News Briefs – 03/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is posting again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[So the Krassenstein brothers, who have admitted they get paid to post insults at Trump on each of his tweets are somehow aided by Jack Dorsey at Twitter, who must have developed a mechanism to hold up all commenting on POTUS’s tweets until a Krassenstein, and probably others, has managed to get in an insult. That way when people read POTUS’s tweet the top comments are insults, and readers think Trump has no support and everyone is against him.]

[So basically just like when Q released that they knew Cabal was using Xbox comms to communicate, and Xbox went down while the servers were wiped, Facebook is down because they are trying to delete evidence of their association with Cabal.]

[Which means all that wiping at facebook is useless, because NSA has total access throughout it.]


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

From the comments – An interview with a therapist who discusses how therapists were stumbling on adult MK Ultra patients who had been used for experiments when they were children. Whenever the experiments failed, they tried to program the kids to self-destruct and suicide to tie up the loose end of the child. What those who have not seen Cabal will not understand is the extent of the conspiracy, and how camouflaged it is. This can happen to any parent who takes their kid to therapy because they have therapists sprinkled all over who report to Cabal, but who live their lives as normal therapists, totally undercover. Those therapists can program the kids, they can gather blackmail, and they can get someone committed so they can work on them more intensively. And if it befalls your family, you cannot appeal to government because Cabal has compromised key positions there to protect their operations, from local Police Chiefs, to DA’s, to reporters, to Civil Liberties groups, to lawyers, to judges, and probably even the person who assigns people jury duty, so if you sued the jury pool you got would be composed of Cabal’s secret society. You see why controlling college admissions was a part of their machine – they could get their people top degrees and then put them wherever they needed them. Also, indications are they have taken over most homeless shelters in major cities, and many of the homeless residents who deal with “counselors” are themselves MK Ultra experiments due to their vulnerability and helplessness. Pretty horrific state of affairs. I can’t imagine what it would have become had Hillary won.

Brazil suddenly has its first school shooting. Bolsonaro promised loosened gun laws, and though restrictions are still in place, out come the school shooters all of a sudden. MK Ultra is global because Cabal is global.

Man arrested on his way to Google with three baseball bats because his YouTube channel was shut down. You do not MK Ultra, unless you are MK Ultra. Again, it is possible cops happened upon him. But it is far more likely that the all seeing eyes of Cabal were not happy with his channel for some reason to begin with, he was being watched, and when he loaded up, they immediately knew, and moved to protect their assets at google. None of these tragedies you see had to happen. They were allowed to happen because they were good for Cabal, and Cabal wanted them. Trump and Q’s plan is likely to end with the biggest shock of all. That all of the horrors of the past, from school shootings, to 9/11 – they were either allowed to happen, or they were made to happen. When that final act plays, expect the majority of the country to be reprogrammed with the mindset to protect freedom and oppose evil for a good long time.

Interesting collection of research on how David Brock shuttles donations around from foundation to foundation, so he can bleed commissions off them rather than use the money for its stated purpose. And each Foundation can still say it only takes 15% of donations in handling fees.

Migrants use twice the welfare and benefits of native born Americans. Migrants are r-strategists. If you want to crash an ecosystem, import an r-strategist which consumes the resources. If you want to collapse an economy, do the same. You could do much worse than to base all public policy around the tenets of r/K Theory.

Loretta Lynch ordered FBI to not charge Hillary Clinton in the largest case of treason in American History. Like Q said. He also said there were cell phones present at the tarmac meeting where Lynch was promised a Supreme Court seat to be an accessory to Capital Treason, and they have it all.

Feinstein and Soros tied to dark money group which dumped $2 million into the dossier.

Democrat Chairman of House Oversight committee said Cohen will get a pass for lying to the committee – no referral to DOJ will go out.

New York City is telling New Yorkers what they can and cannot flush down the toilet.

China wants to help Venezuela put the lights back on so it can begin pumping oil again to pay off its $23 billion in debt to China.

Due to Cable rules, 90 million pay CNN money, even though only 1 million actually watch it. Notice how if Cabal controlled Cable bundling (they do), they can make everyone pay for their propaganda, just like every Brit has to pay for BBC’s drivel.

Boris Johnson complains about Police Resources being “wasted” on the examination of child molestation in Britain’s elites over the years.

Boeing 737 MAX pilots have repeatedly complained about the plane suddenly going nose down during takeoff.

British MPs vote to not leave the EU without a deal, next up will be a vote on a delay of the leave day.

Somali parents fly their son to Africa to let him escape the knife violence in Khan’s London. A real story.

Nellie Ohr’s testimony confirms she worked for CIA, as Q said.

College exam cheaters faked learning disabilities by having therapists certify that their children needed extra time and consideration on tests. How do they all know therapists? Stars and therapists seem to have always gone hand in hand. We just assumed the stars are nuts and need them, but what if stars are selected by being selected by Cabal therapists as ideal psychologies with enough dirt spilled in therapy to control them?

