News Briefs – 04/18/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



The tweet:


The tweet:

The tweet:

The tweet:

The video:


Netanyahu says, a ‘Deep State’ controls Israel, and there’s no democracy here. That is fucking huge. You DO NOT FUCKING SAY THIS, ever, if Cabal is in power. And I have no model where Cabal allows you to say it as part of a plan, because they need everyone asleep. This means one, Netanyahu is acting in opposition to what was the dominant power for the last few decades at least, and whatever Cabal was is now on the outs, because if it was riding high, he could never have said it.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) today released a research brief showing that roughly 1 in 5 ballots never completed the mail voting process in the past decade, meaning there were 28 million missing and misdirected ballots.”  That is almost 3 million votes per year disappearing. Imagine if a hostile Intelligence operation managed to get files on everyone, so they would know who they would vote for, and then got control of the Post Office, so they could disappear 3 million votes per year from people who would vote for candidates like Donald Trump. Now that is the most extreme possibility (though it could be worse than that now, as Cabal has accelerated exponentially over the last decade under Obama), but even if you divide it by ten, you still have an enormous opportunity for serious fuckery.

Grassley And Johnson request FBI Director Wray turn over all FBI records on Crossfire Hurricane.

Eric Holder says the Coronavirus is ‘an opportunity’ to permanently change the US voting system. Think back to all the RINO Cuckservative pricks who said everyone should have voted for Hillary in 2016, because Trump wasn’t a real conservative. They wanted this – the destruction of our free Republic, and its replacement with a shadow dictatorship ruled from the shadows by the very elites who were blackmailing them into submission. If they couldn’t be free, they were going to see to it none of us were.

Roger Stone heads to Tucker Carlson’s program after gag order lifted.

Democratic Sens. Mark Warner (Va.) and Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) are calling on Justice Department watchdogs to investigate Attorney General William Barr’s comments about the firing of intelligence community Inspector General Michael Atkinson. Practically adding the words “Cabal employee” to their business cards. Right out in the open.

Angela Merkel voices ‘full support’ for W.H.O. after Trump freezes its US funding.

China put a pandemic clause in its trade deal with Trump allowing it to break the deal if there was any major act of God like a pandemic, indicating it knew what was coming.

A Facebook fact-checker that labeled a documentary about the origins of the coronavirus, including the theory that it escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, as “false” has worked at the lab in question.

The sailor who died from the Coronavirus was 41 year old Chief Petty Officer Charles Robert Thacker Jr. Pic follows, showing he wasn’t out of shape. RIP. I wonder if athletes have more muscle and consume more oxygen, and thus suffer more when their lungs are reduced in capacity, as there have been a lot of elite, often young athletes hit by the Chinese Coronavirus. It is actually tougher doing things like grappling with more muscle mass, because your muscles’ oxygen consumption seems to grow faster with exercise than even a well developed heart can sustain when pushed to the high percentage effort you put out when fighting.

Japanese Government commits to buy 2 million doses of new antiviral Favipiravir, as the drug continues its Phase III trials against Coronavirus. Has been approved for other viruses since 2014.

Mass General is looking at using Nitric Oxide’s anti-viral and oxygenating effects to combat the Chinese Coronavirus. Reportedly was found to help with SARS.

Coronavirus antibody testing finds Bay Area infections may be 85 times higher than reported.

Carnival Cruises helped fuel the coronavirus pandemic and put a ‘huge strain’ on US by still sailing even when executives knew it was risky, says CDC epidemiologist in charge of ship task force.

France’s only aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle taken out of service by the Coronavirus.

Masks are not required on Los Angeles trains, buses & subways.

Hajj is canceled this year due to Coronavirus.

Russia will start using TrumpPills.

At a Boston homeless shelter they tested everyone, and of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. and not a single one had any symptoms.  We might be much closer to herd immunity than we think, because all the high-risk catchers/spreaders have already gotten it, and will be out of the picture going forward.

Coronavirus has created a wave of xenophobia inside China. It is as if the brain is naturally uncomfortable with people who are different – doubtless an evolved trait from many eons spent in warfare with the other. If you atrophy the amygdala, so it can not throw off much aversive stimulus, people don’t feel that sensation in response to those who are different. But exercise the amygdalae, make it so when it is triggered the aversive stimulus is painful, and drives actions to relieve it, and everything which is amygdala-stimulating suddenly will be attacked, be it the different, be it disgusting things, be it non-normative behaviors, be it treason, be it ugly art, or be it any of the traits of an r-society. This disease and the mortal salience stimuli it is generating, as ugly as it is now,  is bringing K back.

