News Briefs 04/03/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

New mind-reading machine can read your thoughts and translate them as text. Hopefully it won’t end up being able to be used from a distance, or the intrusiveness of the surveillance state would really get weird. I do not want to think about what the year 4578 would be like. By then, people would be fighting to get off the planet, and out into space.

Trump says, DACA deal is dead. It is really sad, because he tried so hard, and the Democrats just wanted to play politics.

Here is how to “poison your data” before deleting your facebook. If Facebook’s monetization is based on your data, that is how to render their value worthless.

Google and Amazon are patenting ways to surveil your every movement in your house so their internet devices know exactly what you are doing. Very creepy future they are seeing, but I suppose if you can fool people into filling out their own files by using social media, who says they won’t install your tech throughout their house for “ease.”

Teens are snorting condoms, and then pulling them through their sinus cavities and out their mouths for youtube videos, in the condom challenge. Idiocracy anyone?

An article which observes that in photos, the caravan of migrants appears to be 80% young males. It makes you wonder if it is MS-13 reinforcements for the Cabal.

Thousands of German deportations fail because migrants lack travel documents. From the perspective of the Deep State, that is a feature and not a bug.

Intel Officer Lt Col. Tony Schaffer thinks Obama may get a felony indictment for illegal spying.

An interesting article on the attacks on conservative media by social media networks and search companies blacklisting us last summer. According to this article, Breitbart lost half its traffic and its advertising last year. I was surprised to look at Alexa rankings, and notice that conservative sites all experienced a marked down turn in their graphs in the run up to the election – at the very moment our traffic should have been surging relative to other non-political sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if those graphs would be a good way to spot controlled opposition sites, by their lack of any such dip in ranking.

7th grade social studies teacher in Hampton Georgia assigned students to write anti-gun letters to Congress. Nobody knows what happened to the letters, or if they were sent.

77% believe traditional media is guilty of fake news. The God Emperor is the only one who can drive the public to see the truth.

Wasserman Schulz and the 44 democrats who used them, exempted the Pakistani IT aides from any background checks. There is no reason for that, unless she knew he wouldn’t pass a background check. This makes Q’s assertions that the US was being sold out to foreign powers at every level, for profit, look dead on. That is the kind of treason you would open up Guantanamo for.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because we live in interesting times

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Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I have a friend who talks about “Indigo”, “Crystal” and “Rainbow” children as being special, unusual and having supernatural traits and abilities..that they are the next stage in human evolution. What is your opinion of this? How does it relate to r/K and the coming collapse? It seems to me children would become less empathic, less wishy/washy, less out-group oriented, and more warrior / in-group in the future. Is this some kind of r/rabbit silliness?

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

My guess is yes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

“…“Indigo”, “Crystal” and “Rainbow” children…”

Psychopaths. Along with a rise in r’s we get a corresponding rise of psychopaths.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Your comment rings true about Rainbow children: “Or it could be low grade rabbits seeing hyper rabbitry in their kids and thinking it is forward evolution”

My friend’s children are definitely rabbits. They are addicted to online games and the internet. Dopamine addicts. The 12-year-old is terrified of bugs. Not much of a warrior.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Sounds like a load of crap them “new age crowd” tell themselves to make themselves feel better and signal “I’m more special than most people because “my son is an [insert colour] child””. Every parent thinks their kid is the shit (if you have healthy emotional wiring), you love the little bastard, it seems to me that the “new age” crowd like to come up with bullshit just to signal some more virtue to get dat dopamine hit of likes on jewbook and shit.
Perhaps I’m wrong thou, never delved into that.

6 years ago

Military Intelligence needs to get their hands on that mind reading stuff and use it on the Pakis and the dipshit democrats.

6 years ago

“I was surprised to look at Alexa rankings, and notice that conservative sites all experienced a marked down turn in their graphs in the run up to the election – at the very moment our traffic should have been surging relative to other non-political sites. ”

Nice find and Sherlock Holmes level deduction. The case of the dog that didn’t bark.

Reply to  Bomp
6 years ago

That is an absolute od-tier intel tool that AC found for us.

6 years ago

I have been seeing commercials for the amazon device to help you turn of the light and start music and other things. All I can think is why put that in your house? I know so many people that would probably end up getting it, so why am I surprised. Scary future