News Briefs – 03/22/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts as of when we went to press. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

17th PrEP failure means HIV may begin mutating around the drugs.

Instagram will block anti-vaccine hashtags.

Andrew Gillum plans to add 1 million new voters in Florida

Immigration Court Backlog up 300%, system on verge of collapse. It certainly looks like somebody is trying to flood illegals up here for some reason.

Half of people don’t know what First Amendment is, one in five never heard of the Bill of Rights. That isn’t an accident. Cabal has been systematically weakening our population, with drugs, with TV/psych programming, with apathy, with demoralization, with immorality, with in-your-face corruption that never gets punished, and with public education that emphasizes LGBT history and de-emphasizes or demonizes culture, civics, and American history.

Interviewed students feel offensive or rude speech, by their own metrics, should not qualify as free speech.

ADHD drugs can cause increased risk of psychosis.

Facebook left the New Zealand shooting video up for over an hour. Notice, it had copyrighted music played in it, and some have said Facebook’s algorithms are designed to pick up on copyrighted videos and ban them immediately. But it didn’t happen here.

Venezuelan Forces detained an opposition leader in a raid.

Between 2009 and 2015, child abductions in the EU rose 20%. Interesting look into “kidnapping to order” of children. Contains case of Guatemalan woman who tracked her kidnapped daughter to the family which adopted her in the US, and got all paperwork in order declaring her kidnapped, but judge simply refused to return her. 300,000 children were kidnapped in Spain alone between 1939 and the 1990’s.

Criminal Biker Gang in New Zealand pledges to guard mosque so worshippers feel protected. Note that the mosque Tarrant shot up was involved in Child-grooming and terrorism recruitment. Why would this criminal gang bother to step up like this? Cabal is a unifying force, bringing together criminal elements and government to the common cause of executing Cabal’s plans. Whenever you see organized crime blended with government or intelligence, like with JFK’s murder, or MS-13 enjoying government protection and taking out Seth Rich for the Democrats, you are looking at Cabal.

Volvo will use in-car cameras, pointed at the driver, to prevent distracted and drunk driving and shut the car down if it detects problems. Notice, we encounter cameras, and put tape over them so we can’t be spied upon. So now they make it so our devices and property won’t work unless we uncover the cameras and let them watch us, for our own safety.

Rundown of pedophile allegations levied over the years against the British Royal family. All it really took was the association with Jimmy Savile and Jeffery Epstein to let you know what was going on. Also, the youtube video on the page was nuked, and that is practically an official seal of approval.

Rachel Chandler’s Great Grandfather was one of the suspects in the Black Dahlia murder.

North Korean Revolutionary group that raided the North Korean embassy in Spain reached out to discuss the raid with the US FBI.

Brits are activating soldiers in nuclear-proof bunker for Brexit.

Top General to meet with Google over concerns Google is advancing China’s military beyond our’s. Why can’t they just put export controls on Google’s Intellectual property, and then only offer a waiver if they do what the government wants?

Now Fox News hires Joe Biden’s former Chief of Staff as a lobbiest. Hiring Donna Brazille, suspending Jeanine, Rupert must have gotten paid good in that Disney deal. OAN needs to be pushed to the forefront fast, before Fox gets rid of Hannity, Tucker and Jeanine. Better yet, get Don Jr and Eric to start their own network.

Ford Explorers are still having issues with making owners sick due to Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Even Police Cruisers may be vulnerable.

Sweden, population 10 million, offers asylum to 11 million Chinese Uighur Muslims. It is hard to believe the citizens could be so stupid.

Shia Muslims in Sweden are fearful that returning ISIS fighters will do to them what they did to the population in Syria.

Article on the use of hidden cameras in the Orchids of Asia Day Spa case. Notice the owner was able to see them install their tech after they used a ruse to kick her out because she had cameras installed in the facility and was watching them on her mobile phone. I am beginning to think this was done by regular Law Enforcement, which explains why they didn’t just plug into her and Cabal’s hidden cameras. What it still doesn’t explain is why a billionaire was getting manual sex in a seedy facility in a strip mall, known in the google reviews for the doors constantly flying open so the owner could bitch at the workers in rapid fire Chinese.

