News Briefs – 04/14/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Stefan Molyneux is now able to be subscribed to on UATV by clicking here to Vox Day’s announcement, and following the link.

Our own Johannes Q is actually an author, of this book, which has this Five Star review on Amazon : This memoir is Dostoevsky meets Andrea Dunbar, and it strikes me as more truthful than almost anything you ever read about the lives of most of us these days. Johannes’s description from the comments: “It’s a collection of shorter pieces (a play, short stories, aphorisms, poems, and a memoir about my shitty office jobs), but the play at least might amuse some people (it’s a comedy set in 2000 about a fictional Minister for Humanity in the UK).”

Patrick Bryne’s Telegram has contained these gems:

The counter offensive is launching now. 80 cyberattacks flipped 2.2 million votes in five swing states, and 19 of those attacks can be attributed to enemy action out of China.

Hammer & Scorecard: Hammer is the tool that breaks open the election systems and Scorecard is the one that manipulates the votes. They have access to 150,000 machines around the world. Hammer comes preloaded with credentials of 4,000 US government employees from Secretary of State down to the county election board’s assistant janitor. I can’t imagine that they cannot find four people on the Supreme Court who will sign off and say, “Yes, this has to become a case.” If people, after seeing this data, are still fighting either they’re just evil or they’re delusional. We have to treat them almost as if they’re a bit deranged.

Ask yourselves: if the 19 biggest Chinese cyber-adjustments to those five swing states shifted 520,000 votes, then all 80 successful Cyber-adjustments in those five swing states shifted how many votes? I have already indicated to answer: a hair under 2.2 million in those five states.

Note about this: across the other 45 states there may have been 1500 successful cyber adjustments. That is the number we are going on right now, but our focus is still really honors five key states (and then Nevada).

I have not seen people remark on another number That I disclosed, though it is mind-boggling. The hammer system is loaded with the credentials of 4000 US government officials, from secretaries of State down through election officials at state county and local levels.

Stay tuned for more by the end of this week. And in the weeks after that, you will just see more and more dribble out to a crescendo. But you can’t claim we are denying you things now. That table I posted last night, and the claim Mike Lindell started making since Friday, is something you need to drill in on.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announces he’s launching ‘MyStore,’ a patriotic rival to Amazon.

Mike Lindell reveals perfect timestamp correlation between late night vote ‘drops’ and Chinese cyberattacks. April 20th, Mike will launch Absolute Interference, his newest documentary, and he says they will show “Something.” Odd in that some say the date is among those with supposedly occult significance, and has featured everything from Hitler’s Birthday to the Columbine shooting, to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon Oil rig.

Rasmussen Reports finds, by a margin of 51%-44%, voters said it is “likely” that cheating affected the outcome. And I don’t believe the polls are accurate either, though there are probably limits to how much they can lie. Patrick Bryne on his Telegram notes if you ignore the question’s leftist bias, and adjust sampling to look more like the US does, it looks like it really showed 64% think the election was rigged even when asked in a biased fashion, and 30% or less say it was fine. Here, Democrats also said it is more important everyone can vote, than it is the election is accurate.

John Durham is still going – he just scrutinized a Steele dossier source through a Brookings Institution subpoena. He feels like Ken Starr. He just keeps going, and every so often you hear something happening here or there, but five years from now he announces he found criminality, but nothing happens. It also makes it sound like he may not be working on election integrity, as some reports alleged.

Joe Biden invites Vladimir Putin for meeting to ‘discuss the full range of issues facing the US and Russia.’ Obviously not being done from a position of strength. Putin was non-commital.

Russia warns US to keep its warships away from Crimea ‘for their own good’ as Moscow accuses the West of turning the region into a ‘powder keg.’

Russia sees the United States as its “adversary,” a top Foreign Ministry official said Tuesday amid heightened tensions with Washington.

A fleet of Chinese warplanes likely simulated an attack on a U.S. aircraft carrier group when a record 25 fighter jets and nuclear-capable bombers triggered Taiwan’s air defense radars this week, analysts said on Tuesday. Probably would not have happened under Trump.

China fighter jets will fly over Taiwan to declare sovereignty, state media says.

A student opened fire on officers responding to a report of a possible gunman at a Tennessee high school Monday, and police shot back and killed him, authorities said. Sounds like he was intercepted by cops as he was getting his gear together in the bathroom.

Archiving a case of a guy with a fake gun who showed up at an LAPD precinct looking to Suicide by Cop because he said he was being mind controlled by voices in his head. Increasingly I think this may be what Trump put up the Capitol fencing for. On 4Chan somebody hypothesized there may be an entire army of these characters out there, and these are just a few misfires here and there as the vast majority remain inactive as a sleeper army. If so, it would mean actually pulling the trigger would produce thousands descending on the Capitol all at once. I had linked to a psychiatrist a while back who was giving a talk where he described beginning to see parallels between patients, and digging into it with hypnosis. What he described was that all of the patients had undergone some type of ritualized torture/mind-programming beginning was toddlers, by what he came to believe was a local cult hiding in the shadows. He said he began giving talks about this, other psychiatrists began seeing the same things across the nation, doing the same hypnosis digging, and when they contacted him they reported they found their towns and cities had the same thing going on, with swaths of people who had undergone ritualized torture as very young children, with an eye to programming them as MK Ultra windup toys, and then had it buried under hypnosis so they didn’t remember it when going about their day. He concluded there was a nationwide cult doing this, and it must have had some top-tier psychological support staff developing cutting edge techniques. I can tell you, nobody five years ago could begin to imagine how weird the world really is except for those in the conspiracy.

A couple of links for archival material of Cabal here and here of articles that Zerohedge deep sixed on how intelligence agencies like CIA, across the world, penetrate the media with assets or agents posing as reporters. You don’t have to read them. I already linked to these as I recall when they came out, so you’ve read them, but those links are no longer valid since ZeroHedge deleted the articles, so I am just storing placeholders for the archives here.

Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force against George Floyd, police expert tells jury as he argues that a compliant person would be ‘resting comfortably’ if pinned to the ground in the same manner. Defense takes over.

Andrew Cuomo once likened himself to hot-headed mob scion Sonny Corleone in “The Godfather” — and bragged about his sexual prowess during a strategy session with his staffers, according to an explosive new report Tuesday. They are still keeping a fire lit under him, as if to keep him under control.

CNN’s ‘Cuomo’ show takes huge ratings nosedive, while Fox’s ‘Gutfeld’ soars. I’ve always thought the those  ratings were fake. It almost feels like here Cabal is sending the Cuomo brothers a message.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has sent a stern warning to illegal aliens by hanging “Florida Uses E-Verify” signs on all highways into the state. Desantis doesn’t benefit from illegal aliens being present. By contrast, in New York, Andrew Cuomo has passed a law allowing almost $16,000 lump sum payments to illegals, because he does benefit from illegals, and wants to lure them in. Probably means they are being given fake IDs and voting too. Probably also very recruit-able into intel networks. We have a huge problem in this country.

Biden releases nearly 42K border crossers into the U.S. since taking office. That is not as bad as I would have guessed.

US Border Patrol agents will deploy to the Mexico-Guatemala border to respond to large migrant caravans organizing in Central America.

Rep. Andy Biggs says the Federal govt under Biden is a ‘logistics team’ for drug cartels.

A massive immigration holding center in Texas is hardly being used amid the worsening border situation as the Biden administration instead opts to dole out multimillion, taxpayer-funded contracts to house families in hotels.

A long article here on the Chinese buying politicians, but the key part was right after McConnell’s Chinese wife joined the Trump administration, as Mitch was the only possible check on Trump, her parents were given a deal with the Chinese government worth about a half-billion dollars. Things like this just happen for those in the club, and the only catch is they know they have to play the game for the conspiracy to keep those deals flowing.

New Mexico governor’s campaign pays $62,500 to settle sexual mistreatment claim from male ex-staffer who said she poured water on his crotch.

Virginia’s Department of Elections shut down its voter information portal for “scheduled maintenance” during the final day Republican voters in the commonwealth’s largest county were able to register for the party’s upcoming convention.

On Twitter – Brooklyn Center, MN Mayor says the ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag outside the police department is “inflammatory” & it has been removed. I don’t care if it is an inner city black neighborhood, I don’t think the majority of citizens there support that, not even close. I think it is a controlled asset, installed in that governmental position by the conspiracy, performing theater which is designed to say to the public, even the Police can’t resist us. Don’t fall for it. We are the majority, and we can resist.

Brooklyn Center city manager is fired by mayor after calling for ‘due process’ for cop who ‘accidentally’ killed Daunte Wright. Again, we give Cops authority and power. They carry guns, and occasionally deploy lethal force. But when most people hear this, they subconsciously process, that if the Cops are being abused by the conspiracy like this, and can’t resist, we have no chance. It is subconscious, and bullshit. The reality is Cabal is terrified of us,

Daunte Wright, the 20-year-old black man fatally shot during a traffic stop in Minnesota, was “afraid police would do something like this to him,” according to a local educator who mentored Wright. Of course he is also the ex-con waving his illegal gun around on twitter, and wishing openly, in unintelligible Ebonics, that his probation Officer would be killed while he was serving his time in prison. It is a show now, so everything you see is manipulation.

Rashida Tlaib calls for an end to Policing and incarceration. Never going to happen, but the mere call for it molds how people see the world. If that is the main enemy, a mere socialist seems moderate by comparison.

Google shadow bans searches for “riots today” following violent unrest in Minnesota. Everything is about controlling the perceptions and beliefs of the masses.

ABC News says white supremacists pose a bigger public-safety risk than Black Lives Matter as the George Floyd trial plays out.

Judicial Watch today released a transcript of the March 24 oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit where Pelosi and Schiff argue Congress can secretly subpoena phone records of citizens.

Biden won’t remove troops from Afghanistan by May 1, as he blows up the peace deal negotiated by Trump. He has pushed it off to 9/11.

Liz Cheney says removing any troops from Afghanistan will let the Taliban and Al Qaida win.

Death certificates may be retroactively altered to attribute death to COVID to qualify applicants for reimbursement by FEMA.

California Senate committee votes to make it easier to dox citizens who sign a recall petitions.

Top Democrat pollsters to release review of 2020 projections that acknowledges ‘major errors,’ as they try to explain why Donald Trump got so many votes.

Consumer prices rise more than expected, pushed by 9.1% jump in gasoline.

Flashback to 2017 – Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

Pentagon looking to better screen social media of service members and recruits for ‘extremism.’

Johnson and Johnson vaccine is shut down due to several instances of clotting issues. 6 cases out of 7 million doses went bad. It is not impossible these were contaminated doses causing these problems, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the contamination was purposeful to force everyone on mRNA vaccines. I’d love to know what they want to do with the mRNA tech. They must want to use it on themselves for something, given how sure they want to be about whether it will turn off, which means it must be some sort of enhancement. If they were just going to use it on the plebes, for any purpose, I doubt they’d care that much.

President Trump says the Boden administration pulled J&J’s vaccine because they are trying to favor Pfizer. It may be a mix, and Pfizer is getting favoritism because it is Cabal, and Pfizer was tasked with making mRNA vaccines because it was Cabal, and they want mRNA vaccines given out instead of regular peptide vaccines. Likewise, J&J are not as Cabalish, and they failed to make mRNA vaccines because they are not Cabalish.

COVID-19 vaccine deaths already account for 21% of all deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine adverse Event Reporting System. Paper courtesy of Miles Mathis.

12 times more people are dying from cancer than Covid – as experts warn treatment backlog will become ‘collateral damage’ of the pandemic.

