News Briefs – 03/09/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q as of when we went to press.

CDAN wrote about a house in New Orleans the elites used for having forbidden sex, including underaged sex and gay trysts. The owners had wired it for video and sound, and that was used for blackmail, which if you have even read here cursorily you will know is the norm wherever those things occur. Voat notes, the house just burned to the ground. I am beginning to suspect that in the old world, pre-Storm, if you were going to become a leader, then at some point on your journey someone would pull you aside, and say, “Here’s how it works. You go in this house, go upstairs, and there are three twelve year old girls on the bed. You have sex with all of them, and when you come out, you are one of us, and your path is assured. You’ll never have to work another day in your life, you’ll be officially above the law, and millions will accrue into your bank accounts.” I just don’t see being a Presidential candidate, or even a celebrity (who are notorious for never trusting non-celebrities), and being so stupid as to go to a stranger’s location, and do terrible things you would be terrified of seeing come to light. This has to be a deal. Makes me wonder what Zuckerberg, and @Jack, and all of these sudden rising stars did on video before they were given the keys to the castle.

Transgender man says giving birth hasn’t made him any less of a man. Just for the archives one day, notable primarily for the picture of a thin hipster dude with bushy beard, pierced nipples, tats, and a bulging stomach from the baby. This picture is like looking at the sun. Hours later you can still see a residual image on your retina. I was seeing it again in my head this evening, when I wondered, these cases are so screwed up – could these be MK Ultra babies? We know MK Ultra went in and just screwed people up as much as they could to see how far they could push things. Patients who couldn’t speak. Others who forgot who they were. Others who thought the researchers were their parents. Could some researchers have decided to turn one gender into another, just to see if they could? Would MK Ultra researchers have grabbed troubled young kids who came in for therapy, screwed them up, and now today we see this? On the one hand, r-selection should do this over time. On the other hand, just twenty years ago, we were still relatively normal. Gays in the military was scandalous to many. Is it more likely something this extreme just happened to people out of the blue, or that somebody was doing it to people?

19 year old miss teen universe dead of a heart attack. Heart attacks are increasing among the young. Could obviously be innocent. But I had a fat female lab TA in college. Literally early 20’s, and 450lbs or more. There was a pretty Italian girl who sat near the front of the class, oblivious to everything around her, nice to everyone, and seemingly harmless. She was standing with her back to the fat chick one day, and I saw the fat chick look at her. If looks could kill, she’d have had the most agonizing death on the spot. Not all fat chicks are bad, but there is a variant for whom every other woman’s joy is a grievance they will fester upon with a white hot rage. There is nothing more dangerous than that type of an envious, embittered woman who has decided another woman has unfairly been gifted with something she didn’t deserve. And I will promise you there are thousands of such women today, sprinkled around the country, whose sole job each day is to covertly observe other, prettier women’s lives from the shadows, and they have some sort of laser-type device at their disposal for mapping rooms, or recharging batteries, or something, which when directed properly can screw up nervous function, to the point of disrupting heartbeats. And they know they will endure no penalty for using it. My assumption at this point is, we will find even Breitbart’s enlarged heart was something they were painting his house with at night.

Bradley/Chelsea Manning shows up to testify, then refuses to do it, and is jailed. He/she says he/she opposes the secrecy of the Grand Jury Process. But why even show up? I have to wonder if he/she showed up to testify about Assange, got asked if he/she was a CIA asset on a mission to destroy military intelligence, and if he/she was promised a full pardon from Obama for that, and he/she decided not to answer.

Pocahontas proposes breaking up big tech. Too late for the peace pipe, injun. Just six months ago I would have said fine, and she would have opposed it. But not now. What has obviously happened on her side is, she has developed reason to believe the God Emperor is about to seize all of it, and use it for the destruction of the Cabal. What has happened on my side is I am coming around to the dark side, where all those lofty principles, and desire to make a better, more enduring system gives way to an acceptance of the enduring nature of the raw power struggle, and a burning desire to see everything used as abusively as it has been, only for the destruction of the other side instead of our side.

