News Briefs -04/09/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The tweet:

The tweet:

The tweet:

The Tweet:


The site was down. These things often accompany certain events. The host (or at least whoever was on the other end of the phone when I dialed the host), told me it was a known issue being addressed by the engineers. Maybe, though you never know in these circumstances. I had gotten a comment here from a reader asking me to drop a line to another well known blogger who was beginning to feel threatened, and asking me to not post the comment. I try to be user friendly here, and of course have sympathy for people who are suddenly finding their lives completely altered simply becasue in their innocence they believed The Myth and thought they were free to speak openly to people about the state of the world.

I wrote the blogger a fairly long email, detailing observations I had accumulated, and giving him an idea of what to expect going forward, and what the various phases of the experience will be like like once the powers that be decide you are a possible threat of intruding on their control.

I never heard back from him. That has happened a few times, sometimes when the information should have been of much more importance to the recipient than here. When I see something like that, my perception of what is happening turns into a quantum mechanical cloud of possibilities, none real, and none not real, but just all possibilites. Maybe he read it, worried I was insane and would be on his front step tomorrow with a big roll of tinfoil to wrap around his house, and he’d have trouble getting rid of me. Maybe he saw it, wrote me back, and the message was intercepted and deleted. It happens. Maybe it never made it to him. Maybe it was changed out with a more disturbing email, and he feared I would be a problem, and hoped ignoring me would do the trick. Or maybe he just never checked that email. No idea.

I saw an incoming link from his site yesterday, and headed over, half expecting it to be a post from him poking fun at the email, as indicative of the crazy nutjobs who email him. Instead it was a comment page where one of his readers wrote to him something to the effect of, ‘I gotta say I’m a little disappointed that he didn’t get back to you. Here in the top of today’s comments, he’s discussing surveillance/gangstalking with a reader: link ›… Maybe if you wrote in directly to his comments section…’ I do not see a context to the comment, or even a post it is responding to, so I don’t know what it means.

Again, all I see is a cloud of possibilities, but one which bothers me is a reader who wanted to help a friend in real trouble, and who would feel I had left him hanging by just deleting the comment and never reaching out to his friend. I did not. I appreciate those who come on this site, grace me with readers and comments, and who try to throw their hat into the fight for freedom and truth, despite the degree to which the enemy has attained an impressive degree of relative superiority over us. Nor am I particularly afraid of any consequences from violating the control. They are just part of God’s path in my view, and probably as important to lead me where he wants me as anything else.

I sent a long email, and then when I saw the comment, I also replied on that page to the site owner, and it said the comment would appear after it was approved, but so far, no comment appeared. And within hours, the site here became all fucked up, and the host’s attitude was unconcerned, to say the least. What is the reality? All I see is the cloud. And as paranoia kicks in, I cannot even say if the blogger is the blogger, or if the commenter there (and here) is talking to an agent, thinking it is the blogger, and in reality the blogger has no idea who he is. That would mean the comment linking to my site getting posted was a mistake, but even that happens. And I do not really see what it is repsonding to, either, so maybe.

People don’t fully grasp just how outside our control these boxes we read the internet on are. We click links, post comments, read comments, and just assume the links we click give us the pages the site owners put up, the comments we read are those honestly posted by like-minded individuals, and others are reading our writings as we wrote them. Inherent to this machine is a very strong process of us believing we are exerting our own will, and choices, and decisions. That belief in our free assertion of our will can, if properly manipulated without our knowledge, give a complete illusion of our own control over our conclusions and beliefs that could be entirely false, and which will put us in a false sense of security and autonomy when really we are being led around by our nose.

I’ve seen so much, one cloudly possibility floating around in my head is that there are normies stopping by this domain and seeing a completely stupid site of gibberish and unintelligible insanity, and many of the comments by readers on here are solely designed to make me, and a select group of problem children the machine wants quarantined, think the site is available to the public as I presented it, and we are all interacting honestly as a part of something that could spread out, when in reality it is fully contained.

When you go deep enough, you eventually realize almost nothing is necessarily as one would think. I do not really see a way for the blogger and I to communicate. We could each post open messages to each other on our respective sites, and hope when each of us checks out the site, we get it as it was put up, but even that is not necessarily free from control, given each of us is getting the code from an internet line that is under the full control of the very technologically sophisticated powers that be, on a computer which could be made to do almost anything, and we would never know.

There are possible indications a tuberculosis vaccine noted for producing immune reactions against other pathogens, and even cancer cells, may in fact amp up immune systems to better cope with Coronavirus infections.

Germany is testing the Tuberculosis vaccine as an immediate treatment.

Democrats are warning it is very dangeorus to reopen the Senate, so it should be left closed. Again, Q said Impeachment’s sole purpose was to close up the Senate, and they would have to come up with a Plan B when it failed. And here we are.

Several hospitals in Sweden have reportedly stopped administering chloroquine to coronavirus patients following reports the drug was causing adverse side effects. Look at how desperate they are to try and demonize TrumpPills. Notice this is Chloroquine, which was the first generation drug noted for awful side effects and weak effects, not the Hydroxychloroquine which was the second generation with almost no side effects and excellent efficacy. So they knew that, when they decided to treat these poor guinea pigs with a drug which would make them sick and not heal them just so they could produce this narrative for the masses.

