda —that is what this “white supremacy” stuff is coming from—Beating the drum for the killing. ‘

He talks that it is pretty much done for. HE CAN’T EVEN THINK OF A WAY to turn things around. Civil War is going to be brutal and destroy this whole country.

Donald Trump—Was Never in control—the Fed Bureaucracy sabotaged him all the way.

And then he talks of what they are going to do about guns. They are just going to email you to turn them in—You don’t—they turn off your credit card—turn off your electricity, Close your bank accounts. They are going to DIGITALLY DISAPPEAR You. The Gulag—will be your house. My comment—they are going to dox you publicly so your neighbors turn on you.

START:::: 3:33:22 min mark

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Basically a Turner Diaries scenario.
It’s plausible. Not surprising if you’ve paying attention.

3 years ago

> I wonder if there was a Ghislane Maxwell type who you would find in the backgrounds of photos at all those competitions.

As face-recognition technology works its way down to an ordinary thing, it will be interesting to just feed thousands of pictures in and see what faces crop up adjacent to others over time…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

(((they))) will do further software, internet and legal gatekeeping, if allowed to, to prevent effective “noticing”.

3 years ago

> Brave has fixed a privacy issue in its browser that sent queries for .onion domains to public internet DNS resolvers rather than routing them through Tor nodes, thus exposing users’ visits to dark web websites.

That’s a pretty effin’ huge security fustercluck.

Brave talks big, but this isn’t their first problem. I wouldn’t go so far as to call them a false flag… but at *best* their ideas of software testing are slipshod.

3 years ago

I thought this was interesting, posted on Jim’s Blog.

The notable lines (for us here): “My own personal experience in security is that your boss orders you to do something inexplicably stupid that introduces a subtle flaw, an order that you would not expect your boss to give, or even to understand, but the flaw does not flat out report everything directly to the NSA, and the flaw is arguable – you are not flat out breaking security, it is just subtly weak, in a way complicated to explain and not entirely trivial to exploit.

And when you try to explain the problem to him he does not want to listen, and is unable to understand.

I conjecture that this is what happened to the Avatar Privacy plugin.”

No, based on what I’ve been reading here, the “boss” understands perfectly well and is not listening because he has been told not to listen and has been told to introduce the subtle flaw. I am glad there are some folks on our side that can fix sh*t like this.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago


3 years ago

“Pentagon releases training materials to address extremism”

They talk of the oath.

Well, I have a much better Oath—from my youth—it is called the Boy Scout Oath.


That’s right you commie pinko fag US Military—you’re commie pinko fags. My duty is my PEOPLE, MY KINSMEN—-AND FUCK YOU AND YOUR MULTI CULTI CULT.

It’s time to take a big ol’ shit on the US Military.

3 years ago

Biden To Let Trump-Era Rule Severely Regulating China Tech “Threats” Take Effect