News Briefs – 04/16/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

This is a link to the comments section for our beloved phone-posters who have been having trouble finding where the comments begin.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


Remember when the Supreme Court was about to take a case on silencers, and suddenly we had the only mass shooting where a shooter made use of a legally papered silencer? Newsweek points out that just as the Supreme Court is about too rule on if New Yorkers have the ability to carry guns, in a case where one Justice worried during arguments about the consequences of New Yorkers having guns on the subway, suddenly we have a mass shooting with a handgun on the New York subway – the only one in history, I believe. Coincidences, coincidences.

A great article at CTH which looks at twitter operates from a tech standpoint, and shows there is no way Twitter can be a regular business, because its infrastructure becomes more and more costly with each user. This is because the cost is in the computer processing needed to run the spiderweb of connections between users, and that spider web gets exponentially more complicated as more users are added and need to be connected to everyone else. As in the second user only needs to be connected to the first, but the millionth needs to be connected to all 999,999 other users, who also need to be connected to him. This means Twitter, and all social media, will produce less and less profit as they grow, and computing power needs to increase to support it all, unlike all other businesses, which can benefit from economies of scale. The article concludes that from a tech perspective, all social media is like this, and thus all social media cannot be businesses, but rather must be intelligence operations being secretly run on government servers and with unlimited government money, which were designed solely to get in between citizens and control their communications and interactions. It concludes this is what Musk is threatening to reveal, and the intelligence community will never allow this to come out. I while back I posted something where a researcher was asking why a facebook data farm in some place like Alabama, was being built on land which was owned by the US government in local tax records. Which probably means these will be more “Tech Giants” whose entire origin stories were utterly false.

From this link:

When Twitter went public back in 2013, it was an unprofitable company. More than two years later, that hasn’t changed. In fact, the company revealed in its annual 10-K filed Feb. 29 that it has lost more than $2 billion in total since launching a decade ago.

Twitter had already accrued more than $400 million in losses before going public, but that figure exploded upward after its IPO, largely due to stock-based compensation awarded to employees. The company lost $520 million in 2015 alone. [Time]

Twitter was allowed to operate at such a massive loss because it has aprofound influence on shaping narratives that in turn influence the population.

If they waste this much money on a single lefty-bot-network circle-jerk of pithy snark to hypnotize the masses of NPCs, and even more on the rest of their media, what do you think they might spend on surveillance, which is infinitely more powerful, especially when it can get ahold of blackmail? And which has just as much a history in tyrannical dictatorships? Nothing worked like you were told. And everything was much worse than you would ever have believed. You are going to find the STASI had nothing on modern intelligence operations targeting our populations.

The Biden regime reacts angrily to Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter, launching investigations from multiple agencies to stop him. And the mask comes off.

Twitter initiates ‘poison pill’ to block Elon Musk’s takeover bid.

Vanguard jumps in and now owns 10.3% of Twitter, making it a bigger shareholder than Elon Musk.

Elon Musk considering bringing in partners on Twitter bid, sources say.

Do not forget, Alwaleed’s Wife’s tell-all included Bangladeshi children traded as sex slaves. If you work for US domestic intelligence/surveillance/gangstalking/media-ops/internet-ops, those are who you are empowering. You’ll have to square up with God yourself at some point. But I cannot imagine that swearing a blood-oath to destroy this thing and following through as best you could, would in any way hurt your chances of saving yourself in the afterlife. Absent that, I would definitely pack for warm weather.

Smoking guns found? Joe Biden referred business and mingled finances with son Hunter, messages show. We already knew this, but the article is out there. This will all have an effect if and when the hidden hands decide to have it have an effect.

From here, talking about the Hunter Biden computer repair guy:

When the FBI exited his shop, Mac Isaac said he cracked a joke and the FBI Agent turned and said:

“Nothing ever happens to people who don’t talk about these kind of things.” I saw that as a thinly veiled threat so I made zero effort to talk to the FBI after that point.

Somebody should get a copy of the Hunter hard drive, with the child porn, and send a copy to FBI, telling them they intend to post it online for the public to see on Day X. Then tell the FBI that if there is any child porn on the drive that should not be posted, please let us know, but if they don’t respond, then it will be assumed the drive is fine, and it will be posted in its entirety for everyone to view. Either you will get a letter from FBI confirming there is child porn on it and they are doing nothing about it, or the drive will go live and everyone can see for themselves. Then post it on a Russian server.

This tweet is puzzling, in that Jack Maxey has said he approached Wikileaks, and they ignored the Biden hard drive, and he said in conclusion that, “WikiLeaks doesn’t really exist,” implying it was an intelligence construct designed as a honeypot to lure in whistleblowers into revealing their positions so they could be silenced. KimDotCom has been fucked enough you would think he is not an actor in the play, yet this next series of tweets sounds like bullshit, especially wikileaks having media partners (True, but only because they are all Cabal). And yet Maxey has seemed full of shit at times too. So make of all this what you will:

This does not look good for Sussman, or the FBI, or the other Russia-hoaxers:

Man who discovered ballot trafficking operation in Yuma county handed evidence to Attorney General Brnovich before the 2020 general election, saying, “They could have stopped this.”

