News Briefs – 03/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

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So instead of cutting their losses and letting Smollett go, they burned other Cabal assets which Q and team will now take out.

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Ed Note: This was posted yesterday, so although the image says “Tomorrow,” it is actually tonight at 9PM when we will get to hear from the God Emperor firsthand on Hannity on the Fox News Channel.

I think the “he” in the text messages is probably referring to Trump. It is cryptic, but I read it as “the physical access he has” referring to the physical access Trump has to different facilities. Most high end eavesdropping today is remote, but it needs proximity. A high end facility like Trump Tower is great for eavesdropping because it probably has at least ten or fifteen Cabal residents in it, at a minimum, who can be called upon to give access to Cabal surveillance people. Since sound would travel through the structure of the building, and arrive at different places at different times, you can drop mics on the building structure, at different places, to pick up conversations in other parts of the building, and then wire them into the internet to send them to a central processing system. Each mic is like dropping an ear to the ground to listen for hoofbeats miles away, and given sound waves would arrive at different mics at different times based upon a set speed of sound, you can hook those mics up to a computer system and use waveform triangulation based on waveform arrival times to actually target a specific area, as you de-target and filter out all other sounds from other areas that have different waveform arrival times at the various mics. It is like GPS in reverse, with the computer adding the waves which all arrive at the right time spreads, and then subtracting waves that arrive at the various mics with the wrong time spreads. What would come out of the system is the equivalent of five or ten or more ultra-sensitive amplified mics, amplifying the sound from just Trump’s areas of the building, and filtering out everything else. So it would be as if Trump was the only guy in the whole building. They may even have been running microwave or radar through-wall imaging and a lot of other stuff. So “the physical access he had,” was Trump’s ability to go to Mara Lago, or the Jersey golf club, where he had better control over the area, and there were fewer denied areas nearby owned by Cabal-members. Once Trump went mobile and moved to his golf course facility, getting ears on him became much more difficult, since they didn’t have a plethora of residents in nearby units they could use to get close. It makes me think of the sinkholes that keep opening up around Trump, everywhere he goes that is relatively secure.

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I am not sure what Q is getting at, but what we can assume is Trump was under surveillance long before there was any FISA warrant. The warrant has always puzzled me, as I assumed they would have conducted all surveillance off book with private contractors, and plausible deniability for all official agencies. But now I suspect the warrant was not cover for their surveillance (they surveil everyone all the time now, certainly in the vast majority of cases without that), but rather the warrant was the opening act in their framing of Trump for being a Russian spy, or to nab some of his underlings as Russian spies, so they could turn them and get Trump on something, anything else. It meant they wanted to operationalize what they picked up in an official venue where they would need to explain why they had it to begin with. It might even mean they tried to get Trump, or agents in his campaign, to do something very illegal.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

New Zealand greenlights “intrusive” spy operations. I never thought twice about intelligence activities before, but now I know, the single biggest risk of losing freedom is letting the intelligence apparatus assert that its activities are so sensitive they are immune to any sort of public scrutiny. There is no reason that within a year of an operation, or at most two, everything involved in any domestic operation should not be made public knowledge and completely transparent, from techniques to technology used. Because the moment you let any class of people be immune to all scrutiny and oversight, it will be a matter of time before everyone, from no-name citizens, to police, to wounded veterans are victims of what will amount to a wholly lawless dictatorship of an elite, shadowy class of hidden secret society members.

Papadopoulos says FBI wanted him to wear a wire to record the professor (who the FBI/CIA sent to set him up) who told him the Russians had dirt on Hilary Clinton. He declined. I assume they were trying to get him acclimated to wearing a wire in hopes of gradually turning him on the Trump campaign as time went on, but I would like to see a pro one day lay out exactly what the FBI’s game plan for him was on this. It is a shame, but in today’s environment, until we know Cabal is completely eradicated, you have to turn away all intel operations that request your assistance, whether foreign intel or domestic Law Enforcement, no matter how innocent or noble the request might seem.

