News Briefs – 03/21/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Judicial Watch finds out the FBI found new Clinton emails, including discussion about Benghazi and additional classified material.

Schiff claims ‘immunity’ in bid to keep impeachment phone subpoenas secret. These are the subpoenas where he was pulling the phone records of political enemies and reporters to see who they were talking with.

Andrew Gillum hotel room pictures leaked. I’d say don’t click over – it is disgusting. Soiled sheets all over the room, prescription pills and vials of injectable erectile dysfunction meds, and although this site didn’t have it, on 4Chan was a picture of a naked passed out Gillum. Notice in this full shot, the picture taker has bare feet, implying someone taking part in the evening was taking photos to blackmail Gillum in the future. The injectable erectile dysfunction vial is interesting too. The chances are overwhelming that Gillum is just a homo, but there is a curious alternative possibility. Suppose he is owned by Cabal, with control having been gained piecemeal, incident by incident, as one piece of compromising intel was used to leverage him into doing something worse, which was used to force him to do something even worse. Suppose he isn’t gay, but due to either fear of what they already have, or ambition, he was forced to agree to spend a night with someone like Ed Buck and let Cabal film him in this disgusting a situation. But it was so awful he needed pharmacological assistance to perform, and had to get wasted for the emotional aspect, but he was under the impression if he just gritted his teeth and went through with it, then Cabal would make the sky the limit for him. It would not surprise me Obama followed a similar path. I am beginning to think nobody we saw at the top had an easy path of it. Whoever was in control, was in control, and they called the shots. Good to get rid of him anyway.

Harvey Weinstein spends his 68th birthday in prison and is given a pamphlet about sex abuse behind bars and a video about preventing prison suicide.


Bill de Blasio dragged a half dozen aides and members of his NYPD security detail to his Brooklyn YMCA amidst the coronavirus outbreak, and there fellow fitness enthusiasts were coughing and sneezing — and a mentally ill person was walking around touching the equipment, a gym source said. Fuckhead exposed all of his own people.

NBC News employee dies after Coronavirus diagnosis.

More than 70% of Coronavirus deaths in Italy are men. Men have more ACE2 expressing cells in the lungs. Also it may be what you see in martial arts where people with more muscle can get winded faster if they don’t make sure they exercise their cardio systems because the extra muscle eats more oxygen.

Diarrhea and loss of appetite could be early signs of coronavirus as scientists find almost half of patients experience one or more digestive symptoms.

People are buying Chloroquine fish tank cleaner intending to take it if they get sick with the Coronavirus.

L.A. County gives up on containing coronavirus, tells doctors to skip testing of patients unless it would change their treatment.

Coronavirus kills a person in Iran every 10 minutes. 19,640 cases with 1433 deaths.

London Hospital declares situation critical as ICU beds are now full, and they have no more room for patients.

Italy’s national death toll jumped by 18.4%, from 3405 to 4032 in one day. Mayors are saying there is a spike in deaths all over among those who were never tested, and they are not being counted, to keep the public death-rate down. They claim it is many times higer than what is being reported. They are also saying the peak may be two weeks out. If you had an 18.4% increase for two weeks, the death toll would rise to 43,000. Case total is 47,021, only up 14%, so hopefully since deaths represent the increase rate a week or two back, and they are lower than the new infection rate of increase, they will now begin declining in numbers.

Younger adults are a large percentage of COVID-19 hospitalizations in U.S., new CDC data show.

Experts question whether vaping epidemic is behind younger adults being hospitalized with coronavirus, as it’s revealed that smokers were 14-times more at risk of their illness becoming severe. If nicotine increases ACE2 receptor expression, probably.

Deluge’ of cases begins hitting hospitals in New York.

Second dog tests positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong days after first to get the disease died. This could be bad if it can enter animals, as we might not be able to just purge it from humans. Plus a trip to the dog park could bring it into your house, even if you never see any other person. To say nothing of foxes entering your yard and peeing where your dog peed to claim your dog’s property. One problem at a time, I suppose.

