News Briefs – 04/19/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Possible financial happening to be tracking. I think the BTC drop was not due to anything here, but rather the US sanctioning a BTC address associated with Russia. That means governments could lock down bitcoin addresses somewhat, which a lot of users will not like. Don’t know about the rest, but it sounded possibly interesting, so be open to it, even though it is entirely unconfirmed and maybe fake.

TMZ lies to try and make it sound like Jim Caveziel said he has never seen anything related to Adrenochrome, and he has only heard about it. Caveziel clearly said as preparation for his movie on trafficking, he had seen video of traffickers torturing children to make them release adrenaline before harvesting their blood, but he added, even if he had not seen it, just the sound of the screams was horrific. TMZ actually lied about what he said, to cover up the fact an A-list star, who lives a Saint’s life adopting terminally ill children, said he had seen it with his own eyes. Think TMZ might be compromised by Cabal?

On twitter – Pew Research Center poll finds President Biden’s job approval rating to be 59%. The poll over-sampled Democrats by 30 points. Of those surveyed, Democrats made up 65.5% and Republicans made up 34.5%

The media is pushing Matthew McConaughey as likely a viable competitor to Greg Abbott for Texas Governor.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is preparing to send state troopers to Minnesota in response to a request for assistance. So will it be April 19th, or April 20th?

Man opens fire with AK-47 on Georgia Police Officers. Three officers hit, but recovering, suspect dead.

On twitter – 5 people suffered life-threatening injuries in drive-by shooting at Shreveport liquor store; suspect vehicle is a white Ford sedan.

Three dead in reported ‘active shooter’ situation in Texas. Appears to be a domestic incident.

An Ohio teen caught with an AK-47 in a Times Square subway posted a video saying, “Fuck New York,” to his social media.

Maxine Waters travels to Minnesota to urge Minnesota protesters to ‘stay on the street’ if Chauvin is acquitted in the Floyd case, and be more confrontational.

Hours after Maxine Waters told rioters to be more confrontational there was a drive-by shooting at the National Guard in Minneapolis. Two soldiers were injured, as the group of Police and National Guard came under fire from a passing SUV. Injuries were superficial, and not gunshots. A joint patrol of National Guard and Police were assigned to provide security somewhere, and came under fire. They might have been securing something important we do not know about.

Lawyer Robert Barnes says that Maxine Waters calling for more violence, just gave Chauvin’s lawyers a very strong case for appeal if he were convicted. She has just set up a situation where Chauvin’s jury will see acquitting him as possibly burning their own city, and their own homes, to the ground.

New York EMTs are being ‘targeted by anti-cop agitators’ who smash ambulance windows and tag “f*** the police” on rigs. Nobody does that and gets away with it unnoticed unless the machine supports it. These EMS crews are even getting physically attacked with thrown bricks at calls.

New Yorkers left on edge as random ‘sucker-punch’ assaults known as the ‘knock out game’ increase.

Biden administration is increasing the number of migrant families released per day form 50 to 400. If legit, it is hard numbers showing Biden doing something Cabal would want, though I am not sure these numbers are anything ICE could not reverse quickly with deportations, if Biden were to be replaced by Trump.

However that setback has produced a Pew poll which found, 20 percent more Americans call illegal immigration a ‘very big problem’ under Joe Biden. The human terrain we face is an important consideration in this battle, and even as I assume this poll is skewed, it shows us molding that terrain in a way that gives us maximum advantage in the future.

On twitter – Russian amphibious group in Black Sea has reached 4 mayor landing ships (each carries 10 battle tanks + 340 soldiers), 6 minor landing ships (each carries 100 soldiers) as well as gunboats + rocket artillery boats. This is enough for a landing of a tank regiment.

Russia’s main security agency says it has arrested two Belarusians who it said were preparing a plot to overthrow Belarus’ government and kill authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko. If Putin is opposed to Cabal, and stopped this, then an anti-Cabal force thwarted Cabal. Patriots still in control?

Lukashenko claims the plot was put together by CIA, and Putin has let Biden know he is displeased.

A Tory MP has warned Ukraine is like “a tinderbox waiting to explode,” ad Britain may have to do something. The danger is Cabal wants a war to distract from what is coming. Of course, if Russia were to want to invade, imagine if the Supreme Court has just ruled Biden never won and is not a legitimate President, and five states have a month to restart new elections. In that time, we are without a legitimate President, and the guy in charge has been shown to be a fraud the people never wanted. Our President will be completely impotent in matters of war, and so will our nation. How will the seas be for an invasion of Taiwan then?