Elon Musk’s girlfriend gets a massive scarring back tattoo so it looks like alien skin. This feels significant somehow. He is the richest guy in the world. His business probably brings him in contact with lots of pretty, smart, nerd/STEM girls who would be great trad moms. But he hitches up to this girl who seems to have no STEM ability, and who sounds totally bonkers. It doesn’t fit. I don’t know what it means. Maybe he is only allowed to date certain people in the society. Maybe it needs to be somebody who knows a certain amount about the conspiracy. Maybe he himself is just an actor pretending to be ultra high-IQ, so the IQ of his kids or their rearing isn’t important to him. I don’t know. But it doesn’t fit in a way that feels significant. All things being equal, he should be wicked smart, and his significant other should be a lot hotter, smarter, saner, and more dependable.

STDs reach all-time in the US for sixth consecutive year with 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. So the low birthrate is not due to the lockdowns?

The yearlong aggression of orca pods against boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal continues unabated as Killer whales attack a fishing boat near Spain. I’ve wondered if we have not heard about the numerous inflatable migrant boats full of Africans that were set upon by Killer Whale pods who viewed them as seals on an iceberg, because the little inflatable boats went down, all the migrants were drowned or eaten, and nobody lived to tell the tale. I wonder how many migrants Cabal moved across, vs how many made it.

The alleged Israeli attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility targeted an electrical substation located 40 to 50 meters underground and damaged “thousands of centrifuges,”

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told an interviewer Monday evening that he would alert the California National Guard to be ready to prevent rioting.

Project Veritas gets a CNN director to admit the network engaged in ‘propaganda’ to remove Trump from the Presidency.

Egypt ‘seizes’ megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900 million in compensation.

18 Republican senators wrote to FBI Director Wray seeking an investigation into President Biden’s nominee for a top role in the Pentagon over whether he disclosed or solicited classified information after leaving his government job in the Obama administration based on twitter posts which revealed details of classified meetings.

GOP Rep refuses to pay Pelosi’s $15,000 fines for avoiding her metal detector, and says he’s taking her to Federal Court.

Spread r/K Theory, because the crescendo has not yet begun.

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Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: MyStore

Realistically, it’s got twenty years of catchup to do.

I can buy CNC/3D-printer parts in the same shopping cart as welding supplies, router bits, cat food, and toasted coconut covered marshmallows from an actual candy company making them the traditional way on Amazon, and if that sounds oddly specific it’s because I have in fact placed an order like this with Amazon.

These are the mallows, they were excellent:

I can also get just about any book published for sale by Amazon. I have bought stainless tubing, aluminum plate, computer parts, automotive supplies, cat litter, electric motors, epoxy, blue jeans, and on and on and on and on and on…..

Of all the Big Tech services, Amazon will be the absolute most difficult to replace.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Agreed, but something has to give.
Amazon is the height of selling out Americas capability to China.
Amazon wields far more power than any tech company on earth, it needs to be regulated.
(Disclosure, I’m an Amazon AWS Employee)

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Disclosure – I was looking at MyStore and something I had planned to try and sell through Etsy I think that I’m going to try to pot there. It would get lost in the crowd on Etsy, but there’s no woodwork on MyStore.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Make sure to post a link here when you do.

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

tiny acorns, mighty oaks etc etc.

in 1950, had you suggested to any smart, financially sophisticated investor / businessman that not only would Sears, Penneys, Monkey Wards, Kresge/K-Mart, and 20 or so other well-known big retailing names would soon not only *not* be dominating the retail world, but most of them would be dead & bankrupt …

in 1969, if you’d suggested that HALF of the Nifty Fifty would soon be toast … (“Polaroid and Kodak to the mooooon!!!”)

if you’d suggested anytime between 1970-95 that “malls” were all dead men walking …

if you’d suggested that newspapers were toast; that even the mighty NYT, WP, La Times, and all their ilk would be hanging on by their fingernails by 2005 and that by 2020 the daily newspaper of a city with a 1MM+ population would be no thicker or more impressive than a high-school paper of 1985 …

if you’d suggested that a primary reason for the death of the papers would be that auto dealers and big retailers like Sears, Penneys, etc would no longer be buying full-page ads AND that their top-secret cash cow, the classifieds, would *basically no longer exist* …..

all those sophisticates would have laughed you out of the room. “get lost, hippie!” I’ll give Lindell my business when possible. the real test will be what happens when Amazon goes ‘full Rockefeller’ on him, and tries to run him out of business by predatory pricing. (Bezos can operate at a 20%+ loss for decades. I suspect Lindell can’t) we all know FedGov ain’t gonna step in to help someone like Lindell who’s not in The Big Club, so how will Lindellazon survive?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Isn’t one of the plans to save civilisation NOT to buy from the corporate socialists currently destroying it?

The books thing i get, isn’t that how they started?

But cat litter?

Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

They got started by the Cabal funding everything…..just like every other tech company.

It’s almost like they were sending a message.
We come for the Books first.

Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

I joke with people at work that I’m going to buy my first child on Amazon prime.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

We can always check MyStore first and buy anything it has there.
It will need us to do that if it is ever going to grow up enough to destroy Amazon.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“and wishing openly, in unintelligible Ebonics, that his probation Officer would be killed while he was serving his time in prison. ”


Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m learning to love your video drops 😂

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

I say use the systems own tools against them.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

in Ardwoll World – where’s he’s Dictator-For-Life of da whole world – that clip is played in schools twice a week every week.

“wwwwWaaaait a minute …. I’m white! ha ha ha haaa!” (walks away chuckling)

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Macgruder, despite being a communist, realized the bullshit way early. I think his communism is as much just honest nihilism.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“China fighter jets will fly over Taiwan to declare sovereignty, state media says.”

They probably already have flown over Taiwan, the Taiwanese just didn’t see them. The J-20 is stealth, made with tech stolen from the F-22 and China has over 100 of them. They build more every day.

This Russian sockpuppet talked about the J-20 for a bit

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Honestly, the J20 itself probably IS a better plane than the F35. The weapons systems on the F35 are probably MUCH better than the J20. So it comes down to if China is willing to build enough J20’s to overwhelm the F35s – they can only carry so many missiles.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Stealth doesn’t mean the kind of stealth they promote for our consumption. Long range radar can reliably pick them up. They are just in the noise for intercept and targeting radars.

That’s how we lost one over Serbia. They tracked it using the same route ingress two nights in a row, set up a SAM spread and popped it like a shotgun shooting skeet when it went over the third night.

If they’ve been over, Taiwan knows even if they can’t do anything about it.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The J-20 and the F-35 both have operational problems. The F-35’s are mostly in its avionics. The J-20’s engines blew up in service, and years later they *still* haven’t managed to fix the problem, so they flying airframes don’t perform anywhere near their claimed capabilities.

I don’t know what the cost of the J-20 is, but even under Communist resource allocation, it’s probably a significant percentage of the F-35 per airframe.

Also note that the “stealth” on both is more a matter of definition than reality, and US dogfights between the F-35 and the F-15 and F-16 have been carefully designed to favor the F-35… which still hasn’t always been able to prevail. And you can buy three F-16s for the price of one F-35; four F-16s if you figure maintenance and operational costs per annum. That’s a huge advantage for the older designs.

What has happened is, we reached the limits of practical fighter technology back in the 1980s. The F-35 can’t be much better as far as actual combat capability – climb, G-rating, maneuverability, etc. It was going to be stealthy, and “smart”. But those ideas, which sounded so good on the sales pitches, haven’t turned out so well in real life. And it has been a gigantic money pit the whole time. Though some people figure the plane’s true purpose was as a “corporate welfare system” and it was never intended to be a success… given its many-many-many troubles, it’s hard to argue against that one.

3 years ago

“Maybe he himself is just an actor pretending to be ultra high-IQ, so the IQ of his kids or their rearing isn’t important to him.”

He is a front moron.
I have always thought that and everything about him confirms it.
He is one of those fake successful people they use to get people to model their behavior and become failures.

He is a dope smoking loser who talks and acts like a moron and someone else is responsible for any of his projects that succeed.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I never had a good impression of Musk. He occasionally seems to say things that make “our side” want to cheer. But like Ba’al Gates and others, his “origin story” sounds too much like a comic book character. He has his hands in too many pies to be realistic. The Normies love him, and I tend to run away from ANYTHING normies are excited about.

I heard the Chair Force pulled his security clearance after he smoked pot on Rogan’s show. That didn’t seem to affect him in the least.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I lean toward it being possible he is a good guy/white hat trying to save the West but his girlfriend is truly bizarre. Amber Heard is too. What’s wrong with Justine and Talulah?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Well, there is a few things in this world which are more difficult to pretend than to actually have. And the second on the list (right behind the erection 😉 ) is the IQ.

So while I met a lot of guys that ended up banging wrong girls for reasons completely hidden to anyone else, I’ve never met anyone successfully pretending his intelligence longer that for three consecutive sentences….
I.e. I’d bet EM is a real deal.


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…Elon Musk’s girlfriend gets a massive scarring back tattoo so it looks like alien skin. This feels significant somehow. He is the richest guy in the world. His business probably brings him in contact with lots of pretty, smart, nerd/STEM girls who would be great trad moms. But he hitches up to this girl who seems to have no STEM ability, and who sounds totally bonkers…”

If you think about Musk past it does make sense. Musk was the nerd that got beat up and none of the girls liked him. As for Grimes she’s a for sure artsy girl. Look at her live stuff she did early on it’s just her, keyboards, effects and a mic. She’s at the very least a half ass singer who can juggle a lot of stuff at once because she was “the band” and did it live. Some of her tunes are really catchy and it appears that she’s not comped as she just kind of wandered around and played until she got some play on a few videos she did that were entirely self done with her brother.

Musk said he met her because he was making some obscure joke based on some obscure idea and when he googled it her name popped up as she had already made the same interference. So smart girl, hot, artsy. Just the thing he likes.

To show I’m not a complete idiot Musk has some strange stuff that looks Jewy in his family. His father appears to be a psychopath and I’m not kidding about this. A controlled one that is able to keep his shit together. When Musk first emigrated to the west he went to a relative in Canada and got a job from them in a bank??? He has also raised a great deal of money and Jews are always good at that but to be fair he had Jew partners and they could have brought the beginnings of the cash flow on board and after Musk proved he could deliver then the cash could follow.

He at this time has zero trouble raising vast amounts of cash because he has the world’s lowest cost space launch system. He has a mass of satellites orbiting already and a proven track record of bringing in the bacon. These satellites are a MASSIVE SUPER UNBELIEVABLE CASH COW. HUGE. The potential is unbelievable in cash flow. I think Comcast annual gross profit for 2020 was $37.334B. He can easily take every single damn dime of their profits and also ATT’s internet, phone and all the other cable companies profits also with direct satellite links at stupidly ridiculous low cost to himself.

His launch cost are stupendously low. He’s reusing rockets that others paid for to launch his satellites. Let’s just put some numbers on this. Let’s say in the future he could bring $40 billion a year like Comcast in profits. I bet it would be more because of way less over head but let’s say $40 billion and I would say that’s the low end because he can hollow out MANY terrestrial companies and go right over their heads. Well in stock terms let’s multiply that by 20 and we get a company worth $800 billion. That’s a massive amount of money and people who see that are lining up to get a little piece of the rain of funds he will bring in.

We need to be very careful in noting that he started with a very small amount of money, [relative to building spacecraft], to build a space program. Very expensive. Look at the history of people trying to do this and it is littered with failure. They always run out money before they can reliably get to orbit. Everyone told him he was fool to do it but he made it work with a very small capital base and only when he proved he could get things to orbit did the cash investments follow. No one gave it to him. He proved he could do it. Look at Blue Origin. Jeff Bezos has poured shit loads of money into this rocket and so far they are not even close to Musk and I say by using hydrogen instead of methane like Musk they really don’t even know what they are doing. They aren’t thinking things through.

What Musk has done is impressive and a great boost to the whole entire human race if he keeps to what he has been doing so far.