Texas Nursing home has excellent success with TrumpPills, with all but one patient being fixed up, and that one is getting better, just slowly.

Florida governor gives green light for some beaches to reopen. Truth be told, if there is oxygen and UVC from sunlight, there is ozone and sterilization going on to some degree.

Oxford University may have a Coronavirus vaccine by September.

White House says US has enough tests for first phase of reopening.

President Donald J. Trump is beginning the next phase in our fight against the Chinese Coronavirus: opening up America again.

This next one is surprising, but if the death rate is .5%, as some think, then it means New York City has about 20% of the city infected so far, which is roughly one quarter of the way to herd immunity for a pathogen with an R0 of about five. It also means if there is no vaccine, we can expect about one in 250 New Yorkers are going to die before this slows down. The numbers may work out better before it is over though, because practically, I think this has a variable R0 depending on population, just like AIDS has a variable R0 depending on whether you are talking about a heterosexual or a homosexual population. We might be closer to herd immunity than you would think:

But if you go where all the disease is, and look at what PPE does, and you see what the country could actually look like, if we PPE’d our population:

In the UK, school dinners and hospital meals will contain 20% less meat in a bid to help battle climate change. Proteins and fats are the key nutrients needed to build brain cells. Meat is vital. Here, they are leaving the plebes among the next generation with fewer IQ points, so their kind will have a leg up.

Ralph Northam repeals Virginia voter-ID laws.

Bill De Blasio says NYC needs $7 billion in federal aid or ‘kiss the recovery goodbye.’ Reminder that he gave his wife $1.2 billion for her “mental health initiative,” she disappeared it with no results, and even no receipts, and now he wants six times that for free from the federal government.

Biden is assembling his White House transition team? Cabal often tried to generate a sense of inevitability. It was easy when they owned all the characters in the script. Against Trump, and with Biden as their man, not so much.

A left-wing group targeting Trump accepted $100K in stock from a Chinese-controlled tech firm, filings show.

Kim Jong Un’s absence from North Korean celebration sparks health speculation. Hopefully he was just staying secure.

NPR braces for steep cuts amid economic lockdown.

NASA funds a proposal to build a gigantic telescope on the far side of the moon. Lots of alternate possibilities this could be a cover for.

Trump sends funds meant for pro-abortion WHO to Samaritan’s Purse and the Red Cross to fight Coronavirus.

Spread r/K Theory, because it will not be long until the truth comes out

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4 years ago

>”Netanyahu says, a ‘Deep State’ controls Israel, and there’s no democracy here. That is fucking huge. You DO NOT FUCKING SAY THIS, ever, if Cabal is in power. And I have no model where Cabal allows you to say it as part of a plan, because they need everyone asleep. This means one, Netanyahu is acting in opposition to what was the dominant power for the last few decades at least, and whatever Cabal was is now on the outs, because if it was riding high, he could never have said it.”

Until he manages to destroy, or help destroy the international criminal and subversive Israeli lobby, he is just another enemy of the West. And it’s still a fact that he made a public death threat against Trump on the 4th of July, so until he takes decisive action against the Israeli enemies of the West, he is just doing kabuki theater, IMHO (just like the Jewish MSM in the West claims to be against Israel, but never uses the “The Lobby” documentary against them, which would instantly destroy all gen pop support for Israel on the left and the right if the normies were exposed to it via the mainstream media).

Also, on an unrelated note, I’m now on episode 7 of season 3 of the Shooter series now, and it just gets better and better, in this episode one of the people who was inside of the series equivalent of the cabal tells the protagonist how the cabal has subverted education, judiciary, supreme court, elections, etc. Man, the series is just a constant stream of redpills, everytime, all the time. And it has great gun fight scenes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

You have made that valid point several times, and I agree with you on one level, but on another level, I would say that might just Bibi running psyops in order to try to gain support from Americans and Westerners (the typical Jewish way to serve you the kosher sandwich is to create a problem and then “cohencidentaly” offer you the solution). Like the conman who pays you an 100 dollar dinner in order to scam you out of several thousand.