Newsweek does an entire article about how one patient was found to have a change in heart rythym in response to Hydroxychloroquine, and doctors, seeing it discontinued treatment. Notice the article is written as if they will never prescribe it again because it is so dangerous, when in reality it was one patient whose regimen was changed by their doctor. You can see how the media has gotten word to try and tank this treatment in the eyes of the public.

Despite a surge in deaths, San Diego officials urge people to avoid Hydroxychloroquine.

Fredo Cuomo still won’t reveal if he is using Trump pills.

67 percent of doctors says they would take hydroxychloroquine themselves

90-year-old Long Island woman beats COVID-19 with the help of Hydroxychloroquine

Denver Doctor prescribing controversial Hydroxychloroquine to patients says symptoms reversed ‘in a day or two.’

UK surpasses Italy’s worst day for Coronavirus deaths.

New York City’s African American and Hispanic communities are being hardest hit as the coronavirus pandemic rips through the five boroughs, preliminary statistics released by City Hall show. What will it do in the no-go zones of France?

Dead and dying pigeons in Barcelona The poster wonders if it is Coronavirus, though on 4Chan they are wondering if it could be recently installed 5G. Hopefully jsut somebody poisoned them. I’d actually worry about Corona a lot though, because if it is infecting birds, and it might be, it will travel, even to new animals, and in the jumps back and forth it will mutate mightily. Hope those birds are getting tested.

Feds classifying all coronavirus patient deaths as ‘COVID-19’ deaths, regardless of cause.

If statewide lockdowns reduce deaths from COVID-19, then why is New York’s per capita death rate more than 50 times higher than Texas’s?

Year-to-date statistics show excess mortality lower than previous years across Europe.

According to data obtained from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System website, total U.S. deaths for the first three weeks of March are DOWN 10% from the average of the prior four years for the same three week period. This is an interesting contrast to tweets below showing lots of scary stats about Corona which should make these numbers much higher. Something isn’t fitting.

Total US deaths in March 2020 are actually down 15% from average of prior four years.

Death model projection drops from 2.2 million to 60,000.

Strategic National Stockpile nearly out of coronavirus N95 masks, other protective equipment, HHS says. For all we know the bird flu under Obama could have been released specifically to deplete that stockpile, adding a few score-thousands more to Cabal’s body count.

WHO says healthy people should not wear face masks days after CDC told all Americans to cover their faces. Sabotage.

A group of WHO doctors debated whether to declare the deadly coronavirus global emergency in late January but those who wanted to implement strict travel restrictions were outvoted and instead, the body released a glowing statement praising China, followed by a recommendation for countries not to ban travel to China. Sabotage.

Lindsey Graham threatens to cut off funding to the WHO.

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro calls WHO chief one of China’s ‘proxies’ at the UN.

Dr Tderis-Ghebreyesus is a career politician running the China-centric WHO, who rose to the top of the organization following intense lobbying From Beijing. Again, was this part of the plan, all that way back?

Ordered by the state, SF nursing home prepares to accept coronavirus patients for convalescence and rehabilitation after they overcome the worst of their illnesses, but are still infected. They have to try and keep them separate from their roster of elderly residents. If I did this it would be attempted murder with a WMD.

Pelosi’s San Francisco is in anarchy as all stores are boarding up as people are looting all over the city.

Ketogenic diet helps tame the flu virus by activating specific immune cells.

San Bernardino County requires residents wear face coverings when leaving home. Much of humanity is afraid to seem different. Practically, that means society is rulled by the masses of lemmings normally. But introduce an order like this, and the lemmings will switch direction, and do what is smart.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Union’s equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, recommended that Remdesivir be approved for compassionate use, indicating it may have shown efficacy.

Austria will begin reopening soon, but strict rules about masks, social distancing, and the number of people allowed into a store at any one time will remain in place. We could reopen fully if everyone were ordered to mask up, wear goggles, and practice hand-hygiene.

Dennis Quaid pushes back against a hsotile ‘Daily Beast’ interviewer, saying Trump’s ‘handling the virus in a good way.’

Fauci says we should start to see the ‘beginning of a turnaround’ after this week.

Study finds three paper towels folded in half are more effective (80% filtration of virus-sized particles) as a home-made facemask than a professional surgical mask (70% filtration). And a hankerchief/bandanna is as effective as a professional surgical mask (70%). Given you can meet someone who is infectious and not catch the disease normally, a 70% filtration can be the difference between getting sick and not getting sick in a lot of cases. And the T-shirt mask the Surgeon General demo’d would be many times more effective.

Suspected slavery surges in the U.K. with a record 10,000 reports in one year.

21 shot, 7 killed Tuesday in Chicago. I wonder if any were wearing masks.

Linda Tripp passed away, apparently after a long illness. No idea who she was, or to what degree anything from that era was as it seemed.

Bernie Sanders is suspending his Presidential campaign.

Instead of donaitng resources to the Federal Government to help fight Coronavirus, Joe Biden says his cronies are holding the resources so he can dole them out and pretend to be Presdient.

This video on twitter, where Trump says Obama has a plan, which he knows, which may involve replacing Biden, was very interesting:

Biden says Wisconsin primary should have been entirely vote by mail. Remember, Cabal is all throughout the post office, so every voter would be handing their ballots off, en masse, to members of the conspiracy, to “deliver” for them. And Cabal already knows, probably with almost certainty, how every voter will vote, because they have those kinds of files. Pretty amazing it could be so bad, and nobody has any idea, because the invisible enemy is totally unknown to them.