An article on Tina Peters, by leftist FiveThirtyEight, which of course acts like there was no election fraud. The only interesting parts to file away – mostly what Ms Peters is enduring to preserve election integrity, the depth of the conspiracy, and a little hope :

Peters is back in Mesa County. She has to be. She can’t leave the state after being recently indicted by a grand jury on 10 counts, including seven felony charges…, for which she faces up to 28 years in jail and $2.7 million in fines, with the potential for more charges coming.

… recall effort — backed by several former employees of the clerk’s office, which had seen three-quarters of its staff resign under Peters — failed to get enough signatures to prompt a vote, but the Colorado secretary of state did order an election observer to report on the clerk’s office…

For now, she’s awaiting trial for the charges laid against her and may face more charges out of the federal investigation. She’s currently facing another court challenge from the secretary of state to remove her from overseeing another election — this time the 2022 midterms. She was given a contempt of court citation for allegedly recording a hearing in a case against her deputy clerk. And when police tracked her down in a local bagel shop to execute a search warrant for that iPad, she allegedly resisted, leading to her being placed in handcuffs and donkey-kicking a cop — so she also faces charges for obstruction of a peace officer. And then there are the multiple ethics complaints filed against her for raising money to cover legal fees and accepting gifts in the form of travel and housing from Lindell.

Peters is still running for secretary of state. And last weekend, she attended the state Republican Assembly, receiving 61 percent of the votes.

[Election fraud rigging] proponents are currently running for secretary of state, governor and Congress. They’re running for school boards, election boards and county clerks. Meanwhile, veteran election officials have been resigning in droves thanks to the death threats and intimidation lobbed at them by those who believe they were complicit in a stolen election. Peters’s story is unique, but it might not be for long.

Wisconsin Supreme Court adopts GOP-drawn legislative maps.

Clearly not a spiritual war – The New York Times published an op-ed Friday that proposes eliminating belief in God — as one of the holiest weekends of the year begins.

Democratic senator Raphael Warnock asked a Georgia judge on Tuesday to seal his contentious child custody dispute from the public, arguing that because he is “currently running for reelection” his opponent could use the case to “gain some political advantage.” Sounds like the wife may have made claims of abuse. Clearly the judge should follow the precedent set when Jack Ryan was running against Obama.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott halted all Mexican truck inspections after the Republican leader signed an agreement with the governor of the border state of Tamaulipas on Friday that ends vehicle-safety checks in exchange for increased border enforcement by the Mexicans.

Biden has released 1.5 million illegal immigrants, enough to double the size of Dallas or San Diego.

axine Waters pays her daughter another $24,000 in campaign cash, adding to $1.2M in previous payments.

Fox News makes Peter Doocy sound like ‘stupid son of a bitch,’ Psaki says.

The FDA, CDC, Air Force, NIH, USPS, FBI, FCC, and IRS are among the websites/government agencies that use google tracking, allowing google to track users across those sites. Even if you stop by the FBI tips webpage, google is watching you go there.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated he is open to “dismantling” social media giants and proposed to end anonymity online.

Canadian Health Ministry shares a foot fetish porn link instead of COVID data. I would bet a good way to suddenly find your life on easy street is to have your surveillance suddenly discover you have some sort of kinky fetish. There is a reason the government is such a hive of evils and degeneracy.

AP ‘Fact Check’: It’s not ‘grooming’ to sexualize young kids away from parents.

CDC says no COVID test is needed for citizens coming from locked down Shanghai.

A long-term study published by the prestigious British journal The Lancet that follows up on participants in the Moderna and Pfizer trials found the vaccines had no effect on overall mortality.

27 year old swimmer dies of a heart attack. The media moved on but people are still dying.

Dozens of children in the UK and Europe, as well as some in the U.S., have come down with symptoms of hepatitis not currently explained by known causes. Didn’t the mRNA travel to the liver? Lets take a look for some quotes … results support that injections site and the liver are the major sites of distribution.In vivo application of lipid nanoparticles has been reported to induce liver and lung injuries in rodentsImmune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed…  And Pfizer too – Liver injury after mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a liver transplant recipient. …Then there was this one that showed the temporary RNA being turned into permanent DNA in liver cells – Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line… Note the first study says it not only ends up in the liver, but the ovaries as well. They are noticing the liver effect because it produces symptoms that drive these people to the doctor and blood test results showing there is a problem. If women are going infertile as well, they won’t notice that for a much longer time, and it will be blamed on other things if they ever do admit it is happening.