As soon as I have hard evidence that he flipped and that he is going to help destroy the international criminal and subversive Israeli lobby, I will support him, until then, I remain distrustful of him and he is just another enemy of the West in my book.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…Cabal clearly wanted Israel to ship their African migrants to Europe, and had the deal all set up. It was going to happen. The only thing which stopped it was Netanyahu…”

Maybe he didn’t stop anything. He just took credit “when” he saw it was to be stopped. This is the same guy that was around for 9-11, he was taped saying Israel controls the US, he was in charge when vast amounts of technical and military data was sold to China. He’s a snake. Mark my words he will stab us in the back every single time. Anyone who is at the head of a bunch of devious fucks like the Jews, the heart of the pestilence, can not be good. They can only be evil. Look at the big picture and refuse to be swayed by a myriad of antecedents and professions of his fealty. Classical Jewish subterfuge. Fill you with a barrage of nonsense and homey quotes. All lies. Look at the big picture. Where is he, what has he done, who is he the leader of? I can’t believe any one can be so denuded that can not see him for what he is. Remember the story about the frog carrying the scorpion across the stream or the better one where the old women carries the snake down from the freezing mountains? He’s the snake.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”But whether Jews naturally tend to support migrants”

The fact is that they do. They use it as a strategy of demographic warfare against the ruling majority in their host Countries so they can take over more easily after weakening said majority as much as possible. And at the same time, they are against assimilation for themselves and would self-segregate on ghettos. This is all over their own literature, and is easily verifiable. Jews, as a group have always been a cancer, and you can bet your ass that Jewish culture and identity will not be able to continue to exist in the West, because just like Islam, it is a political movement masquerading as religion, and the racial Jews who want to remain in the West will have to quit on that cancerous culture/identity if they want to assimilate and avoid getting targeted. The math is simple: Jewish culture and identity is based on Judaism and Judaism is based on racial supremacism that justifies preying upon non-Jews, which means that Jewish culture and identity is incompatible with the West, for obvious reasons.

This is all verifiable and factual, and it is what it is. The longer everyone ignores these facts, the more problems everyone will have, and the bigger the problems will be when the conflict becomes unavoidable (it already is unavoidable, Jewish collective power has been at war against the West for over 100 years now, or 2000 years now, to be more precise, starting when they threatened the Romans with riots if they refused to kill Christ).

4 years ago

Regarding the relaxation video Q posted…

I heard the frog as well.

Did you guys notice the background looks like a face?

No idea the significance, if any.

4 years ago

Note that the ‘1/1000’ people who have died in NYC ‘of’ COVID over the past month who have Eric Ding’s panties in a knot are roughly comparable to the fraction of people who would die under normal circumstances (with an 80 year life expectancy 1/960).

4 years ago

Eric Ding’s tweets are great at spreading the latest info on this PLANdemic.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

> But I try to include info from all sides, as unless we do the research ourselves, in this environment it is very difficult to know exactly what the truth is

Your problem is that you are not actually researching anything. You are reading and copying the thoughts of others rather than thinking for yourself.

> I post everything, because the only thing you can do is take in all possibilities, assume they are all possible, and assign probabilities to each possibility

If 90% of the information out there is cabal propaganda that is literally designed to mislead you, how is this a good strategy? Rather than taking in more worthless disinformation, shouldn’t you be focusing on putting them together into a coherent picture?

I suggest that you stop doing the news briefs for a few days. Instead, write up everything you know about the corona virus. What are the actual properties of this intelligence operation? Who are the various players, and how are they affected? Then, edit. Remove the information that is less important. Drill down to the core concepts. Look for inconsistencies, and remember that 90% of your information is wrong! Hint: whatever is coming out of the mainstream media is almost certainly wrong, but it may not be wrong in ways that you expect. Ask ‘what is the frame?’ of this article. If you have more than two or three pages, keep editing. And yes, all of this is a lot of work.

Post the results and ask for feedback. Don’t take it personally; the goal is to arrive at the right answer. Other people may have different facts, different summaries, or different insights.

Once you have gotten that far, then you can go back to the information gathering for a while, but with a purpose. Look for information that would confirm or break your hypothesis. If you do this, and you are radically honest with yourself, you will not only arrive at the correct answer for this corona virus outbreak but what is actually going on in the world right now.

4 years ago

> I form ten, twenty, maybe thirty different hypotheses

I definitely appreciate your correct unwillingness to jump to 100% confidence, but in practice isn’t this statement a fancy way to say you know nothing at all? This is why I am suggesting that you have more than enough information, and you need to organize it and start eliminating impossibilities. Alternatively, post your 30 hypotheses and PDF and see what your readers think.