His car company is just as impressive and there’s no way in hell he did this except for the reason he says, that we need electric cars to be sustainable and he’s right. GM built an electric car and people loved it but because it didn’t line their pockets with cash immediately they took them all back and shredded every damn one of them. It REALLY pissed people off. GM could have been THE ELECTRIC car company. Generated immense good will and eventually profits. They could have kept the thing going on a shoe string servicing those inclined to electric cars while improving the technology but, no profits right now, shred it. Idiots.

He also is a smart guy and is good at hiring the very best and getting rid of anyone who will not drink the coolaid and work like their lives depends on it.

There was a guy interviewed about him who was a pump expert. He said that he asked him questions for quite a while about pumps and at first he wondered what he was doing but realized after the questions became more and more pointed that in effect Musk was mining all the knowledge this guy had and absorbed at least 90% of everything he knew about pumps. Most business people don’t do that or are not able too and that’s why the idiots that run our companies keep falling farther and farther behind. They have no imagination and do not have the technical skills or brains to see what is possible. Musk talked about this incessantly in earlier interviews about threading down to the lowest and basest assumptions about what he is doing. Like what does stainless steel cost. Well lately he’s been going on and on about carbon fiber being so great but cost almost $300 a pound while he can get stainless for $3 a pound and it’s almost as good at cryogenic temperatures. He’s able to think about and calculate these sorts of advantages and disadvantages. Our leaders can’t get past their spreadsheets. They can calculate but have no feeling for what it is that they are using for calculations.

I do have suspicions about him though. What if, and I know this sounds crazy but it’s not if you believe Jews are seriously brain damaged, he’s a Jew and his whole task in life is to protect the Jews by taking away the Arabs oil profits and then moving all the Jews to Mars so we can’t get to them to get them back for all the damage they have done. And yes I know this sounds odd but the Jews have done stuff just as exactly as odd as this MANY times in the past.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is Miles Mathis’ take on Musk:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

I can’t help myself. I’m reading more of this stuff and every fucking line is a pile of bullshit, lies, half-truths and massive gas-lighting. This is one of the most lying evil fucks I have ever seen. All of his stuff is like this. He is an abortion. I am so sick of lying Jew gas-lighting it just makes me furious to even listen to them. So here we go,

Miles,”…After the alleged launch in May of 2012, the company’s value ballooned
again, to 2.4 billion. But SpaceX is a private company, the only profit for which is made in supplying the International Space Station. Why would NASA hire a private company to do that? Surely NASA wouldn’t have put the ISS into semi-permanent orbit without a way to supply the astronauts with food, right? Weren’t they getting food before 2012? Yes. So why should the federal government give huge subsidies to a private company to form, so that this company could do what NASA was already doing?…”

He is such a piece of shit. I actually know the back story of this. NASA built the shuttle but the contractors set it up so that instead of just filling it with fuel it would a huge rework every time they flew it such that it cost billions every time they flew it. That and it blowing up at the slightest deviation from the plan meant they canned it. Look at all the early versions of the Shuttle and they were much better. The reason they went with solid rockets was politics.

Now he says why would we pay a private company to supply the space station when NASA was already doing it…because they weren’t. The Russians were. Now if you can’t understand why you would not want the Russians to be 100% in control of supplying our space station…then there’s no help for you.

All of this came about as far back as the Regan administration because NASA was gorging itself on money and not really making progress so a citizens space advisory got together and recommenced that NASA pay private firms the same as if they were doing themselves “if” they could prove they could do so. This was passed into law and…it worked. Musk and other companies had a service they could provide at a cheaper cost which they did and the US government saved a damn fortune. A huge amount. This was all based on the old pony express and the mail system model that subsidized mail carried in aircraft. Long term proven basic stuff.

Miles,”…NASA has paid Musk that amount to do what it was already doing. This is one great argument against privatizing things and for keeping them as government project…”

Unfortunately for him I actually know this stuff and remember what happened. Remember the “Constellation” launch system? 2005 to 2009 they spent billions and didn’t do a damn thing I don’t know what they dd with the money but they never launched a single fucking thing. People should have been executed for wasting money on that large a scale. It’s criminal. If this was China they would have put a bullet in their heads and I’m not joking they would have.

There’s even another program that has cost over $10 billion by Boeing and Lockheed Martin, may be $20 billion, and they once again have not launched a damn thing. They are even reusing shuttle engines so for over $10 billion they can’t build a tank to hold fuel and the engines. It’s such a colossal waste of money’s all I can do not to spit blood. They are evil vile people who are ripping us off.

Now you can hate Musk all you want but at the very least he delivers. He actually has stuff that can work and deliver and it’s all new and cost us not one damn penny to develop. His launch cost charged to NASA are LESS then the traditional companies that charge NASA.

It’s difficult if not impossible to argue that he has not single highhandedly changed the space launching competitiveness of the US by huge leaps and bounds.

More lies. Mathis,”…Now let’s move on to Tesla Motors. As with Paypal, Musk was not involved in the founding. He also
wasn’t an engineer or designer. He just came in as a suit with a bag of money.

Wrong. Musk has a degree 1997 with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in economics from the Wharton School and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in physics. He was working on a Ph.D. program in energy physics/materials science when he decided to drop out and go into business. He was a primary, or THE, programmer in all his software businesses.

A large part of all engineering decisions in all of his companies come from him and certainly the direction of research does. He has said many times almost all of his time is spent on engineering products and assembly lines and very little on managing the day to day of all his companies.

This is of course why he moves so fast. When the owner of the company is pushing you to develop the product and manufacturing lines and is right there in the middle of all of it things get done. There’s no hiding and he’s a serious asshole, (I’ve never believed he was a nice person), and if you don’t produce he will fire you immediately.

A spreadsheet company manager can do none of this. MBA tells you nothing about what materials to make spacecraft out of. Most all businesses in the US are run by sub metal MBA’s who don’t know a damn thing about their businesses and in a vast amount of cases they eventually run them into the ground because they CAN NOT understand technological improvement and that’s what it takes to stay on top. You have to constantly improve bu all they can do it offshore and make simple decisions. There is no spreadsheet line for “make this out of stainless steel instead of carbon fiber”. To constantly improve you have to understand tech AND the economic side.

Miles,”…It looks to me like Tesla was infiltrated. I give it two more years, tops…”

If he bets this way he will be ruined. You should look at the “Autoline After Hours” video interviews with Sandy Munro about Tesla cars. He trash talked them at first because their manufacturing was so bad and wasteful but mostly on body parts. He was super impressed with the electronics. This guy makes his living taking apart things and telling the companies that pay him how to cut cost. Then see the same guy, Sandy, over time talk about the improvements made. He went and bought a bunch of Tesla stock after that. He says their manufacturing is vastly improving and frankly has turned into a Tesla fan club member but not because he is uninformed.

Sandy Munro has been involved in machine tooling, production and manufacturing of automobiles most of his life. Musk even did an interview with him later after he trashed him ad answered his questions.

Miles talks about AI and makes a bunch of stupid assertions which I won’t waste time on refuting but does say,”…Doesn’t sound like someone who is too concerned about the dangers of artificial intelligence, does it?
Which confirms what I said about Musk. Musk and all these other guys aren’t concerned about AI,
they are only concerned with hooking you up to the machines as fast as possible…”

The reason Musk is doing what he’s doing is AI is such a massive problem that the only thing he can come up with is that we be as capable as them by hooking them up to us. AI is a huge problem. I have thought many times that there’s no solution to this and that in reality humans are just the incubators for AI and basically in less than 30 years we are done. It all depends on how the AI’s evolve as to whether they wipe us out or take care of us as we are their parents.

He trashes Musk for hanging out with and talking to trans-humanist that want to merge with the machines but who else would he talk to about AI? Al Gore? Maybe Al Gore invented AI also along with the internet? They’re the guys who are studying this stuff and some of them happen to see, like me and Musk and many others that a normal human can not compete with an AI in the next 20-30 years or so. They will outclass us like humans compared to dogs.

Then Mathis babbles on about various physics theories he has which I can see are just bastardized versions of stuff that real people came up with. Some truth but all of his I have read soon turn into psychobabble.

Here’s a line where you can judge if he has any brains at all he says,”…there are no serial killers and no real Communists,…”.

This Mathis guy really triggers me because his delivery and everything he does is just one big Jew gas-light and after hearing Jew gas-lighting all my life and finally figuring out how badly we’ve been lied to it just pisses me off to no end.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

And where does a guy with an electric car company that doesn’t turn a profit and worse, hemorrhages cash, get the resources to start a space program? He can’t take it out of Tesla so from where is it coming? The US government just fronted billions of dollars to a guy with no experience in making actual rockets? Who would make that kind of decision? And if not them, then what private entity would bankroll this?

Ph.D in high-energy physics/material science? These are two wildly unrelated fields in two wildly different departments. Material science is a branch of engineering, not physics. Moreover, there are basically four areas of physics that you can specialize in: high-energy, condensed matter, solid-state, and quantum mechanics. These areas are so wildly divergent that a high-energy physicist wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about the work in, say, solid-state at their respective levels. That is what I heard from an actual high-energy physicist.

Then he just drops out of that program to “write software” and “go into business” just like that, when his background has no software engineering in it. Again, who would back him or trust him or even give him a shot? And then he makes billions in software and more billions in designing electric cars, without a background in electrical engineering.

This is the background of a comic-book character, not a real person.

Elon Musk sounds a like a correction on the Bill Gates mythology. Somehow, IBM had forgotten to build an operating system to go with their new personal computer and, instead of leveraging their vast resources to either source or develop an OS on their own, relied on the child of one of their executives to procure one stolen from the real developer. There is no reason for Bill Gates to be anywhere in that picture.

What really happened is that the Government’s demoralization campaign against Americans throughout the 60’s did enormous damage to getting a new generation to do something productive. No one wants to work for IBM because, you know, McNamara…man, My Lai….man. So the government takes the skunkworks from IBM and Xerox Parc and spins them off as new companies, Microsoft and, later, Apple. They concoct an inspirational story/background of building from scratch in a garage, hire actors like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, etc., and, poof, the new Silicon Valley is off and running. The young people of American can all pretend their working in some new economy instead of the IBM responsible for mismanaging the Vietnam War.

The only modification is that the Jobs/Wozniak character was combined into the Musk character with a more plausible scientific background then the one given to Bill Gates. Cabal did advance greatly since the 70’s.

You can bet SpaceX is a redirect of Boeing’s, Lockheed’s and NASA’s skunkworks into a SpaceX to push this “new enterprise” nonsense, just like Bitcoin is pushed as a “new economy.” It’s the same scam pushed on a demoralized younger generation to get them to do something before they check out from the system.

It worked. Look at how you gush over the “Tony Stark” the government created.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

Basically, Musk is the same fraud that Zuckerberg is, and Bezos, and the Netflix guy. Tesla was probably spun off from GM/Ford projects,

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

map all of your “assumptions” are incorrect because you haven’t read enough to know what you are taking about. Now I do admit that it’s possible that all of this is a set up but every thing that Musk says he has done checks out.

The critisma thta you make not not fit the facts and are distortions of the truth if not outright lies.

“…And where does a guy with an electric car company that doesn’t turn a profit and worse, hemorrhages cash, get the resources to start a space program?…”

It takes little to no effort to find that all of this comes from him selling paypal which he was one of the founding members. After it was sold to ebay it’s valuation went way up and he made a pile of cash from it. $165 million. Not nothing or even close to nothing. A cover this in another comment I have here.

He sunk all of this onto Tesla and SpaceX. SpaceX took three launches to finally get to orbit. After he did that he made the falcon and used it to deliver NASA launches and to deliver goods to the space station. AS I SAID we were paying the Russians for this and even the companies in the US that were delivering supplies were using Russian engines. Musk was the only company making the whole entire launch system completely in the USA. So hell yeah he was funded for launching stuff for NASA. Why wouldn’t he be? Paying US citizens to launch US stuff was…the plan. The whole point instead of paying Russia.