“FDA grants emergency use authorization for first COVID-19 breath test.” Bear in mind, little you see today is real, so when one of these boxes blares an alarm, and they announce you need to immediately accompany them to the quarantine camp, it may not be because you have the coof. Honestly, I am not an expert in the tech, so maybe this is beyond me, but when I use a modicum of knowledge about the biochemistry involved, to try to picture this thing detecting the difference between inflammatory molecules produced by your body when infected by COVID-19, and what results from the normal coronavirus colds which have been around for eons and are entirely harmless, and what is produced rhinoviruses, or by any other inflammatory virus, and doing it off the scant molecules which would be present in a single breath, I feel like I am watching Elizabeth Holmes rattle off all the different tests her product is going to do on a single drop of blood, in seconds. My guess is, when they say it is 99.3% accurate at detecting a negative sample, those were healthy volunteers, and not people infected with Rhinovirus, harmless coronaviruses, other cold viruses, or bad allergies, or asthma, or any other harmless inflammation of the airway.

Gov. Kemp declares state of emergency for supply chain disruptions.

A fertilizer supply shock is imminent for US farmers as CF Industries Holdings, Inc. warned Union Pacific had hit it with railroad-mandated shipping reductions that would reduce nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate shipments to top agricultural states by at least a whopping 20% to stay compliant, just as the Northern Hemisphere spring planting season is underway.

Flight from big cities INCREASES despite end of pandemic with record numbers of homebuyers relocating from coastal cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. Those will be a lot of stupid leftists and Cabal surveillance assets moving to otherwise conservative, freedom and privacy loving areas, and that will be bad for the electoral college.

Koran riots in Sweden as Islamic migrants violently seize control and Police retreat.

A twitter thread using classified documents to show that the CIA was undermining and nazifying Ukraine Since 1953.

US Military sends another 600 Switchblade drones to Ukraine.

Zelensky says world should be prepared for possibility Putin could use nuclear weapons. A former CIA director was saying this too. Remember Q saying Cabal was looking to create a nuke which looked Russian, to detonate in a place where it would trigger a world war? Everyone assumed when he said “Sum of All Fears,” Q meant a nuke detonating in an American city to touch off a world war. What if he meant a nuke going off in Kiev, to start a world war?

Russian Strategic Bombers have been spotted over Tula Region in Russia. Or so Cabal media tells us.

A biolab in Ukraine has allegedly conducted unethical human experiments on behalf of the US government, Russia’s defense ministry claimed.

Two attack helicopters reportedly entered Russian airspace and delivered at least six strikes on residential buildings.

British captive who fought in Mariupol describes ‘reality’:

The situation in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol is “catastrophic,” and the Ukrainian forces are largely to blame for it, a UK citizen identified as Aiden Aslin, who reportedly fought in the city, said in a video obtained by RT.

The British man apparently surrendered to Russian forces along with Ukrainian marines earlier this week.

… What he saw in the city during the weeks of heavy fighting also influenced his views on the Ukrainian military. “It was like seeing reality for the first time,” Aslin said, adding that he witnessed a “lack of care for civilians” on the part of the Ukrainian military…

“They are criminals,” he added, referring to the Ukrainian soldiers, when asked about the Ukrainian military allegedly killing civilians in the city.”

Russian Army has started using… the most powerful electronic warfare complex… “Murmansk-BN” suppresses the communication of the Ukrainian Army.

So you are assigned to a static corner surveillance post, but are afraid the car which just crashed there will attract people with cameras, and you may get videoed and burned online, destroying your nascent foot-surveillance career. What can you do to avert suspicion? I am just joking… I think. But honestly, it would not surprise me if that guy was in the network and mentally-ill-homeless-guy-peeing-with-his-pants-down was his “cover for status.”

More countries agree to ruble payments for gas.

Paging Vox Day, seen on 8Kun:

According to expert Nick Davies, the body language of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their appearance in The Netherlands earlier today (April 15) shows that the rapport between them has ‘broken.’ If Harry has figured her out, within a year or two, it will be impossible for them to remain together. And depending on his tolerance for pain, they might break up much sooner, because once unmasked, narcissists will quickly turn malicious as a way to assure themselves they are noble, by hurting the evil person who opposes them.

A South Carolina inmate who has spent 21 years on death row has chosen a firing squad for his April 29 execution.

Sources say, “Brian Stelter’s days are numbered with the network.” Discovery management “very much considers him a Zucker henchmen and embarrassment” and believes he is “a negative partisan lighting rod and distraction going forward” 

CNN reports Biden is polling the worst ever recorded in Presidential polling history, even lower than Jimmy Carter in 1978.

Biden’s approval rating could potentially drop into the 20s before the midterms.


Spread r/K Theory, because the last laugh is the one that counts

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Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

“Coincidences, coincidences.”

It’s always screwed up black guys too. Easier to program perhaps? More likely to be Cabal?