> I post the that has informed me to that point, and I trust the people here are as smart or smarter than me, and they will appreciate not having to hunt it all down, and if I post a lemon here or there, they will figure it out and correct the record in the comments.

Isn’t this just another way of saying you are hoping others will do your thinking for you? I started reading this blog because I found R/K theory to be a brilliant insight. Original thought is where the value is, not a collection of mainstream propaganda and the drug-addled rantings of 4-chan lunatics.

> you are not going to get close right now to what exactly is going on, unless you have access to classified intelligence

Depending on your definition of close, I don’t think that is necessary. I think you have all the information you need to draw reasonable conclusions about the broad strokes, and when you begin to zero in on a small number of hypotheses you can more easily search for information to refute them.

> I can figure out from the science how seriously you should probably take Coronavirus

Then why not collect this into an essay of a few pages? Again, I think you need to organize your thoughts. Personally I have 90% or so confidence that ‘viruses’ are actually utterly harmless messages between cells, and I boldly stride maskless down the halls of Safeway, but I’m open to changing my mind.

I am not good at reading people over the Internet but it seems to me that your mind has been gradually paralyzed by a combination of (dis)information overload and utter despair. I am trying to help you find the exit so you can continue your journey.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

No I don’t agree because as you said so yourself,”…Drill down to the core concepts. Look for inconsistencies, and remember that 90% of your information is wrong!..”.

AC points out a lot of stuff, some may be right some may be wrong and not all of us agree with all of it. I agree with AC the majority of the time and his premises about r/K theory. I believe most of us do but we, I think, all have areas we disagree on. Fleshing it out here gives each of us a chance to weigh the mass of information, and disinformation, and try to reach conclusions.

AC doesn’t have all the answers, neither do you or I. It’s a mass of confusion on purpose. There are hoards of people paid to make this so.

There’s not enough solid information about corona to reach any sort of conclusion at all. At best we can say that it seems to kill some people, damage grievously others and some it does nothing to at all.

I suspect the test they use for corona have a massive amount of false positives on all kinds of RNA type viruses that humans carry around all the time but we have don’t have strong notable immediate effects on us so we don’t notice them.

As an aside this might be a good reason to take a dose of fenbendazole(which has been shown to cure cancer and parasites) or Ivermectin which may have some of the same effects every six months or so to clear out these parasites that may have unknown effects. People who have been cured of cancer with fenbendazole or Mebendazole are doing this every six months. Some continiously.

As I was looking up Mebendazole in pile of files I saved I found this.

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for cancer therapy

Why do so many of the anti-parasite drugs seem to cure cancer? Why do they also in this case cure some virus?

If we had a real FDA or Center for Disease Control instead of captured drug company organizations there would be a mass of research on stuff like this, vitamins and other alternative lost cost treatments. In fact it seems to me THE function of these organizations should be to find the lowest cost most effective means to keep Americans healthy. Babbling on and on about diet may make them feel superior but it will do nothing to effectively increase the welfare of the population.

4 years ago

> No, I see it as having a very precise knowledge of what I know, and what I do not know, and what likelihood it indicates each possibility has.

When you have a huge number of more or less equally probable hypotheses, it ipso facto means you do not understand the event. To arrive at the truth you must eliminate the alternatives or at least prove them unlikely. Of course, we cannot always succeed at this process, forcing us to remain in a state of uncertainty, but we have to try, and I suspect that if you try you will be able to make some progress and come out of it with a cleaner model. In other words, I am not telling you how or what to think. I am suggesting that you think, period, rather than continuing your search for more information.

> But I think that a very small probability. Trump would not tank the economy, and endanger his presidency, and moreover some leaders overseas in Italy or Germany or Britain would decline to take part in the deception.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you are dramatically underestimating the ability of Cabal to control what people believe. Once they have established a global mass delusion like pathogenic viruses, the operation runs itself. Eric Ding probably sleeps like a baby, convinced that his COVID tweets are not Cabal propaganda but valuable advice that keeps unruly citizens from killing each other.