18 year old Dutch model who fell 14 floors from a Tycoon’s flat in Kuala Lumpur was dead before she hit the ground, there were signs of a struggle and trauma, she had the tycoon’s DNA under her fingernails, but coroner says no crime was committed. It is good to be Cabal.

NIH OKs creating a hyper transmissible version of Bird Flu which could kill millions if it gets free.

German Police ignored thousands of tips about refugees accused of war crimes. But post one critical statement about Muslim migrants…

Party line vote in the House passes an electoral “reform” bill which has been called the Democrat Politician Protection Act.

California paid out $300 million last year to workers just in unused vacation.

North Korea looks like it might be preparing a missile test launch.

Pelosi says a bill to prevent illegal aliens from buying guns is xenophobic. So the migrant surge is supposed to be an army of shock troops.

Vietnamese boat rammed and sunk by a Chinese vessel in the South China Sea.

Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany up by 60%. There will be a lot of Jews who will deserve retribution for their part in importing Muslims and trying to destroy Western Civilization. But if it were all Jews making the decisions, you would not see this. Look at how attacks on Muslims are dealt with, and then as yourself if the Police are being ordered to deal with attacks on the Jews similarly. Moreover, I will bet Cabal Jews like this, because who are they in competition with?

Democrats want to take the Senate in 2020 by turning DC into a state so they can get 2 extra Senators. If not, they lose.

Tommy Robinson back on trial March 22nd for reporting on Muslim grooming gangs.

There are accusations that Pope Francis may have raped a young girl as part of a ritual sacrifice.

More on the strangeness surrounding the Denver Airport. Contained the story about this video of small fast moving drones videotaped in the area taking off from a neighborhood nearby, that move too fast to see with the naked eye. I had seen a ton of videos previously of what the UFO community calls “fast movers.” I didn’t put them here, figuring it might be military tech better left quiet. But Q drawing attention to these things in this area means they are probably not US military tech. Now what I see that is really strange, that makes me think it isn’t our’s. Cabal’s quasi-government-run domestic surveillance would have shadowed this news crew, as they do all news crews (even those which are Cabal surveillance themselves), and seen them setting up this camera. They would even probably have been up on the news room, and actually found out in real time of the plan to film here, hoping to catch these. They would have immediately seen the possibility of this being a Cabal op, and the need to send the notice of the filming up the chain of command so measures could be taken. If these drones were Cabal, being run out of residences in that neighborhood, I would not think they would have been sent up while the camera was there. If they were military or legit US government surveillance, I would think likewise, if they are running such high-tech surveillance in the area such as these fast-mover drones, then they would have known of the news crew’s presence and suspended operations, and they would have kept them out of the air while the crew was set up. There aren’t many options for these UFOs beyond that. The only things I can see are a private research contractor so covert they are running operations out of a lab camouflaged as a normal residence, and so compartmentalized in secrecy they were detached from the broader surveillance stream so command did not know how to warn them, or some other entity so far ahead of us, they do not care what the plebes see of what they do. Food for thought. Q did say if the full truth were revealed, most people would need hospitalization. No telling where this rabbit hole ends, or exactly what we are dealing with.

These can be as they seem, but I am always suspicious these days when I see a lone citizen suddenly snap and begin lashing out at the people around them:

Zuckerberg has serious security fears, even having a “panic chute” in the floor of a bulletproof conference room installed. He is literally picturing an armed threat coming for him that gets into a bulletproof conference room, inside Facebook’s inner sanctum, so he has to open the floor and take a chute that will deposit him at his vehicle so he can speed away. He is also worried about a car bomb getting put under his office, and his doctor killing him. He even keeps security around when dealing with employees because he is afraid one of them may try to do him in. What is funny is, it is all pretty common sense, given who he is dealing with. I’ll bet it sounded better when his handler first proposed him playing the part of a global tech billionaire.