Avenatti couldn’t scrounge up a lawyer to represent him, appeared with a couple of federal public defenders.

Robert Kraft’s lawyers request a jury trial.

All charges dropped against Jussie Smollett, and case sealed. Smollett was in the Secret Society. It is why he could be a total asshole, and fall ass backwards into a $1 million dollar a year gig, and feel as if he should be getting paid more. Q has implied the backstory on this was that high ranking Cabal wanted to pass an anti-lynching bill in Congress, and they had Smollett do this specifically to pressure Republicans to not oppose it (since right after it everyone was told MAGA Republicans tried to tie a noose around this poor innocent boy’s neck). Implicit within that assertion is that Cabal has very real fears there may be a lynching pandemic very soon which will affect them very personally. So they had a Cabal asset they owned (Smollett) create this fraud, to help push their narrative. And now, according to Q, rather than cut Smollett loose, and only lose one asset, they pulled strings and now will have at least two and maybe four taken out, in the ensuing federal investigation. Truth be told, there was a time when we were told it was the job of FBI to go into places where the law was no longer applied fairly, and clean out the corruption. Now we may actually begin to see that happen.

George Soros spent $408,000 on Kim Fox, the prosecutor who interfered in the Smollett case to get him off. These Secret Society members are everywhere. They are individual elements in a complex machine that has spread its tentacles everywhere there is power and influence. Tell me, as you look at this, you do not see an organized and well funded intelligence operation that has infiltrated our government and taken it over for its own purposes.

Empire writers go on Twitter and make fun of Smollett’s critics as they imply that tomorrow Smollett will go on as if nothing happened, free and clear. The Secret Society is enjoying taunting the normies who didn’t realize they are above the law. Did you think those writers got those gigs because they were measurably better writers than everyone else who applied for the jobs? Look at how it is everywhere, affecting everything – who gets into what college, who gets what job, who gets prosecuted and who is above the law. Do you really think it isn’t involved in the lottery at all?

Smollett will still be investigated by the FBI for mail fraud over the death-threat.

Graham holds a hearing on Red Flag laws, wants to work with Rubio to “incentivize” states to enact more Red Flag laws. The biggest threat to freedom after Cabal. Why the NRA has not shut this down entirely yet has me beginning to wonder if Ollie North was a plant of Cabal.

Article says Congressional Lawmakers “denied” the Military’s “request” to shift $1 billion dollars to wall funding. The reality is the Democrat head of the Armed Services Committee sent a letter to the military telling them he denied their “request” to move the money, even though they never requested anything, and he lacks the power to do anything about it even if they did. So Democrats are now writing real letters asserting they have used imaginary government superpowers to affect agencies and outcomes which they have zero power over, and then the media writes made up stories claiming things which have already happened are not able to happen. I think Trump has finally broken the Captain Queeg media. And that show is only going to get better as time goes on. In a year they may begin reporting on the new policy initiatives of President Hillary Clinton, and how lucky we all are Donald Trump lost in 2016.

Comey makes it a point to highlight all of his “confusion.” As far as I can tell from limited observations, communications with Cabal’s top-level leadership are indirect. Cabal does not want phone records or NSA intercepts, or even a courier who could document their role in the Cabal. They want total isolation from the conspiracy. So if you are a figure like Comey, you make news in such a way that the news story carries your message to Cabal, sort of like the old technique of placing an ad in the newspaper, only much more obvious. Then Cabal gets its message back in another major news story, or by some other deniable means. That way, even if Comey decided to turn, what could he give investigators? That he sent messages out in the news, and replies came back the same way? He would look crazy, just the way Cabal would want. Obviously there is a narrative that the Mueller outcome is confusing, so we can’t conclude that Trump was vindicated and those who challenged him lost utterly, and Comey could be promoting that. But this feels almost like Comey is sending a message out to Cabal leadership through the media, that he is confused on what is going on, and what to do next, and doesn’t know what the plan is or what he should be doing. I think he might be saying he thought Mueller was the play, and now that Mueller is flaming out, he is confused, and not sure what Cabal wants to happen now. And by implication, he may be saying that if Cabal has a play, they better get it out, because as of now everyone who worked for Cabal is a sitting duck with no plan, just waiting to get smoked by Trump and Q. That may have been why he tweeted about having so many questions from deep within the forest. He is deep in Cabal’s “foliage” symbolism, looking up and feeling very small and helpless within it, and has no idea what to do now. I think Mueller was a real shot to the gut for all of them. None of them have ever seen Cabal lose before.