Another perfectly timed stock dump by Sen. Richard Burr raises eyebrows.

WaPo does an opinion piece ridiculing McConnell as deranged for wanting to continue confirming judges.

During a raid by the FBI in Annandale, Virginia agents discovered what appears to be a three-decades plan by upper-echelon members of the Muslim Brotherhood to “deconstruct” the United States of America through inside operations.

There is a federal employee who made over $8 million last year.

Government Accountability Insititute (GAI) research director Eric Eggers says the Democrat plan could mail ballots to 24 million ineligible voters.

Boris Johnson is ‘sitting up in bed’ as the Government gives a coronavirus health update.

Hungary’s pro-family policy is working, with births up 9.4 per cent.

Harris Poll finds 77% of Americans blame China for the Coronavirus outbreak.

President Trump is reportedly about to clean house at the inspector general level. Reports are he will fire several Deep State IG’s at once. Understand these were the watchdogs. They were the biggest threats to Cabal operations, so all of these positions would have to be compromised in order for Cabal to function. That they were not cleared out until now, when everyone knew they had to be dirty would indicate a carefully laid plan.

Trump’s economic approval rating hits highest level ever. Everyone knows we will need his skillsets more than ever once the pandemic subsides.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is guaranteed – even this site.

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4 years ago

Re: the idea that Cov19 has P. Falciforum (Malaria) inserts. The entire Sars-Cov-2 RNA genome was mapped by mid-January. There is no evidence that it contains segments of the DNA from Malaria.

Re: the low O2 sats are caused by heme disturbance. Such a malfunction would show up in A-aO2 gradients measured by Swann-Ganz or other central lines. Haven’t seen it.

The article that some referenced, that appeared originally at ‘Medium,’ said “there is no pneumonia.” That’s ridiculous; there are multiple articles available at PubMed showing examples of Covid19 pneumonia. Typical are multiple peripheral interstitial infiltrates, often “ground glass” opaciites (a form of interstitial infiltrate), with consolidation, air bronchograms, and pleural thickening. Pleural effusions and lymphadenopathy are rare. Pneumonia, better termed pneumonitis (inflammation of lungs), doesn’t have to be bacterial. Covid19 produces typical viral pneumonitis patterns.

Why is a subset showing up with low O2 sats but not short of breath? It’s well-known that SARS-Cov1 could spread from lung receptors to medullary respiratory centers, and the fear is that Cov2 also has this ability.

Reply to  Shreya
4 years ago

Shreya, you sound knowledgeable. I’ve been reading AC for awhile. Early news about this China virus that AC reported on, was that the genome of this virus had multiple unlikely sequences in it. It was a combination of SARS, H1N1, HIV and now I think DNA from the malaria bug. Was this a bioweapon, a sort of engineered with everything put to together? This is some sort of monster bug?

Reply to  Shreya
4 years ago

Of interest:

As a sophisticated layperson I can follow the outlines, but I don’t have the expertise to tell you if there are gaping holes in it or warning signs of going astray in the logic.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  Shreya
4 years ago

Informative comment. I could follow much of it but a more descriptive, less technical version would be helpful too, especially as the Medium piece is making the rounds. The Medium article was a rewrite, simplifying a piece that had appeared somewhere else. Couldn’t make out the source of the original, too blurry; the co-authors had Chinese names.

Reply to  Shreya
4 years ago

Yet a malaria drug is allowing recovery from the coronavirus.

“Re: the idea that Cov19 has P. Falciforum (Malaria) inserts. The entire Sars-Cov-2 RNA genome was mapped by mid-January. There is no evidence that it contains segments of the DNA from Malaria.”

“Mapped” by whom? Info filtered by what? Who is providing this information?

Lindbergh's Ghost
Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

As for Q, his assertions are becoming increasingly absurd. Yesterday he alleged that the Democratic party conspired to create or worsen the viral pandemic, which as of yesterday had killed 14,000 people in the US. So, as many angry commenters noted in reply on 8kun, why not arrest people? If you control the Executive, and you “have everything,” and you’re saying they’re guilty of mass murder on a scale tantamount to war crimes, DO SOMETHING. But all Q team can do is trash talk on an image board? As commenters angrily asked, was crashing the economy and leaving so many unemployed, with relatives sick and dying, law-abiding citizens locked down, was that part of the plan? “No one cared who I was until I put on the mask?” Seriously disconnected from average American’s experience, Jared. Oops.

Then, after a few of the usual Q faux-Socratic posts, including one dredging up an old Kissinger quote from 1992, and seeing for the first time real push back against Q’s useless blandishments (“soon”), he puts up some old nonsense about cannibalism. Again, ask yourself: Q is supposed to be a top-level military intelligence team intimately allied with the President of the United States, and is alleging that people are being killed and friggin’ EATEN, but no arrests? Just more image-boarding? Just more “soon?” What will it take to prompt action? Do the bad guys have to murder half the country?

There comes a point where asking “how many coincidences” can turn around and bite you in the ass. For 3 effin years core mainstream boomercons have been played by this nonsense, instructed to “Trust the Plan,” ie. do nothing, while not one single person, not Strzok or Brennan or McNabe or Hillary, NO ONE, has been so much as indicted for criminal wrong-doing. And now we’re being told the Dems are engaging in mass murder and cannibalizing people, but not one single arrest. Nada.

