News Briefs -04/01/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Chinese Coronavirus has hogged all the news, but in even more historic news, the DOJ IG released its report on the 29 FISA warrants issued between 2014 and 2019, and concluded it has “lack of confidence” in the bureau to properly follow its procedures to validate information. From the article:

“As a result of our audit work to date and as described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy…” the OIG said in a memo to FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Specifically, the Woods Procedures mandate compiling supporting documentation for each fact in the FISA application.”

The audit appears to confirm that the FBI’s abuses are part of a systemic problem within “Our testing of FISA applications to the associated Woods Files identified apparent errors or inadequately supported facts in all of the 25 applications we reviewed, and the interviews to date with available agents or supervisors in the field offices generally have been confirmed the issues we identified…”

“We could not review original Woods Files for 4 of the 29 selected FISA applications because the FBI has not been able to locate them and, in 3 of these instances, did not know if they ever existed,” the report states.

“FBI and NSD officials we interviewed indicated to us that there were no efforts by the FBI to use existing FBI and NSD oversight mechanisms to perform comprehensive, strategic assessments of the efficacy of the Woods Procedures or FISA accuracy, to include identifying the need for enhancements to training and improvements in the process, or increased accountability measures,” the report adds…

The IG report released in December 2019 found the FBI misled the FISC with at least 17 “significant errors and omissions” in its FISA application of Trump campaign associate Carter Page, prompting the DOJ to invalidate the final two Page FISA warrants.

MIT researchers find the Coronavirus can travel 27 feet in the air and linger and be infectious for hours. Fauchi said it was only if sprayed by a sneeze, but in China there were cases which were clearly airborne.

In Italy, authorities have conceded that their coronavirus death toll did not include those who had died at home or in nursing homes.

In Morocco, a 17 month old baby died from Coronavirus.

It is “theoretically possible” to get the Coronavirus from mosquitoes, says Victoria County’s public health authority.

Coronavirus shown to cause acute death of brain tissue. Again, most will get it and recover, but the risks are such you would be better off waiting until the treatment protocols are more refined and effective.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom commutes the sentences for 14 convicted killers, including some of whom killed children and one convict who murdered a pregnant woman, to save them from Coronavirus.

New York City is offering prisoners at Rikers Island jail $6 per hour — a fortune by prison labor standards — and personal protective equipment if they agree to help dig mass graves on Hart Island.

Female Chinese doctor who blew the whistle on Coronavirus has gone missing, after leaving on her social media account a picture with the caption, “A river. A bridge. A road. A clock chime.” Some think she was posting what she saw as she was kidnapped.

Chinese wet markets open back up.

FBI report says China was caught smuggling deadly SARS/MERS viruses into the U.S.

Captain of aircraft carrier with growing coronavirus outbreak pleads for help from Navy. Says it is spreading fast among the crew, and they need to get everyone off the ship and into isolation, but they can’t just fully abandon an armed nuclear aircraft carrier at the dock. Fortunately, no serious illnesses yet.

Rockchester, NY Hospital officials say a man who was feeling sick attempted to obscure his symptoms so he could join his expectant wife in the hospital’s maternity ward.

White House predicts 100,000 to 200,000 coronavirus deaths.

The European Commission said on Tuesday there was no evidence that a drug touted by U.S. President Donald Trump as a potential cure against COVID-19 was effective against the disease. They are trying to kill as many people as they can to save themselves.

The tactics used by the Stasi in East Germany in 1950, creating a secret police organization through a vast network of informants, are now being encouraged by British police in the UK in 2020. And the Chinese Virus was all it took for people to willingly comply. I wonder if they know the reveal is coming, and they are trying to lay a narrative now that they only created it during the Coronavirus.

Numerous Muslims worldwide agree that the Coronavirus can’t touch Muslims.

Coronavirus rules help DHS eject border crossers in just 96 minutes.