Democrats vote present, kill debate over Green New Deal before it starts.

Ninth Circuit kills lawsuit against San Francisco’s Sanctuary City policy by the family of Kate Steinle.

US Embassy intervened with Ukrainian government to get it to quash an investigation of George Soros in 2016.

Ukraine may have actually colluded to help Clinton.

New York County declares a state of emergency over a measles outbreak, anyone under 18 who is not vaccinated is banned from public places. The entire vaccine controversy, and the meme of parents who are not vaccinating their children is increasingly looking like an excuse they introduced into everyone’s psyche, so we would not associate the rise in these diseases with the flood of migrants the democrats were trying to have invade our nation.

Ebola still cooking. This is exactly what it needs to eventually explode.

Literally an article which makes the case that since America’s leader affects the entire world, the entire world should be allowed to participate in American elections, and vote on who our President is.

Wikipedia editors are getting paid to use their editorial powers to protect the reputations of corporations and powerful figures on the pages of the online encyclopedia. The network is real, and it goes where it has to.

South Florida is booming with Russian birth tourism. We are giving SVR access to cover identities with real citizenship, for the next generation of spies and infiltrators. Will those so concerned about Russian collusion be willing to end birthright citizenship to help secure us from espionage?

Now Avenatti appears to have used a PAC he formed as a personal slush fund?

Navy may mothball a Carrier built during Clinton’s term, after only half of its useful life expectancy. You wonder if Clinton somehow facilitated Cabal sabotaging its construction in some way.

Trump’s pick for EU Ambassador says the Euro could collapse in a month. Wonder if he knows something Cabal has planned.

Prince Charles is touring Cuba. Seems strange Jimmy Saville’s closest bud is touring a place where US CIA officers cannot operate without being hit with directed energy weapons. What business could he be attending to on the side down there?

Roberts rejects request to stay bump stock ban until lower courts rule on it.

The above could be Democrats who want to find out how much trouble they are in…

Trump stops taxpayer funded mortgages for illegal aliens.

Child Molester sentenced to 260 years blacks out for two full minutes when the sentence is handed down. The amygdala overloaded, exhausted its supply of ATP, Oxygen, and glucose, flipped off, and to save itself, his brain actually had to shut down for two full minutes while the cells replenished themselves with nutrients and oxygen, and once everything replenished, then the brain rebooted up. This guy may actually see the rape gang walking into the showers, black out, and only wake up after whatever happens, happens. I almost wonder if it is evolutionary – a sort of evolved possum-strategy for those who aren’t capable of, or designed for banging heads.

Trump administration tightens restrictions on backdoor funding of international abortions.

Republicans quash effort to override Trump’s Veto of the Democrat’s attack on the National Emergency.

French Yellow Vest leader pledges that protests will continue no matter what the government does.

Judge orders arrest of 2 friends of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan for failing to appear for depositions in a lawsuit alleging they meddled with the ballots to confuse voters who supported his opposition, and get Madigan elected. We are seeing consequences pop up here and there.

Calls for Schiff’s resignation grow.

Appeals Court clears path for Pentagon to implement transgender ban.

US will return an astronaut to the moon by 2024. The coincidence of the Storm clearing out Cabal, and the sudden renewal of the moon program feel related, as if Cabal had shut us out of traveling to the moon for some reason back in the 70’s. Were they just bleeding off too many resources to allow for the program, or was something going on up there they didn’t want anyone earth-bound to have access to.

James Clapper lays the blame for Russia-gate on Obama, signaling he sees punishments coming, and he intends to take everyone, Obama included, down with him if somebody does not get this Trump-train stopped.