How about you link to Janine Roberts’ ‘Fear of the Invisible’ book tomorrow and see what your readers think? has a reasonable summary, and Cabal’s actions will repeatedly jump out of the page at you. Roberts of course finds all this medical fraud quite baffling. For example:

“To make it look like the polio vaccine was being effective, the health authorities rewrote the rules for polio diagnosis. Previously, doctors had diagnosed polio if a patient had paralytic symptoms for 24 hours, but this period was now increased to at least 60 days. It was also decreed that all cases of polio occurring within 30 days of vaccination were to be recorded as ‘preexisting’ – rather than as possibly caused by the vaccine. Cases involving muscular weakness and widespread pain but not paralysis were henceforth diagnosed as viral or aseptic meningitis rather than polio – even if traces of the polio virus were found. Other cases previously diagnosed as polio were reclassified as cerebral palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or muscular dystrophy. The authorities also decided that patients with the classic symptoms of paralytic polio were to be diagnosed as having acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) if no poliovirus could be found in two of their turds. These tests revealed that the virus could not be found in about half the cases.”

4 years ago

When the invisible enemy has been defeated, there needs to be full hearings to investigate the traitorous mainstream media!

4 years ago

Daily reminder for the gang stalker homos that you work for pedophile bankers, and that if the government doesn’t fix this shit, you’re going to get hunted down by the people, and your going to have your guts spilled on the street for collaborating with the child trafficking networks.

Better rethink your allegiances while you still can.

No one of consequence
No one of consequence
4 years ago

I’ve had slight breathing issues all my life and can tell you that Nitric Oxide is amazing. It is a huge performance enhancer when taken pre-workout. But I definitely think I suffer (even more) a day or two after I stop taking it. I also believe that routinely taking it for several months, then stopping, caused me to feel heart attack like symptoms that woke me from sleep and prompted me to go to the ER. There was no indication that I had a heart attack but my O2 levels were horrible. I love how the stuff made me feel and perform during my workouts but I don’t think it was worth it.

Reply to  No one of consequence
4 years ago

Lesser amounts would probably not have the negative effects from stopping.

4 years ago

So, I am now putting together my counter against the home listening program of the gaybal.
Here’s what I am doing, in case anyone wants to use themselves:
The basic idea is to have a audio file constantly (in an infinite loop of ever lasting repeat) playing on a part of the house where it will not bother anyone, or in alternative, you can have it playing in the same part of the house you are in and you should be ok with it if you use headphones that block it out. I will be having one of my not-connected-to-the-internet old computers playing it some 16 hours per day, I still haven’t decided if I am going to let it on 24 hours per day or not (if I do, I will reduce the volume level to very low, as to not bother the neighboors).

The NLP techniques that it uses are thought off in a way as to not affect people who are not into the gang stalking business, and so if you end up listening to it it won’t affect you, but you should not be listening to it repeatedly because they way NLP works, it might still affect you negatively with repetition, even if it doesn’t affect you as much as it will the gang stalking operatives who are listening into your house.

There are various parts to this:
A script with the NLP stuff that I will share with you, you put this into a text to voice software, and create an audio file with it. Here is the script:
The free text to voice software I am using is Panopreter Basic:
I used a -5 value for the velocity setting, it is more hypnotic and more disturbing.
Note: you can read the script with full safety, the triggers in it are quite obvious, and reading it just once or twice is safe.
Disturbing sounds that will serve as a background to the NLP script. It is okay for the background stuff to make it harder to understand the NLP script, it will work regardless. Me personally, I choose to use the audio of Podesta beating a child, the infamous “you think you’re hot shit don’t you?” video. You can find it here: ; then use a youtube downloading program to get the audio from the video (most youtube downloaders have a mp3 option that gets you just the audio).
Use a free audio sequencer (aka: DAW) in order to put the two audio files together. Reaper is simple and will work just fine:
Even if you never worked with one of these, you can find tutorials online to get the basics, and you should be able to do what is needed in less than 1 or 2 hours
Optional: if you know how to work the DAW, you can insert more disturbing noises into the final file. You can use random shit, highly repetitive shit, etc.

Basically, this just a way to punish the faggots who listen into our homes taking advantage of the fact that they have to always have someone listening in order to be effective with their harassment program. It is very low risk (you might listen to the file once in a while and it won’t hurt you) and very high reward (because the faggots will be listening to that shit for hours in a row, and if they want to avoid it, they will have to increase their rotation schedule, which disrupts their operation and still affects them mentally (if just takes longer overall if they increase rotation, but burn out is unavoidable for them as they get increasingly exposed to this)), because even if the operatives don’t notice anything from listening to the audio file the first times, over time I can assure you that it will start frying their brains, and they will start having symptoms of burn out and reduced cognitive capacity in one or two months. Some of them might end up killing themselves, which is ok for me given that they are helping child trafficking cartels intimidate Patriots, and given that this gaybal network has been protecting serial killers and other types of criminals over the years.