China(virus) has insisted that it will never let Taiwan become independent just days after America and Japan warned about its recent aggressive actions. Funny how you hear Chinavirus enough, and the virus just sort of attaches itself to the China everytime you hear it.

Australian military ramps up preparation for ‘worst case scenario’ of all-out war with China over Taiwan in the next five years.

Boehner says mass shootings are ‘embarrassing our country,’ and there needs to be bipartisan work on gun control.  You mention the Secret Police to anyone in any position of authority in a suburban area – town supervisor, state representative, even a prominent defense attorney – and you can watch them clam up and look like the cat that swallowed the canary. They all know. And unlike Antonin Scalia, they do not talk about it because they either fear it, or they work for it. Boehner knows those shootings are not organic. He knows all about there being some force that is killing innocent Americans, even cops, and he is perfectly happy to help that force achieve its objectives. Of course, Antonin Scalia would not have done that, and we can see how it turned out for him. There are people who prefer a world under that psychotic despotism, which is killing innocent people, to a simple community of fellow citizens who all look out for each other.

Dr. Fauci admits considering personal freedoms over COVID restrictions is ‘very frustrating.’

Dr. Anthony Fauci says that gun violence in the US is a public health emergency.

Slate is pushing Pfizer as the high “status vaccine.” Think it is honest reporting that happened organically, or might they have been told by someone to write that? If so who?

In San Francisco, drug overdoses claimed twice as many lives as COVID-19.

France’s top court ruled the killer of an elderly Jewish woman who threw her off a balcony could not be held criminally responsible for his actions because he was in a state of drug-induced psychosis.

On twitter, video – Gangs from “sensitive areas” clash with AK47s in #Brussels, #Belgium (the capital city of the European Union). You will never see this happen in #Warsaw or #Budapest! #Europe2021.

There are rumors circulating on social media that Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot will be tendering her resignation after being caught cheating on her wife, First Lady Amy Eshleman. She however, denies it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene gives up on the America First Caucus, after finding out it emphasized Anglo-Saxon values and classical architecture.

Pelosi got a new book deal, where she describes Trump’s victory as feeling like a mule kicking her in the back over and over again. The famous not-quote from Sun Tzu that goes, “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by,” may be correct, but it is not really winning. I want to see us win.

Non-profit EcoHealth Alliance, which funneled millions of dollars in National Institutes of Health grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, received a taxpayer-funded bailout in February 2021.

‘Consensual incest’ should be decriminalized, advocates say.

St Vincent volcano is still erupting. Volcanic activity cools the atmosphere.

Two die after Tesla ‘on auto-pilot with no one in driving seat’ crashes into tree and starts a massive four-hour fire that took 32,000 gallons of water to extinguish. One guy was in the passenger seat, one was sitting in the back, nobody in the driver’s seat. Sounds kind of like somebody could have beaten two people to death, loaded them in the car, drove and dropped himself off wherever, and then the car was remote steered off into a tree.

Prince William personally asked not to walk side-by-side with brother Prince Harry at their grandfather’s funeral — and some senior royals refused to even acknowledge the outspoken prince, according to a report. Huge, huge mistake. It will reinforce in his mind they are the problem, and he won’t relax, the way he needs to. They should have welcomed him with open arms, and made every effort to bury the hatchet and put him at ease. Megan will read this and smile, because she is still in control. It is all God’s plan. Maybe his son needs him to stay. Although a body language expert said the brothers seemed to be connecting at the funeral.

There’s a single New Jersey deli doing $35,000 in sales valued at $100 million in the stock market. I’ll bet this is a Cabal scheme. Suppose you are a drug dealer. You open a small deli, and list it on the stock market. It is worthless, but that is the point. Maybe there is even an investment firm somewhere in the mix. I buy three Kilos of Coke, you deliver it, and I give $48,000 to the investment firm to be invested in your stock. A bank has to report transfers over $10,000, or multiple under $10Ks, if it looks like they were done to skirt the 10K limit. But do you think the FBI checks out every case of some investment firm buying $48,000 of stock? It is pretty slick, and I will bet there is a Cabal link, whatever it is they are hiding.

I had not seen this article from last year – A fifth of all US dollars were created in 2020. It will be more by now. Perhaps a quarter? Could it be a third by the time Biden leaves? See the rush on real estate?

New study shows no other group is unhappier than liberal men. Conservative women are happiest, then conservative men, then liberal women. Happiness is your present environment, compared to what you are acclimated to. K’s are naturally acclimated to harshness, and so they are more likely to find whatever environment they are in more tolerable or even pleasant.

Marjorie Taylor Greene introducing resolution to expel Rep. Maxine Waters from Congress.