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

Thernovich had a pretty good take on the Twitter situation. But it’s a whole lot worse than Enron, and Thernovich knows that.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

“Clearly the judge should follow the precedent set when Jack Ryan was running against Obama.”

It will tell us a lot about the Judge if he doesn’t do this.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

“If women are going infertile as well, they won’t notice that for a much longer time, and it will be blamed on other things if they ever do admit it is happening.”

Civ killer, unless you can find unjabbed women who are ok with having 8 kids.

Western Civ is only possible with White people, specifically Western European Christian White people. Anything else and you will begin to lack indoor plumbing, especially hot water and flush toilets. Change it way to much and it’s back to rainwater and a hole in the ground.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

AC you might be interested in the first part of this video. Guy had a military father, NSA mother, became a Los Angeles policeman. Found out about the CIA smuggling drug into Los Angeles. Promptly got a CIA wife who ruined him. Then he made some newsletter that covered all this stuff they wanted covered up. Anyways the gist of the video is we are running out of oil and are going to die. Now, he’s not completely wrong, if we do nothing. I have said and shown there are lots of alternatives but we are very slow on the uptake of them. We might run out of out before we switch or also we might slowly transfer over without catastrophic collapse. If the government keeps destroying food, water and energy supplies as they are, then collapse it will be.

The real kicker that made me recommend it is the first 5 minutes or so where he talks about all this stuff that is textbook on someone being watched and an attempt to guide him.

I got this from the documentry channel link. They have GREAT stuff.

Another one that just happened to be displayed when I went to get the link above is this one.(Synchronicity. Never know when it will pop up.)

Princes of the Yen2014

I babble on about how our Central bank is ripping us off and how the Japanese run their own. I got some of the data from this and some from articles and books. If your into understanding the deeper parts of how economies work it’s a good watch.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Fwiw, Biotic oil has always seemed laughably preposterous to me. I actually can’t even make myself pretend to believe it. Doesn’t make me right, but it just seems so silly.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

And yet has been patently obvious to me since the naughties before a website called “deepstate” got disappeared.

What is a distillary? Heat + pressure

What’s going on below our feet? Heat + pressure

How can Russia rely on Gas/Oil for its economy?
How can Russia hold Europe hostage for Oil/Gas?

Coz it’s renewable and unlimited (unless you can stop plate tectonics transferring carbon subterranean)

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

How can Russia hold Europe hostage for Oil/Gas?

Coz it’s renewable and unlimited


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Just to focus on peak oil theory, I can see a situation where everything we have been taught about geology, biology, and physics was wrong, and there is abiotic oil, and carbon dioxide doesn’t exist, and maybe DNA doesn’t actually exist and the dinosaurs were fabricated. But of course in that world it would be impossible to say what is even likely to be reality. Everything would be fabricated.

But actual peak oil theory is really nothing more than that eventually oil deposits will be left in the ground because they will be too expensive to extract. Its actually the opposite of “we will run out of oil”, the theory is that it will no longer be extracted long before the last of the geological deposits will run out. There will be an alternative source of energy, but it will be much more expensive to run and probably worse for the environment.

Which means that the industrial revolution, which was a one time only boost due to the exploitation of the more accessible fossil fuels, will run its course and everyone will be poorer. Life will continue much as now, but no progress, less material things, and fewer people since people will have to worry about their next meal again. Its not Mad Max, and the fact that that kept coming up on all the “peak oil” sites means they were targetted early for misdirection.

People like pointing to the Dark Ages, but they were dark because literacy declined and there is not much in the way of written records. Also, the western provinces of the Roman Empire were the backwards ones to begin with. Life for much people continued much as before, it might have been better due to lower taxes, but there does seem to have been a population decline.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

You don’t have to throw out all of science to have abiotic oil.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Throw out the science? We know how hydro-carbons are made, and the reason that I say that is that can make them:

Audi Makes Synthetic Gasoline Using Zero Petroleum

The first time this was done was early 2000’s at a midwest US university, out of pig manure. DARPA is currently developing the technology to be installed aboard ship so that they can completely retire fueling ships because they can fuel themselves with air and seawater.

In the next fifty years this technology will be deployed anywhere that has coastline. They are going to be pumping out natural crude oil to burn simply to replace the carbon that the synthetic oil is taking out, less the atmospheric levels drop bellow the rate at which plants can photosynthesize.

Abiotic oil is the only theory that makes sense, because all the processes required to make the stuff are currently ongoing. The natural world is still happily churning out rotting carbon to combine with seawater under great heat and pressure under ground, volcanology can prove that the world is still VERY active, so we can assume that the processes involved never stopped.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I agree.
That’s why I said to Ed that you don’t need to throw out science as he indicated.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I’m sorry, I phrased that badly. I did not mean that to seem to be disagreement. My humor doesn’t translate as well via keystroke.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

No problem. 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

That’s a good link. I haven’t seen it. I have seen other scientist where they made oi from CO2, electricity and water.