One of the students gloated about having cheated on the SAT. Her eyes are the best example I have seen of Cabal-eyes. Those are deceptive eyes which know something, and are amused at how everyone else doesn’t even know there is an outside, let alone that they are there. It is almost a certainty this college cheating scandal was choreographed as a part of the Great Awakening. This is the first seed, planted in everyone’s mind, that there is a Secret Society. It has told the plebes that the rules are it is all an honest competition and you just try to do the best you can and you can be anything you want to be. But in reality, there is another set of rules for Cabal, which is you make millions, pay your taxes to Cabal by helping it maintain total control, and you get whatever you want, by cheating and bribery – and nobody else stands a chance. I’ve said here there is a Secret Society, which operates by rules we would not believe, with resources that would seem nearly impossible. From civil service tests, to book publishing contracts, to lottery winnings, it was all fixed. If a girl didn’t let a Cabal member like Eric Schneiderman rape her and beat her, he told her he would ruin her life by putting her under surveillance. If she persisted in resisting, he would pick up the phone, and hundreds, if not thousands of seemingly regular people would descend on her, emerging out of the ether, following some unheard orders blindly, using the highest level of technology not even available to Special Forces, all with the goal of ruining her life and making her live in fear. How could the machine afford it? How do they have so many who will willingly be part of such a scheme? It defies logic, particularly in terms of resources and manpower. But it is looking like Trump and Q are going to expose that entire hidden society, and they are beginning with the college scandal to let the masses know, the lives they are living are not the lives they attained – they are the lives they were allowed to attain because no Cabal member wanted to take that from them.

The benefits of their being in with Cabal does explain this:

Russians might have reversed the Second Law of Thermodynamics by reversing time and making a quantum computer move a fraction of a second into the past.

Blexit is now joined by Jexodus, as Jews flee the Democrat party? It is still stage setting at this point. What is coming is the first reveal – that the American dream was actually just a lie the elites used, to keep the plebes thinking they weren’t being cheated by a Cabal that controlled everything. They needed everyone to think that rather, they had failed on their own merits. And there are the purposely inflicted mass murders and epic tragedies, which will be the finale. The whole thing is proving to be the biggest mind-expanding event I could imagine experiencing. Aliens landing wouldn’t have screwed with my head 1/100th as much as realizing my entire view of reality, of how the system would allow the good to constrain the evil, that I held from the time I was a kid, was entirely false.

Trump says any bill opposing the national emergency will be vetoed.

Another Muslim rape gang is charged in Britain.

Cofounder of NXIVM pleads guilty – which means a deal was struck.

Naomi Rao, Trump’s pick to replace Kavanaugh on powerful Federal Appeals Court confirmed on a party-line vote.

Trump grounds 737 MAX planes after 2nd crash.

Manafort sentenced to 81 month total, and gets a new indictment in NY for mortgage fraud. All for things he did years before he ever met Trump. My impression of Manafort was he was a lower level Cabalite working for Tony Podesta, who was sent in to sabotage the Trump campaign – and whose first act was to try and take the Master Persuader of all master persuaders off the TV by canceling all of his Sunday Show appearances. Trump was no limp-wristed Romney cuckservative though and Manafort ended up not even being a speed bump. For that he is now being punished by Cabal. Only Trump knows everything going on for sure, but I was struck when he said, “I have great respect for what he has done in terms of what he has gone through. You know he worked for Ronald Reagan for years. He worked for Bob Dole. I guess his firm worked for McCain. He worked for many, many people, many, many years. And I would say what he did, some of the charges they threw against him, every consultant, every lobbyist in Washington probably does.”

After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s Legal Team Now Targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP.

A Grand Jury is looking at Facebook selling data of its users.

Mueller’s lawyers file a report with the Judge saying Flynn gave them everything and was very helpful to their work, so his sentence should be minimal. What you know is Flynn was not helpful in taking down Trump, so who was he so helpful in taking down, that Mueller’s team would be so grateful for his assistance? This makes it look a lot like Q was right and Mueller’s team was investigating someone other than President Trump. And that someone may just be the Cabal. Which will truly be the biggest head-fuck for leftists in the history of politics, when it comes out.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q is being proven right.

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5 years ago

The vote last night in our Parliament against a no deal is non binding on the Government. They can’t extend Brexit as the leaving date is enshrined in law. That is the legislation Parliament passed to ‘authorise’ Brexit. To extend Article 50 they would have to amend the legislation and there isn’t enough time before the 29th. All a charade.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

Exactly Rossa

I can’t believe how few people, UKIP included it appears, realise this, I’m surrounded by stressed out Brexiteers, who stayed stressed no matter how clearly i explain this to them!

Thia weeks theatre as far as I’m concerned, is all about appearance to give the remainiacs false hope and keep them placated until it’s too late.

And then we win 😉

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

FYI – the link is wrong on the NXIVM story.

Thanks for all you are doing.

In light of many of your posts/links and commentary today, on this ‘season’ of American Idol, the drumbeat is really, really over the top, like constant on every episode, that if “you, Middle America, work hard to achieve your dreams, anything is possible!”. sure….. It is very interesting to watch, once ‘woke’.