Another major human trafficking bust in Ohio rescues 53 victims. If Biden were in power, I think these would have been stopped.

Florida Gov. DeSantis says people who have been vaccinated should ‘act immune.’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joins YouTube alternative ‘Rumble’ following Google censorship.

Major Black leaders come out in support of voter ID, slam ‘totally oblivious’ white liberals. I tend to think all major leaders have blackmail files. This might indicate those files changed hands.

Murkowski primary challenger off to an impressive fundraising start. It is possible our side is funded. NSA was in a battle with CIA, after all.

Trump voter wins Douglas County GOP committeeman then replaces all of the GOP Board RINOs who refused to serve with him because he’s pro-Trump! Things are not always as they seem. Remember when McMaster was fired, and had no power, and Cabal killed his father in the nursing home to put out the message that Cabalites shouldn’t fail? These people all knew there was a force which wanted them to be there thwarting the MAGA movement, and I will bet all of them, like many I have talked with, knew to fear their master. I don’t think they would leave like that on their own. This looks more to me like somebody got their files, and told them they were going to go, and this would be the cover story.

Several Georgia counties vote to replace RINOs with pro-Trump committeemen.

Spread r/K Theory, because more than you would think is just a cover story.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“I think the BTC drop was not due to anything here, but rather the US sanctioning a BTC address associated with Russia.”

I sold all of mine last week and bought gold with the gains. I didn’t just paper hand it, I freaking Gold handed it. Feels Goodman.

I feel like a Roman that left the day before Vesuvius erupted.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

There’s basically 2 ways to do physical precious metals. First is in store purchase at a coin store or pawn shop. They are more common than you think and many guys have decent collections. Expect reasonable (5%) prices above spot.

The second way is through online purchases (usually APMEX), try to avoid big orders though- anything over a couple grand WILL attract attention. Amazon can be quick but a little overpriced and it’s also a wag directly in your follow team’s face, if they get adventurous they may try to pinch you.

It’s also a good idea to have a nice steel safe to put all of your metal in, if you are so inclined. Like anything worth doing it takes time to build up reserve assets in a secure way but it is very easy to do piecemeal. That’s why you shouldn’t wait.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

True, but there are always wolves circling everywhere. When you’ve got to feed your own pack however… a drive on over to Gold & Silver Pawn ain’t so bad.

Check this guy out, if he put his earnings (from 3,000 oz. of silver) into Dogecoin in 2018 he would have about 9 million USD as of this morning, which would buy about 330,000 oz. of silver.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In times of Vax, never relax : D

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Anyone who takes physical possession BEFORE they have a proper safe that is properly installed (meaning bolted to a structural member from the inside) is booboo the foo.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Safes are for the patsies.

The crooks have your wife and kids tied up, guns to their heads, and they’re dead, unless you unlock the big fat safe. What you gonna do?

Most unwise option.

Wisdom calls for hiding one’s stash.

Reply to  david
3 years ago

If you are in that situation, you are going to tell them where it is hidden.

Don’t get in that situation.

The safe is to buy you time and to keep it from disappearing while you are gone.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

To follow up on Phelps’s comment…

Proper safes have a TL-XX rating. Don’t think that Residential Security Containers, aka Gun Safes, are the same.

It takes minimal effort to open most safes once they are laying on their back.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

be an apparent mess, and slob.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Think TMZ might be compromised by Cabal?”

They’re definitely a Cabal bench team. Literally a network of paparazzim, a foot surveillance network in the mold anything we have encountered in the gang-stalking/ starwackers documentation.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“This is enough for a landing of a tank regiment.”

They also have airborne tank regiments. Those are tanks paradropped out of Il-76 cargo planes. Doable because Russia has complete dominance of the Air. Russia has something like 1000 fighters within a two hour flight from the Ukrainian border. The Ukrainian Air Force has almost 100 serviceable fighters and all of their spare parts are made in Russia. Russia also has over 200 Bombers that can easily reach Ukraine as well as hundreds of drones and hundreds of attack helicopters.

If a Ukrainian pilot even tries to take off from any airbase in Western Ukraine (not just Eastern) he immediately gets pinged by a S-400 radar. If he’s airborne too long he will have S-400 missiles coming at him at around Mach 6.

It’s not even a fight. It will be even more lopsided than Desert Storm.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Marjorie Taylor Greene gives up on the America First Caucus, after finding out it emphasized Anglo-Saxon values and classical architecture.”

Remember if it isn’t Anglo-Saxon, Scotch, Welsh or Dutch derived it can’t be truly American.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Our President will be completely impotent in matters of war, and so will our nation. How will the seas be for an invasion of Taiwan then?”