It’s damn interesting that Lockheed martin and Boeing got over $20 billion and did not launch one damn thing. Nothing. Nada. Yet Musk who built a whole damn launch system in the US with US citizens is somehow some huge ripoff.

“…The US government just fronted billions of dollars to a guy with no experience in making actual rockets?…”

Nope. He paid for the design, building and first launches of the Falcon roicket by himself proving they could go into orbit. Only after he had proven they were viable did NASA give him finds to build launch systems to resupply the space station and TAKE AWAY THESE FUNDS FROM THE RUSSIANS.

“…Ph.D in high-energy physics/material science? These are two wildly unrelated fields in two wildly different departments…”

Tow different departments and so…so what.

He was planning on building very high value capacitors to use as batteries. There was a lot of research on this at around the time he was doing this. Companies had said that they were capable of making this work but…I haven’t seen it. Something went wrong with this plan. A lot of money was invested in this and I have no idea what happened. The company that was most prominent at this was filled with really smart guys. A bunch of them from IBM’s materials science division that worked on hard drive coatings. It was said they had prototypes that worked fine but when they went to make factories for this all info disappeared.

Maybe that’s why Musk went with lithium.

If you’re going to build batteries then knowing materials science is a must.

“…Then he just drops out of that program to “write software” and “go into business” just like that, when his background has no software engineering in it. Again, who would back him or trust him or even give him a shot?…”

His Dad that’s who. His Dad gave him and his brother some amount. It was like $25,000 or something like that. They used this to rent an office with one compute and they slept in the office and showered at the YMCA. Musk had already sold programs as a kid to game company magazines.

The software they built was impressive for the time. A map system, directory of businesses, advertising and classified online system. This was 10 years before google maps or anything like this. Ten years ahead in internet time is like light years ahead. I answer all of this in other comments. Just read them it all makes sense.

Your criticisms are poorly laid out, full of half-truths and make believe. Are you sure you’re not Mathis? You sound just like like him.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

> carbon fiber being so great but cost almost $300 a pound while he can get stainless for $3 a pound and it’s almost as good at cryogenic temperatures.
True. And it’s SHINY. We have the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, and the Pyramid in Memphis, and the BP Bridge in Chicago; America loves stainless steel bigly.

NASA’s stuff is all painted white. But Musks’s weird beer-can-shaped shiny rockets landing on columns of fire hark back to the pulp fiction age, they’re closer to what a lot of people *expect* a spacecraft to look like, regardless of NASA.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Musk is very fake, also very female, whereas Grimes is a male.
He was pregnant, hence he got fat, then a baby arrived.
Same as Boris Johnson.
All fake, all trannies.
Take the dive down the rabbit hole:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

^This x1000000000. All of the front men/women are actors.

3 years ago

> I had linked to a psychiatrist a while back who was giving a talk where he described beginning to see parallels between patients,

I missed that one. About how far back was it?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yes I’ve read a good deal of this and know exactly what person you are talking about but I can’t for the life of me find the links to it or remember her(I think) name. I probably have them saved some where. I did find this link that talks about many of the programs that most likely set up the testing to get this sort of mind warp technology.

She said that there seemed to be a standard programming sequence with coded words and also that she found ways around the self destruct sequences used to make them likely to kill themselves if someone was changing their programming.

I linked here, somewhere, a video of a couple of blond twins that had to be mind controlled. They ran out into traffic while the police tried to stop them all the while screaming for people to call the police. One ran under a transfer truck. Another into the windshield of a car. When the police finally got control of them after several cars hitting them because they ran into traffic they take them to the station and the first thing they do is start flirting with the police and asking how they look. BIZARRE. One is let go and ends up stabbing a guy to death that tries to help her. They were Americans but no one had any idea how they got to England where they were running around in highway traffic.

Anneke Lucas has videos talking about her being a sex slave as a child. She said a wealthy American took her home, she’s European, when she was…9??.. a child anyways and keeping her as a sex slave if sorts. She then was sent back to Europe and run through some sort of sex training involving torture to make sure she learned. She said they taught her to know exactly what the sexual proclivities of Men were just by looking at them, how they carried themselves and looked. She was then set up to be killed as a teenager with other children torturing her on a butcher block, [incriminate the children with guilt], where they would cut her up but one the clients she had liked her and bought her.
Later letting her go. She ran off and it saved her. She said the guy who saved her was later killed because he was soft and none of them survive in their group if they are soft.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Yes I’ve read a good deal of this and know exactly what person you are talking about but I can’t for the life of me find the links to it or remember her(I think) name.

My first thought was “holy shit, they are REALLY good.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I found some of Anneke Lucas stuff. I think she deleted some of it. I have a page

A Little Spy – Anneke Lucas and it’s not there that I can see. It deals with how she was taught Eugenics to look for weaknesses in people so I’ll copy it all here.

A Little Spy – Anneke Lucas August 22, 2018

The challenge was to leave the structure of the present and its triggers behind completely to focus exclusively on the past. Any heightened emotional charge is an indication that the present circumstances have come to invite you to return to the original cause of that charge. The veil of maya – referring to the deceptive nature of the world in the Hindu scriptures – will make everything seem so very real. Arriving in this world, our lives gradually unfold through various circumstances. When trauma occurs, we cannot possibly remain present. Whatever emotional charge needs to be subdued for the sake of survival will rear its head later on in different circumstances, when a subtle or blunt clue will awaken the trauma and the body/mind system launches itself into the story of the past, in the present.

My charge was terror, and my story was training.

Training in a dirty lab/prison camp in Germany under the auspices of a Nazi doctor. Training in various things. In putting the puzzle pieces together based on what I was forced to learn, I found that I was trained to see physical traits in people and relate them to personality, addictions, tendencies, likes and dislikes. I was taught Eugenics to detect all sorts of things by observing someone. My eyes were pried open and I was made to watch many movies with people doing everything and anything, repeatedly, in different ways. There was a definite order to the scenes by which I started to see that if someone has this kind of nose their penis is likely shaped this way, and if someone has these types of creases under their eyes it is because they just masturbated, and if someone has this type of pallor with that type of hair and that type of belly it is because they are likely a pedophile who prefers boys, and if someone has eyes shaped this way they want to do it hard and rough. A lot of this training had to do with detecting sexual preferences so that I would be better able to please. But there was more.

I was shown what it meant if the lips were this way or that. The doctor’s own lips spoke of shyness, repression and a boyish emotional immaturity. Everything else spoke of his sadism. I was shown scenes and had to guess at the character’s weaknesses. At first those weaknesses were easy to see. Then it became more subtle and hard to tell. What is the weakness of someone who smiles a lot? They are insecure. The stories grew ever more complex and the answers harder. The punishments for getting answers wrong was also a kind of training. Breath retention. Splitting. The spirit leaving the body.

This was training for my spirit to enter the body of the man, starting with the doctor who used himself as my guinea pig. Through my intense attunement I should be inside his mind and be with his thoughts at long distance. If upon questioning of my astral visits it turned out that I was wrong, more punishments/training.

For most of the month or so that I was there, my movement was restricted. I was tied down to sleep, tied down to watch, tied down to be brainwashed, tied down to be experimented on. I learned to relax being tied down, but I could never relax when the other children cried and I could not get up to comfort them.

I have to spare the reader some of the elements of this training. Suffice it to say that it was the most traumatic experience of my life.

My finals involved more programming so that I would experience strange, physically uncomfortable reactions if I should ever remember the doctor’s (extremely ugly) face. I was repeatedly suffocated while being told it was because I was seeing his image. It was strongly suggested that I commit suicide in a particular way should I remember details of the place and procedures. This programming, like most of the training, was done through repetition, starting with a suggestion and increased to a level that the suggestion became an affirmation I would never forget – the B certain to follow A.

I do believe that my talent for creating programs and trainings stems from this this one month intensive, which was every bit the Ph.D. level course. I could appreciate how the structure of my programming made sense to my rational brain. Expansiveness was a survival tool lifting me above the experiences and their results, to look at the deeper systems that seemed even then extremely useful in some way.

I am writing a book about a healing modality that I’ve developed. Without my childhood training I would have never mastered the skill to take an idea and pour it into a system that educates through experience. I’ve created many programs and trainings in these past years as the founder of Liberation Prison Yoga, that have benefited many and are certain to benefit many more. To the degree that everyone is traumatized, everyone will be able to benefit from this healing modality. Apart from teaching, it is my ability to apply this particular talent of creating programs and systematizing the healing work so that it can be effective on a large scale, that I love the most.

I was returned home from Germany to my parents in Belgium towards the end of that summer in 1972. I remember less of the fourth grade I entered that September than any other school year. I do know that I was transported quite often to Germany that year as the newly minted sex slave to the elite, and also for refinement of my training in the dirty lab. I was given to some top politicians. The one I most vividly remember was reported to have had Nazi ties, even though he gained prominence after the war. He did his best to communicate well with me, speaking simply and enunciating phrases clearly. I learned a lot of the German language from him. I knew him by his first name only – let’s say it was Kurt.

I could not imagine that the American perpetrator who was like a father figure would have anything to do with the horror I had undergone in the dirty lab. The paradise of the Northeastern coast of the U.S. he had shown me stood in stark contrast with the testing and training of the following month.

On one of my trips to Germany, I was surprised to see my own American father figure instead of a German perpetrator. We met in a very official, very elegant building, in a room that had stuffed chairs and no beds. It was slightly confusing that he would see me in the same country where I had been spending so much time, but I expected it was a coincidence. Of course he would take me with him to the U.S.

It slightly threw me off when one of his first questions was about the prominent German, Kurt. He obviously knew that I had spent time with him. I told myself it was because both men were part of the same network. Somehow my American must have heard. Then he asked me what Kurt’s weakness was.

I said that his weakness was that he sincerely believed that he was a good man. The American instantly smiled, pleased with me. For a brief moment I wondered if he shared my awareness that no man who has sex with children can also be a good man, but I don’t believe that is what crossed his mind when he smiled. It was also not a truth I wanted to hold onto while with him, so I attuned myself and reflected the same smile as his, of someone who knows better than that anyone could be truly good.

The American proceeded to ask about the weakness of another prominent German I had encountered in the past months. He switched to speaking in German with me and looked proud of me when I answered swiftly and fluently.

The happier he looked, the more uncomfortable I became. I could not marry the extreme opposites I had experienced and ascribe both to him. He had personally taken me to his beautiful homes and educated me about food, clothes, nature, art, sailing, manners and more. He had repeatedly said I belonged in his family, in his class of people. I had not seen him for almost an entire year, certain that we were meeting because he was finally ready to take me with him and make me part of his family.

“You know, I went through hell since we said good-bye the last time,” I ventured, trying to ascertain that he had nothing to do with that hell, while my heart was racing.

He looked quietly at me, not curious but slightly puzzled. Going what felt like against the natural flow of the meeting, I nervously described the lab and the tortures, as he looked on impassively. A silence followed. When he spoke, he said that I had received this special training so that we would be able to see each other. It was the only way possible way for him to keep me in his life. He smiled.

I could have easily smiled back. But, when I had been brainwashed, I had vigorously fought through the muck of lies to retain a sense of myself.

“How, as a sex slave to other men, so I can come and tell you about their weaknesses?” I asked, overtaken by the same terror that had held me in its grip in the lab, which caused me to scream instead of speak.

Immediately the American’s mouth’s corners turned down in disgust. I was angry, but the strongest feeling was terror over the idea of losing him. Just as I had done mentally during the worst moments in the lab, I asserted myself, but this time loudly.

“How could you send me to this prison camp with that awful Nazi doctor? He drowned me every time I got a wrong answer. It’s a miracle I survived!” I yelled.

