News Briefs – 03/30/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I was swamped yesterday, so it will be a short brief today. We’ll be back up to speed tomorrow.

This next post on 4Chan fits other things we see, such as limiting TrumpPills and not mandating masks. Cuomo may have wanted 30,000 ventilators to reduce POTUS’ ability to provide them to others and save lives. Cabal may be trying to maximize mortality to hurt the President. It would fit with snotty Gov Cuomo being nice and polite to the President:

How extensive is the operation to create chaos around the Coronavirus? Check this one out in the UK – healthy drunk guy is wheeled out to the hospital and Cabal agents rush into the building in masks and biohazard suits to post flyers saying a man died from Coronavirus. Is the virus even real? :

On this next one, I think the pandemic is real, but given (((Their))) control over the media, this is not impossible –

Spain’s Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma has become the first royal to die from the novel coronavirus.

98 people in NYC died from coronavirus in less than 7 hours.

A choir decided to go ahead with rehearsal. Now dozens of members have COVID-19 and two are dead.

German minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over ‘coronavirus worries.’

Kaiser Permanente temporarily stops filling prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine due to Coronavirus to preserve drug for “severely sick patients.”

Sweden Health Board says elderly can be given lower priority, but not illegal migrants.

Calais refugees aim to reach UK to escape coronavirus lockdown.

Thai king self-isolates in Alpine hotel with harem of 20 women amid pandemic. For me, what to bring is always the worst part of a long trip.

FDA issues emergency authorization of 2 anti-malaria drugs for coronavirus treatment.

Novartis CEO says Trump pills are the biggest hope against coronavirus.

Italy finally starts mass treatment with Trump pills.

Coronavirus could be slowing in New York according to ‘early signals in public data,’ experts say.

Trump brings America back from the edge:

Google is using AI to design chips that will accelerate AI.

ABC/WaPo Pol says 15% of Bernie supporters will vote for Trump as Biden faces “massive enthusiasm gap” in general election.


Spread r/K Theory, because Trump has it covered

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4 years ago

I saw a post on 4chan about the German minister where the op claimed that he had just been criticizing China and was suicided for that

Barbara Houston
Barbara Houston
4 years ago

“The only reason that JFK’s grandchildren would be singing that nonsensical song is to signal us. 17 is not a coincidence, it’s a signal.”

It was certainly cringe; for all their wealth, they certainly can’t sing. But why ‘Timber?’ WTF?

And then there’s the 17 minute Bob Dylan song. All the references to “Wolfman Howl” after describing the perfectly executed JFK murder. “Human sacrifice” etc. Read the lyrics, if you haven’t.

“Wolfman…Timber…” what does that mean? Waaail (Slim Pickens “ride em cowboy” voice)…

GHWB’s Secret Service code name was ‘Timber Wolf.’

You remember GHWB, the “only man in America who couldn’t remember where he was on Nov 22 1963”?

The neighbor of John Hinkley’s oilman dad, who wanted to send a message to Ronnie early on his presidency about who was really in charge? But Tim McCarthy bravely caught the fatal bullet instead? BTW John is now free to live with his mom on their lakefront estate. Promises made, promises kept.

The guy who didn’t work for the CIA but who answered the phone call from the FBI the day of the JFK hit, but it wasn’t him, because it was a guy in the mail room with the same name who took the call?

What ever happened to him?

4 years ago

Why not Trump Cocktail?

4 years ago

A far as deaths in nursing homes go, or deaths of elderly in Italy: what can we discover about familial ties? What if some of these were targeted for being parents of cabal or having ties to old mafia?

4 years ago
Colonel Bat Guano
Colonel Bat Guano
4 years ago

Frightening article, well-sourced.

“Beyond that is the fact that its affinity for the ACE2 receptor is somewhere between 10 and 20 times higher than SARS, and it also creates viral loads thousands of times higher than SARS. These two characteristics point towards COVID-19 using antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, to enter human cells. This is when the virus is able to hijack white blood cells to more easily enter into the rest of our body’s cells, allowing it to seep deep into its hosts’ nervous systems, creating permanent neurological damage in the hosts it doesn’t kill outright. ADE could also explain why between 5% and 10% of once “recovered” patients in Wuhan have been showing up with fresh infections, since that phenomenon allows a virus to hijack the antibodies created by a previous infection to re-attack an old host.

Both HIV and Dengue Fever use this to enhance their virulence, however its generally a phenomenon that takes a long time to occur when it happens in nature. However COVID-19 looks like it may have had its ADE jacked into hyper-drive as it was passed between a series of ferret hosts, since it has the aforementioned much stronger ability to bind to host cells and creates viral loads orders of magnitude higher, and also appears to immediately to be able to enter its hosts nervous systems, killing many of its victims by attacking the region of the brain that controls breathing, drastically lowering white blood cell counts early on in infections, and apparently re-infecting individuals who had already appeared to clear their infection.

Nothing about COVID-19’s clinical presentation is typical, including the fact that in many patients the first signs of infection seems to be losing your senses of smell and taste without any other symptoms, something no other virus on earth is known to do to otherwise asymptomatic patients.”

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Colonel Bat Guano
4 years ago

Interesting individual, lucid writer with a big black mark on his resume. Which is not to discredit his analysis. Judt a part of the picture.

4 years ago

Interesting hypothesis. Data analysis shows that everything we’ve done up to this point only reduced Ro by 0.5 Large percentage of transmission is via the fecal-oral route. Most of the outbreak is due to healthcare workers NOT washing their hands!

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Where are the pictures and obituaries of all the victims of this epidemic? Granted, funerals would be considered public events which have been scrapped. But there should be vast local media coverage detailing the lives of the victims, the grieving families, etc., Considering how many talk shows and sports events have been cancelled, it would seem local news outlets would be hungry for the easy content that this would provide… if it were real.

I am not going to make any definitive claims. But I will say it wouldn’t surprise me at all if many of the numbers are completely fabricated. I see no evidence of a mass casualty event occuring.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

EXACTLY. I haven’t seen enough evidence to convince me this isn’t all hysterical hand-wringing. Was disturbed today when all the cellphones simultaneously started a low frequency siren in my workplace, and all they had to say was that healthcare workers should report to Gov State Uni to become volunteers. It makes me think they’re priming an exercise for something else.

4 years ago

Bombard’s body language: wow, look at Pelosi’s face!

4 years ago

Tolicizumab (Actemra) shown to be more effective than hydroxychloroquine in treating coronavirus patients, Italian doctors say

Ogden Frost
Ogden Frost
4 years ago

I sure miss you the few times you don’t post, AC. You’re my morning go-to website.Thanks for everything you do here. Hope all is well.