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes! Listen to the lottery commercials on radio too — full of “dream big!…anything is possible!” kind of talk.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“One of the things many gangstalking victims say is they control hiring at a ridiculous number of companies, because they own the bosses.” The bosses, or do they hire an HR firm or HR personnel to do background checks and other filtering? HR personnel are mostly female, so expect Cabal to be over-represented there. How many firms provide outsourced HR services?

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Since we’re already talking about lottery shenanigans, god forbid we explore the manipulations and machinations of our global stock markets. To quote The Joker, “Wait’ll they get a load of me!”

5 years ago

During the hearing for Daniel Collins, Trump’s nominee for 9th circuit, Dianne Feinstein asked him about the use of Military Tribunals.

5 years ago

Q trolling MZ and Facebook was epic. Whistle while you work….the NSA’s 7 supercomputers are named after the 7 dwarves!

A lot of speculation about the outages for FB, Instagram and Google, suggesting that the data centre where they store all our info is beneath DIA and wondering if the snow storm (bomb = boom) was hiding a Q team infiltration, similar to what we saw in LA.

5 years ago

This is from a good dig by an Anon. Lisa Page’s Mother is Iranian. Peter Strzok is also Iranian.

Some speculation that her sister is known as Monica Witt and wanted by the FBI. There is a photo of her on 8Chan and she looks like Lisa’s twin.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

Wouldn’t “Najarian” be more likely an Armenian name? IDK.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

There are Iranians descended from Armenians who went to live there centuries ago.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Link at “Cofounder of NXIVM pleads guilty – which means a deal was struck.” misdirects.

5 years ago

I don’t understand the Jexodus name. Isn’t “Exodus” already a word that fits Jews leaving somewhere? Why the need to add a “J”? Can’t it just be “Exodus 2: The Colby’s”?

5 years ago

Looks like Fusion GPS was/is a CIA front. The CIA ran the whole show, from the FB donating to charity (money laundering?) to funding the dossier.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

Nellie Ohr was an Open Source Works (CIA) operative. Her testimony says she approached Fusion GPS, not the other way round. Funny how OSW shut down at the same time Fusion GPS was founded. Just like Lifelog became Facebook.

5 years ago

Russians might have reversed the Second Law of Thermodynamics by reversing time and making a quantum computer move a fraction of a second into the past.

The Russians are telling those with ears to listen that time-manipulating machines are out there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Whoa! Recently a number of people (maybe on here as well?) were perplexed. Everyone was remembering something that didn’t happen. different timeline hypothesis was one thought put out there.

But this makes me think.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

SciFi and comics are prediction, not fiction.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Just like we actially get truths from Hollyweird… think “Taken” “Hostel” etc… and BS from CNN/BBC etc.

5 years ago

Trump needed to get the nomination on the first ballot, after that many of his delegates would have been able to vote as they wanted or were paid to. Manafort is one of the few guys who knows how conventions work and that is why he was brought into the Trump campaign and that was all he was needed for.

In the Ukraine, the cabal seems to have been working the successful plan to overthrow the government. Manafort, Podesta, etc were working on an arrangement to allow western goods to pass through the Ukraine and into the Russian Federation and avoiding paying RF custom duties.

5 years ago

This is huge if true. MILSpec Ops Monkey on Twitter, tracked that Ethiopian Airways flight and it landed in Nairobi. It’s a bit of a stretch but at this point in time sometimes you can’t discount anything. Most suspect thing was no bodies at the crash site. Others had already commented on discrepancies at the site, including that it looked like a digger had done the earth moving as there is no crater where you would expect a plane of that size to be see in bits

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

“a man who is considered by many to be the President with the most successful first two years in history.”

I see self-aggrandizing P.T. Barnum is alive and well, but Trump isn’t even a remote contender for most successful President. My vote would be for Woodrow Wilson, who launched the Fed, income tax and WWI, and more than anyone launched our nation’s course for full Communism and Jewish control.

Obama also has to be a contender, literally turning our very life or death over to the State. And LBJ told every shop owner in America how to run their business, as well as offering up his own version of socialized medicine.

Of course, Lincoln dissolved the Tenth Amendment AND habeas corpus.

If your goal is to destroy America, these other guys are the A-Team. They got everything they wanted. Trump is Cookie Puss.

5 years ago
5 years ago

The left has realized that they have made a crippling error but I think this will be too little too late:

Want to Help Fight Climate Change? Have More Children

No Name
No Name
5 years ago

“We just assumed the stars are nuts and need them, but what if stars are selected by being selected by Cabal therapists as ideal psychologies with enough dirt spilled in therapy to control them?”

Cabal has long known the benefits of having people in your life that you “confess” your secrets to.

No Name
No Name
5 years ago

In regards to college admission, I will suggest the possibility that a big reason for the so called “Asian Privilege” and in general wanting to hold back the numbers of Asians given entry to higher ed is for the simple reason that Cabal has not penetrated nearly as deeply into Asian or Asian American society. They are there, but not nearly to the extent of some other ethnic groups. It’s hard for me to imagine this issue being brought up otherwise.