I’m not in any way against oil. I’m against being at the mercy of imported oil.

Electric cars are, right now, just the easiest way to get there.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

From a friend in the oil industry:

We’ve known for over 40 years that the process by which heat, pressure and natural forces creates crude oil, shale oil, coal, peat and natural gas are ongoing and not a finite and limited process.

I was involved in support work for some of the tests that proved this in the Bay Marchand fields off Louisiana that were first drilled in the 50’s where old, abandoned wells were found to have “re-filled” with crude of a newer variety.

This is not common knowledge, because it would upset the narrative.

Once cheap and readily available energy is no longer allowed to the masses, then it will probably come to light.

The Australian Financial Review of February 2, 1982 carried an article by Walter Sullivan of The New York Times under the heading ‘Natural oil refinery found under ocean’.

The report indicated that:

‘The oil is being formed from the unusually rapid breakdown of organic debris by extraordinarily extensive heat flowing through the sediments, offering scientists a singular opportunity to see how petroleum is formed….Ordinarily oil has been thought to form over millions of years whereas in this instance the process is probably occurring in thousands of years…. The activity is not only manufacturing petroleum at relatively high speed but also, by application of volcanic heat, breaking it down into the constituents of gasoline and other petroleum products as in a refinery.’

This ‘natural refinery under the ocean’ is found under the waters of the Gulf of California, in an area known as the Guaymas Basin (see Fig. 1). Through this basin is a series of long deep fractures that link volcanoes of the undersea ridge known as the East Pacific Rise with the San Andreas fault system that runs northwards across California. The basin consists of two rift valleys (flat-bottomed valleys bounded by steep cliffs along fault lines), which are filled with 500 metre thick layers of sediments consisting of diatomaceous ooze (made up of the opal-like ‘shells’ of diatoms, single-celled aquatic plants related to algae) and silty mud washed from the nearby land.

Along these fractures through the sediments in the basin flows boiling hot water at temperatures above 200°C, the result of deep-seated volcanic activity below the basin. These hot waters (hydrothermal fluids) discharging through the sediments on the ocean floor have been investigated by deep sea divers in mini-submarines.

The hydrothermal activity on the ocean floor releases discrete oil globules (up to 1–2 centimetres in diameter), which are discharged into hydrothermal the ocean water with the hydrothermal fluids.7 Disturbance of the surface layers of the sediments on the ocean bottom also releases oil globules.

Correct measurement of the oil flow rate at these sites has so far not been feasible, but the in situ collection of oil globules has shown that the gas/oil ratio is approximately 5:1. Large mounds of volcanic sinter (solids coalesced by heating) form via precipitation around the vents and spread out in a blanket across the ocean floor for a distance of 25 metres. These sinter deposits consist of clays mixed with massive amounts of metal sulphide minerals, together with other hydrothermal minerals such as barite (barium sulphate) and talc.

The remains of unusual tubeworms that frequent the seawaters around these mounds are also mixed in with the sinter deposits. Thus the organic matter content of these sinter deposits in the mounds approaches 24%.8

The hydrothermal oil from the Guaymas Basin is similar to reservoir crude oils.9 Selected hydrocarbon ratios of the vapour phase are similar to those of the gasoline fraction of typical crude oils, while the general distribution pattern of light volatile hydrocarbons resembles that of crude oils (see Table of analyses) . The elemental composition is within the normal ranges of typical crude oils, while contents of some of the significant organic components, and their distribution, are well within the range of normal crude oils. Other key analytical techniques on the oil give results that are compatible with a predominantly bacterial/algal origin of the organic matter that is the source of the oil and gas.10

This oil and gas has probably formed by the action of hydrothermal processes on the organic matter within the diatomaceous ooze layers in the basin. Of crucial significance is the radiocarbon (C14 ) dating of the oil. Samples have yielded ages between 4,200 and 4,900 years, with uncertainties in the range 50–190 years.11 Thus, the time-temperature conversion of the sedimentary organic matter to hydrothermal petroleum has taken place over a very short geological time-scale (less than 5,000 years) and has occurred under relatively mild temperature conditions.