Ocasio Cortez and New York City mayor want to end entrance exams when determining who gets into honors programs in special technical high schools. Using meritocracy when determining who gets into the honors programs is unfair, because some people are smarter than others. Better the geniuses are put in the retard classes, and the retards are placed in the genius classes.

Twelve French Churches vandalized and attacked by Muslims in a week.

MS-13 members who stabbed and burned Maryland victim had been resettled as refugees.

Democrats will shun AIPAC summit. How has Trump walked them right into driving the Jewish vote away?

Ocasio Cortez gets a Time Magazine cover – which is dated April Fools day.

Ocasio Cortez has gotten so many death threats Police have had to train up her staff in threat assessment. You wonder if that is a measure of some sort of MK Ultra prep-work being done so if they ever decide her death would benefit Cabal they can just pull the trigger on a wind-up toy and let him loose.

The Sun runs an experiment, and evidence indicates our phones are listening to us, and using Voice Recognition/GPS/personal identifiers to identify what we are talking about and who we are, and then sending us ads based on that. Note how that data is almost certainly going into an intelligence file about us, and that file is an open book to the advertising machine. I increasingly believe business, and Big tech, and advertising, and government intelligence/surveillance, and organized crime, and media/Hollywood, and everything else were all merging into the small secret society which ran things/sold things/controlled things, and the sheep they farmed for cheap labor.

GOP Establishment announced it was the end of the world when Trump won the Republican primary. For the Secret Society that had taken over the Establishment Republicans, and was selling out the country for its own benefit, it was. Sadly, the worker who called it the end of the world now works in the White House – handling hiring in Human Resources.

Ivanka wants Americans to stop thinking the only way to succeed in America is to go to a four year college, and assume massive debt to do so. Notice how that 4 year college plan left the vast majority of non-STEM, liberal arts major students steeped in Cabal narratives and without a real skill, in debt, and dependent on a job that was unrelated to their schooling – and often dependent on pushing the Cabal narratives they were indoctrinated with as educators themselves.

Five former Stasi members questioned about the Lockerbie bombing. Suspected of some sort of connection to the guy who built the timer.

North Korea is freely getting high-end limousines imported, despite sanctions. Probably a security measure being offered by the US to keep Kim from being assassinated in Cabal-provided vehicles.

2nd Jury says Roundup Causes cancer. There is clear mechanism by which it could. Now, given it is in almost everything we eat, imagine what those lawsuits are going to do to Monsanto/Bayer. Basically everyone who gets cancer from here on out could sue, since it has contaminated the entire food supply.

Roger Stone tells Jerry Nadler he has already testified, so he doesn’t need to cooperate anymore and won’t.

Julian Assange tells House investigators he will not be cooperating either.

South Carolina Republican endorses Q-Anon, says they are definitely legit. I keep seeing people confuse Q being “legit” with Q being their own personal oracle. Q is likely legit, but he is definitely not posting to inform you personally. In truth, he probably doesn’t care if you know what is happening or not, except as it facilitates his mission, which is the defeat of Cabal. So he will lie, he will misinform, he will say things that are completely wrong, and if all of that is done to further his mission and defeat Cabal, he can still be entirely legit.

Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide.

Populism is taking off in the Netherlands.

Spread r/K Theory, because the evil is out there.

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5 years ago

As expected someone has taken the trouble to go through the video of the shooting, sometimes second by second and presents a very detailed analysis of the discrepancies and where the shooter was being handled. States he now believes it was completely faked.

5 years ago

Ocasio Cortez and New York City mayor want to end entrance exams when determining who gets into honors programs in special technical high schools. Using meritocracy when determining who gets into the honors programs is unfair, because some people are smarter than others. Better the geniuses are put in the retard classes, and the retards are placed in the genius classes.

Also, standardized testing for admission to TAG programs significantly boosts black students in the programs, because black teachers of black students don’t recommend high-IQ blacks for the program at the same rate.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

I really don’t think egalitarianism is the goal. I think it’s just a means of getting rid of objective data. That way they can put Cabal progeny in the good classes and doomed bloodlines elsewhere.