“He did that to make you strong,” the American said resolutely, “but I didn’t come here to argue.”

He got up and headed out. I jumped up and cried “No!” running after him, grabbing his leg.

“Please don’t go. Didn’t you come to take me with you? I’ll be good, I promise,” I cried.

The American’s face was a mask of pure disgust, looking at an annoying thing hanging on his leg. His special project was in ruins, her salty tears staining his pin striped suit.

“Let go of me!” he said sharply. “I never should have given you all the special attention I did. You are worthless, worth only the place life has already given you – the lowest of the low. Now let go!”

I heaved with deep sobs as he left the room, blaming myself for the heartbreak, believing myself to be the worthless thing he claimed. I was so upset that I completely forgot what started this perverted love story in the first place.

The beginning of the story was that I saw his weakness. I saw his fear of being slow, not understanding. In the beginning of this story I was the cool kid, and he, in his late fifties, had shown me the little boy who got teased, who didn’t belong.

He had spent much time and energy proving to himself that this truth I witnessed in him was false. He had shown me what a big man he was and then sent me away to a prison camp, less to train me than to convince himself that it was I who did not belong. As a social engineer he was largely responsible for maintaining the hierarchy that is all about either belonging or not. He and whomever bought into the brainwashing and programming was in and anyone with a shred of integrity and independence was to be outcast.

The entire power system is set up exactly in this way. Even as more and more independent minds are trying to break through, many of these people end up falling for the power that will be offered them like a carrot on a stick, to tempt them into the group of those who belong, so they can finally find relief from being the outcast. This was the giant set up that led to only one conclusion, that I should blame myself for everything, so I could take on his sense of not belonging and not deserving. As a slave, that was my job.

My entire life I carried this perpetrator’s burden, deep inside believing myself to be unworthy to earn a decent living so that he could feel deserving of his billions, believing myself to be an eternal outsider, not belonging to any group, so that he could feel that he belonged to the family and class into which he was born.

The healing of this extreme abuse has released much energy inside of me and I feel not only that I belong everywhere, I am finally ready to be truly empowered in every sense of the word, including financially. Yet I feel strongly independent and like it just this way. Any club that wants your soul as the price of admission is from the devil.

next link from this one


the one above appears to be gone. Someone must have warned her.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’ve been reading Anne’s stuff more and here’s the lead page of her blog. She’s really got some interesting thoughts far above the Satan pedo porn. Where I linked before was in the middle.

Since she’s seen the worst she has an interesting perspective and cuts through a lot of things.

I do feel she’s a little more forgiving than I would like but that I perceive is her being a compassionate Women. Not a bad thing even if sometimes it’s too much.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sorry I’m filling up the blog but I think what she says is really important. It’s also horrifying like a slasher movie or a car crash. You don’t want to look but find yourself looking anyways. I watched a Vietnam POW interview a few days ago and her story is very much like it. Even her attitude towards the experience.

If we could get people to believe in the stories these people tell maybe we could stop it but it’s so unbelievable that people would do this and so terrifying that people just shut it out. Easier to disbelieve than force yourself to realize such monsters exist. It’s too scary.

“Once your man drops you, you have failed, and you should make yourself disappear.”

I’m not sure how often I was “programmed” this way, but it was more than once. There was a belief that when a child slave was favored and then discarded, she might become a threat to the secrecy of the network. I became the favorite of two men. Discarded at age nine, and again at age eleven. After the second time, I was to be killed, and rescued last minute. I was released from the network, but the suicide program was deeply instilled…”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thanks, AC. I’ll follow up on that.

As for your problem… I have the same one, myself.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

pretty sure this is it:

video title “Hypnosis in MPD Ritual Abuse – The Greenbaum Speech”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I could have sworn that there was a Women that came to the same conclusions and covered much of the same path but I could be wrong.

3 years ago

> CNN’s ‘Cuomo’ show takes huge ratings nosedive, while Fox’s ‘Gutfeld’ soars.

Notice how Fox is picking the “loyal opposition” label back up, as the vidiots forget how they jumped on the Biden Train a few months ago.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago


3 years ago

> Google shadow bans searches for “riots today” following violent unrest in Minnesota.

Yandex says “1 million results found.” First page is mixed with current and last year’s riots.

It feels odd to have to go to a Russian search engine to find US news…

3 years ago

STDs reach all-time in the US for sixth consecutive year with 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Could it be that these are not actually sexually transmitted but it’s another mechanism?

I remember reading an article years ago about some protitutes who serviced many men and never got STDs or Aids symptoms but all got sick once they retired .
I think these things are more complicated than we were told

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

What you are missing is that over 50% of those cases are black, and blacks are only 11-14% of the population. That makes things way less complicated.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

We wuz petri dishes and shieeeet

3 years ago

> Elon Musk’s girlfriend gets a massive scarring back tattoo

[looks] Y’know, they can talk all they want about “algorithms” and “vertices”, but that’s just someone’s kid-scribbling with a huge dose of hype.

3 years ago

He struck me the same. I was amazed when rockets flew. There are brains there somewhere.

3 years ago

> I’d love to know what they want to do with the mRNA tech.

Most of the scenarios I come up with look like The Family in “The Omega Man.”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

How about googling, “Riots near me?”

3 years ago

> Egypt ‘seizes’ megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900 million in compensation.

The web says the owners are a pair of Japanese companies, who are already suing the ship’s operating company, which is Taiwanese. Businessinsider Ever Given is co,a Taiwanese container-transportation company. says the operators have done this *before*, in the Suez Canal.

Under American law, the operating company would be the one the Egyptians would sue, but they may just be blackmailing the owners to get a payout, as it looks like “operating companies” are mostly a fiction to shield the owners from liability. At least, it looks like a whole lot of ship ownership and operation is downright shifty. I’ve lost track of how many stories I’ve seen where various national authorities struck out just trying to identify the ultimate owners of a ship. You’d think something like that would be public record, required for docking paperwork and insurance, but apparently the global practice is to not require that information.

3 years ago

So I know Grimes from my DJ days.
Def a weirdo, but an interesting electronic music producer who matches Elon’s weirdness.
Of course He could do better, but they both seem on the same wavelength.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Looks who’s now a big fan of high walls and big gates on the southern border.

Either that or they’re planning to corral in the whites from eventually leaving.

3 years ago

The Musk article is full of coded communications. Seems to answer the big question as to which side Musk is on, as Grimes (age “33”) chooses white ink over traditional black ink, and the change is permanent (tattoo). Sounds crazy but that is how these people communicate, right in plain site using normal words and imagery that have symbolic meaning. Very clever. Anyways, good news if true.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Leviticus 19:28:

‘You must not make any cuts in your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am Yehovah.’

See AC, how ignorant you are? How some shill for satan pushes a tattoo as good news, when it directly breaks a law of God? You are easy prey for them, they laugh at you. Or you are on their side.

Be wise as serpents, said Jesus.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

I’m not reading “scared” from cabal actions. I’m reading “Ha ha! We drop kicked your guy all the way to Florida, the GOP and Conservative, Inc. collaborated in the biggest election fraud and treason in history, were bussing invaders to your neighborhood now, and there isn’t boo you can do about it.” They’re fully open and rubbing our faces in it.

The Capitol fence is just a fake, giant version of the face mask. It says “Oh, noes! We need protection from the ebil Drumpf voterz!” but the threat isn’t there, much like COVID. You know how they love their symbolism. One of the creatures just repeated the “Jan 6 was Pearl Harbor 2.0” insanity in the past week.

The only way out of this is we somehow convince cabal that just letting us go breakaway republic is better for their interests than civil war. Or we form a League Of Assassins and start at the top and work our way downward. Any kind of “grassroots” local election action the Boomers on other sites call for is doomed from the start.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

A/C many thanks for the mention! I think I’ve sold about 8 copies of Vocations, and 5 of them were me buying copies to check & adjust the cover, so you may well end up doubling my sales.

Incidentally, I was pondering the gangstalking/surveillance thing, I wondered if there could be an occult/paranormal level here: the so-called “feeling of being watched” is a testably real phenomenon, there are parapsychology papers that statistically demonstrate it; it occurs to me that if “psychic” abilities are linked, especially with ordinary cognitive/emotional function, then constantly negatively stimulating someone with “the feeling of being watched” might impact their brain function in ways we normies don’t understand. A paper I read 20 or so years ago claimed that the subjects can come to feel positively about “being watched” if the context is friendly, but that the default reaction is quite negative.

I often have a strong sense of not merely if I’m being watched but of if someone is silently/invisibly in the vicinity, e.g. I often just “know” someone is around the corner even though they are standing there in complete silence looking at their phone. Duncan Falconer has a good and very realistic anecdote to this effect in his SBS memoir First Into Action, where he was in a car park at night, doing a surveillance mission in Ireland back in the 70s/80s and could sense immense danger but didn’t know why (an IRA gunman was about to shoot him from the dark).

I don’t know enough to speculate further, but it’s one idea on a level weirder than mere harassment/data collection.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

And war on (psychedelic) drugs fits perfectly into this.
If there is something accessible via rituals or/and consciousness altering substances, we must be forbidden to access it.


Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’ve had enough odd (paranormal, spiritual) experiences to feel that there is another, mostly invisible, level to our reality. There is definitely an element of malign, non-human intelligence to the Cabal at the very highest levels. While I’m not a Christian, the Christian account is in many ways a good description of the broader, less visible reality – that’s I think one reason Cabal is so viciously anti-Christian, and why you were right to stamp out the Christian flamewars in your comments, and why Vox Day doesn’t tolerate factionalism either.

I suspect that Soros is literally inhabited by what we could call a “demon”, that entered him through sexual abuse when he was a child (the “protector” he mentions in his 1998 interview, it’s very “Sith Lord and Disciple” in tone), and some at the lower levels (e.g. Hillary Clinton) can periodically interact with other “demons” through rituals of, e.g. sexual violence with children (c.f. Gilles de Rais). I think the demonic agenda, if we saw it fully, would be both horrifying & bizarre, whimsical even; they have strange priorities.

The Cabal seem to be directed by a malign non-human sentience; but there’s also a benign “paranormal” aspect in the world, which I’ve personally experienced. The benign influence seems a lot less organised, in worldly terms; whereas one aspect of the evil seems to have agglomerated in Cabal, the benign influences tend to be more haphazard, unpredictable, flickering in & out of sight. There might also be a genetic aspect to things; certain aptitudes might be more strongly associated with certain bloodlines.

There’s a good book from the 80s, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, which argues the Soviets took paranormal phenomena seriously. There’s also the question of Aleister Crowley and British Intelligence. In the mid-90s I read a book called The Riddles of Aleister Crowley, by his son; it alleges that there was a Nazi plot to position the Duke of Windsor as monarch if they ever successfully invaded England. A few years after I read it, this story came out in the newspapers, presented as a shocking and totally new revelation; and no one noticed that an obscure book about Aleister Crowley had already covered it a few years earlier – that was when I realised that all this occult stuff might be more than just nutters dressing in fancy black robes and gibbering at the moon.

In a sense, it doesn’t really matter if the occult/paranormal is real or not. What matters is that there seems a connection between the elites, Intelligence services, and the occult, and that THEY take it seriously.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

>that’s I think one reason Cabal is so viciously anti-Christian

If Cabal was in any way anti-christian, do you think there would be c. 3 billion of them on the planet currently? Not a single one of them remembering the Sabbath, one of the Ten Commandments.

Will humanity wake up in time?

Reply to  stumpME
3 years ago

Pick a name and stick with it. Your yes is no and your no is yes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

“…There’s a good book from the 80s, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain…”

Here’s a couple more books that are sorta, kinda like this. Psychotronics is what some call it. Based on transmitting, amplifying??? thought, hard to explain.