Americans are locked down in their homes, losing their jobs, worried about paying their rents, not even able to visit and comfort their elder parents, while every NWO wet dream is being rolled out, with mass surveillance of Americans not only normalized but welcomed, and we’re supposed to “trust the plan?”

What a joke the United States has become.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Surveillance tech was even deployed on the ancient Israelites, those deploying it were called the WATCHERS.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (cabal = gaybal, they are all FAGGOTS)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (cabal = gaybal, they are all FAGGOTS)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

They can watch me tell them to go fugg themselves, because they are a bunch of homos.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

As Vox recently pointed out in a recent darkstream (Q is for Quarantine), throughout history there are examples of blood sacrifice occurring and power attained. If the virus is real, the cabal just made a massive blood sacrifice to the evil that rules this world.

Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

the initial instinct is to charge in and yell blackpill, yell defeatist …..

but every word of what LG is saying is true. At the very least, *it’s not untrue.* It KILLS me to say it, but after 3 years now of the Q thing… about the only concrete result of “we have it all” is that a few dozen fairly senior (but instantly replaced by even bigger deep state) bureaucrats no longer work for fedgov. Pelosi runs the House. Hillary still out there talkin shit. The Navy is still shilling for electromag catapults. The USMC Commandant – IIRC – is still much more concerned about diversity than lethality. Etc.

Flynn & Stone still face prison. Manafort rots in prison while the Podesta brothers dine in elegance. And Wall St and all our corporate friends just got handed a coupla trillion tax dollars more. Etc.

if you were never gonna do anything substantive, Q – and after 3+ years, that’s not ‘juvenile impatience’ or ‘poor understanding of tactical timing’ speaking – what the hell was the point of it all?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

I agree with all your complaints and have made some of the same myself. I can’t rule out that Trump doesn’t yet have the power to bring these people to heel without being killed…yet. Or even that all this confusion is not created to make them think he is on “their” side. It could as readily be that he is on their side. Personally if it were me, and I’m glad it’s not as I couldn’t stand the pressure nor am I smart enough to pull it off, I would be slowly killing off the deep State with assassinations that look like accidents.

A lot of things Q says make no sense at all. Like that Iran is some big deep State hidey hole. I don’t believe that. That Q says that Iran is deep State fits very well with the idea that Q is just Jews playing us. Not saying that’s true it just fits. Especially with Irans leadership being infected with corona. And there’s no way even remotely to deal with the deep State without dealing with the Jews first as they are the bulk of the problem. They’re the ones that own the media, fund the politicians, own the FED, own damn near all the economy to say you’ll deal with them last is problematic.

I’m not saying that Q is the Jews playing us but there’s no doubt that Q’s communications are a very Jewey way of going about communicating. I don’t know how to explain this but the Jews have a certain way of obtuse argumentation that wriggles all around and tends to slip every argument into some tangential subject, slowly ever so slowly taking you away from the problem at hand that you were talking about in the first place. I think this is a genetic pattern. It’s just what they do. If it’s not genetic then there must be some sort of serious mental pattern training going on somewhere because its so prevalent. Once you begin to recognize this pattern it tends to jump out at you. They do it all over the place in even the most innocuous subjects. It’s almost like they are compelled to obfuscate and muddy up anything they comment on if not lie outright. Lie even when it’s not necessary. It’s a very, very, very psychopathic mental pattern and one of the reasons I’m convinced that a very large portion and could be most of their population are psychopaths. I mean if a mass of people talk and act like psychopaths it’s not a big leap to say they “are” psychopaths.

The simple example in one case is blathering on about Iran when in the US they are kidnapping kids, prostituting kids and then letting the fuckers go publicly. Fuck Iran, why’d they let Epstein go???? They can’t find Maxwell who was just as involved???

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

It is true that Jewish collective power is some 70% of the power of the cabal.

It is also true that Q has named the issue of Jewish collective power using indirect communication several times, see here:

comment image

Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

Q’s assertions are not absurd.

The democrats ARE actively colluding with the CABAL to get people killed of COVID-19 (assuming the pandemic is real).

Democratic Governor of Nevada bans Chloroquine. (Following Cabal orders)
Person who advised Governor to ban doesn’t have medical license. (Governor taking advice from strategically placed asset who has a job, because he is cabal).
Find out later that the prison system is stock piling said medicine, because PRISONERS are more important than your family members.
And what has happened to any of the people identified…..nothing.

The issue with Q is the “perceived” LACK OF PUBLIC RESPONSE to outrageous atrocities (if true).

How do you destroy the oldest intelligence agency who’s ever existed?
How do you destroy an infiltration in every level of your governing apparatus?
How do you destroy a death cult with multiple millions of members?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

In all fairness, I don’t think Q was alleging that all of this was done BY the Democratic Party but FOR the Democratic Party. There is a world of difference between the two.

As far as your “DO SOMETHING” complaining, you clearly do not understand the problem. Our entire justice system is a mess. The corruption is truly astonishing. It’s horrifying.

If you doubt this, just think of 9/11. There’s no way the official story on that is even close to true. It’s utterly ridiculous on its face. We can’t even get Congress to do an investigation of 9 freaking 11. Nor can we get the MSM to show any curiosity or skepticism about the official narrative whatsoever. No one was even given a mild reprimand over the supposed failures of 9/11. No Admiral Kimmel. Hell, the guy in charge of the Air Force that day was actually promoted.

We went to war with Iraq over complete BS and there were no investigations or ruined careers about that.