A lawmaker wants to slice NY into three separate sub-states, all part of one state for national purposes, but with each sub-state governed separately for purposes of state governance. Cities breed leftist stupidity. As time goes on, they multiply in number and grow in density, and as they spread into rural states, those small patches of densely packed land can take control over the rural states, turning their state wide elections leftist. As this happens in each state, all the Presidential electors of that state, and its two Senators are turned leftist. That unbalances the Founder’s vision of rural areas and densely populated areas having equal pull on the Senate and Presidential elections. As it hands the Presidency and Senate to the left, it also hands the Supreme Court to the left as well. And it is a one way path. You never see rural areas grow and spread like cities, and turn a state rightward. The only answer is to add to the Constitution the ability of rural areas to split from cities, and become their own states, with their own Senators and slate of Presidential electors. Most of the time, the mere threat of splitting will be enough to prod a liberal governor to more heavily consider their interests, but if not, the splitting itself is a reasonable way to preserve the ability of rural areas to stymie the efforts of the left to impose leftist ideals on regions of the country which do not want to live under those neurotic dictates. The only concern would be could cities begin splitting themselves into multiple states in retaliation.

Greenpeace founder says Global Warming is a massive hoax.

Eleventh Circuit rules that for purposes of law, even if DACA recipients are technically tolerated, they are not, as a matter of law, lawfully present, and thus do not qualify for that which requires a lawful presence.

Trump wants nations which host US troops to pay a premium for the safety and economic activity.

In North Carolina, teachers who carry weapons at school will get a raise for helping with security.

Rubio says Venezuela is about to escalate in a way we have not seen yet.

Alabama proposal says if you want food stamps you have to pass a drug test.

Erik Prince was at the 2016 Trump Tower meeting to discuss “Iran Policy.” Interesting, as it would seem to confirm Trump had the early winds of the Storm swirling around him long before Admiral Rogers made the trip to Trump tower to warn him of the spying.

Blackout is extending into a second day. Things like this will be a huge asshole puckering for those in power because so much of their monitoring of the populace is wired into the grid around town, even in a broke third world shithole. Right now, a lot of Maduro’s awareness of what is going on around town and his location will be down, and he will feel more vulnerable. Physical surveillance can be called in to fill in some of the gaps for a while, but unless he has as much as Cabal has put in the first world, it isn’t the same.

German academics and authors call for an end to this gender nonsense.

Court challenge to the bump-stock ban is being expedited.

General Flynn changed his twitter header yet again, to an image that contained this:

Spread r/K Theory, because every cloud has a silver lining.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“Dutch” model? I guess Mexicans are Spanish, then.

(Read this in a friendly, not a critical, tone. I’m just tired of civic nationalism when the root word of nation means “birth”–isn’t it something that Cabal gets to have bloodlines but we don’t).

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

The wife in that threesome looks like the product of a hybrid-breeding program between humans and Grey aliens.

5 years ago

>”The only answer is to add to the Constitution the ability of rural areas to split from cities, and become their own states, with their own Senators and slate of Presidential electors. Most of the time, the mere threat of splitting will be enough to prod a liberal governor to more heavily consider their interests, but if not, the splitting itself is a reasonable way to preserve the ability of rural areas to stymie the efforts of the left to impose leftist ideals on regions of the country which do not want to live under those neurotic dictates.”

Press S to split.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

This is not the only solution. In fact this is a manufactured crisis. It used to be that most States had a Senate just like the Federal government that had regional representation. The Supreme Court ruled this illegal. Destroying this regional balance in the States and causing friction. Friction where now it’s a winner take all instead of a compromise. This can be changed by a better than 50% vote in the House and Senate to limit the Courts decision on this. The Legislature of the US can TELL the Courts what they can decide on. They can not just decide on any laws what so ever if the Legislature tells them not to.