Bannon says that now the Mueller has cleared him, Trump will “go full animal” on his opponents. Which means up until now, he has been acquiescing and acting kindly toward the left.

Giuliani says we will find out who caused the FBI to pursue the Russia surveillance and investigation of Trump’s campaign.

From Q’s board, some tweets:

On the next tweet, personally, I am torn. Trump saying “Noooo!” when Mika wanted a meeting while still drugged up and bleeding badly from a facelift was classic. But Barney Frank looking disgusting with his nipples protruding was funny too. With Trump it is tough to pick just one.

Spread r/K Theory, because “full animal” sounds just about right.

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5 years ago

“Q has implied the backstory on this was that high ranking Cabal wanted to pass an anti-lynching bill in Congress, and they had Smollett do this specifically to pressure Republicans to not oppose it (since right after it everyone was told MAGA Republicans tried to tie a noose around this poor innocent boy’s neck). Implicit within that assertion is that Cabal has very real fears there may be a lynching pandemic very soon which will affect them very personally. So they had a Cabal asset they owned (Smollett) create this fraud, to help push their narrative.”

Lynching already counts as murder. All this bill does is open up the possibility of filing additional hate crime charges. Given how long ago the last lynching happened, this bill should be seen as nothing more than symbolic – its authors even admit as much.

It doesn’t help the “Cabal” whatsoever.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Think DOTR.

5 years ago

There is little doubt in my mind that Ollie North was Cabal back in the 80s when he was helping run drugs for HW Bush during the Iran Contra scandal. Has he changed sides? Who knows.

What I’m far more concerned about is this push from the GOP including Graham in promoting these Red Flag laws. These laws will absolutely be abused (as they already are) and should be fought against like our lives depend on it because it probably does. We sacrificed freedom for security under the Patriot act and all we’ve received in exchange is less of both. So if the Q team is reading this let me be clear. Any efforts to undermine our gun rights will make you an enemy. I don’t care if this is some 4D chess move to take out our enemies in play either. Figure it out without further encroaching on our gun rights. The bump stock ban is a forgivable offense. Red Flag laws are not.

That’s my line in the sand anyway. Well, that and maybe a National ID rollout.

Also, to AC thanks for the astute observation concerning Comey in the forest. Very interesting take.

Reply to  Cyrus
5 years ago

IAWTC except I would say the bump stock ban is much worse than you think.
1. A bump stock is not a firearm, nor in any objective mechanical way does it make a semi-auto into a full-auto, under the law. ATF has previously ruled (correctly) to that effect. Thus, ATF has no rightful authority to regulate bump stocks.
2. To give ATF such authority, Congress must change the law. Yet here the President is making it happen by sheer executive fiat.
3. Since bump stocks are being classified as machine guns, and regular citizens have not been able to register new machine guns since 1986, anyone who owns a bump stock is being deprived of property without due process.
4. So far, SCOTUS (thanks yet again, Roberts, you clown) is refusing to hear the legal challenge to this prima facie unlawful and unconstitutional move.
5. And of course considerations of what this means in light of the 2A will never be given a fair hearing. Per DC v Heller, you could argue bump stocks are in common use, since around half a million of them are known to have been sold.
Therefore, this is an extremely dangerous precedent. It brings us closer than ever before to transitioning from a President to an Emperor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I would like to trust Trump, and I see how this might be 4D chess, but everything I have actually seen so far suggests we are just being screwed again. By Republicans and the NRA. And this is worse than 1934, 1968, 1986, or 1994.

5 years ago

Funny, I had always assumed that the FISA warrant was obtained because there were just enough buy scouts still left in government that one of them would have blown the whistle on the spying if there wasn’t a warrant to be referenced authorizing it. In fact, one such boy scout eventually did blow the whistle on the entire operation. It turns out he was the head of the NSA, Admiral Rogers.

5 years ago

Found something you might be interested in. Did you know Trump helped Guliani, Mueller, and Rosenstein bring down the Five Families in the early 90’s?