Hope you’re doing well frens, wish you all a great day!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Most Excellent!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I thought about your audio tape a little. I think I know how to make it better from studying this sort of thing. Criticism would be welcome.

Instead of saying “Why are you protecting pedophiles?” say
“I am protecting pedophiles”. No you personally are not they are but when they hear this over and over and over and they repeat in their head what’s on the tape, and they will eventually, what will they say??? See how this works?


“Only a psychopath would not be uncomfortable with the fact that listening on people’s homes is part of the surveilance operation that protects the child trafficking cartels.”


“I’m behaving like a psychopath. Listening in people’s homes is part of the surveilance operation that protects the child trafficking cartels.”

one more

“Child trafficking collaborators will be punished either legally via government action or during civil unrest if the government fails.”

“My Child trafficking collaboration will be punished either legally via government action or during civil unrest if the government fails.”

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I don’t want to go into the specific of why I phrased it the way I did here, but if you want to understand why, read up on NLP as much as you can (I don’t want the low level gaybal faggot to access the lessons without having to put in the time, and most of them are too busy trying to indulge in hedonistic pleasures when they have the time, so they won’t put in the time).

But you feel like using a different script, you can put together your own version using the freeware software and the steps I outlined above.

4 years ago

Oh, I almost forgot, if you get an MP3 file, in order to use in on Reaper you have to convert it to a WAV format first. There are a lot of freeware converters you can use to do so, accessible with a simple duck duck go search.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Netanyahu says, a ‘Deep State’ controls Israel”

Classic psychopath move. “I’m not the Deep State, you are”. That guy was totally in on 9-11. He’s a liar. If you want to get stabbed in the back. trust Nuttyyahoo.

4 years ago

This is my finished anti-stalk file for auditory counter action:

I posted it there so the people who want to use it and don’t know how or don’t want to put in the work to get the final thing can benefit from the idea. You can download the video and play it over and over.

I used the Podesta hot shit audio from the video alone, then put in the script (I messed around with the DAW in order to get that creepy effect on the voice), then play both at the same time, so basically the whole thing has 3 blocks or parts: just the Podesta thing, just the NLP script thing, then both at the same time (and then the whole thing gets repeated using the software that will be playing the file, in my case windows media player, over and over again).

The video is age restricted because of the obvious fucked up content in the Podesta audio part, so unless you have an account with dailymotion, you won’t be able to listen to the video, although you should be able to download it if using a downloading site that supports dailymotion.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Me too.
IMHO, I think that they won’t ever back down, most of them are too committed, and even if they know that what they are doing is bullshit that exists only to protect the criminal networks that work for the child traffickers and pedophiles, although most of them do not seem to me to be bad people (I am talking about the low level operatives here, although some on the middle and upper management also don’t quite realize that at the end of the day, they work for literal pedophile bankers who keep child trafficking alive in order to blackmail the world and for their own enjoyment), they are simply afraid (you can bet your ass that they are also under watch too), so they have to be taken out of action via force, in this case, legal extreme psychological violence, which they will only suffer as long as they illegally listen into the home of their target.

The average human mind is very adept at using denial to justify doing pretty much anything to anyone when an adept handler uses fear as a leverage, so the repetition and the constant reminder of what they are truly doing seems to me the only way to take out a significant portion of the listener manpower out of the game in the long run. And if some of them end up killing themselves, I don’t care because they have picked a side in this war, and the side they picked had no problem in cutting the brakes of my car twice in a row, nor with planting drugs into my clothes, nor with making threats to my face (including using my own brother as a message boy), among other fun stuff, so if some of them end up committing suicide because of being constantly reminded of what they are helping (and the hypnotic commands in the script will make them think of that all of the time, even after listening to the script, they will be thinking about it all the time over time, their mind will be in quite literally raped by these thoughts all the time, which serves them right, because they are helping child traffickers whose victims who don’t get raped to death, end up with their minds completely fucked, like that Kim Noble which has 13 different personalities and in some interviews can barely talk due to all the trauma she went thru as a child trafficked sex slave), I am ok with that. But I would prefer if they join the side of God instead of killing themselves, but if they are cowards and choose to kill themselves, then that is their cowardly choice, and good riddance I say.