It is significant also that the temperature conditions in these hydrothermal fluids, of up to and exceeding 315 °C, are similar to the ideal temperatures for oil and gas generation in the previously described Australian laboratory experiments.12 Figure 2a illustrates the oil generation system operating in the Guaymas Basin, while Figure 2b shows how this process could be applied in a closed sedimentary basin to the hydrothermal generation of typical oil and gas deposits.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

To make sure my posiotion ios not misunderstood,

“…But actual peak oil theory is really nothing more than that eventually oil deposits will be left in the ground because they will be too expensive to extract…”

I do believe this. There is not an infinite amount of oil. I suspect that a bunch of it was in the planet from long ago, a bunch of it is made by bacteria deep in the ground and a good deal of it was also made by rotting vegetation like they say. It does not seem too far-fetched to me that even though I think there’s a lot of this stuff and it is being replenished, that it could get so expensive to get that it would crash the economy. The video I linked he talks about the vast quantities of oil we use. It’s a LOT. The volumes are huge and there doesn’t appear to be any “concentrated” large source that we have found anywhere near the amount in Saudi Arabia. Meaning, it cost most to find it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

If we build the reactors, we could have all the energy we wanted. We can actually make oil from the atmosphere with CO2 from the air and a little water with enough energy. We have enough nuclear waste, not fuel, waste, stored up in the US to run molten salt reactors for hundreds of years. Hundreds. Maybe even a thousand, without mining any more fissionable materials at all. We have enough so that if we wanted we wouldn’t have to burn a spec of coal.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yes, this, with a caveat. The first caveat is that transportation works better with liquid fuels than electricity. Diesel is king of cargo. Petrol is just easier than batteries. Hydrogen as either a fuel or for fuel cells is easier than batteries. Natural gas is very useful as a way to boil water to turn a turbine.

But for electrical power generation nuclear is king. SO far nuclear means fission, which means a scaled-up 1950’s submarine engine to boil the water that turns the turbines. And on the whole it works. When doesn’t work – Chernobyl, Fukushima- yes, it’s a very big problem.

Thorium molten salt reactors look like the best bet here because they can be setup to eat the existing toxic waste while simultaneously producing useful industrial compounds as by-product. However what happens when we run out of nuclear waste? Basically, we just keep generating it and both types of reactors will happily coexist into the future.

Enter fusion – if they ever get it running it will still only coexist with the other nuclear reactor types. And there will STILL be natural gas plants burns. Heck, probably still coal burning plants. Because the truth is that we are only a regime change away from a new government that doesn’t see any need to play along with the climate change hoax, and once that happens the whole world watches us and follows our example.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

All the oil that was ever drilled since oil was discovered could fill Lake Mead.

There is no peak oil.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Empty oil wells have been observed refilling naturally over time. Must have been a hell of a lot of stegosaurus and other alleged dinosaurs to make that magic happen, yeah? It’s all a psyop.

Shortage is a myth made to keep you panicked and small-minded. God promised to provide for the birds, the livestock, and you who are far more important than any animal. Any public sentiment that threatens to kill you in a painful manner is bullshit, clean off.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sure. And God provided for all his creation mostly from recycling of matter.
Earth’s resources aren’t infinite. This isn’t a post-scarcity world.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

>This isn’t a post-scarcity world.
For you it won’t be. What is scarce?

You can grow all your own food by putting seeds in the dirt and leaving it alone for a month. You can build houses for your children with wood that grows from the dirt if you leave it alone for 20 years. Water flows infinitely underground and from the sky. You can travel large distances on a grass and water fueled living vehicle called a horse. Your neighbors, family and nature provide more than enough entertainment if you’re not an Adderall-riddled spastic.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I feel the same way. “Fossil Fuels” even as a kid just seemed like a silly joke. I can’t even pretend to believe it in my head.

It just seems more of the plan by Cabal to deny energy to everyone else.

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

My 6th grade “science” textbook in the mid 80’s claimed the Earth would be completely out of coal and oil and something else I don’t remember by the year 2000.

It was wrong on EVERY count.

There has not been one single, solitary “climate” prediction that EVER proved accurate. And the people who scream the loudest are the worst offenders, owning multiple ocean front mansions, yachts, and private jets. If they believed their own bullshit, I figure they should move into a studio apartment and hold their circle-jerk “climate” conferences over Zoom.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Have you seen Fletcher Prouty’s take on oil?
Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention and Use of Term “Fossil Fuels”

I know its utoob but its still there….

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

You guys should really watch that video I linked on Japan’s Central bank. You’ll learn a lot. A quote,”after the war the US implemented Fascist policies that even during war time the officials could not do”. It’s such a good video.

It explains how Japan, China and other Asia countries are rising so quickly. If you pat attention is will also become clear why we are falling so fast due to our directly opposite financial policies.

2 years ago

“Click here, you simple phone users”.
Made me laugh out loud this morning. Thanks for all you do, AC. It’s much appreciated!

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

The old Superman animated series from the 1990s had that storyline. A crooked cop puts a bomb in Clark Kent’s car thinking he’s an over-nosey reporter. It goes off, and the car plunges into the sea, so Clark has to figure out if he should reveal his identity, move on to a new one, or create a believable way he survived.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

STAS episode “The Late Mr. Kent”. Circa 1997.

From Infogalactic:

Clark Kent has evidence to clear a condemned man from sentence of death, but the situation complicates when Superman survives a murder attempt on Clark planned by dirty cop Detective Bowman. Superman doesn’t want to sacrifice his dual identity, but he doesn’t want an innocent man to be killed for a crime he didn’t commit. The investigative episode ends with a twist, plus a certain character’s shocking realization.