Australia and Netherlands are going to test an old, proven non-specific vaccine which broadly primes the immune system to fight off a myriad of infections and even cancer cells, simply by turning it on.

Israel has begun testing a COVID-19 vaccine prototype on rodents at its bio-chemical defense laboratory.

Putin is sending medical supplies to help U.S. fight coronavirus. Being friends with Russia is not a bad thing.

Trump says Americans can use scarves as makeshift masks. He also said he supports masks, but it seemed clear there is a genuine shortage, and he fears running out of PPE in the hospitals. Scarfs are a good option though. A lot of the viral particles are on larger droplets which do not require N95 level protection, and at the group level, you are just looking to drive that R0 downward.

Fauci says mask-wearing recommendation under ‘very serious consideration.’ What is holding it back is the shortage of masks nationally.

White House-led airlift of urgently needed medical supplies from China arrives in New York.

China’s first candidate vaccine for the novel coronavirus may be put into additional trials in other countries if the ongoing initial trial proves it is safe and effective.

A new study of people taking just one TrumpPill (Hydroxychoroquine) found, “the body temperature recovery time and the cough remission time were significantly shortened in the HCQ treatment group. Besides, a larger proportion of patients with improved pneumonia in the HCQ treatment group (80.6%, 25 of 31) compared with the control group (54.8%, 17 of 31). Notably, all 4 patients progressed to severe illness that occurred in the control group.”

France officially sanctions TrumpPills after 97.5% patients recovered from COVID-19 within 5 days.

Governors Sisolak and Whitmer reverse course on Hydroxychloroquine.

Possible good news: fewer fevers reported nationwide, says smart thermometer company.

Andrew Cuomo has pierced nipples with metal barbell pins inserted (from the video):

I am wondering if that is part of some sadomasochistic shit he is prone to, which, of course, has been videotaped extensively, and is why he is governor.

Bear in mind, this next dictate will force officers into useless interactions which could get them infected. I’m teling you it is sabotage:

Joe Biden has yet another gaffe-filled media appearance. Called Wuhan, China Luhan, China.

Biden suggests there may not be a physical Democratic convention.

In Nigeria, a massive explosion and crater happened just as NASA reported a Near Earth Asteroid was set to pass by earth, and the Nigerians think NASA miscalculated its trajectory. The official story is a mysterious unknown truck was carrying explosives, caught fire, and created the crater.

6.5-magnitude earthquake rattles Idaho. On the heels of a smaller earthquake nearby over Yellowstone.

LA County sheriff abandons effort to close gun stores.

Spread r/K Theory, because you need respiratory protection

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (thank you corona-chan)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (thank you corona-chan)
4 years ago

Top kek, seems like some Jewish communities are really keen on coronacausting themselves:

4 years ago

Opening quote from the article:

This past week a number of jewish groups have had their webinars interrupted by antisemitic trolls, but upon further investigation, it turns out that these incidents appear to have been masterminded by a Jew by the name of Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, the ‘brains’ behind the cartoonish ‘neo-Nazi’ site The Daily Stormer

There was something about the tone of the DS that always turned me off, it makes sense now. Although I have seen articles in there which talk about verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, their tone was always a turn off for me. Although there are some Jews that are helping with the efforts against Jewish/Israeli subversion, this is certainly not one of them, having people flashing swastikas while interrupting streams is obviously doing nothing to redpill the gen pop on the issue regarding J/I subversion. It reminds me of that video AC posted about the libertarian party guy doing a speech without pants, seems like this Weev Jews is trying to equate criticism of Jew and Israel with nazis in the minds of the normies, like the no-pants libertarian guy was trying to equate libertarianism with retardedness in the minds of the normies.

Also please note that nobody needs to be a nazi to be able to verify the facts regarding the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

The rest of the article is worth reading.

4 years ago

Voice of Europe as many worthy of reading news at the moment:

Not surprising (the invaders don’t give a shit about the host population), and obviously things like this only increase the urge to purge in the K population (and that’s not a bad thing, but peaceful measures should be attempted to fix things before going kinetic).