Magic: Science of the Future Paperback – January 1, 1976
by Joseph F. Goodavage

I have copies of this. Damn they want $100 for a paperback at Amazon. I need to get an account and sell mine…if I can find it. You have no idea how many books I have.

Amazing and Wonderful Mind Machines You Can Build
by G. Harry Stine

$80 for this one. I think I have one of the originals too not the newer version.

I’m largely a mechanistic type person and am loath to believe any of this but…there seems to be some cases where this works.

However it’s easy to argue it’s nonsense. I had an American Indian one time who took a distinct dislike to me. I can’t remember what we were arguing about but he decided to keep attacking me personally instead of disputing what I argued. He argued that I didn’t understand spiritual things and somehow (hocus pocus of some sort)was going to be my downfall and I asked him,”uhh how did that “Ghost Dance” work out for the Indians”?

It really pissed him off. I shouldn’t have done it. It was mean but he was pushing me…

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Das racyss mane.

I bet the dude shed a single tear like he had just seen an old plastic bag on a green field.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

You know any American Indian that hates White people, I get it. I don’t blame them, at all. My problem was whatever we were discussing he kept making it personal when the issue was factual and when he kept losing the factual argument he, in order to pretend he was right, went after me personally and started saying that I didn’t understand a lot of “woo-woo” voodoo stuff because I was a White man. When in fact I knew a fairly good deal about this and if all of this “woo-wwo” is true then…why hasn’t it worked for the plains Indians. I mean if it’s so powerful why did the ghost dance fail? Why do Africans blessed by the witch doctor to make them immune to bullets bleed out?

I’m not saying that there’s not some odd force that appears to work sometimes in some cases but I am saying it’s not reliable and if you are fighting armed people relying on it to repel bullets is not a good idea.

I don’t care if people are racist towards Whites as long as I have the same legal protections as them. So if they can exclude me I can exclude them. Right now Whites are losing all their rights. They have less rights.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

@Johannes Q

Rupert Sheldrake mentioned the way life forms pick up on being watched. Check him out, also check out his work on morphogenetic fields.

Johannes Q
Reply to  English Tom
3 years ago

Thanks! I watched an interview he did on Toe Rag’s podcast and found him very interesting. I heard, via a 3rd party, that Sheldrake beat down (with Aikido) the psychologist R.D. Laing when the large, physically daunting Laing was savagely beating a woman in a car park, always liked Sheldrake after hearing that.

3 years ago

Hoping someone can help me with a request: I recall reading something a year or more ago about how someone was re-investigating the classic “Satanic panic” story from the 70’s/80’s, the one that had been “debunked” as “mass hysteria.” And in the process of the investigation, they found one of the houses where at least 1 kid had been held, one that records said had no evidence, and they found that there were in fact tunnels under the house. (Maybe filled in with cement, though I may be confusing in my mind with other stories.)

I admit I’m super fuzzy on the details.
Does anyone else remember this, and know where to go for some sauce on this?

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This is an FBI pdf file on the Finders- a CIA-created child trafficking/blackmail/counterintelligence cult that was exposed in 1987. The file is 324 pages long. On pages 48 and 49 you’ll find a map and an inventory of items found in the tunnels under the McMartin Preschool which was named in a MASSIVE child molestation accusation in 1983. The proprietors were accused of molesting more than 300 children but the whole thing was ridiculed as ‘Satanic panic’ and dropped. The inventory was never produced but it matches the children’s accounts.

Mr Metokur has two videos on the file and the cases:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Are you referring to the McMartin Preschool?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I believe the story you are talking about is the Franklin coverup. The house was actually a boys home.
Then the one with the tunnels was in California. A daycare. I think there were ties to army general Michael Aquino, a high priest of the temple of Set.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

You might be referring to the Mcmartin school incident.

Hope this helps.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I was reading about mass hysteria when I was into wikipedia about viral latency and thinking about terrain theory.

It seems more likely that rather than hysteria being the case for most of the situations, there was an environmental factor or similar causing sickness, and the mainstream scientists either can’t or won’t find the cause.

> Besides the difficulties common to all research involving the social sciences, including a lack of opportunity for controlled experiments, mass sociogenic illness presents special difficulties to researchers in this field. Balaratnasingam and Janca report that the methods for “diagnosis of mass hysteria remain contentious.”[4] According to Jones, the effects resulting from MPI “can be difficult to differentiate from [those of] bioterrorism, rapidly spreading infection or acute toxic exposure.”[8]

> These troubles result from the residual diagnosis of MPI. Singer, of the Uniformed Schools of Medicine, puts the problems with such a diagnosis thus:[10] “[y]ou find a group of people getting sick, you investigate, you measure everything you can measure … and when you still can’t find any physical reason, you say ‘well, there’s nothing else here, so let’s call it a case of MPI.'” There is a lack of logic in an argument that proceeds: “There isn’t anything, so it must be MPI.” It precludes the notion that an organic factor could have been overlooked. Nevertheless, running an extensive number of tests extends the probability of false positives.[10]

3 years ago

George Floyd’s girlfriend reveals she was Daunte Wright’s teacher at high school. Small world (Daily Mail)

3 years ago

For those who need a smile:
comment image?width=412&height=616

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

At the same place the Grimes article was there’s an article about a White guy who is now being persecuted for pushing off a Black Man to leave his “gated community”. So this is it. Blacks can murder you if you go in their neighborhood (public) but if they come to your gated community(private) to harass you you can’t do shit.

At some point people are going to stop calling the police on these people and just haul them off and make them disappear since that’s all you can do. You can’t confront them to make them stop and if you engage the police it’s you that gets punished. All that can be done is to drive them off with straight out barbarian ethics. They may be dumb and aggressive but they understand that.

That’s exactly what the Hispanics did to Blacks in L.A. and Compton. The Men would just straight up attack them and their Women, unlike White Women, would not call the police.

3 years ago

“Rashida Tlaib calls for an end to Policing and incarceration.”

Great. Let the cockroach extermination begin.

3 years ago

Biden Advances Trump-Era Sale Of $23 Billion In F-35s & Armed Drones To UAE

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Bezos can operate at a 20%+ loss for decades.”

They should have stopped him. It was common knowledge he was losing money to get market share. I don’t know presently but only a few years ago he lost money on everything but the server hosting and other computer services. Seeing as how the CIA made up the difference it’s not entirely fair to have all of the USA’s middle class owned small stores priced out of the market.

I do et stuff from him. It’s damn hard to beat the convenience.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
3 years ago

This is an FBI pdf file on the Finders- a CIA-created child trafficking/blackmail/counterintelligence cult that was exposed in 1987. The file is 324 pages long. On pages 48 and 49 you’ll find a map and an inventory of items found in the tunnels under the McMartin Preschool which was named in a MASSIVE child molestation accusation in 1983. The proprietors were accused of molesting more than 300 children but the whole thing was ridiculed as ‘Satanic panic’ and dropped. The inventory was never produced but it matches the children’s accounts.

Mr Metokur has two videos on the file and the cases:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I almost didn’t read any of this Miles Mathis paper because every single thing I’ve ever read of his always turns into some gobbledygook nonsense. I said a good bit about Musk positively so I read some of the paper.

Miles is great at stringing together stuff that seems plausible and I’m sure somehow he, or a team, has pegged the phrases that light the neurons of the people who are skeptics or less charitable, conspiracy kooks. I include myself, as when ever I see these broad based events that change a lot of things and it seems the event is based on “some” data that looks weak I automatically go into “maybe it’s bullshit” mode.

So let’s look at Mathis paper. The first part looks very good an raised my skepticism of Musk even though in general I favor him.

Its difficult to determine if what he is saying is true or not or to check this of stuff so I started checking what I could.

Miles says,”…We are told Zip2 “provided online publishing for media companies” and had a contract with the New York Times,
but the NYT had been computerized since 1976 and online since 1981. By 1995 it would have already had all the “customized portals” it needed…”

But according to the NYT itself on it’s web page”…The electronic newspaper (address: http:/ is part of a strategy to extend the readership of The Times…

…The company, formed in 1995 to develop products for the rapidly growing field of digital publishing, is a wholly owned subsidiary of The New York Times Company, and also produces the times service on America Online Inc….

…A selection of the day’s news, discussion forums and other material from The Times has been available through the @times service since the spring of 1994 on America Online…”

On wikipedia it says about NYT,”…

In 1983, the Times sold the electronic rights to its articles to LexisNexis. As the online distribution of news increased in the 1990s, the Times decided not to renew the deal and in 1994 the newspaper regained electronic rights to its articles.[61] On January 22, 1996, began publishing.[62]…”

This does match Musk official story and makes sense because they would need software to publish their online stuff and take back rights from LexisNexis. The NYT not being a software company and present business practice is to buy any expertise not already in house makes perfect sense.

Miles also references an article and tells you to read it and insinuates that everyone finds it unbelievable that zip2 could be so valuable but I actually did read it and one comment said,”…

…To understand how revolutionary Zip2 was, you need to understand that this is over a decade before things like Google Maps or Yelp was around.

Zip2 was a roadmap for new development and internet infrastructure.

Before Zip2, there was—hardly—anything. There was also no notion of what something of this magnitude would look like….”

People were throwing cash at internet companies in these times. No one knew what was going to happen to the internet or how it was going to shake out but everyone knew it was going to be big. An imbecile could see this. We know Amazon went over a decade making NO PROFITS at all so there was money for this sort of thing.

The Compaq part of the story that Miles denigrates also when you look at makes perfect sense. According to Wikipedia Compaq who had made tons of money in the 80’s kicked out their engineer management team who made the company what they were and in the 90’s was run by a MBA(Eckhard Pfeiffer)(where have we seen this before) who promptly ran the company into the ground. They state that Compaq ran into serious competition from other PC manufacturers, (of course they did they got rid of the guys that knew how to engineer their core product, PC’s), and I can see, clear as day, this MBA who doesn’t know shit about making PC’s thinking,”well we’ll just use all this cash the engineers built up to buy a bunch of other stuff and make cash that way”. Typical.

So that’s two things all ready that Miles portents as inexplicable that when looked at do not seem so at all.

Let’s add more. Miles says that,”…At age 24, right out of college, Musk invested $28,000 of his dad’s money in a company
called Zip2. We are told this company developed an internet city guide for newspapers then going
online in 1995. That story is so full of holes it looks like prairie dog town. You can’t start a company
with $28,000…”

but while I was looking at Eckhard Pfeiffer’s wiki page I noticed it said,”…He joined Compaq from Texas Instruments, and established operations from scratch in both Europe and Asia. Pfeiffer was given US$20,000 to start up Compaq Europe. He started up Compaq’s first overseas office in Munich in 1984. By 1990, Compaq Europe was a $2 billion business, and foreign sales contributed 54 percent of Compaq’s revenues…”

So strike three.

And the amount of money is not really significant. Musk and his brother started zip by renting an office, living in it and programming all of zip2 on the one computer they had at night because they had to use it as a server during the day. The small amount of capital would account for renting the office and the one computer so saying this could not be done is false.

Let’s look at another, Miles,”…We are told Musk gave up on the ICBMs, which Russia wanted 8 million apiece for, deciding he could
get the materials for only $240,000. ..”

Fits perfectly in what Musk has said for over a decade about looking at the understanding of the basics of manufacturing. Since Musk went to school for economics surely he must know that business have a rule that you can produce things in quantity for 10% over material cost. This is not some “unbelievable” idea. It’s common knowledge. A rule of thumb. Common. Musk is using this as a yardstick to see what can be done. What is possible. In my last comment on him I noted the same thing. He has for over a decade said the same sort of things.