“…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

“…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…” The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have but it ends with control of these functions by Congress. Congress could tell them to butt out of anything they wish too. All we need is a Congress with the balls to do so and we could turn the whole country around in months.

Another bad decision by the Courts was to declare that there could be no test for voting. This means no pole taxes or intelligence test. Think if we made you paying positive amount of taxes into the treasury a requisite for voting. We could turn the whole country around in months. Lots of major rioting and trouble but at some point this would calm down.

5 years ago

“…see rural areas grow and spread like cities, and turn a state rightward. The only answer is to add to the Constitution the ability of rural areas to split from cities, and become their own states, with their own Senators and slate of Presidential electors. ”

an interesti g datapoint is the representative per citizen ratio. In the early Republic ir was much higher than today.

5 years ago

From an r/K perspective why would a dark black person want to live in a rural area that is 99.9% white?

5 years ago

Split up New York..? Well, that would be one more step to making the premise for Escape from New York (1981) a possibility. But we would definitely have to expand the budget for the wall.

5 years ago

Thomas Jefferson observed, “The yeoman of America are not the Canaille of Paris”.

The yeomen were the country squires, the owners of estates, the farmers. That is why Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase, so that America would retain its rural character and many Americans would live on a farm. There is a difference between the urbane and the agrarian. Urban is the easy life; agrarianism is the Hard life. The rule of law only exists with the Hard. In the agrarian field, one is introduced and lives under the Laws of nature. City dwellers live under man’s laws which is fickle and fungible. Nature is not fungible. It is one way in Nature and her ways are Hard. Cities produce softness, effeminacy. That is why the Spartans produced the agoge, to imitate Nature in the Hardening process for their citizen/soldiers. Virtue. It is not about “systems” of government—It is about Virtue; virtue, the first three letters are Latin for ‘man’, means “to be a man”. Manliness must be inculcated. Virtue is Character training. Agrarianism does that naturally. This is why America is now falling apart. That is why the Cabal, introduced the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, to create inflation to drive people off the land and into the cities. —Can’t have any agrarian people around!

Our society is purposely being engineered to produced effeminates, i.e. slaves, to ensure a Leftist Utopia, (of enslavement). Lycurgus and the Doric Greeks engineered their societies to produce Warriors and a Righteous government.

St. Peter: “Supplement the Faith with Virtue”. No Virtue—No Rule of Law. The Law requires Hard men.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I think the idea is to creat a population that is cut off from sexual identity, family formation, cultural ties and heritage. Curiously, I think some groups will be harder to atomise than others but ultimately they see us as both consumer and commodity, especially our young people. It is sad and shameful that white people have ceded what was once strong, beautiful, creative, safe and innovative. Our replacements cannot reproduce what whites have built and don’t even want it beyond the most superficial tech and luxuries.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Awesome post. It’s weird how much I’m coming around to agreeing with you. That living off the land grows your character and body, and might be the only way to survive.

Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago

To spectrely, one doesn’t have to move to the country or live off the land. Lord Baden-Powell created the Boy Scouts to introduce boys to Nature; it was based on the paradigm of the ancient societies like the Zulus and the Spartans in training their boys to be men. The Boy Scout program ”’WAS”’ an excellent idea to do this—living in nature on the weekends. Sadly the Boy Scout program, like the Church, like our schools, is now totally converged with PeeCee and social justice. They have hijacked the program and have de-nutted it. Boys have to be exposed to Nature and grow up in Nature. It is important to just have a spell (of time) to participate and experience farm life and the observation of animals. The Barnyard is the schoolhouse of the natural law. Construction experience also helps.