Woman who scarfed down anti-fever medication so she could hide her Coronavirus and fly to China for treatment faces seven years in prison there. She also lost her job, and is under investigation for violating the Presidents travel ban on China.

In New York, Northwell Health launches trials for drugs to treat coronavirus patients. Trump swept aside red tape to get these trials into action immediately, instead of in months, as they would have taken previously. One is for Remdesivir, one is for a monoclonal antibody named Sarilumab, which is designed to shut off inflammation in the lungs which worked well to reduce fevers in China. If they work, doctors will see it quickly, and begin use fast under Trump’s right to choose program for terminal diseases and medicine releases.

Queensland begins a trial of an HIV drug mixed with a malaria drug, presumably chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, which has already proven effective on patients in Australia.

In Britain, they are beginning a test of inhaled interferon beta, an anti-viral compound kind of like antibiotics for viruses, which will be sucked into, and concentrate within the lungs.

North Carolina man is getting Hydroxycloroquine as part of an experiment to see if it helps patients. None of these drugs have to kill the virus outright, and fully eradicate it in a day. Just slowing it down ever so slightly can be enough to let a human immune system get ahead of it before it kills the person. The goal is just to weaken the virus, even a little, so it can’t make it to killing a person. Any small reduction in viral potency can be a complete victory by preventing death.

NY Doctor says his hospital already using Hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus patients and have had ZERO deaths. I do not often use a bigger font.

Here is a graph from the study at this link on Hydroxychlorquine:

Member of U.S. Vice President Pence’s office tests positive for coronavirus. Neither Pence nor Trump had close contact with this staffer.

Fauci predicts Americans will likely need to stay home for at least several more weeks.

French Police are now jailing people who insist on going out on the streets.

Genius doctor rigs one ventilator so that it can service nine patients.

British scientists are developing a prototype ventilator made from off-the-shelf parts that can be quickly assembled in small labs or workshops amid the coronavirus shortage.

Canada to turn back asylum seekers to stop spread of COVID-19.

Chloroquine has been known to be effective against Coronavirus since 2005.

Mnuchin announced that Tax Day will be moved to July 15 from April 15 because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Another rumor that Trump may be considering a national shutdown. Lots of people saying it will not happen, but it is not clear they are high enough to know what the President is thinking.

As I look at the massive moves to contain the virus no matter the cost, one curious thing I wonder is, if intelligence has some information, out of Wuhan or someplace similar, that the reductions in lung function are more severe than we know or if they progress post-infection, or if Corona has some other longer term cost to society which has all of these governments truly scared. There may still be something we don’t know:

These three tweets say a zinc ionophore that lets zinc get inside cells can impede coronavirus replication and Chloroquine is a zinc ionophore that enhances apoptosis, or cell death, as you might want if a cell was infected. I am moving too quickly now to look for the study he is talking about:

Daniel Craig says inheritance is distasteful, as he insists he won’t leave his £125 million fortune to his children and plans to ‘get rid of it or give it away.’ Think about how that makes no sense. Money is the ability to stay healthy, to provide security to your grandkids, to always have a roof over your head, to do kind things for others. Does he hate his children? But this is the deal. You can be a star. You just have to get shot up full of erection medicine, and make a gay porno with some gay escort we send to your hotel room – we will even supply the methamphetamine and the alcohol. Do it, and we will make you a star, and even pump $20 million a movie into your bank account. You say other actors would do it just as well for half the cost, and boost the studio’s profits to double? You think the studio is actually a business, running itself to make profit? We will make sure the studio doesn’t run itself like a business, because we own the studio heads too. You’ll hire our financial manager to manage “our” money while you hold it as part of your cover, and you can enjoy the trappings, as you tell the peons what we tell you to tell them. But when you are done, our money comes back to us, no questions.

Biden is going to play-act as President by holding his own briefings as if he is President, issuing orders to an imaginary US government. So sad.