The system is complete bullshit.

Telling me you’re upset because someone hasn’t been brought up on charges indicates you have no idea of the scale of the problem.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

“…Telling me you’re upset because someone hasn’t been brought up on charges indicates you have no idea of the scale of the problem…”

I’m fully aware of the scale of the problem and I’m upset so you saying that does not make it true.

I am aware that Trump could be playing them, that he’s their boy until he has the power to strike but he could just as well be playing us until they feel they have the power to strike. We really don’t know. It’s perfectly reasonable to bitch about it until it’s clear one way or another what the real situation is. We do know that the targeted killings continue and mass shooting have picked up until recently where they have seemed to slow. Maybe something has been done about this or maybe they have finally realized that there’s no way in hell people are going to give up their guns no matter how many loonies they get to shoot up random people and each of these events has so many holes that it just makes them look worse. On the other hand no one ever is publicly caught even though we know the shootings are in some way scripted and controlled. It’s easy even with simple information to tell this but…no investigations, no arrest. All supposedly some lone nut doing the shooting. At some point in order to convince me of anything they’re going to have to start arresting someone. Someone that leads to the higher ups. We’ve been told that Anthony Weiner’s laptop has a mass of information but…nothing is done except all the police who saw it were killed off and nothing happens. Epstein caught, nothing happens, Maxwell, his accomplice, maybe even boss, well she’s doing whatever she wants, nothing happens. It’s a damn strange way to go about defeating someone if you ask me. What if someone demanded we defeat Iran by, never going near them, not having any sanctions, never bringing them up, never shooting at them, never investigating them, never producing any public charges on them. Why don’t we try that and see what the Jews say about that. What do you think the Jews response would be to that type of action and only that to defeat Iran????

The mass of guns in the country is a real problem for them. They could take a lot of territory right away but as soon as people realized that the fix is in, that the country was in an inevitable dictatorship and there was no way out. You had to choose one way or the other. They would lose capacity to take anything else. Large parts of the country would become no go to them and safe areas that could be used to attack the center high population areas they controlled would be all over everywhere. It would be a huge gamble to do a complete take over of the country. Yes I know they have much of this now but it’s constantly on the edge of being overthrown. They do not have ultimate control like say North Korea or some other such country. The only thing holding them in power now is people obviously do not want a big civil war.

Things in some ways seem to be getting better but a large amount of the people they fire they immediately put people in charge that seem to be much more inclined to be deep State themselves than the cure for the deep State. It’s not foolish to ask questions and be astonished at the lack of public progress. If they are not going to do this publicly then it’s sensible to ask why they don’t start taking these people out one by one. After all we’re talking about the whole entire future of the country. The Patriot act is still in force and they CAN execute people in secret. Why aren’t they? The other side sure is.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I haven’t seen that. I’ll have to give it a look. There’s a lot of weird stuff out there. It’s amazing that so much of it no one every gets to bottom of the situation.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Not to mention the Pardons Oblimey dished out before he left office, that’s a LOT of traitors needing to be caught in NEW CRIMES (banged to rights) before they can be Jailed.

At that’s something else the original whinger didn’t take into account.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (3863-5)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (3863-5)
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

>”We can’t even get Congress to do an investigation of 9 freaking 11.”

Because that would be very anti-Semitic my fren.

Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

Did you not see what happened to Roger Stone?

You can’t use the normal organs of law enforcement, prosecutors and judges because all three of these are incredibly corrupt.

Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

If you want a white-pill, reminder that one of the most important cartels (the Maduro one) got indicted and at least 2 generals and one mil intel top official have already surrendered to the US authorities. This is a very big domino that will implicate a lot of high level people in US and other Western governments.

Need to be patient, this shit involves millions of people, billions of crimes and trillions of dollars, and the cartels are a crucial part of the network, they are the ones who put the world-wide trafficking routes for drugs, people and children in place, and when they get terminated, the cabal will not only have a financial problem, they will also have a very BIG logistical problem, as well as a human resources problem, given that most ground level cabalites are recruited into drug distribution networks who then get orders to spy on local targets (as far as I could tell, most of these ground level criminal operators have no awareness of the extent of the type of network they are truly working for, but I can assure you that this is one way how the trans-national cabal recruits low-level operators on the local level, they introduce them into those for the most part non-violent criminal operations, and then they get them to do favors for them, including gang-stalking targets).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

A lot of low-level criminality aimed at young people exists to build criminal records so they have no choice but to work for criminal networks. Drug lookout, running errands, moving packages, etc.

If that doesn’t take, the next step is strong-arm enforcement, which I’ve never understood: show up at some guy’s house and collect a gambling debt, by any means necessary. How the enforcer isn’t killed or arrested for battery is beyond me. This can’t be a profitable activity so what is left is funneling recruits into a criminal network.

Reply to  map
4 years ago

>”How the enforcer isn’t killed”

Some of them do get killed. Even hardcore, comfortable-with-violence criminals get shoot at and successfully killed from time to time here in my Country. I’ve made it clear to the faggots who work as low-level cabalites here locally that if things escalate to violence (and I survive), I am going to kill as many of them as I can, and then release all the info in my deadman switch while still alive, and if I see it as a worthwhile move, I will go public balls to the wall with a hunger strike to the death in order to mobilize the gen pop and international anon community to take up the war against them (not only on a local and regional level) in a way they never imagined possible.