Miles portrayal of Musk and paypal is exactly the same sort o “how did that happen” but of you look at the progression it all makes sense. Musk was working on an online bank( Confinity(later paypal) was working on online payments. Both were started within a year of each other. Musk liked Confinity’s electronic payment system and since a payment system would undoubtedly work great together with another company that is making an online bank…it doesn’t take a genius to see these merged work for both of them. Miles also pretends it’s a miracle that Musk ran the merged company. Well these are young guys and Musk made millions on one company why shouldn’t he run it? We see he has run SpaceX and Tesla just fine it doesn’t take a miracle man to see he could be good at this.

Miles also shows disbelief in how this company became so profitable. He of course skips lots of steps.

When paypal went public it was only worth $61 million. It was when ebay bought it and it’s usage skyrocketed that it’s valuation went way up and Musk cashed out on this rise. The question is when you nail it down is paypal profitable. Damn right it is from wiki,”…

By the end of 2012, PayPal’s total payment volume processed was US$145,000,000,000.[38] and accounted for 40% of eBay’s revenue, amounting to US$1,370,000,000 in the 3rd quarter of 2012.[39]…”

So even with the high value ebay paid for paypal they’ve made a fortune off of it.

I’m not going to cover any more. This should be enough to show you that Miles Mathis is full of shit. EVERY single article that he writes that I’ve read, and it’s a good amount, all are full of shit and a bunch of innuendo and false nonsense that inevitably gets worse and worse as the article goes on. The only thing that you can depend on about Miles Mathis is that…he’s not dependable as a source of information.

We don’t know what the final word on Musk is but we do know that his story does make sense. I’ve seen a lot of interviews of his and he’s not an idiot. He makes long term thinking plausible arguments that are very incisive. I can not stress enough that his way of drilling down to the essence of whatever thought he is contemplating is very powerful.

I’ll give you an example that impressed me. Understand I am very pro nuclear power but Musk noted that if you took the total property area that has to be set aside by law for nuclear plant safely reasons and covered it in solar cells the power generated would be the same or higher. That’s brilliant. A very good example of thinking things through to the essence of the argument and I’ve seen him do this over and over on many issues.

His newest rocket testing is the same example. Since he’s using $3 a pound stainless steel to develop instead of $200 a pound carbon fiber he can afford to launch as fast as possible and each time it blows up learn a lot with less cost. His fixed cost are the same because he has to have all these people to design and launch it it doesn’t cost much at all for the actual rockets in comparison.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thank you for this writeup and the one above. Very incisive and informative.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“Miles portrayal of Musk and paypal is exactly the same sort o “how did that happen” but of you look at the progression it all makes sense. Musk was working on an online bank( Confinity(later paypal) was working on online payments. Both were started within a year of each other. ”

You understand that moving money electronically was done the first time with the telegraph, right? That we have the SWIFT network that was around since 1973?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“…You understand that moving money electronically was done the first time with the telegraph, right? That we have the SWIFT network that was around since 1973?…”

Once again you have a very limited comprehension of what they were trying to do. Just moving money was not it. One part of it was tying in browsers and other electronic sources into this swift system. There was much more which you will just have to look up yourself as ;’m not your secretary. You keep making poor misjudged misinformed assumptions that somehow magic happens when all you have to do is read what they were doing and you will see it’s not magic.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That’s not the only problem…

Where is he getting the connections for an audience with the NYT’s?

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“I’ll give you an example that impressed me. Understand I am very pro nuclear power but Musk noted that if you took the total property area that has to be set aside by law for nuclear plant safely reasons and covered it in solar cells the power generated would be the same or higher. That’s brilliant. A very good example of thinking things through to the essence of the argument and I’ve seen him do this over and over on many issues.”

Only when the sun is shining.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Right. Solar only works with substantial battery capacity, which is what musk focused on.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The problem is that the battery charge cycle is occurring at the same time of the battery use cycle. IOW, peak charge hours correspond with peak use hours. When does the battery get charged? You would have to build twice the capacity of the nuclear reactor to both power the grid and have enough residual energy to keep the batteries fully charged. Moreover, your batteries would need to hold a charge equivalent to the reactor itself both for proper electrical use at dusk and for maintaining load balancing.

So, for solar, you need three times the capacity of one nuclear reactor. Which means you need twice the area of coverage available to a reactor plus space for the batteries.

How is Musk making this mistake if he is such a genius? Well, only if the electric vehicle is designed to put an end to mass transportation.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

To be clear, I’m not disagreeing. I don’t trust any intermittent source. You have to build your grid for capacity, and you have to build both base and peak load capacity. Maybe a sufficiently large battery leveled intermittent generation can replace peak load, but we are a revolutionary tech advance away from beating nuclear for base load.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

map says,”Only when the sun is shining.”

map says,”The problem is that the battery charge cycle is occurring at the same time of the battery use cycle. IOW, peak charge hours correspond with peak use hours…”

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Your problem is that you are a fool who has no idea of “what has already been done”.

In Australia they had a mass of windmills that had lot of power but no storage. Musk put together a battery system on time, on budget and that is working right now for exactly this purpose. He even guaranteed that it would be on budget and work properly or he would give it to them for free but of course it does work. So you complain about all these problems that, have already been solved.

Now whether we should run our base load power system on windmills, I say hell no(I hate big windmills), or not is a different issue all together.

I’m very pro nuclear power for base load for business and industry BUT for houses and personal power I’m very much for being totally untied from the grid and not needing the grid at all because, fuck the power company. They suck. I’m all for small windmills, solar and if we can get it batteries.

We are now on the verge of having really cheap batteries for houses and loads in storage buildings.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

There’s no real waste for nuclear. A small amount of PPE and parts are contaminated and need to be buried. That’s all that has made it to yucca mountain. All of the “spent” fuel just needs to be processed into another fissionable form. It can be processed back and forth thousands of times. We haven’t started doing it because of politics.

Here’s the thing — if that fuel was really toxic waste, qualified processors would be able to take it. You can’t buy it for ANY price. They don’t refuse to sell because it is illegal. They refuse to sell because they know that uranium is never really spent until is it literally fissioned away into pure energy.

The heavy metals in PV panels are pure poison, on the other hand. No economical way to recover them, extremely short lifetime, still low efficiency even with top tech, etc. That said, I will have them when I start a homestead and will work to being grid independent. (Of course, I would rather have a micro fission plant, but no one will sell it.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Hydro is fantastic when you’ve got it. It’s just so damned hard to find suitable sites.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’ve actually done a bit of thinking about what a homestead would be like with a micro-nuke power plant. Electricity would essentially be free, making a lot of things that are wacky now make lots of sense. You would want to get rid of all your petroleum engines, but you still need to move energy. Chemical batteries have a limited lifespan, even lead acids when they are babied. I think that compressed air would become the “battery” of choice for moving energy around from the nuke. Giant barn compressor, run your tank of HPA, hook your tools up to it (like chainsaws and such), etc.

I also think that there will be a lot of places that can be watered using Peltier heat pumps. When energy is free, why not just chill condensation out of the air for water? That’s what I mean by wacky ideas that suddenly make sense with free electricity.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

map,”…So, for solar, you need three times the capacity of one nuclear reactor…”

First you just made that up. You provide no data at all to come this assumption. I didn’t state that the area needed was completely for base load or not. And you miss the whole pint which is that if you compare the cost of dealing with the waste and all the set asides and possible malfunctions solar could turn out to be much cheaper AND THAT is the point. It the cost.

Now if we are talking about molten salt reactors, which we don’t have right now, then I would be more for them but the present reactors are really a bit of a kludge and very costly because they were designed to produce plutonium for bombs not to lower electricity cost.

The newest solar cells have 40% efficiency. If we can, and we will, get the cost of batteries down then it’s going to get more and more difficult to say that nuclear has any advantages at all.

And to be sure I’m not a doctrinal Green. I want clean power and clean air but I’m fine with nuclear if it can be less costly and less polluting.

Some people are just as obsessed with nuclear and others are obsessed with wind and solar.

I want the lowest cost with the greatest freedom and self sufficiency.

As an aside there’s a really big hole in batteries that could be filled by flywheels but it’s going to take someone with a lot of cash, smarts and guts to make it happen. The actual numbers look really good for flywheels.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Sam J,

Why do you take seriously the pronouncements of the Australian government on how successful their “windmill/battery” experiment is? Texas did the same thing and caused a crisis when their solar-powered, battery-backup natural gas pumps stopped pumping gas because they became fully discharged without hope of recharging due to a snowfall that covered the solar panels.

Natural gas pumps are normally fuel-fired. As long as gas is running through the piping, those pumps are always primed and running.

Windmills are scams pushed by people who have large natural gas holdings, because you need natural gas to make up the shortfall when your batteries drain.

Batteries drain very quickly under load and charge very slowly. How long does it take to charge a Tesla from empty to full? 13 hours? I can fill a gas tank from empty in less than 5 minutes.

No, nuclear is not the answer. Every nuclear reactor in the US is built in a white zip code with an income slightly below the median level. Furthermore, nuclear is dangerous, because these plants are filled with non-whites who could, at any time, set these things to meltdown. We don’t need this ridiculously dangerous technology to power battery-operated devices that exist to only deny access to energy.

Musk is a stooge working for the very governments that want to impoverish you. He is not solving anything.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Sam J,

“First you just made that up. You provide no data at all to come this assumption. I didn’t state that the area needed was completely for base load or not. And you miss the whole pint which is that if you compare the cost of dealing with the waste and all the set asides and possible malfunctions solar could turn out to be much cheaper AND THAT is the point. It the cost.”

You don’t get it. None of the pie-in-the-sky solutions like “molten salt reactors” or “40% efficient batteries” matter because the political powers do not want you to have access to energy in the first place. They push solar and wind power precisely because these represent an austerity program, a program to deny you access to energy.

Musk is supported by government because his electric car represents an end to mass, on-demand, private transportation. The Tesla is simply an expensive, impractical vehicle. The range is limited to the radius of a charging station that will allow a 13 hour battery charge. The charging station is only practical if it is dedicated to your house with a driveway and a private lot. If you have an apartment, then you are out of luck. Are you going to run an extension cord out of your apartment window down to your car? If you take a 2,000 mile road-trip in a Tesla, how much time do you have to spend charging it and how much of your trip do you have to spend around charging stations and the amenities needed to keep you entertained while you wait?

I’ve had idiot Tesla bugs who still cannot tell me how long it takes charge their Tesla from empty. All I know is that my iPhone battery drains to a 50% charge from full running for the hour and a half I use it to time my workout during an exercise session. And it takes about an hour to charge from there. You’re telling me people are going to stand around doing nothing while their cars charge? Not to mention all the surveillance tech and remote-hacking tech you can attach to a mobile battery.

You think the guy in charge of this austerity transportation scheme is moving into energy to make energy more available?

Reply to  map
3 years ago


“I wonder if your iPhone is draining battery because the mic and camera are broadcasting to keep track of your physical conditioning.

Also, could you stick a gas generator in the trunk of a Tesla and run the power cord to the charging socket?”

Great. More to worry about.

Yeah, it’s possible. I start with a full charge on the iPhone. Just by using the Clock>Timer settings for my exercise session, the battery will drain to about 65% when I am done in about an hour and a half.

The gas generator is a good idea. I wonder if that could charge a Tesla.

If Tesla ever does solve the battery charge time issue, then they will really have something.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

You’re not reading Mathis closely. The interplay between NASA, SpaceX,, Confinity, PayPal, Tesla all looks like a giant In-Q-Tel operation. These are all basically CIA front-companies. Even the head of NASA, so Mathis claims, once worked for In-Q-Tel.

The point is that there is nothing original about what Musk is doing. With Zip2, he is simply duplicating what LexisNexis was doing since the late 70’s. The online bank stuff is nonsense since he would never get regulators to approve such an entity. Banking is a private club. With Confinity, that is simply an electronic escrow account. You had these type of accounts then. They were connected to the SWIFT system. He bought Tesla as a finished car, initially a Lotus Elise with an electric drivetrain and he was sued by the original founder for claiming to be the inventor. SpaceX looks like the head of NASA laundered money, material, and personnel from the government budget through Musk.