The Mad Piper
The Mad Piper
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thank you for the plot summary. you make it sound like an interesting moral dilemma in spite of the tired trope of the crooked cop. In the real world, the far likelier event is a crooked prosecutor who will throw a case one way (railroading) or the other (an “oops” technicality) for cash or prizes.

2 years ago

> French President Emmanuel Macron stated he is open to “dismantling” social media giants and proposed to end anonymity online.

Totalitarians *hate* the anonymous internet. That’s why North Korea, Singabore, Russia, China, and Australia are serious about packet inspection of anything moving in or out of their countries.

Every now and then you’ll see a big PR push for some “security” initiative, that’s supposed to stop internet fraud, protect the children, etc. In the end, every one of this turns out to be some system where you have to have a valid ID to use certain services, which would eventually be necessary to get online at all. They want to treat the internet as a gigantic mainframe, where only validated users have access.

Marc Andreessen, who wrote the web browser that Netscape and Internet Explorer licensed, is backing some of those proposals. So is Bruce Schneier, once a respected security analyst, who hitched his cart to the Biden wagon immediately after the fraudlection. Homeland Security has been pushing “internet ID” proposals, none fo which has gone anywhere… yet.

2 years ago

> Note the first study says it not only ends up in the liver, but the ovaries as well.

…and will likely be passed on to any children, like syphilis or HIV.

A few generations to contaminate the purebloods with corrupted RNA, and Vaxx mRNA is going to be part of the human genome.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Unless it causes infertility in the next generation greater than in the initial recipients, which is probably already going to be high. They were probably thorough enough to design it to wipe out entire bloodlines.

2 years ago

> Russian Strategic Bombers have been spotted over Tula Region in Russia.

I have no doubt. Military aircraft get flown regularly; at least every week, sometimes every day. New flight crews have to be trained up, trained flight crews need practice, and planes that don’t fly often enough get infested with gremlins and become hangar queens.

Well, except for American B1 bombers, which have mostly been hangar queens for most of their lifetime. The oh-so-expensive B1 was a piece of crap to start with, and the best thing we could do with them is turn them over to, oh, maybe the North Koreans, and let them bankrupt themselves trying to keep one of them flying more than a few hours at a time. Putting them in the hands of our enemies would do far more for American national security than supporting them ourselves.

Johannes Q
2 years ago

A/C, this might interest you, good old Kurt Gödel’s death:”Later in his life, Gödel suffered periods of mental instability and illness. Following the assassination of his close friend Moritz Schlick, Gödel developed an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would eat only food prepared by his wife Adele. Adele was hospitalized beginning in late 1977, and in her absence Gödel refused to eat; he weighed 29 kilograms (65 lb) when he died of “malnutrition and inanition caused by personality disturbance” in Princeton Hospital on January 14, 1978. He was buried in Princeton Cemetery. Adele died in 1981.” (Wikipedia)
Apparently, Gödel was a lifelong hypochondriac and as a mathematical genius probably suffered all kinds of extreme eccentricities, but I still thought it interesting. Incidentally, Moritz Schlick’s death and his assassin are also rather bizarre.

2 years ago

  1. These thoughts are from the mind of a Harvard student. Not only is Hogg objectively an idiot, the guy simply cannot write coherently.
  2. I have a close relative who retired after holding very high clearances working on classified projects for decades. There is no way any of this person’s family would have thought it prudent to even mention his possible activities in public, whether it was five days or fifty years after he retired.
  3. This is either the kid just being stupid idiot- in which case his father will likely lose any remaining clearances, and will certainly be interviewed- or is some sort of planned op designed to make Hogg appear so stupid as to be guileless, when in fact he’s some sort of comp’ed Manchurian Kid Candidate?

My guess is that he’s a total idiot being used by former associates of his father. And if his Dad doesn’t publicly rebuke him for running his trap, then the father is either running his kid or has been pressured to back off and let this go unmentioned by MSM.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Makes sense – once you have control you are not only worried about keeping it, and the people who are competent enough to get it for you are also the greatest threat to it. End stage empire, when the whole thing is run by yes-men that cannot find their backside with both hands.