The solution for violence is more violence, it’s been very well documented that it is the case with Los Pepes and the way they fugged over Pablo Escobar, by basically killing eveyone that collaborated with him and bombing the property of his family:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I agree some things have been done but it’s been a long time. A lot of the stuff done could easily fall under normal law enforcement. I suspect even cabal connected criminals are cut down every so often to keep their power level manageable. They don’t want the lower level criminals to take over the network do they? Like the Spartans used to kill off the most successful of their slave/serfs by declaring war on them every year. I’ve never heard that this is true but I bet the Spartans secret police kept track of which ones seemed to be the most inclined to want to get ahead and that’s the ones they killed every year.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”I suspect even cabal connected criminals are cut down every so often to keep their power level manageable.”

Me too. And it makes perfect sense, it keeps them in line. I can tell you that some of the local cabal-protected members get heat on them from time to time, and I think a part of it is to psyop them into not realizing what is really going on (that their top level bosses are the ones that are fucking them over from time to time), so they can re-direct their anger at the targets they are told to prey upon.

And people on all levels of this charade don’t realize that at the very top of the cabal/mafia/cartel criminal network, it is the pedophile cannibals who are calling the shots. If you want to see how that is possible, watch the interview with Ronald Bernard, he was doing high level money laundering (very high level) for years before he realized that all the satanic shit his superiors were engaged in was more than a LARP, and he only realized that when he got the offer for a promotion where he was told he had to do something to a child (he never says if they asked him to rape, kill, or eat the child, or some combination of those, but he says he clearly states that he got asked to do something to a child in order to be fully black-mailable before going into a higher level). Everyone is getting played in this wicked game, after all, satan does not care about his useful idiot minions.

Here is the Ronald Bernard interview:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lindbergh's Ghost
4 years ago

Liz Crokin, reporter who does seem to have some sense and was made jobless because she took pizzagate seriously, says she thinks that corona was done by the cabal but Trump will use it to finally start arresting people. The idea being that M13 and other groups will be contained to not start up a civil war in the streets. The video linked has a part two.

We’ll see. She makes a good point that Trump really must do something before the elections if he is going too as there’s no guarantee he’ll be reelected. She also draws references to Q post that seem to point to this. I could see the Democrats causing so much fraud that the elections could be called into question and there being a full scale push for civil war on the left and/or the right.

4 years ago

The city of Chicago has released neighborhood specific information on corona virus. It seems they are concerned that the data shows high levels of infection in minority areas.

comment image

Debra Silverstein, alderman for the 50th ward writes:

“Health officials have not proffered a reason for our neighborhood’s high level of confirmed cases, and I would caution us all to not invent reasons of our own. Coronavirus is present in every zip code in the State of Illinois, and our neighborhood accounts for less than 7% of the city’s cases—a percentage that would likely go down if widespread testing were available.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

A possible future headline

City Nuked and All Vaporized

Yesterday “…blank…” city was nuked and all the people vaporized. The cities Women and minorities suffered the worse….

4 years ago

Did you notice the 5G bill that was quietly passed?

Have you been counting the bailouts of Wall Street and comparing with those of Main Street?

What do you think will happen to people on fixed income pensions/bonds?

4 years ago

“Ketogenic diet helps tame the flu virus by activating specific immune cells.”

The nomad steppe diet of dairy and meat alongside vegetables seems the healthiest diet of them all for military men

This is why they were able to live without food for several days and still remain up and running in contrast to those who run on high-carb diets:

“The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warriors to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook.

Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other diary products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease.

In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. Unlike the Jurched soldiers, who were dependent on a heavy carbohydrate diet, the Mongols could more easily go a day or two without food.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
4 years ago

Diet is very confusing. A Ketogenic diet seems to be very good but the guy who originally pushed this by being around the Eskimos didn’t mention that the Eskimos seemed to prematurely age at a very high rate. Non-withstanding some people seem to do very well on this diet.

There’s also a lot of evidence that a complete plant diet is very healthy. The Seven Day Adventist is one. My Mom’s sister was one and my Mom pointed out frequently she was the one that lived the longest with the best health. At the same time many vegetarians seem to suffer from various forms of anemia and other odd health problems. There is no, that I know of, definitive long term study that shows which is best or why there are problems long term.

The study they have been using to push for no meat, the “Seven Countries Study” by Ancel Keys, this study is used over and over to demonize meat for decade after decade but was a farce and they cherry picked the data to get the result they wanted. They are still pushing it even though people have gone over the errors in it frequently.

The longest big diet study I know of, a Stanford diet study, shows over a fairly long period of time and summed up in a Stanford video

“The Battle of the Diets Is Anyone Winning (At Losing )”

In it he said that of all the measured diets the Adkins diet, (high meat-high fat, low-carb), shows the best health profile.The study was chaired by a vegetarian who said repeatedly how surprised he was by the findings. Now this same guy is changing what the study said and weaseling out of the results. I know this for a fact as I saved this video, I know exactly what it was he said years ago after the studies conclusion and now can’t find the original video at all. If you search for it you get a new video. In the comments of the new video you can see where people point out the original video says something different.

“Stanford’s Christopher Gardner Tackles the Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Question”

Here he says something totally different and weasels out by saying there’s no one diet for every person. He “doesn’t” condemn a high meat diet, he can’t because he would be caught, but he doesn’t point out that a high meat diet had the best measured health profile of all the diets. He does provide excellent advice in telling people to not eat sugar.