The state of danger will continue until the coronavirus crisis is over. However, this doesn’t mean that the government can continue to extend the state of danger indefinitely, as Parliament still has the right to end the state at any time it wishes. Neither is Parliament suspended, as the government is required to continue keeping the MPs informed about their actions. It wouldn’t even make sense for Fidesz to suspend Parliament since they hold a two-thirds majority in it as it is.

The law also makes it a criminal act to spread false or distorted information that could undermine the government’s efforts to combat the pandemic. However, it only extends to information that may affect public safety, and freedom of speech and of the press is still protected during the state of danger. Government spokesmen have indicated that similar laws are already in effect in many other European countries.

The more K Countries in Europe suffer the least. Not surprising. Also still on the issue of the “urge to purge” sentiment, if you talk to people from Poland and Bulgaria and other Countries that the invaders avoid, they will tell you how the gen pop there has absolutely no problem with violence being used against said invaders (it’s a kind of national sport/pass time thing there). And if you look at the issues with crime and violence from the invaders in cucked Countries like Sweden, you see that it is the hosts that suffer the violence. At the end of the day, the “urge to purge” sentiment is nothing but hardwired biological instinct warning people with still functioning amygdalas that violence is eminent, and that what remains to be decided is who is going to be on the receiving side of it. Now, off course that if authorities and political leader intervene in a competent way, the violence can be avoided (by not allowing the invaders in, and take measures to expel those that are already here and can’t behave), but if they don’t, then violence will be unavoidable for obvious reasons. I hope things get fixed peacefully thou (but I know one way or the other, they are going to get fixed).

This one is interesting because it seems the guy was a MK-Ultra wind-up toy who got harassed by the cabal ground level gang-stalkers to the point of going on a rampage. See quote:

Local media and a leaked police report have revealed that a mass shooter who killed 10 people was driven more by paranoia and conspiracy theories about government surveilance than racism, The Telegraph reports.

When Tobias Rathjen killed 9 people of foreign descent in two Shisha bars in the German town in Hesse, it was widely reported as a far-right terrorist attack. However, the killer then turned the gun on his 72-year-old mother and himself which didn’t seem to fit any particular ideology. It’s also worth noting that Hanau has a foreign population of over 20%, so a random mass shooter would have more than a one-in-five chance of killing someone with an immigrant background.

German federal police investigators now believe he chose his victims and only added the extreme-Right material to his manifesto at the last minute to attract attention. Whilst the perpetrator’s website and the document he wrote does include extremist rhetoric using language reminiscent of Nazism, calling for the “extermination” of ethnic minorities and describing people as “impure,” the leaked report suggests a change of focus from the investigators who now believe that racism did not dominate Rathjen’s ideology. The 43-year-old man “did not go through typical extreme-right radicalisation”, according to German media and the police now say the shooter was caught up in conspiracy theories about secret intelligence services.

4 years ago

VoxDay also made 2 very interdasting posts (I read his blog everyday because I find it interesting all the time, but this last 2 articles are worth the time of those that don’t read his content on the reg):

4 years ago

Three quick things…
Is CCP flu cover for the event? Lots of earthquakes lately.

The Kennedy kids singing Timber can not be random. Something is going down.

Gov Cuomo is about as anti Trump as you can get. During his presser this morning I could not even comprehend what he was saying. It was just manic rambling. There is no stage for this clown on a national level.

4 years ago

FWIW, Q hasn’t “smelt right” to me for a while now.

Like a balloon the air is gently being let out of. For example, “sleepers everywhere”. if you “see all and hear all” and are sufficiently resourced, you would know who the sleepers were from the get go.

Reply to  Jonesy
4 years ago

Sometimes intel people can’t act on the data they immediately in order to allow the enemy to put themselves in a worse position before they act on it. For example, when the Allies cracked the nazi comm codes, they could not act on the intel they now had because if they did, the nazis would know they knew, and they would lose that edge, so the Allies had to let some of their men die when they could prevent it in order to not tip themselves off.