Look at the his background. Remember, the world is heavily driven by credentialism. He has, basically, duel undergraduate degrees in physics and economics. You don’t learn enough at the undergrad level in these two fields to do anything substantive except get a job at a prestigious company or go to grad school. Then he supposedly does duel Ph.D tracks in two entirely different fields and in two entirely different departments, but then drops out. Well, you can’t do anything with “an almost Ph.D” in physics. Then he shows up in the software engineering field, without any background in software engineering, and in business, contracting, somehow, with the NYT’s. How did that happen? What, he just showed up in the NYT’s lobby asking for a decision-maker? Remember what AC wrote about organic relationships developing slowly over time. Look how quickly everything was going for Musk. He’s basically dealing with people who do not need him, on projects that have their analogue elsewhere, in which whose analogues could be contracted to do his job with a much more likely degree of success and a much more reasonable justification to superiors. Yet, Musk is landing in all the right spots, inexplicably.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“Sam J,

You’re not reading Mathis closely. The interplay between NASA, SpaceX,, Confinity, PayPal, Tesla all looks like a giant In-Q-Tel operation. These are all basically CIA front-companies…”

I’m reading Mathis plenty close enough to know he is full of shit and all he has is a bunch of weird slapped together “rumors” and innuendo and nothing else. He’s nothing but one big gas-light. A serious liar and distorter of the truth.

I didn’t even read all you wrote above because like everything you write it’s just poorly uninformed stuff where you make a bunch of assumptions but provide nothing to back it up but gas-lighting and bullshit innuendo.

Let’s make my point super clear. I don’t give a fuck if he is CIA or cabal or not because he has done exactly what needs to be done to make the US the premier space fairing nation on the planet. I think he has been funded to the tune of $4.4 billion dollars and it’s more now that he’s just gotten the Moon lander contract. With this paltry amount of funds, compared to Lockheed and Boeing who have been given over $20 billion and have not one damn thing to show for it. All they have is another failed throw away launcher that they can’t even get the engines to pass a test even though they are using the same engines as the shuttle. And they’re expecting us to pay a billion dollars a launch or more at that for something they can’t even get to work. Now how fucked up is that? We’d have been better off giving the money to Ethiopians for wooden dildos. Lockheed and Boeing are pieces of shit.

Musk on the other hand has three generations of fully engineered and flown rockets with new engines that have been continuously updated. He has a good operational base system for supplying the space station which we did not have unless we used Russian engines. He has a heavy lift rocket system and he is presently funding a heavy lift system that by next year or the end of this year will reach orbit and be useful to carry people and supplies to the moon and mars. It will be totally reusable and cost to orbit will be vastly lower than anyone on planet earth can even come close to. His new methane powered (full flow advanced) raptor engine is a huge advance that has the highest combustion chamber pressure ever reached by an operational rocket engine. It has some of the best, if not the best, thrust to weigh ratios for any rocket ever and is designed for a lifetime of 1000 flights. No one, no one has anything close.

So I don’t give a damn what you say no one else that you promote has anything at all. Musk has something and no matter how much you blather on about how evil he is at least he has something.

A little something, (and in this case it’s not little. His rockets are damn impressive) beats a 100% of nothing every single time.

Lockheed and Boeing could have done the same thing even likely better but their management are pieces of shit and only care about looting as much cash as they can while delivering not a damn thing.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,


Musk, a guy with no engineering background, is designing cars and rockets. Musk, a guy with no software background, is building internet infrastructure. Musk, with undergraduate degrees, no connections and a grad school dropout on his resume, is carving business deals with premier newspapers.

Even if Musk really is a genius, there is not enough credentialism in his background for anyone to take a chance on him. He would need decades of proving himself as a dedicated and stellar employee with brilliant ideas making someone else rich before anyone would trust him with the vision of their organization or billions of their investment dollars.

I got news for you: those SpaceX rockets are Lockheed and Boeing technology. It’s just Cabal required that they launder that tech through SpaceX. Why? Because a story about a young maverick beating the big boys is very sexy and far more enabling of the “long con” than anything else. Look at Facebook and Google. A story of a bunch of kids building billion dollar companies in their dorm rooms is far more enabling and inspirational than “a bunch of DARPA spinoffs.” Just like a bunch of kids building Microsoft and Apple is far sexier than “a skunkworks project from IBM and Xerox-PARC.” The latter means every boomer, millennial and zoomer has a chance of self-actualizing and doing something great. The former means your stuck working for a bunch of defense contractors bombing villages in Asia.

And you think Musk is just single-handedly building stuff that the guys who built the SR-71 could not do?

And what a “long con” we are subject to now. All those striving kids who thought they were working some new system have built out the digital panopticon for the open-air gulag, with Musk finally finishing us off with a transportation and energy austerity program.

C’mon man. Musk is the Einstein myth all over again.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Thanks map for adding this. That’s what I appreciate about this community. Somehow, the comment section has achieved a certain type of balance that’s difficult to see in those of other of my daily reads, even at Vox Day’s blog. Perhaps this is because of AC’s unique style of “open-minded paranoia”.

When I was young it was implied that being a truth seeker involved eventually finding verifiable truths about the world. The more I live, the more I find that seeking truth in general is more pattern-seeking and varying degrees of conviction/speculative positioning. Explains why Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were written as they are. A problem is that the more intelligent one is, the more patterns one sees–thus higher IQ can lead to less certainty, not more.

Thankfully we have at least one lodestone we can use as a reference: the bible.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago


This is why there is so much effort dedicated to short-circuiting pattern-recognition using such tricks as “conspiracy theories” and “randomness.”

The system wants the high-IQ mind focusing on and noticing only the approved patterns, not whatever patterns may appear.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago


This is why so much effort is dedicated to short-circuiting pattern-recognition with “conspiracy theories” and “randomness.”

The system is dedicated to making sure high-IQ’s only notice approved patterns.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

map,”…With Zip2, he is simply duplicating what LexisNexis was doing since the late 70’s…”

Wrong. Not true false. Just read the link I provided and there some people go over the ground breaking stuff he was.

“…The online bank stuff is nonsense since he would never get regulators to approve such an entity. Banking is a private club…”

So you are now denying there is such a thing as online banking?

“…He bought Tesla as a finished car, initially a Lotus Elise with an electric drivetrain and he was sued by the original founder for claiming to be the inventor….”

He did invest in the company and then took control. Was sued and paid the guy off supposedly. But the model S is a total from the ground up new model that he and his team created and the other guy had nothing to do with it. Same as all the other models he’s made. I bet if you asked him he would say if he had to do it all over again he would have started from scratch without the other guy at all.

Basically all your comments are either made up from nothing or thinly disguised gas-lighting leaving out relevant context or the actual facts.

What you need is what I’ve been giving. Facts.

Maybe Musk is some sort of secret double agent of the Illuminati but the fact remains that we now have good electric cars and a kick ass launch systems that make us the premiere space launch company on earth.

That the stuff he makes actually mostly works is a huge strike against it being deep State. The stuff the deep State makes only works for them, (and that’s debatable), everything public they sell is crap.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

“Wrong. Not true false. Just read the link I provided and there some people go over the ground breaking stuff he was.”

The more ground-breaking you make the underlying technology, the more improbable Musk’s involvement becomes in all of it.

“So you are now denying there is such a thing as online banking?”

No, I’m denying that anyone tasked a 24-year-old college dropout with making an online bank.

“He did invest in the company and then took control. Was sued and paid the guy off supposedly. But the model S is a total from the ground up new model that he and his team created and the other guy had nothing to do with it. Same as all the other models he’s made. I bet if you asked him he would say if he had to do it all over again he would have started from scratch without the other guy at all.”

Again, a guy with no automotive background, no engineering background, is somehow building cars. Really. This sounds believable to you?

“What you need is what I’ve been giving. Facts.”

The problem is that you are not giving facts. You are simply recycling the standard media story about Musk.

Do you not understand the practical gap between a layman, even a smart and educated layman, and an expert in their technical field? Musk is not an automotive engineer, meaning he has no background in any of the mechanical, electrical, material, or software components of a car. He has no way of communicating effectively what he wants other than “make this work.” Same with rockets. Layman cannot collaborate with experts in their fields. They can’t even understand the language.

“That the stuff he makes actually mostly works is a huge strike against it being deep State. The stuff the deep State makes only works for them, (and that’s debatable), everything public they sell is crap.”

The cars cannot replace an ICE vehicle, because they introduce massive inconveniences. Who knows if the rockets are reusable or if all you are watching is a launch in reverse? But if the cars do not work well, what makes you think the rockets do?

3 years ago

Big Tech nuked one of my oldest accounts, unrelated to any of this, because I told Neon Revolt some depopulation hints in an obama video he was trying to decode. That was end of last year. They also tried to infect and brick my computer. All from Google user files.
I linked about Elon’s ‘girlfriend’ and she is from Cabal family, on blog I recently linked a video of her accepting a token record, like LP record, and started rambling about her prepper grandparents awaiting the apocalypse, stopped and said she’d get in trouble if she kept talking.
Rumour is Elon is CIA so probably playing both sides, weird he worked for trump, hope the plan stuff wasn’t cope. He’s a normie plant according to one ‘conspiracy theorist’ and has ripped off the theories e.g. Neuralink of at least one person in academia I knew very well, who submitted a paper on it met with crickets. Then basically booted out. Look up the I don’t believe in Elon Musk pdf by Miles Mathis too. Elon has stolen a lot, trust me.
Joe Rogan is a CIA psyop, MK Ultra style, and most of his guests are military contacts. This was released by a youtuber, matthew north I think? I believe I linked it on blog too. A guy called Frank Tufano also mentioned it. Both are suppressed.
I’m lying low because my family is being threatened, including myself. Hoping the white hats come through with something because we need them to. Soon.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thanks, I’ve had no trouble talking about these ‘people’ (monsters) because they’ve essentially ruined my life, or at least wasted many years of it. I can think of better uses of my time than stating the obvious into a void. I do hate to spread negativity but if it makes people safer, so be it. I just want things to be fair one day soon and that everyone gets what they deserve, good or bad. Financially, they’ve choked me and those close to me because I held back on helping them with my ‘ideas’. I regret what I did give them, out of a sense of fair dealing that was a fairytale fantasy. Work hard and you’ll be rewarded is a joke. They’re vampires. They still exploit us plebs, mining us for organs, their ‘groundbreaking’ ideas and plain labour.
p.s. Phillip (Prince) had gone senile and was being hidden from public view, mostly. He was my favourite. He’d often be seen wandering around, confused about where or even who he was. I don’t think the virus got him, either the vax or the senility and this is a fig leaf for his reputation.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
3 years ago

Musk has also shown a keen interest in the old “teenagers blood for oldies” program, has he not?

Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

This is the underlying flaw in Musk that no one understands.

I have an SUV that takes 10 gallons of gas and gets 378 miles to the tank. If I run empty on this vehicle, I can go to a gas station and fill that 10-gallon tank in less than 5 minutes.

You have a Tesla Model X. It, too, gets 378 miles to the charge on a good day. If you need to recharge (fill) your battery (tank) in that Tesla from empty, then you have to plan on staying somewhere overnight.

The latter is somehow touted as the future of transportation built by a genius.

A competitive product has to offer a comparable service across every category against a competing product. The Tesla fails in one glaring category, and a very big one. There is no plan anywhere to close this gap. Because of this, Tesla should have never gotten off the ground.

If you think this level of bone-headed sloppiness permeates a flagship product, what makes you think it does not permeate re-useable rockets and windfarms-with-batteries?

Do you understand the level of sabotage that is being sold to the public? Do you understand that Musk’s goal is to make the recent Texas disaster common everywhere in the states?