Nature demands obedience. Nature is rigorous. This is why God threw Adam out of the Garden and into the Law of the Jungle. Eden produced luxury and softness in Adam which then led him to sin. In the Law of the Jungle (not the Natural Law, but a part of it), Man is hardened, stiffened, enculturated to the Logos. His dysfunctionality, to some extent, is cured in Nature.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Within these topics, also note how once small towns have been turned into suburbs. And the defining characteristic of these suburbs is that very few people who live there are from there. They cut of history, heritage, culture in our schools and then engage encouraging mass migrations. This is now an accepted, non-controversial, part of our culture. IT’s viewed as healthy and character forming to get away from where you grew up and go and live someplace else. Because this makes you much, much more vulnerable. You don’t know anyone or their history or their intentions. This primes you to be a victim of organized crime and intelligence networks, which is what cabal is.

Gangstalking cannot happen to anyone who lives in a healthy community with solid ties to other people.

The mass migrations that have been pushed on the American population have been every bit as devastating to our culture and our mental health as migrations pushed on various populations around the globe. With the exception that we don’t even realize what’s been taken from us.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

“The mass migrations that have been pushed on the American population have been every bit as devastating to our culture and our mental health as migrations pushed on various populations around the globe. With the exception that we don’t even realize what’s been taken from us.”

Trust me, anyone in the blue states will notice the change that has happen rapidly for the past 20 years. Yesterday, I mention to my mother that town we went to get groceries had area that strongly Italian american and Irish american population has in the span of 10 years become Arabic population. New stores and places cater to the replacement population while old population is push out due to the changing culture. When you remove the commonality that people share, its become easier to control the population via tribal affiliation or power. People won’t note the change in the community or environment until the day they realize, they are the only ones left speaking English.

The US I grew up in is changing rapidly right before my eyes, and I’m immigrant in this country.

5 years ago

“Heart attacks are increasing among the young. Could obviously be innocent.” No.

“NIH OKs creating a hyper transmissible version of Bird Flu which could kill millions if it gets free.” From the article: “Professor Salzberg rubbished the two scientists’ claims their research would help authorities predict or prevent an outbreak of mutated bird flu in the future. He said: ‘We don’t even stockpile vaccines for the normal seasonal flu, because it mutates too fast, so we have to produce new vaccines each year. And the notion that anyone can predict a future pandemic strain so precisely that we could design a vaccine based on their prediction is laughable.'” But Trump is allowing the research to resume after the Obama administration banned it in 2014. Conclusion: Cabal already has a stockpile of the 1918 flu virus and is planning to use it. The flu and flu vaccine deaths in 2017 fit the profile of that virus and may have been a failed attempt to start an epidemic.

“German Police ignored thousands of tips about refugees accused of war crimes.” The first position they corrupt in a law enforcement or prosecuting agency is always the tip line, both to protect Cabal operations and to identify potential new recruits for Cabal.

“so command did not know how to warn them” Or their control channel is gone. A lot of these chickens have been running around like they lost their heads.

“Q did say if the full truth were revealed, most people would need hospitalization. No telling where this rabbit hole ends, or exactly what we are dealing with.” Doom 2016 was a documentary. UAC Argent Energy: “Power, from the people!” (Oh, is that why they’re trying so hard to push people to suicide. They feed on the souls of the damned.)

“I’ll bet it sounded better when his handler first proposed him playing the part of a global tech billionaire.” If LifeLog was supposed to help build more human-like robots, you would think they would have upgraded his programming by now.

“Rubio says Venezuela is about to escalate in a way we have not seen yet.” Maduro is already distributing food aid only to people who voted for him. “Right now, a lot of Maduro’s awareness of what is going on around town and his location will be down, and he will feel more vulnerable.” Now drop in AKs, ammo, and maps with targets marked on them.

On the general topic of using famine as a weapon, persistently destroying Vietnam’s ability to grow food was the actual purpose of the U.S. use of Agent Orange. It had nothing to do with reducing foliage used for cover.

Coincidentally, Agent Orange had been known to be contaminated with TCDD, and the mixture had been known to be carcinogenic to humans, since the early 1950s. Also coincidentally, glyphosate was developed as a result of research aimed at finding a member of a specific family of compounds that could be marketed as a water softener, and glyphosate is known to bind to and persist in soil, interfere with nitrogen fixation, and kill earthworms. I wonder what goals the people who designed, approved, and promoted Agent Orange and glyphosate really had in mind.