5 years ago

Sweden, population 10 million, offers asylum to 11 million Chinese Uighur Muslims. It is hard to believe the citizens could be so stupid.

I heard of two decent theories on why Swedes act the way they do:

1. The Alpha types left to rape and pillage and took their genes with them. The men left were timid farmers.

2. This is a self correcting mechanism. People are bored. they have it to easy, there is so struggle, so they take actions that will require them to suffer.

5 years ago

>”Democrats will shun AIPAC summit. How has Trump walked them right into driving the Jewish vote away?”

The Israeli lobby (which in the US is composed of hundreds of organizations: ) already has another tool in their tool box to compliment their election meddling operations in the US, and it targets both democrats and republican candidates:

“AIPAC-connected officials are about to launch yet another pro-Israel political action committee: “Pro-Israel America.” (AIPAC is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, rated by Fortune Magazine as one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the U.S.)

While the Israel lobby, which consists of hundreds of organizations, is known for billionaire donors such as Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Norman Braman, Paul Singer and others, Pro-Israel America (PIA) will be specifically targeting smaller donors.

Jewish Currents reports: “The launch of Pro-Israel America marks a new phase of activism for the Israel lobby as it aims to remake itself for a new era in which progressive politicians have raised huge sums from small-dollar donors.”

According to a strategy document obtained by Jewish Currents, PIA’s goal is to recruit 10,000 donors to give around $200 each, so that it can contribute at least $2 million to pro-Israel candidates from both major parties during the 2020 campaign cycle.”

5 years ago

“We are here today to take historic action to defend American Students and American Values. In a few moments, I will be signing an Executive Order to protect FREE SPEECH on College Campuses.”

College students would be smart to take advantage of POTUS having their back and promote the documentary “The Lobby: USA” in their colleges.

“The Lobby: USA” documentary:

>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

The beautiful thing about this documentary, is that it pisses off both Republicans and Democrats alike, and Muslims can be mobilized to start promoting the documentary on the colleges (for obvious reasons, they love the Palestinians and BDS), and everyone else can be mobilized too (tell them “Hey, all that money that goes into Israel every year (almost 4 billion dollars) so they can bribe the Congress to put Israel first, why isn’t that money being used to help Americans in America? What about the poor American inner cities that need that money? What about the veterans? This ain’t right!”).

I think it would be smart to start to send emails to all the mosques and all the groups that advocate for any other group of Americans (veterans, Blacks, etc) stuff with the materials and the idea.

Do you guys think its an effective idea to help bring down the general population support for Israel in the US faster?

5 years ago

Biker gangs are definitely cabal. They’d be utterly easy to take down if they weren’t protected.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I had some connections to 1%ers through family and spent some (non-criminal) time with them. I would say that most are above average (because they are mostly white) and that the officers of the clubs are definitely college level IQ (often have degrees).

Of course, that is the reason that I think that they are often cabal affiliated, but unaware. They are far too prideful, and only take orders when they can rationalize it as being their own choice.

5 years ago

Interesting thread regarding the Neb./Iowa flooding wiping out a huge part of this year’s harvest in grains and beef…and what that means.

5 years ago

Not just one, but three billionaires thought that particular rub-‘n-tug in Jupiter, FL was the happening place to be.

Now, I’ve never been in that situation, but it seems to me that if a guy can walk into the bar of the ritziest hotel in any city, walk up to the best-looking woman there, and say “Hey, baby…ever seen a billion dollars?” — it’s pretty strange that he would spend any time at all trawling the lowest rungs of the pay-to-play business.

And for this anomaly to happen times three? What are the odds?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mr_Twister
5 years ago

Do you really have to ask? A LARP or mentally unbalanced.

I orchestrated the Christchurch shooting. By order of the highest in command at the time. CLINTON

5 years ago

Antifa Poses Same Terrorist Threat as ISIS, Says DHS…isis-says-dhs/

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

The link got messed up somehow
Here is the right one:

h t t p s ://