It appears the worst diet is the standard western data of lots of carbs and lots of meat and sugar. Frequently called the pig slop diet by many as it’s the same sort of diet used to fatten pigs and livestock.

Why is this? Is it the carbs? By reading a lot of stuff I have an idea I call. “Sam J.’s Theory of the Lesser Dietary Evil”

Basically the reason carbs and some vegetarian diets are bad is toxins. There’s research and data that wheat has toxins in it. Where you get data on this is mostly from people at the margins who have big time trouble with some certain dietary issues. I suspect that most people have these which get worse with age but most people can detoxify the toxins with some effort but some people can’t take them at all. The wheat problem is supposedly gluten and Lectins.

I read that all modern factory farmed wheat is derived from a wheat that had a very short strong stock that resisted lodging, (falling over in the rain or wind), that had such an advantage that all wheats were breed with it to get that resistance to falling over. Unfortunately this strain has an abundance of toxins in it and that’s why wheat is worse. Asians eat a ton of carbs in the form of rice which I suspect has less toxins.

As for vegetarianism being bad sometimes. I also expect some toxins are a problem. The simple fact is that meat can run away or has horns or teeth to protect itself and plants only have…toxins. That’s the only thing they have to keep them from being gobbled up so any plant is bound to has some sort of toxin.

There was a guy who found plant toxins caused him immense problems and came to the conclusion that too much vitamin A was the problem.

Connecting Eczema, Crohn’s and Alzheimer’s

Now here’s what’s super interesting about this article. He has linked over use of Vitamin A with all these diseases. He makes a fairly good case for it. One of the really big clues is,

“…Decreasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Eastern Canada: a population database study.

The key observations here are:

A remarkable ~35% drop in Crohn’s disease over this time period (1996-2009)
A stunning ~50% drop in Alzheimer’s mortality over this time period ( 2000-2011)…”

This he linked to the collapse of the Eastern Canadian fisheries and the removal of these very high vitamin A level dish from the diet. He gives many other large population studies that show similar disease trends related to excess vitamin A intake.

What popped out in my mind as another influence is a question I have asked many places over and over. It’s seems such a mystery to me why some people seem to do very well on a vegetarian diet and some don’t. Maybe this is the answer. If a first world wealthy person goes on a vegetarian diet they could have problems due to a eating a large amount of salads and vegetables with high vitamin A. A person in a less developed area would be more likely to eat a vegetarian diet with much less vitamin A. Maybe more starches as a mainstay of of their diet. This would explain the good health results from the two widely different diets. More meat might mean less vitamin A corresponding to good health with a no carb diet. Could it not be the carbs but the extra vitamin A fortified foods in the diet?

So “Sam J.’s Theory of the Lesser Dietary Evil” is that a high fat high meat diet is not that the meat diet is so superior it’s that it has less toxins in it than a normal diet or a diet high in vitamin A that a wealthier person would eat.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Interesting post!
About the vegetarians who seem to do so well: I recall the Rofschild linking videos of women in their 70s who looked in their 30s. As the Rofschild implied the superiority of Rh- , ConsAnon speculated, if I recall correctly, that some vegeratians doing so well might had to do with the antigens in the blood of different people. He also speculated that it might had resulted from a population drifting away in isolation and developing said characteristics because of their diet and predispositions.

My current belief (brace yourself) is that there are two or more races of ancient origins that mixed up in the earth, that maybe some are not from this planet, and that the people that exhibit something in particular, which might Rh- or related, do well on vegetarian diets.

4 years ago

In regards to your communications with the blogger I have a story I’ve been meaning to share for a long time. It could be nothing but if it is something then it shows a scary level of surveillance/interference. I’ll try and keep it short but the point is to be careful what you do online.

After Obama was elected I was indifferent at first, disappointed that the country elected a senator with no experience but that’s how our democracy works. At least that’s what I thought at the time. Before the election I had started a political website along the long lines of drudge report with news links and commentary and it morphed into tracking the questionable/illegal stuff Obama was doing, stuff like fast and furious. I thought I would keep track of all this stuff so I could eventually write a book about it. The site format was almost exactly what yours has become with the news briefs format except much less insightful and obviously I had no clue about r/k theory.

Now this website was extremely basic, I was just learning, and I had a couple others which i was trying to make into bueinesses. So I have 3 websites, none of which get any traffic, and the more immediate life concerns of real work and making money take over. I kept up on tracking the Obama stuff for another 6 months or so but eventually stopped around mid to late 2010 due to a lack of time and the fact there were so many other professional websites better than mine.

So it comes to Obama vs Romney, and i realize I haven’t worked on that site in 18 months or so and I go to check on it and it’s complete gibberish, everything’s gone and I can’t even sign in. I figured I did something wrong but when i checked my other sites they were all functional. That’s when I got scared.

This was a nothing site only bots visited, was barely promoted, and hadn’t been updated in forever. My other sites are dormant projects but still fully readable and functional. What scared me was realizing that an administration that would use the IRS to harass individuals and groups probably would target and scramble a vanity project website with no following simply because it was an anti Obama compendium.

Over the years you’ve talked about how the average Joe who tries to have a website or get a book published or create a successful business and is a person operating under the basic assumptions of the American Dream will have a tough time of it. For me those discussions have always rung true and I know you’re right. It’s why i have lot of respect for you and what you’re doing here.