Reply to  Randoman
5 years ago

I read that last night and found that extremely interesting as well. I’m surprised how little play this has gotten, however Trump is never actually mentioned.

Also AC, keep up the great work. You had posted several months ago how CW2 could play out. I would love to hear your thoughts. I do believe a separation or conflict of some kind is inevitable. As Paul Harvey would say, “It is not one world”. Well, it is definitely not one America either. This is not my grandpa’s USA. Stay safe!

5 years ago

And now, according to Q, rather than cut Smollett loose, and only lose one asset, they pulled strings and now will have at least two and maybe four taken out, in the ensuing federal investigation. Truth be told, there was a time when we were told it was the job of FBI to go into places where the law was no longer applied fairly, and clean out the corruption. Now we may actually begin to see that happen.

I think that the cabal misunderstood American black culture. I think that they had taped the blacks (through Oprah and Chicago) to be the Next Jews, but didn’t understand that they are True Believers in the ingroup. So when the cabal told them to cut Juicy Mullet out (and Soros paid $400K as weregild to burn him) instead of following orders, Foxx decided to Help a Brother Out and dropped the charges anyways. Black anti-semitism might have even helped out on that one.

I honestly think this is simply black cabal members failing to follow orders, because the cabal made a category error in bringing them in. God willing, it will burn their cells out (because they likely failed to contain their cells and are all kinds of cross-contaminated) and burn all the way back to Oprah and Weinstein.

5 years ago

“All charges dropped against Jussie Smollett, and case sealed.” – This is fine example of what Thomas Wictor calls a Judus Goat. Trump had someone or comprise Cabal’s comms to get Smollett off the hook for his crime. The problem with Smollett case is the fact that there is too much evidence against him. CPD is pissed off about this case since they compiled the evidence and being screwed over by the Dems way too much. Rham pissed since no one told him about the deal and its bad optics for him. Everyone else in the country seen the divide between the ‘secret society’ and rest of the country. Final, it nice set up for the Fed to do some cleaning in Cook County.
Here a link to SecondCityCop about who let Smollett ago”

“Trump’s pick for EU Ambassador says the Euro could collapse in a month. Wonder if he knows something Cabal has planned” – This would explain why Article 13 and 17 got passed in EU Parliament. Destroy the internet as we known it and turn it into another Cabal product of control. The problem for the EU is Trump got them in his sights.

“US will return an astronaut to the moon by 2024.” – The best cover story for new technologies to enter into the mainstream, which are old tech that Cabal is using. Plus it will ignite a new technological development and most important a new dream for the people to strive for.

5 years ago

From Michael Scheuer:

On the issue of treason, it seems likely that an indictment of Barack Obama would lead to a trial in which he would be found to have met the Constitution’s definition of treason, and would be convicted and, if justice prevails, executed. We already know, for example:

–That Obama asked Britain’s sigint agency and government, through Susan Rice passing on his request, to maintain its clandestine coverage of Trump, For this we have a document signed by the head of UK’s sigint service that was passed on and approved by Britain’s foreign secretary.

–That, at Obama’s request, Britain’s Mi6, with the Italian, Australian, and Israeli intelligence services, worked with parts of the CIA and FBI to wreck Trump’s campaign and, afterwards, to overthrow his administration. All of this assistance had to have been arranged by former CIA Director John Brennan, and none of those services would have given him the time of day on such an issue if he did not have, and prove that he had, Obama’s authorization to do so.

That, to reconfirm the foregoing, we know that the multiple “foreign governments” that Obama enlisted to attack the republic have interceded with President Trump and asked that he not declassify documents showing that they knowingly and willingly assisted Obama and his lieutenants to try to stage a coup d’état against a legitimately elected U.S. government.

Obama’s deliberate arranging of this already well-documented and large-scale intervention by foreign powers to subvert a presidential election and then a sitting administration must surely meet the Constitution’s rightly rigorous requirements for a treason charge and, ultimately, conviction.

5 years ago

> US will return an astronaut to the moon by 2024.