Off course here the situation here is slightly different, I have no doubts whitehats have it all and see all, and I have no doubt the gaybal knows it, and the gaybal also has nothing to lose since if they lose the war, they are going to die and lose all power, so they just keep throwing stupid shit at the wall to see what sticks, and I am sure a lot of that shit are big moves that hide smaller moves that work as part of a more complex whole that might do some bigger damage to the whitehat moves.

War is complex, even more so a silent one. If everything was straight forward (aka: if everything could be solved with some hundreds of thousands of targeted assassinations), this shit would have been over 1 week after Trump got in power.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Four things probably slowing the storm

1) The Financial system (The Fed, The EU central bank, etc.)
2) Normie complacency (ie. Why you kill all those Dems Dictator Trump?)
3) Hostile and/or complicit major foreign powers (over a dozen)
4) Unknown and very destructive cabal weapons (worse than corona)

Major work has been done on all those fronts though, and will continue. The Coronavirus attack broached a major threshold, a line in the sand. If there was any deal to be made for some, it’s now off the table.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I agree fren.

Ben Chen
Ben Chen
4 years ago

AC, you missed the story about brave Baruch Feldheim, who had assembled “a hospital’s worth” of N95 masks, ventilators and PPE before the mean FBI took it from him as he coughed on them.

Baruch was selling it to needful doctors, at only a slight markup.

He is a true American hero.

Reply to  Ben Chen
4 years ago

“Perhaps these middleman minorities aren’t all that great after all”.

4 years ago

MK Windup toy Train Engineer sends full speed train off the end of the track aimed at USS Mercy in LA harbor, falls well short of any contact but leaves massive train derailment.

4 years ago

@Anonymous Conservative

Bought a full mask respirator on your earlier advice and got it today. Looks good so far, but one thing for people to know is that if you have glasses, the face shield will not seal properly onto your face.

Don’t remember if you mentioned it, hopefully this comment helps others plan ahead. I have contacts I can wear instead of glasses, but if anyone knows of a way to wear glasses in a way that don’t block the face mask from sealing, I’d like to hear about it.

4 years ago

LOL, not so fast, Muslims. I have a sibling stranded in Saudi Arabia at the moment. They’ve been quarantined for a week or more because it’s all over there, at least. -And the weather is supposedly warm, described as consistently in the eighties during the day and cold at night….sandy.

Reply to  Kharmii
4 years ago

As far as I understood, there needs to be a combination of heat and humidity for most of the viruses to get BTFO, but I don’t know about Saudi Arabia, I guess SA must be dry because it is a desert (but sometimes things are not as they appear, so someone more in the know about SA could give better insight). According to the anon who predicted lots of things about the pandemic, if Brazil (which is hot and humid in the summer, but its thru the winter or autumn now (which is cold and more humid I suppose)) get ultra affected, that is an indicator things are going to be harder.

4 years ago
4 years ago

From Lembrador on another thread where I can’t reply:

“Farcesensitive, can you open that pic? The previous one I asked you if you could see was direct from the 4chan server, this one is from the 4plebs server (more durable links). Also, I have seen people on 4chan saying they too can’t open links, so it does look like an ISP thing. Thanks in advance.”

Yes, that worked as well. 🙂

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I think those links using the 4plebs servers are not permanent, so I will start posting the links (which should be even more durable than the plebs archive, and seem to work for most people) along with the 4plebs ones.
I will have my whole library of most important graphs available for you and other ISP challenged frens to peruse sometime later next week or so.
Cheers fren!

4 years ago

Not really related, but heartiste has disappeared. No new posts or responses on Gan for more than a week. Not like him at all. Any ideas on how to make sure he’s still alive?

Reply to  Demerera
4 years ago

He’s back on gab.