Also coincidentally, a much less toxic, much less persistent, easier to produce, herbicide, ammonium sulfamate, was effectively banned in Europe, allegedly because the people who wanted it to remain approved thought they had enough animal testing data to show the compound was safe, while the regulators would not even review the data unless it had been tested on dogs. Both the ammonium ion and sulfamic acid are quite well understood and widely used, and do not have the subtle toxicities that the currently preferred crop sprays do.

Felix Bellator
Felix Bellator
5 years ago

The video of the “fast movers” might be flying insects in the near field of view. A intermediate range object for comparison in a fly-by would help. I recall a few years back a whole bunch of videos on cryptids called “air snakes” or some such. These elongated flying white snakes would travel at impossible speeds. Then there was some analysis done of some of the videos and someone postulated that the effect was caused by flying moths where the wing beat frequency was aliasing with the frame rate causing the moth’s flight path to be seen as an undulating streak.

I looked for videos on this but could not find any, so I have only memory to back this up.

No Name
No Name
5 years ago

As to envious fat chicks, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: an overwhelming number of cabal operatives are female. It’s to the point where I think it’s entirely possible that Cabal is a matriarchal organization. This would make sense as traditionally women have had more time to network socially within a community while their husbands worked. This pattern repeats across cultures and economic class.

Women are much more ferocious than popular culture indicates, and they are particularly ferocious in cases where they can get away with their aggression without risk of retribution. No courage, and they absolutely avoid risk. But if they can get in a position to attack where there’s no risk of retaliation, they do so with a cruelty and ferociousness that many men would struggle to fathom.

As Qanon said, “Watch the wives.” If you dig into just the publicly available information on many black hats wives, you’ll see patterns of affiliation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Women commit 10% of murder. But make up only 2.9% of all national executions. Whilst men make up at least 97.1% of all executions justly.


Men have historically have trouble holding women accountable for murder. The documented cases of female evil on the website is worth a read:

Female murder hasn’t been given the proper treatment in my opinion.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

Michael Tsarion have done work on the Female Illuminati:

The Order of the Dragon and so forth may be Matriarchal institutitions.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

What, now cabal gets blamed on women too? What I’ve observed on the right wings sites is they’re full of rabbity men who want to blame all the problems of the world on rabbity women. Men sold their souls and threw away their mores eagerly embracing the sexual revolution, which allowed them to screw and discard women without commitment. What were women supposed to do…starve? -Wait around until they are too old to bear children hoping that guys will stop sleeping until noon in their parents basements and finally decide to commit? While rabbit men were smoking pot, playing video games, having eight dogs and ‘finding themselves’, rabbit women were out living their lives and adapting to the r-world men created. Now it pisses men off to no end that women have made it so they can thrive without them. Maybe it’s not an ideal system, but it’s better than women sitting around turning into dry bones waiting for man-children to grow tf up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Outside of Cabal talk, I get tired of all the ‘men lean K; women lean r’ talk on other sites. I feel like women are r-ified as a response to the world men created. A lot of women who might have had low sex drives, insecurity and a desire to be led were forced by circumstances to get that amygdala stimulation that the men playing video games in their parents basement never got. -And I LOL at the projection….all these men talking about ‘hypersexualized’ thots. Don’t they know sex drive is related to testosterone production?

As for Cabal, I must be under coverage. You either are or you’re in it, right? I know fuck all about a secret society around me, although if I could pinpoint one of them, I’m sure I could ask the right questions to get an admission somewhere. My experience with women is that they aren’t that interested in me. I’m one of those ‘all my friends are guys’ type women, and I’ll use cut direct on the trouble ones. Back when I got my first house and abruptly got a bunch of new neighbors, all the women were really nice but kept their distance. I was on a corner off an alley. One of the ladies thought my street was too dark and worried about suspicious characters wandering around at night. She (no joke) called the village and had them install a bright street light practically on top of my house. I had to buy blackout curtains to tone it out. Besides the odd cigarette butt or dog poop (or Easter island head lawn ornament stolen out of my yard) on the sidewalk, I never had any trouble.