2 years ago

As one with extensive experience in planning for and building scaled telecom networks for Internet services, I disagree with Sundance’s analysis at CTH. He is not the best, or even a mediocre, financial analyst (and he and his “moderators” allow little disagreement with his opinions on his site). His argument about TWTR is based on his experience building a single website (albeit a moderate sized one), not from knowledge of how scaled network operations work from a financial persective. Scaled network operators buy (or as in the case of Google make) network/computing components at the cheapest cost possible via bonafide negotiations with multiple vendors (h/w, s/w, facilities, services, etc.) The amount of data required to refresh 140 character messages is tiny. And the notion that the US Government, which can’t run a post office, can run scaled data service networks is farcical.
I do believe, however, that the US Govt is most likely compensating TWTR for following its directives; they’ve done that with all the media.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Could you please provide more information so us laymen could understand how economies of scale work in interconnected social media platforms?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I agree regarding the massive govt surveillance. I do wonder how many people really care, given that they willingly use their iphones knowing they are tracked every minute. When i ask my 30 yr old kids why they do this, they shrug their shoulders, say everyone does it, and what can I do about it. Just a fact of life to their entire generation. And I can understand it – not having a smart phone is very inconvenient in many respects.
If all these companies financial statements are a complete lie, as would have to be the case for Sundance’s analysis to be true, then our entire capital markets are a lie. I’m not saying that’s impossible, but if it’s true, then no one should have a penny invested in any stock. I’m exiting the market anyway, before everyone else decides that’s the right idea, but if Twitter, Facebook, Google et al financial statements are completely fraudulent (i.e., don’t include cost of government provided infrastructure), then Twitter is the least of everyone’s problems.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Here is something to consider: the 300 companies that just up and pulled out of Russia, behaving almost like they are government departments and not firms where money is hard to come by.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“we really can’t try tfo judge what is normal, or likely, or probably the way things work”
Unfortunately, I find this to be more and more true every day.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You’re not really addressing CTH’s position. He is talking about a cost of $4500 a month for maintaining 10,000-15,000 commentators and the fact that comments have been outsourced to companies like Disqus. If he is right about Twitter costing $1 billion a month to run…well…do the math.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe assistant moderators could help too.

2 years ago

EDIT: forgot to sign this – it’s Lowell.

Turk Hi-Power 1,000 round review. The reviewer mentions this is the year of the Hi-Power resurgence, and I can tell you why – the 1911 and the AR15. Let me explain.

There are now DOZENS of companies making some kind of 1911 and even more making M4orgeries. Well, everyone that wants a 1911 probably has three or four by now. Same with anything in the Glock ecosystem. Big aftermarket, built in customer base.

Enter the Hi-Power in an era that is prone to nostalgia. It’s a well proven design in the public domain with a dialed-in aftermarket. So, SA and Girsan have both offered different versions of the pistol that are genuinely different. SA went high and set their gun up as a range darling and ready for competition out of the box – hence the lovely trigger, steel frame for weight, sights, and tight shot groups. Girsan OTOH went value with an aluminum frame, cheap sights, and overall bang for the buck approach.

And we technically have a third Hi-Power from FN. FN completely redesigned the pistol so that none of the aftermarket parts will fit even the sights or the magazine, made it very expensive, and exchanged the classic 19th century aesthetics favored by Browning to instead make the new pistol look like a retarded potato, because they like failure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Additional small arms are of no marginal military value. There are plenty already. There’s plenty of other things that are, but I will not fedpost. (I will not fedpost I will not fedpost…)

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You the true third Hi Power on the horizon: Ivanthetroll’s 3D printed frames. That going to make Hi Power more popular as the you can use large aftermarket parts to make your own custom Hi Power at the weight of a glock 17.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thersites
2 years ago

Yeah, if Ivan can ever manage to release the files. Been waiting for a year and a half now. 🙂

2 years ago

EDIT: Sorry, Lowell again.

I’m honestly not sure whether to impressed at the engineering and creativity, or cry because it went into NERF guns. I mean it’s diy cnc manufacturing, so it has to be a net-gain, right? But it’s plastic toy for what should be grown-ass men. I suppose that this is what passes for masculinity in major cities now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
2 years ago

MBS takes out 9 judges the day after Alaweed makes his twitter statement?

Would be funny if Twitter was the center of the chessboard all along.

2 years ago
Off topic, but putting it out there since it has been addressed before.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

this was the site littleredbook had been talking about constantly

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
2 years ago

Scroll down about half way on this page there is a movie called The Finders you might like

Reply to  Nobody Special
2 years ago

Watched 20 mins of the movie so far it’s gripping.

2 years ago

AC- I wasn’t the person who asked for it, but i have the same reading style (posts in the am, comments in the pm) and I love the top-of-the-page comments link.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Me, too.

2 years ago

It concludes this is what Musk is threatening to reveal, and the intelligence community will never allow this to come out.
I disagree with this final assessment. Elon is clearly part of the cabal. I think they must be losing way too many users and need Elon to make “Twitter cool again”. Everything else is just theatrics for the normies.

2 years ago

So people are fleeing coastal blue cities like Seattle, but home prices in that region are still skyrocketing. Why? Mine is up nearly 15% just since January, more than doubled in three years. We are WAAAAYYYY into bubble territory, unless the Big Guys know that hyper-inflation and bailouts and nearly-free money with long-term low-fixed-rate loans make buying real estate a can’t-lose deal.