Vice says the real victims of the Coronavirus pandemic are all the trans people whose lifesaving gender reassignment surgeries were postponed because doctors diminished their importance compared to Coronavirus infections.

Mike Bloomberg pumped nearly $1B into failed presidential bid. Follow where that money went.

San Francisco DA drops hate-crime charges against black man who attacked an elderly Asian man and stole his collected cans, in name of ‘restorative justice.’ To listen to them, you would think the left would hate bullies, but you would be wrong. They love them.

Researchers develop high-capacity EV battery materials that double driving range.

Walmart hiring 150,000 to meet demand from coronavirus, giving bonuses to current employees.

Trump shuts down all nonessential travel across the Mexican border, as he already did with the Canadian border.

ABC News, a new Ipsos poll shows Trump approval on Coronavirus response taking off, from 43% last week to 55% this week.




Spread r/K Theory, because everything comes to an end at some point.

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4 years ago

Whitu pigu, why you attack China the Gleat Empile of Thousand Glolies?
It’s just the fru blo, shame on you whitu pigu!
Speak leal name now, economy clashing pigu.

4 years ago

We are killing this beautiful economy for nothing. These are facts, data. Why is Trump doing this to us??

Reply to  Cris
4 years ago

Your concern is noted. Please collect your RMB on the way out.

Bradford Walker
Reply to  Cris
4 years ago

Because this economy is fake and gay, and its control by Cabal as its fulcrum of leverage on the rest of us. Destroying Cabal means destroying EVERYTHING about it. Mankind will be better off when we return to a true and proper economy and not Cabal’s fraudulent faggotry.

Reply to  Cris
4 years ago

Trump is not doing most of it.
The Demoncrat states are.

He has to stay just a few steps less extreme than the press and the leftist politicians so the MSM can’t convince people he is “ignoring a plague that will kill millions of Americans”.

He’s also taking the opportunity to crash and reset the market in a way that can be blamed on the virus and not on him, the economy was set to have a crash and the left was going to blame him and capitalism to impose communism on us.

4 years ago

“I am moving too quickly now to look for the study he is talking about”

Check out Medcram update 34 on YouTube:

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“More than 70% of Coronavirus deaths in Italy are men.”

I’m also guessing that the majority of crime bosses are men, too. Just sayin’

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

You’re a moron. Just sayin’

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Watch the wives.

4 years ago

L.A. County gives up on containing coronavirus, tells doctors to skip testing of patients unless it would change their treatment.

Reading the article, it sound like just doing what doctors would do anyway. Treating doctors don’t give a shit about statistics. They have a sick person in front of them that is their responsibility. The treatment doesn’t change with a diagnosis (unless quinine turns out to be magic). Send them home to have chicken soup and orange juice. When they can’t breathe, put them on the ventilator. That’s pretty much the extent. You treat the symptoms, regardless of what virus causes it.

4 years ago

DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic

4 years ago

OT. I’m finding that a bit of comic relief is welcome right now. This is an old clip from the Johnny Carson show. Buddy Hackett tells 3 jokes. The last one is the best…and made me think of r/K.
Here’s the link in case my attempt to embed doesn’t work:


Pliny the Dawdler
Pliny the Dawdler
Reply to  Luigi
4 years ago

Hackett has a helluva facial bifurcation. What were we talking about?

4 years ago

At The National Counterterrorism Center, A Quiet Sign The Spygate Infrastructure Being Addressed

4 years ago

Data Analysis Indicates Coronavirus is Slowing with a Declining Fatality Rate with Warmer Weather Likely Slowing it Considerably

4 years ago

Undocumented immigrants, fearful of Trump administration, could be hit hard by coronavirus

Aint that a shame.

4 years ago

Israeli leader offers to step down next year in unity deal

4 years ago

Donald Trump has sent a letter to Kim Jong Un detailing a plan to develop ties

4 years ago