So when you say you’re having difficulties communicating with this blogger that seem strange and there could be nefarious explanations that a rational person could not believe in I lean towards believing the nefarious explanations.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That might explain what happened. The computer I used died and I went back to check on the site from a smartphone almost 2 years later

I always thought “they” just saw I hadn’t done anything or signed on in so long that they zapped it. I’m going to dig through some old notebooks and see if i can find passwords and server access to see if anything is still there. I’ve totally forgotten the technical aspects of how it all works.

The only reason it’s still there is because it’s tied to one website I still want to do something with and the yearly charge to my credit card is only about $60.

If there’s anything worth updating I’ll report back. It’s funny thinking back on it now that if i had kept tracking Obama’s misdeeds for 8 years how much info I would have compiled with sources. It would have made another great book with no chance in hell of ever being published.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Good comment from a poster on heartiste

Nietzsche said that when a people become so weak, so decrepit & worthless that they can’t seek their own advantage, they will make a virtue out of seeking other’s advantage in secret hope of reciprocation.

A good description of r don’t you think?

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

That same dynamic, (unconscious) self-seeking altruism, can also be seen in some psychologically debilitated individuals. On the individual level I think it’s a strategy adopted early in life.

4 years ago

According to data obtained from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System website, total U.S. deaths for the first three weeks of March are DOWN 10% from the average of the prior four years for the same three week period. This is an interesting contrast to tweets below showing lots of scary stats about Corona which should make these numbers much higher. Something isn’t fitting.

No one is out getting into auto accidents. No one is having workplace injuries. No one is getting the cold/flu/whatever they would normally have. The air is cleaner because of the lack of traffic. People are spending time outside because they can’t go anywhere else inside.

Other than the stress of fear, people are probably the safest and healthiest they have been in decades.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I saw a thread showing heart attacks are down as well.

It would be interesting to note the cost savings to the economy, by simply staying home / working from home / home schooling.

4 years ago


“So medicare guarantees a hospital gets $13,000 for any patient listed as having covid-19.

And $39,000 if they go on a ventilator.

Let that marinate for a bit.”

Found this on

Let’s see if I can find a citation —

Tigerdroppings forum ——39000-if-on-ventilator/89474806/

A few quotes: “It’s word for word in the published guidelines: “in lieu of a positive result, it is permissible to ASSUME corona when assigning codes on the death certificate””

Original source is Dr. Scott Jensen on Laura Ingram’s show last night (April 8). Youtube since deleted all copies of show.

See here:

See here:

4 years ago

@Phelps .. similar stats in Europe. Despite the deaths alleged to be caused by COVID-19, there is no excess mortality in Europe. Even Italy and Spain are below total death rates from the winter of 2017-18.

Possible conclusion? All these COVID-19 “deaths” are just normal deaths being attributed to COVID-19 for purposes that can be imagined and some purposes probably beyond imagining.

Certainly here in the US, hospitals get more medicare $$ for COVID-19 deaths, so … there’s that.

4 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I see the comment and commenter name above, to which you replied, as “Redacted”
I don’t know if it’s intentional but since you write about wondering if someone tinkers with what your viewers see, I just leave this comment here

4 years ago

“Year-to-date statistics show excess mortality lower than previous years across Europe.”

Strange. Shouldn’t the Wuflu have made that rise?

How much of this diseases impact is real?

Rocking MrE suspects a technocracy is being ushered in:

Chris Eastlund
Chris Eastlund
4 years ago

A bit off topic for this page, but not your blog. A video on crooked faces being a modern thing.

4 years ago

I’ve seen so much, one cloudly possibility floating around in my head is that there are normies stopping by this domain and seeing a completely stupid site of gibberish and unintelligible insanity, and many of the comments by readers on here are solely designed to make me, and a select group of problem children the machine wants quarantined, think the site is available to the public as I presented it, and we are all interacting honestly as a part of something that could spread out, when in reality it is fully contained.

This is a testable hypothesis. Go get a random “normie” to load the page and print out what he sees for you. Or view it yourself through a different ISP.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’s easier than changing IP’s. If they put web proxy configuration into your phone or device, they could force all of your traffic through their servers and when you went to specific websites branch your traffic off to another server and show you whatever they wanted you to see. If they were butt stupid, you might be able to catch them doing this if you did a “what is my IP address” search from your browser. If the public IP / IP Block is the same, they are proxying you. If not, they may not or they thought this through and have some way of presenting that.

Google’s AMP works like this, but more opaque. If you have an amp URL, you’ll get loaded a cached page from Google’s server NOT the original website. This is semi crazy from an IT person’s background. You would never want to proxy everyone’s device. It’s expensive. But if you are the cabal well you could capture everyone’s web activity and even alter results if you had a way of tracking problem people (cookie) / google account.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

They may well be able to do all sorts of things, but don’t gaslight yourself over imagining the entire Internet being configured around keeping you in a bubble.

This is really, I think, about your hopes that r/K theory would go viral and lead to good things as people came to understand how it all really works?
Tex Arcane understood something, that maybe you haven’t yet internalized: there is no need for the government spooks to prevent normies from seeing your ideas. Not when their entire indoctrination is against such ways of thinking.

4 years ago

“a 70% filtration can be the difference between getting sick and not getting sick in a lot of cases.”
I am also told even among people who do get ill, symptoms are likely to be less severe if the initial virus load is reduced. (For reasons I imagine are homologous to ‘flattening the curve’)