At work was a different story. I seemed to get along with everybody, but again, everybody kept their distance. After twenty years, I don’t have a close friend in the place. There were a few miserable fatties and petty dingbats, but they’d usually get mad about something for a time and then forget about it right away. I’d aggressively confront anybody who made a snide comment, and they’d back off right away because most people want an easy fight. The worst thing they ever did was convince the workplace crazy idiot to stalk me. That was a joint effort of both sexes. If Cabal was real, then I’d assume he was an MK Ultra slated to pull a John Lennon on me, yet the days, months, years tick by with nothing. Anyway, the women seem easier to read because they are more expressive with their emotions. The men are trickier. IE: I’m about to have placed next to me a guy who might be either a terminator robot or a quaranteed victim. He lives alone, has no friends outside or work, yet is Mr. Personality in the workplace. We have personality types that mesh and will be best buds, except now intuition tells me to be weirded out by him.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Still not convinced if this is true or not, but have a funny thought. When getting around normies, not even the rabbitiest of rabbits are as unscrupulous as the media would have you believe. I once worried that some grown-ass person acting like a child would find out my deepest darkest secrets and try to embarrass me with them. Then I realized most people would be more uncomfortable knowing than I’d be knowing they know. As long as I wasn’t in any danger of being murdered by a weirdo, it could be a hilarious thought that the next time I’m in a room full of people acting uncomfortable around me, I could imagine asking them if they want to have circle time and talk about it. -Because, for sure, they’d be more uncomfortable talking about it face to face than I’d be.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

About women leaning r, some r is required for balance and there are places where r is useful and necessary, women do lean r slightly more than men but that natural leaning is within the amount that is good and everyone would be worse off if they didn’t.

The problems in life are caused by people going beyond the natural acceptable range in either direction and that can happen on the K end of things as well.

Government is one place where little to no r is good at that is why it may have been better to not give women the vote but even better than that would be to deny the vote to anyone who gets any government money. (with the exception of the military, they have a right to a say in choosing the people who will decide whether to send them to kill and die or not)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

”Outside of Cabal talk, I get tired of all the ‘men lean K; women lean r’ talk on other sites. I feel like women are r-ified as a response to the world men created. A lot of women who might have had low sex drives, insecurity and a desire to be led were forced by circumstances to get that amygdala stimulation that the men playing video games in their parents basement never got. -And I LOL at the projection….all these men talking about ‘hypersexualized’ thots. Don’t they know sex drive is related to testosterone production?”

Where? Return of Kings?

Sex drive and testosterone are related yes but it requires more.

“Hypersexualized thots?”

E-thots are as much a problem as the thirsty ”men” themselves throwing money at them for thotting on twitch whilst crowding out actual Gamers. Otherwise I don’t get what you are talking about.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Women are moral agents. So what the problem of blaming women rightfully for evil that they actually do? Are only men guilty and men’s fault for all the evil that women do?

Dont get trapped into “blaming x” or “siding with y” whataboutisms do not make his points invalid. Truth is truth.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

I agree. We do need to stick together. Although I think this conversation has shown us the mental traps that people have in regards to certain subjects.

So I don’t think its futile in itself.

Addressing evil would have to include disabling those traps which would helps to enable cabal division and control of our society.

Objective evil crosses all demographics, sexes and ethnic groups.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Calm down. No one is blaming women for the Cabal. My only point was that women make up far more of the operatives and handlers than I think many people would imagine. Additionally, I think Cabal is only found in 10-25% of society, and even the vast majority of that group have no idea whatsoever of the larger picture outside of their immediate social circle and community. Indeed, most of these people don’t even know the word cabal and would be lost if you tried talking about it. They simply know that some people around them aren’t to be messed with and that you should probably kowtow to them.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

Why is blaming men no problem. But when the subject is female people get worked up?

