News Briefs – 04/05/2017

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Facebook now hit all Breitbart News Stories with a Wikipedia popup labeling them misleading. Seems libelous. If they want a war, we should give it to them.

Trump’s Approval Still Rising, Now 51%. People like secure borders and law and order. Now imagine if the funding spigot of these elites, and their entire organization disappear. 2020 will be the blowout of all blowouts.

One month ago – DACA Illegals will self deport if DACA doesn’t happen, because they fear being chased down. Migrants are r-strategists.

Text messages show FBI colluded with DOJ to get improper FISA warrant on Trump’s campaign. They never thought their surveillance machine would be taken and used against them.

California liberals want to change laws on Police Shooting, from allowed “when reasonable” to allowed “when necessary.” If it is reasonable to think they will die, they will need to wait to shoot until they are dead, just to be 100% sure.

Facebook will now use the left-wing AP to factcheck stories. We need to connect AP to its Deep State handlers.

NY Times Millenial reporters want to make the paper an openly leftist paper with no attempt at feigning impartiality, and it is creating a civil war with the old guard. And Trump thought they were failing before.

Roseanne’s leftist costar has begun feuding with her over content. Working daily with a triggered leftist who wants the money, but doesn’t like the shows content. Sounds like fun.

Rosenstein’s Special Counsel Memo was written after Manafort’s house had already been raided.

Tiger Woods was rude and obnoxious to Bill Clinton. Tiger’s dad was Special Forces, and Tiger is pro-military, so the “loathed the military” comment probably rubbed him wrong.

British hold elderly man for killing burglar. It is a war on K-strategists.

Tell all your friends about r/K Theory, because it is news too

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6 years ago

“We need to connect AP to its Deep State handlers.”

Funny I was thinking of Mark Felt and the whole Watergate break in this morning. One of my thoughts was on how Felt (deep throat) originally required a 50 year/after everyone is dead before he was revealed. And I was thinking “is everyone he was afraid of dead?” and that is why he came out a few years ago? or was there something else.

Is there one deep state? was it less powerful when Nixon was in charge? Are there deep state factions that have various members vying for power? After all only one person can be the Director of the FBI and when Nixon passed over Felt. Felt spilled on Nixon to Woodward and Bernstien. IDK.

Anyhow, given Felt’s position as a deputy in the FBI, I can’t imagine he wasn’t part of the deep state in the early 70’s. So it perhaps changes some of how watergate played out.