All of the nations that relied upon the USA for security had a vested interest in making sure we didn’t get destabilized. They failed and now they will reap the consequences of that failure. They wanted to keep screwing us over on trade and distanced themselves from Trump. They wouldn’t buy enough of our weapons. They didn’t control their emigres. What, you guys thought America was just an endless reservoir of wealth and power? Guess you were wrong. Just deserts.

3 years ago

Conservative women are happiest, then conservative men, then liberal women.

In this case, I think conservative is a proxy for married and/or Christian. Being a married, Christian woman is the best life anyone can have. Being a man married to her is the next best.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Is that reverse benis envy? : D

Just kidding obviously, that’s a sound observation.

3 years ago

>She has just set up a situation where Chauvin’s jury will see acquitting him as possibly burning their own city, and their own homes, to the ground.

Aw. So it can be dragged even longer. Oh goody. Shouldn’t be surprised at this point.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Would like to see a competition between this and the LMG from Knight’s Armament. Winner gets the new MG contract to replace the M240 in all branches for the infantry, and mount the M240’s on vehicles or fixed positions where the weight means nothing and run them till they fall apart and then surplus the parts kits. Also, put a damn 18in barrel on it. It’s TWO fricken inches, it won’t change the handling meaningfully, and it will quiet it noticeably while adding effective range.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Guys, WE ARE NOT GOING TO WAR. Not with Russia or China.

“Only at the Precipice…” We are going right up to the edge. The federal reserve note will be allowed to melt down, finally. Pedogate will be playing in theaters. Same with PANIC in DC, and Hunters are the Hunted. It’s all going to be swirling around in the maelstrom. Same with Yet More Gun Control and Election Fraud 2020.

And from the eye in the middle of all of that, there will come deliverance. You’ll like how this movie ends. Have faith. Jesus and The Father are not done with America just yet.

Chris Yoon – The end is near, this season we will celebrate, but first continue fighting


We have a job to do.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Boomer eschatology doesn’t drink the Kool Aid, it freebases it

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You can’t tell people. You need to show them.

We are in the SHOW phase.

3 years ago

cant spoof the impact of sites people go to

3 years ago

“There are people who prefer a world under that psychotic despotism, which is killing innocent people, to a simple community of fellow citizens who all look out for each other.”

Am working on a large poem about scapegoating, and doing the initial research first. This fits.

3 years ago

More web search provider shenanigans. DuckDuckGo today will not provide a link on the first page of results for ‘Frank Speech’ or ‘frankspeech’ to Mike Lindell’s new social media site

Same with if you attempt a DuckDuckGo search using ‘lindell tv’ or ‘lindelltv’.

Awful. (it’s a google search behind an anonymiser) does provide links as the first result. But maybe it is time to start using Yandex first…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, you idealize Russia a little bit too much. Actually most Russians would hate you because of their Minderwertigkeitskomplex. And because of that they want to rule their neighbourhood with an iron fist, as most of their neighbours despise them as uncivilized barbarians (which they kind of are).

So don’t get fooled. Just because they are white and their Tsar’s greatest strategical enemy is Chinese Cabal, they are not like the American Patriots.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

But there is one more personality trait about Putin. He is an old soviet KGB. So there is no way he is not willingly using his intelligence network against “his” people.

Many of us have already forgotten how he got into power – remember the false flag bombing of apartments in 1999? In city of Ryazan they actually captured FSB operatives planting devices, which was later announced as a drill. (Some things are same ’round the world.) Putin did not hesitate to kill more than 300 regular Russian citizens, the whole random families(!), just to give him power. Are sure you still want to respect him?

What is the difference to US is that in Russia everybody knows the “chekists” are out there so it is not so shocking to them. But it’s not like they are not there as you wrote. No, no, they very much are and always were.
And do not forget local mafia, they usually “own” the place, or actually they are allowed to and effectively they are just another layer of control. And they are everywhere as well.

So while at this moment his enemies are our enemies and those enemies are greater threat to us than he is (though from where I sit myself it is not that clear 🙂 ), he is not the good guy per-se.


LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Good idea.

3 years ago

I have a completely random question for you AC. Fifteen years ago, the only people who visibly tattooed themselves were the unrespectable sorts of people. Today it seems as though much of society has permanently tattooed entire limbs. What do you think are the societal changes responsible for this trend?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

There was an article in VFW Magazine a few years ago about how tattoos can be helpful treating PTSD in veterans.I think the VFW even has programs to help veterans pay for the schooling they need to become tattoo artists so they can reach out to other veterans.