5 years ago

There is a meme floating around the Internet that only 3% of American born men have benefitted from tha job gains.

5 years ago


“What has happened on my side is I am coming around to the dark side, where all those lofty principles, and desire to make a better, more enduring system gives way to an acceptance of the enduring nature of the raw power struggle, and a burning desire to see everything used as abusively as it has been, only for the destruction of the other side instead of our side.”

Don’t forget that when a little bit asked Trump if he was Batman, Trump confessed that he was.

5 years ago

It did say in the article about heart attacks in people younger than 40 a risk factor was cocaine use, which might be popular among models and beauty queens as a weight loss aid, along with diet pills and energy drinks, which also aren’t good for the heart. There’s a whole list of what used to be elderly person problems cropping up in youth because of legal drug-pushing and chemicals in food.

The idea of nasty ugly women going after virtuous beautiful women is laughable. Women overwhelmingly have to fear violence from men. Common scenario might be a guy who banged and threw away a bunch of perfectly decent average-looking women, -writing them off as thots for making mistakes in their youth- all the while looking for that ‘virtuous beautiful wife-material’ lady he thinks he deserves. Then the beauty queen might be like, “I don’t think so…we don’t have anything in common, and you are kind of shallow.” Next thing you know, she’s getting stalked and murdered.

If it’s true the transmen are MK Ultra-ed, then I pray justice will be done and left wing traitors executed for crimes against humanity. It goes along with my theory they are living science specimens in a experiment nobody asked for. Who wants to find out what the hormones will do to the baby? There are enough of them giving birth now we are about to.

That person might have made bad decisions, yet I wouldn’t consider her life less important than the beauty queen’s, just because she doesn’t match the ideal of what most cis white males want to bang. It’s never good to let oneself become a useful idiot for the global elite, but I can read some of their gripes and empathize. A lot of insecure ‘trenderqueers’ and ‘pansexuals’ are desperate to be taken into the LGBT umbrella after a lifetime of being maligned and treated as worthless for unrelated physical characteristics they can’t help, such as being disabled, overweight, ambiguously-gendered, neurodivergent, unattractive… Instead of passing around messages on Tumblr saying, “You are valid because of (niche queer trait)”, they should come out and say, “Your life is valid, and you don’t have to justify your existence”, then leave it at that.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Women overwhelmingly have to fear PHYSICAL violence from men and not women. But don’t ever believe that women are inherently more loving, forgiving, or even nurturing. There are plenty of women who wish to identify themselves with warrior avatars and all kinds of nonsense. But they don’t mean to do anything physical. They will, however, viciously engage in rumor mongering, gas lighting, and all kinds of savagery on their victims. And they have a bizarre ability to dream of justifications for destroying peoples lives.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

There are more female murderers than you think:

A lot of child murderers are women. And if abortion is counted as murder. Then the holocaust of Americans vastly outnumber many wars.

Plus women are more likely to persuade others to do their dirty work and resort to weapons when they do decide to turn violent.

As for the complaints of hypersexuality. I think many men have this Madonna/Whore complex that is inherited from Roman Catholicism.

Even though sexuality and eroticism even hypersexuality within wedlock is good. As evidenced by the existence of the Song of Solomon in the Bible.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago
5 years ago

Re: The Dark Side

The Dark Side has its place as a tool of destruction but its use must be temporary or you will become that which you hate

M. in MI
M. in MI
5 years ago

The archetypical rage-filled fatty:

Is she even grosser than TransDaddy McMommybelly?

5 years ago

What’s your opinion on Andrew Yang?

5 years ago

A file on literally everyone, and one in ten or so gets active surveillance by otherwise regular people who are in fact paid operatives… indeed, it is incredible.

That means there must be people in my life who work for this system. Everyone has to trust someone sooner or later. How do I sort out who’s who?