I’ve heard that one before. Every administration since Reagan has promised another moon shot, or a manned Mars mission, or whatever, but nothing ever happens.

Five and a half years? NASA is so fossilized that even if they got handed a full appropriation this very second, they wouldn’t even finish the planning stages in five years. NASA is a black hole for money and a haven of incompetence. They were born in the cost-no-object days of the Space Race, and half a century after the money tap turned off, they still haven’t managed to deal with that.

The only way we’re sending an American to the moon by 2024 is to pay the Russians or Chinese to take him there.

Robert What?
Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

Har! Tru dat. We ain’t never going (back?) to the Moon (never mind a manned mission to Mars) because as a society we no longer aspire to excellence and achievement. That has been replaced with the worship of Diversity Uber Alles. We are a society no longer capable of grand endeavors. And they don’t come any grander than a manned mission to Mars. Besides, the low IQ, low skilled, high time preference, r populations the “elite” are trying to replace us with have zero interest in space exploration.

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

I disagree. Like every monolithic bureaucracy, the way around it is a new hungry startup that bypasses a dinosaur like NASA. Let NASA keep the weather satellites and Space Force or something else can take over this. NASA would not even be invited to the happy hour.

5 years ago

The article about Ted Malloch predicting the collapse of the Euro is over 2 years old.

Robert What?
5 years ago

Child Molester sentenced to 260 years blacks out for two full minutes when the sentence is handed down.

We hope and pray that the child molesters (and probably child murderers) at the top levels of the cabal get a similar treatment.

5 years ago

With the space race, whatever they really found was probably as useful to the desired narratives then as behavioral genetics is to the desired narratives now.

Kinda like how the steel from the twin towers was largely sent away to be recycled before and of it was analyzed.

Sustain the narrative, and then salt the earth on any formerly promising ventures which look like they will ultimately undermine such a goal.

And then move on to the next promising venture, hoping that this time it will be different.

Robert What?
5 years ago

Bannon says that now the Mueller has cleared him, Trump will “go full animal” on his opponents.

Will Trump really do this? I certainly hope so. After all not only was he threatened with destruction, but so were his children, family and friends. Or is he likely to just let the whole thing blow over now that there (appears to be) an end in sight? I hope he is a very vindictive man.

5 years ago

The NRA had improved in recent decades but they have a long history of selling out gun rights.
NAGR, GOA and SAF are better.

5 years ago

Microsoft: Windows 10 Devices Open To ‘Full Compromise’ From Huawei PC Driver

5 years ago

“you make news in such a way that the news story carries your message to Cabal, sort of like the old technique of placing an ad in the newspaper, only much more obvious. Then Cabal gets its message back in another major news story, or by some other deniable means. That way, even if Comey decided to turn, what could he give investigators? That he sent messages out in the news, and replies came back the same way? He would look crazy”

I had to laugh at this. What if it is true. It reminds me of the fear that a malevolent AI dictator will create itself by (after it is created and takes over) horribly torturing everyone who had the means but did not help it be created and take over. As long as no one thinks of that scenario the AI has no power over the past. But once people think of the idea and became fearful of the potential future AI they will begin to act to be on its good side once it comes about… thereby creating and helping it to power… People so fearful of an imaginary possibility that they act now to placate and be in league with it.

I laughed at the thought that there are no Architects, that if Comey and the other mid and lower level are sending out tweets and then divining what their secret masters want them to do by what shows up in the newsfeed the next day… then they may really be crazy and all the “messages” they get are overactive pattern recognition and a group delusion. Or demonic inspired delusion.

5 years ago

I don’t believe that Smollett’s hoax has anything to do with the lynching bill. The bill is symbolic and not very important, and I think the hoax was far too sloppy to be the result of a wider conspiracy. I do think the charges being dropped, and the files sealed, are more than just the privilege of celebrity, though. There’s something fishy there.

Did anyone else catch the “Q” sign Trump made with his finger when selecting a reporter to take a question from? It’s in the Ryan Saavedra tweet.