I never saw the point to getting inked myself, but I’ve known people for whom it seems to be habitual. I’ve known people who plan their tattoos out years in advance and carry a folder of which ones they plan to have inked on their bodies. They can talk for hours about it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

they want to be unique. but now that 60% of young people have one, they aren’t so unique now. and almost like clockwork. up pop tat removal services.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

If i may interject, it is self-idolatry. Having no other gods, tell that to the tattooed narcs.
Plus, as I am sure you may know, tattooes are contrary to the laws of God, Leviticus 19:28.
The enemy is boring, but consistent, if God forbids it, it is pushed, it God encourages it, it is discouraged, or banned altogether (such as polygamy).
Hence, tattoos galore, and no one remembers the Sabbath.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…What do you think are the societal changes responsible for this trend?…”

James LaFond says that it’s White people responding to the ever increasing violence in society by making themselves look more scary or crazy so as not to be attacked. Not a bad theory. I doesn’t even have to be an conscious act it could be a unconscious act on the part of those getting tattooed.

3 years ago

“France’s top court ruled the killer of an elderly Jewish woman who threw her off a balcony could not be held criminally responsible for his actions because he was in a state of drug-induced psychosis”

comment image?width=624&height=616

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

This whole scamdemic shit really made me pity Jews (the way the Israeli gov is treating everyone is very telling), specially the useful idiots who buy into the schemes of the Jewish puppet masters that use them as human shields and cannon fodder.


they’ve been playing sayanim (and religiously voting left) for their “leaders” all along. some get to also be cannon fodder, apparently.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

They all need to pick a side.
But yeah, the Sayanim problem is huge.


I pity the fools.

But unless they opposed what their leaders have been doing to us I don’t really care.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

True. And some of them are unaware of the issues, and so someone needs to inform them so they can pick a side.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

it gets better. the “drug” in question, on which hajji-boy was ‘smacked to the gills and stoned out of his skull on’ was … weed. fuckin WEED, and every single level of france’s courts agreed that hajjii-boy needed to be set free.

it’s open season on white people, boys, both here and abroad. better gun up if you’re not already, and never EVER turn your back on a vibrant or let them get close enough to lay hands on you.

3 years ago

“‘Consensual incest’ should be decriminalized, advocates say.”

Libertardians are already jumping on this bandwagon.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Yet another of God’s laws the enemy seeks to overturn, very boring of them.

Reply to  david
3 years ago

well. LP cuckertarians are just another globalist op.

3 years ago

“Prince William personally asked not to walk side-by-side with brother Prince Harry at their grandfather’s funeral — and some senior royals refused to even acknowledge the outspoken prince, according to a report. Huge, huge mistake. It will reinforce in his mind they are the problem, and he won’t relax, the way he needs to. They should have welcomed him with open arms, and made every effort to bury the hatchet and put him at ease. Megan will read this and smile, because she is still in control. It is all God’s plan. Maybe his son needs him to stay. Although a body language expert said the brothers seemed to be connecting at the funeral.”

Your advice is good for anyone in a similar situation.
But I’m just as glad to watch the royals explode, they are behind much of the evil in the world and I wish them nothing but bad.

It may also be an elaborate act, I still think they want to separate him off as plan B if the family goes down.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

In cases where it isn’t just an elaborate act you will need to watch out for some real dirty tricks.

I saw a meme a while ago where some whore was bragging to her friends about putting a nicotine patch on her boyfriend every night after he was asleep and removing it before he woke up in the morning so he would get an artificial high being around her and go through withdrawals if they were separated for long.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You might have mentioned it before but why? I can’t pick up the signs.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Interesting. I’m tired so I probably would add on further to my comment here. But curious about this guy Derek Van Schaik’s body language take on this. It’s been a while since I watched the videos but the impression I got from him was Meghan had mental illness, but the Royals couldn’t help her, and also the Royals work together with tabloids(against Meghan)

3 years ago

AC, this should be right up your alley…

Paul Revere letter. Interesting how his team made the mistake of meeting and discussing secret information inside “The Green Dragon Tavern”. They needed to read your blog. 🙂

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

‘Uncharted Waters.’ Judges Are Banning Some Capitol Riot Suspects From the Internet

3 years ago

AOC Spotted At Park Without Mask – Digging Through Trash

I learned from watching detective shows that digging through the trash is a surveillance technique.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

That actually makes sense.

AOC has a long gap between graduating college and getting a job at a bar.

That gap is CIA.

3 years ago

Dresden, Germany – Peaceful citizen reads the constitution – the police use force