And speaking of Kim Noble, here is a link to some of her paintings so the faggots who are spying know what you are collaborating with:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Me personally I have never had to deal with the vibration shit, which is fortunate I guess. I have no idea on how they organize their surveilance operation logistically, I never had access to it (and for the last years the faggots have been trying to get me to join them, and I have been using that to poke more info out of them, but that has been mostly useful for getting more and more names into the list, and making some more connections), but in my case, there seems to be a week of delay in them responding to what I say inside my house or post online. On some occasions, the reaction time was slower which means they were reacting faster (and I have this system of testing it once in a while), but overall, here their operation seems to be much less advanced as it is on your side of the pond.

I find it really funny/pathetic how the last time I was threatened to my face (it was in the beginning of the year), part of the speech was about how I was not supposed “to be impairing people’s lives” and how “it is important to be humble”. Kek, if it wasn’t for the real possibility of violence to break out at any moment, I would have laughed hard at that shit. The message boy with the threats then proceeded to complain how “there was a lack of collaboration”, and a bunch of other bullshit. Basically they said they are going to get me a new face (I don’t know if they intend to throw acid at me, or just beat me up or cut me) if I don’t collaborate. Obviously, I refuse the “generous” offer and I have upped my tactical preparedness for violent action if/when the time to defend myself comes. Although using deadly force in self-defense in my Country is illegal, that’s what I intend to do (and yes, I am posting this here so some dumbass on their side to try to use it in court against me if it comes to that, because then everything I ever posted goes into the official records, and very fun times will be had with all the shit legally introduced into the case, and believe me, they are stupid enough to do it even after I show them that is what I want them to do in order to fuck them even harder) if they decide to make good on their threats, and then out into the public light all the shit comes. If they decide to play it in a more smart way, I will just be building a business and get enough money to GTFO off this commie and Jew infested place.

At the end of the day thou, the local network is pretty much fucked (although the bigger national network still had some power in what regards corrupt judges and cops, just this week a notorious homicidal business man who threatened businesses to hire his security company got released in a very corrupt way, even after they kidnapped a witness and the guy would hire street gangs to work for him and all kinds of fucked up shit), because this are their options right now (even if they don’t know better, and might really be stupid enough to think that I’m just saying this because I lack the “humbleness to listen to those older” than me):
They fuck me up/kill me, which results in them becoming very famous on the chans and with Interpol and all kinds of independent and mainstream media. This only speeds up their demise (and the hitman/hitmen/beating squad will be risking their lives as I will use deadly force to defend myself, and use the publicity from the brutality of the case to further advance my move against them), although I can understand it would be very satisfactory for them to try to see me suffer and/or die given all the headaches I have given them over the years (but it was not me who started this, so they can suck on my average sized pp);
They leave me alone (although I know they won’t stop listening, they are too stupid and too afraid of their upper management to stop doing it, but I will punish them for that using my anti-stalk auditory torture file to fry their brains and break them mentally), and keep up their criminal activities. This will end up with them getting nailed by the non-corrupt police because the cartels are under direct attack, and their higher ups will give them up in order to get better deals with the judges. I remind everyone here that one week didn’t even need to pass in order for 2 top generals and the military intelligence director for the Maduro cartel to give themselves up to US authorities because of the charges of narco-terrorism that the DOJ made on Maduro and his cartel. And things will only get worse for the cartels as time passes given that they are one of the biggest threats to the US national security, so you can bet your ass Trump and the US Military are going to eradicate them from the face of the Earth. It might take 1 or 2 or 3 years for the chicken to come to roost here locally due to the collapse of the cartels, but that is an unavoidable event;
They leave me alone (although they will still be listening as best as they can, until the upper and middle management of the cabal collapses) and they cease their criminal activities. They might get away (at least the lower middle management and the low tier operatives) without any legal consequence, although they will most likely get targeted by their higher ups to become targets for the same gang-stalking harassment they did to their targets.

So at the end of the day, in a way, they have already lost, but another way to look at this is that now they have the opportunity to do what is right, and join the fight against the pedophile bankers and child traffickers who keep the world in a state of chaos and shit so they can keep everyone fighting each other so we are always divided enough and weak enough in order to not take action against them who are at the top of this international cabal. So, for the faggots who are still spying for the cabal: You don’t have to go balls to the wall in order to help against the cabal, a simple refusal to comply with their favors is enough to disrupt their operations, so the choice will be in the conscience of everyone: remake you life and stand with the light against the dark, or dig your grave even further down until you get completely destroyed.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

The age restriction on the video was removed, I don’t know by whom (might be possible that it was blackhats so they can flag and remove the video, or might be whitehats so it is more easily accessible). Either way, I no longer have control over the account which I used to post the video because I used a temp mail address to use it, which I have deleted, using a random ass password I can’t remember.

If the video gets removed, I will re-post it thou, using a different account.

4 years ago

in re ‘Northam repeals all election security/ID laws’….

this election is gonna be your Proof, Q. any blind & deaf man knows, and the dems have made it crystal clear, that they’re gonna pull out ALL the stops to cheat & win. If Trump doesn’t win, and win huge, AND the dems don’t lose huge in both the house & senate AND in every state across the country…. it’s all been for nothing, and will all come undone the instant PDJT leaves office. Then comes CW 2.0.

when I say huge, I mean like “NY and CA go GOP” huge. I don’t give a damn if Team Q has to cheat to make this happen – “they’re” already cheating and they have been for decades.

somebody on the web the other day made the point that ‘the guy who insists on following all the laws/rules WHEN NOBODY ELSE IS…. is a cvck. (((Amy Berman Jackson))) just gave Trump and the constitution the finger…. what are you gonna do about that, Big Don?

no more delays, Q. no more impotent threats and cutesy “proofs”. Trump’s been Preezy/elect for 3.75 years now, and nobody’s even in jail except his guys. (Epstein, of course, is no longer locked up, now is he) Trump’s always yapping about ‘Trump Time’, well….We won WW2 in 3.75 years.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

“We won WW2 in 3.75 years”

Excellent point.

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

>”We won WW2 in 3.75 years.”

You think the US people won WW2. Nope, the only winner were the zionist bankers who got their holohoax cash cow and propaganda silver bullet and their HQ for organized crime in Palestine that they called Israel.

Speaking of the Holocaust, you can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here: – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg – “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”
Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg – “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.” – “One Third of the Holocaust” – documentary – “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure” – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website – “The “Holocaust” testimonies you DIDN’T hear!” – “Florida principal who told parent he ‘can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event’ is fired”
-History schoolteacher says: “There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them” – “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”

4 years ago

On the 16th, you wrote the following:

“But there are only so many P-glycoprotein pumps on the surface which can only pump so much, and if there are two such drugs administered at the same time, the pumps end up overloaded, the drugs begin to back up inside the cell as the concentration builds higher than is intended, and the power of the drugs is vastly increased. As this happens, there will be increased side effects, though also increased primary effects, and the drug will enter a toxic, overdosed state. The answer is to dial back dosages, so you re-enter the sweet spot where you have good intracellular concentrations and efficacy but limited side effects on both drugs. If they do a study which says the two drugs do not work well together because of toxicity, it will mean they purposely administered both at full dose to sabotage the study. Anyone skilled in the art would know this instantly, but (((They))) are all about exploiting ignorance. Also, it is a very safe drug, but it is available over the counter at farm/livestock stores, so if POTUS were to promote it, he would need to add that it should only be taken under a doctor’s recommendation, as it is neurologically suppressive at high dosages…”

Now read this link from Drudge:

They are doing exactly what you said they would do:

“Chloroquine and its close relative hydroxychloroquine offered signs that they may ease some of the hallmark symptoms of coronavirus infection in patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19. But the drugs largely failed to deliver improvements on other key measures when evaluated in rigorous research studies.

In research done in France, hydroxychloroquine reduced neither deaths nor admissions to intensive care units among patients who received it. [You mean, who received it too late. They did nothing before the patient got put on a ventilator.]

In a study conducted in China and another in Brazil, the two drugs failed to help patients clear the coronavirus faster. [faster than what?]

And in Brazil, two deaths and a rash of heart troubles among patients who got a high dose of chloroquine prompted a hasty alteration of the trial there after just 13 days. Concluding that “enough red flags” had been raised, the researchers halted testing of the drug in its extra-strength form.” [Why would you start with a high dose?]

4 years ago

Death Cult Pre-Programming the Masses

Reply to  Luigi
4 years ago

Great find.
Thanks for sharing fren.